edit: cool Muradin's Magni skin has a ghost Avatar form
Why doesn't Jaina have any good skins?
Jaina masters is GOAT and she has 2 seasonal skins unavailable right now.Why doesn't Jaina have any good skins?
Isn't that a Diamond Avatar form?
...yes. You fucking nerd
Also, I dont own Legacy of the Void, but wa curious about Alarak so was watching some cutscenes on youtube, there is a lady Protoss with a dual scythe-staff thing, seems prime for being put into HotS no?
Michael Ubald actually followed through and shaved his head following their spectacular loss against Team 8(?). https://clips.twitch.tv/GoldenAmericanCarabeefPrimeMe lol
The real loser here is going to be Khroen. FeelsBadMan
Why doesn't Jaina have any good skins?
How can you not like those legs !
That's Vorazun. The biggest problem with putting her in is that she's a Dark Templar like Zeratul, so she'd be another stealth character. The smaller issue is that they'd need to create her kit from scratch because her abilities in Starcraft are all things Zeratul already has in HotS.
But if we're talking about female Protoss characters, there's also Rohana, and she'd be pretty unique.
I like ETC's country skin.
how is TLV supposed to play, do I split them and soak as much xp and do mercs with them? I can micro, but feel damn useless when there's pressure on a lane and I only have one viking
Alur go ahead and uninstall the game right now. Morales?
Metroid Morales?
Valentine's Morales?
u suck!
Split and soak until you have play again then you flank the backline with triple vikings in teamfights.how is TLV supposed to play, do I split them and soak as much xp and do mercs with them? I can micro, but feel damn useless when there's pressure on a lane and I only have one viking
Alur go ahead and uninstall the game right now. Morales?
Metroid Morales?
Valentine's Morales?
u suck!
you dont need to fight to soak, just be near. even behind a wall
Here's a link to a one stop shop for all those questions and more. You can practice a hero in a no pressure environment like vs AI to get used to mechanical abilities then have at it in quick match.
I'm new to the game as of last week, and so far my favorites are Sonya, Malfurion, and Lucio. They're all pretty straight forward, easy, and powerful as far as I can tell. Playing an easy support character might be a good idea while you get a better feel for the game.
So I just picked this up (like everyone else), and I am finding I really like Falstad. He seems really strong to me. Is he as good as I imagine, and if so, does he have many bad maps?
I also like the feel of Lunara, Cassia, and Kerrigan. How are they?
Just you or the ones others pick up when you are close by.
Lunara is a lot of fun *if* you can trust your tanks to do their jobs. She is incredibly, hilariously fragile, so you really need someone to give you cover. With that said, it can be incredibly satisfying to watch someone run away under a bunch of poison stacks, knowing they're already dead and there's nothing they can do to stop it.
Kerrigan is fun, but a bit of a one-trick pony with her combo. She's also sort of stuck in a "other characters can do almost everything she can, but a bit better" place right now. Also, Melee assassins can be kind of risky for newer players because you have to get in there, and with their reduced health pools you get punished for misplays more than being slightly out of position as a warrior, or support, or whatever. Kerrigan does get shields which help her a bit with that... but if you jump in too early, or over-extend, or end up out of position you're going to get punished.
Look up the word garish in the dictionary. Should be a picture of both of those skins there. The first would be ok maybe but not on that model.
Thanks and I find it not to be a skill to choose I seem to get to like 17 and game is over -.-
You were a young country star traumatized during childhood?
You were gored by a bull at a rodeo?
You're anti-flannel?
Varian could use some decent skins too, his are all U G L Y.
they are fabulous and you know it!
Alur loves NASCAR
Alur loves NASCAR
one and done
Alur loves NASCAR
I'd take Nascar talk over Kanye any day.
Alur's gif game too stronk.
Sorry for what I started xD
I have a cursory interest in Soccer, I don't think I'm being judged for hooligans' behaviour.But what about the kind of folks who attend NASCAR events and activities eh?