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Heroes of the Storm |OT3| Chromiehounds


Wow itn is hosted way better than thh, never knew

Disagree w/ dunk on picking zera into dbl support tho, it's not the best meta for zera but vp will absolutely do work on dbl support


How do I join the non-nexus challenge queue? QM is cancer.

Unranked draft should save you from a good portion of it. Like with any mode, if you get stuck in the lower leagues it can be ugly regardless, but you'll miss most of the OW AFKers/griefers and the like in unranked at least. And should get halfway decent comps most of the time.

Wow itn is hosted way better than thh, never knew

Yeah, the one thing ITN has hands down is production and presentation. Garrett is on it. CORE's is better too, because even though Scott is kind of out in left field and out of the loop he does facilitate good conversation.


Why do people need to rage on QM of all places.

Just had a match where Arthas suggested Samuro to build his passive and dude replies with "shut up faggot". And then he proceeds to 1v5 and insult everyone.


Why do people need to rage on QM of all places.

It's all about mentality.

I mean, some people approach QM as the fun, laid back mode where you just try to learn stuff. Others take it more serious. Personally, no matter the mode I treat it the same. I definitely don't queue up in QM wanting to win less, if you know what I mean. I don't typically get toxic with anyone in any mode without someone else stirring the poop first with some snark or BM in chat (though I certainly have in the past at times), but for others a misplay or two just sets them off. Then there's people like the one you described, who don't like to be questioned or guided whether they are right or wrong.

Best thing to do is mute, report, likely eat the loss and hope the next one is better. Once dudes like that Samuro start down that path there's really nothing you can do but hold on for the ride til the match is over.


PTR is updating.

Looks like it's on the E because they just couldn't figure out a good 3rd ability.

Baby D.Va is going to be much more important in HOTS.


Very interesting R, didn't expect a taunt to become a skill.

They seem to be putting a lot more emphasis on baby D.Va than OW. I like it.


Unranked seems like a good idea, I've never actually tried it.

But since I was sick and tired of my team getting owned by the omnipresent (triple-tapping) Nova, I went Tassadar to help them see her and, of course, that was the only time Nova was on my side, with another Tassadar on the enemy team, but we still won and even stomped this time.
I've only used him in vs AI in the last couple of days, so this was the first time I was against real people, and he seems pretty strong, I kinda like him. The quested up AA damage seems also respectable.


Her destruct on E seems insane to me. I think she will be very strong, depends if her numbers are tuned correctly of course.


D.Va's kit translation into a MOBA looks really interesting. She was one of my favorites in OW so hopefully, she'll have her carbon tint.


Patch Notes are in the launcher.

Alarak rework.
Li Li nerf.
Lucio had his healing nerfed and a talent removed (the blind at 16)
Tyrande Rework.

And other changes.




Goliath D.Va?? Hell yes, always thought that would be perfect for her.

Using Hearthstone (Default: B) will no longer automatically snap the camera back to the allied Hall of Storms unless Camera Lock is enabled (Default: L).
The ”Role" column in the Stats tab on the in-game score screen has been split into ”Healing/Shielding" and "Damage Taken" columns.

Certain Heroes, such as Tyrael, Uther, and Zarya, as well as E.T.C. with the Prog Rock Talent, or Chen with the Enough to Share Talent, will display values in both columns.


Wow, they're really trying some new stuff - baking a quest right into Tyrande's base W.

As if alarak needed buffs...

A) Alarak is one of the lowest winrate heroes across the board

B) He had very little talent diversity

C) Sadism just wasn't a particularly 'fun' trait.

D) Reworks aren't always buffs.


Wow, they're really trying some new stuff - baking a quest right into Tyrande's base W.

A) Alarak is one of the lowest winrate heroes across the board

B) He had very little talent diversity

C) Sadism just wasn't a particularly 'fun' trait.

D) Reworks aren't always buffs.

A good alarak (and most seem decent) is disgustingly gross as is.
Man I liked Shadowstalk, what is that new version supposed to do make her a single target assassin?

Celestial Attunement (Q)
Moved from Level 1
New functionality:
Light of Elune removes stuns. If a stun is removed this way, Light of Elune can be recast for free within 3 seconds


Dva having her OW ult on E is super interesting. If it does the damage shown in that video? Damn son. I wonder how long the charge will be.


Man, they went ham on those Alarak changes. I'm really excited to see how he will land after those reworks because I liked the character and kit but it was quite punishing when you missed your combo.
Tyrande sounds OP.

New Talent: Iceblade Arrows (Passive)
Gain 25% Attack Speed. Basic Attacks against enemy Heroes reduces all damage they deal by 5% for 3 seconds. This can stack up to 10 times

Shooting Star (E)
Moved from Level 16
New functionality:
Increases Basic Attack range by 20%
After every 10th Basic Attack against enemies, a Lunar Flare will fire at a nearby enemy Hero

not sure about Shooting Star but it sounds fun. Double support with Medic and stimdrone her for some fun.


He was/is a QM pubstomper, will agree with Milly on that. It might not show in the winrate similar to Li-Ming and the like, but him queued into some of the shit comps you get in QM was as bad as Varian versus no real tank at times.

That said, I hope the rework makes him a little less punishing or at least less one note.
I am surprised Dva looks the same in HOTS , Blizzard nailed her skills perfectly , I hope using her guns while dashing on mech mode is a talent

Dva having her OW ult on E is super interesting. If it does the damage shown in that video? Damn son. I wonder how long the charge will be.

I hope she takes a good bunch of time to get her E up, it would be a massacre on choke points


how the hell do you fight samuro? that dude was wrecking me and my friends last night with his stupid multiply skill.

love this game though! only put maybe 10 hours into it so far but it seems like something i'll be playing for a while.
how the hell do you fight samuro? that dude was wrecking me and my friends last night with his stupid multiply skill.

love this game though! only put maybe 10 hours into it so far but it seems like something i'll be playing for a while.
Either quickly burn the clones or ignore them and kill Samuro, don't let him wreck your squishies. If the behaviour doesn't reveal it, clones have half the health so take "double" the damage (their healthbar imitates real samuro)

Samuro is only completely invisible for a second when he activates windwalker afterwards he'll shimmer and distort the ground beneath him. It takes getting used to but you can spot stealthies in motion.


Li Li and Lúcio nerfs make me a sad support.

I can understand the Probius nerf. It can be quite ridiculous if he has 10 seconds to set up pylons


Alarak rework seems... complicated? Reading these new talents and trait interactions seems like it will take some time to fully grasp.


Alarak rework seems... complicated? Reading these new talents and trait interactions seems like it will take some time to fully grasp.

Glad I'm not the only that zoned out after a while reading his changes. Looks like this will need to be figured out on the field. For such a badass character I'm a little sad that I can't find good art to pull from and make a decent avatar.


Pretty happy they didnt really nerf genji, tho i can see him getting whacked in about a month lol

O shit they changed snipe master so it isn't the stupidest thing, snipe master/aoe q hype


Why nerf his pylons ? I rarely see Sondius
His pylon R plus turret and W more or less lock down any objective. IMO they are too durable with talent.

Even if your place them poorly, you rarely get punished for it since they are so resilient, unless you literally place it in front of them.


Watching jakes stream

Bunny hop is 100s cd
E charges pretty slow
Matrix is 10s cd
Dash is 10s cd
AAs are hitting for 51 at level 21
Glad I'm not the only that zoned out after a while reading his changes. Looks like this will need to be figured out on the field. For such a badass character I'm a little sad that I can't find good art to pull from and make a decent avatar.

I'll let someone else much smarter than me determine "the build" and go from there. I do like Alarak, but I'm one of those dragging his win rate down I'm sure. When you pull off a great telekinesis combo though. So good.


Forwarding the whole hitting ppl in the center of alarak e as a thing for "skilled players" is fucking weird lol

Oh wait they never said that, i must be combining things i read elsewhere


Mewn just finished a game with 175%+ sadism on Alarak ... Great Alarak players will have a field day when the rework launches. Wonder if I'll be able to be good enough mechanically with that character after a couple of matches.


Mewn just finished a game with 175%+ sadism on Alarak ... Great Alarak players will have a field day when the rework launches. Wonder if I'll be able to be good enough mechanically with that character after a couple of matches.

Should be able to after getting the hang of how his w controls, his combo is way easier than kerrigans which can be outplayed, it's instant, so it's more knowing when to hold onto it for more value and knowing when to use the abilities separately.

The trickiness of him is w/ his w plays but in the beginning all you need to know is how to combo w/ w and mobility with alt-w, afterwards you can try crazier stuff like w'ing you and the melee on top of you backwards
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