ahahaha. Let's hope the league gets some sponsors back eventually.
That's mean, being unlikeable is still better than being like jake completely unremarkable.

ahahaha. Let's hope the league gets some sponsors back eventually.
That's mean, being unlikeable is still better than being like jake completely unremarkable.
Late to the party but Varian's fun. I really like the parry mechanic, it's really satisfying and rewarding when you use it to block or nullify certain attacks. What I don't particularly like that it takes so long for the multi-class function to come online, even though your talent choices are sort of leading up to the role you're going to choose, especially if you're the "tank" on your team.
Prot Varian's great, between taunt and the stun, it's so great for locking down targets. I haven't had much like with Arms Varian and sort of prefer Fury as the dps spec because it's got more utility outside of teamfighting.
Kind of glad I waited on buying him and tried him out for free. Don't think he's a hero I'll buy anytime soon.
Someone asked him about Zuna and he said how he respects how aggressive he is and willing to try to make a play. Basically seemed like he was getting at that he felt Zuna plays more like the Korean teams play.
Damn, Fan broke down a bit on stream. Teared up. I missed whatever the hell happened between those two, but apparently he's pretty upset about it. Lots of references to trust and honesty and the like.
So why did Denial leave HOTS? This first HGC season is gonna be weird with all these no sponsor teams with stupid names facing each other
Spent my day today farming tomatoes. I'm not going to blame this entirely on my teammates, but what I saw today in terms of pure incompetence, and embarrassing decision making was nothing short of stunning.
Who is KBro?
And I can't believe Karen would do that, honestly...
i dont think it's good for fan to put stuff out there, minimal as it is, and I hope he has some sort of support network outside of the internet because even w/ all the nice support there is bound to be a lot of shit thrown at him that he really doesn't need right now
Yeah agree, i dont think that contradicts anything i said lol. But in general throwing this shit out there is bad for both imo
Mac keeps taking them L's.
Now he lost Denial as a sponsor right after he joins the team. It's really amazing how this kind of stuff often happens to him.
Welcome to World of Tomato Farming, Blizzards brand new loss farming simulator. I've been in the beta for months nowWhat kind of fucking curse did I receive today?
Rag is a fucking joy to play. Not sure there's ever been a hero/champ with a cooler, more unique design than Rag regardless of what your moba of choice is.Finally tried out Ragnaros and he feels great. 100k hero damage MVP and 1 death in my first game without even looking at his talents before. Me likey.
Yes expulsion zone is the better heroic due to its lower CD and being able to use it to peel or trap opponents. Peeling meaning keeping opponents away from your teammates so they can't damage them. To trap opponents you throw it in front of them preferably in a chokehold so they can't run.I am liking Zarya a lot. Still trying to figure the best way to use her ults though. Is the one that pushes people away considered the best? How do you guys use it?
Still haven't done my brawls for the week, guess its time to throw some snowballs
Agreed it does seem very snowbally. We either dominated or just barely held on before losing, mostly due to comps. I think we faced double Rag two or three times and those were awful games for us.