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Heroes of the Storm |OT3| Chromiehounds


Ptr takes a week usually

I think i got a long ass stimpack too but i dont remember why lol. Been consistently getting extended by 3 days via lootboxes


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
Ptr takes a week usually

I think i got a long ass stimpack too but i dont remember why lol. Been consistently getting extended by 3 days via lootboxes

same. Im back up to over 2 months now (2 months 1 day specifically) its awesome :)

and so is Johanna, really like her. A lot.


I'm running out of stimpack time, still not sure how my friend got a free 30 day stimpack unless it was in one of his loot boxes and he never noticed. 30 days is probably way longer than I'll keep playing, but I could get 7 days now and then buy that bundle when it's up.

If your account was level 40 when 2.0 launched you received a 30 day stim pack.


You are becoming such a Genji main that you were asking a lot for healing yesterday :3.

Still will never forgive you for that one death to Chromie. That was like parental neglect.

The double jump talent seems mandatory.

Felt the same for about 30 games til I started using Shingan after brian! and some of the pros recommended it. Makes a real difference damage/finishing wise and it's not like I've died any more without the second jump. For me it feels kind of like the difference you can see in Tracer reload talents. None are "bad" but some are easier than others, and as you improve with the hero you can sort of take the training wheels off and use the higher damage, more difficult to maximize talent because you understand how to utilize it better as you go.


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
when you are clumping up 4 enemy tem members, taking dmg from all of them for like 5 seconds, and your team STILL doesnt even kill a Jaina.



If you time your q cd right and you have the q quest done you can do 7 shurikens in a row, tonz of dmg

Man genji is so fun


I do agree on the skill floor for Genji, or at least my heart says I should because I've been very successful with him and shouldn't be at least in theory. Not really my kind of play style typically. My head/eyes still see opposing Genji's feeding 5 and more times a game to put out the same or lesser numbers than we do (proto/Milly/me) in most games and that makes me unsure.

I haven't found him on the level of Valeera/Zeratul (depending on his current state in the meta over the years)/Nova (same)/Tracer and the like for annoyance to play against. Feels like he can be punished for being an eager beaver properly and his cooldowns are way easier to track than someone like Tracer for example.

Regardless of that fact, I'll be shocked if he doesn't start picking up nerfs moving forward Tracer and Tassadar style, one or two here and then the next patch another couple there til he's one of the lowest winrate heroes because of what he's capable of in the right hands.


Random thought - How does D.Va's self-destruct work if you use it in a bush? Does it start out hidden but then as the radius grows it gets revealed entirely? Or is it just the radius that is outside the bush that is visible, while the actual mech stays hidden?
Random thought - How does D.Va's self-destruct work if you use it in a bush? Does it start out hidden but then as the radius grows it gets revealed entirely? Or is it just the radius that is outside the bush that is visible, while the actual mech stays hidden?

The mech is hidden, but the radius is seen. Saw it on a stream yesterday.


Still will never forgive you for that one death to Chromie. That was like parental neglect.

We were getting bombed left and right by Chromie. 5 seconds is a long ass time when everybody is getting low if I ever make a bad call which I probably did. If she ever clipped either me or Milly we lost 4/5 of our health bar too. Keep in mind that I healed over 120k damage vs a double support comp that didn't even heal 100k combined. I was kept busy that's for sure hehe.

I still find it funny that you tried to dash out of her temporal loop when I had cleanse ready. If you didn't I could have prevented that one easily so let's just say we're even. I'm still laughing that the OW memes can carry on in HotS land.


I do agree on the skill floor for Genji, or at least my heart says I should because I've been very successful with him and shouldn't be at least in theory. Not really my kind of play style typically. My head/eyes still see opposing Genji's feeding 5 and more times a game to put out the same or lesser numbers than we do (proto/Milly/me) in most games and that makes me unsure.

I haven't found him on the level of Valeera/Zeratul (depending on his current state in the meta over the years)/Nova (same)/Tracer and the like for annoyance to play against. Feels like he can be punished for being an eager beaver properly and his cooldowns are way easier to track than someone like Tracer for example.

Regardless of that fact, I'll be shocked if he doesn't start picking up nerfs moving forward Tracer and Tassadar style, one or two here and then the next patch another couple there til he's one of the lowest winrate heroes because of what he's capable of in the right hands.

I find that the numbers obfuscate his contributions usually. Like you cant track disruption, dmg blocked, and wasted cooldowns and ppl kinda know that when he tops dmg it's kind of a red herring since a lot of it is unmeaningful dmg. But yeah agree that he needs nerfs, pretty happy that he's basically untouched on ptr tho. Also, i should try that shield talent at 7

His e range is so ridiculous, i love it but it's ridiculous and basically gives the enemy team -500 health (or whatever he can do in 2 secs, just threw a random number in there) as a passive lol. It's either the range or the time allowed for a reset that needs a nerf


We were getting bombed left and right by Chromie. 5 seconds is a long ass time when everybody is getting low if I ever make a bad call which I probably did. If she ever clipped either me or Milly we lost 4/5 of our health bar too. Keep in mind that I healed over 120k damage vs a double support comp that didn't even heal 100k combined. I was kept busy that's for sure hehe.

I still find it funny that you tried to dash out of her temporal loop when I had cleanse ready. If you didn't I could have prevented that one easily so let's just say we're even. I'm still laughing that the OW memes can carry on in HotS land.

I watched the replay to be sure. It was proto you healed with me a little below half and Milly at half right before that happened. The Chromie kill was just blind luck. You and Milly were standing in the radius and moved just a bit, it missed Milly and clipped you but I was moving forward and basically walked into it. Deleted.

re: the Cleanse, I don't know why that would be funny. I can't say there's a time when I've (or really anyone else in our group) has relied on a Cleanse. Wouldn't matter if it was you, proto, Milly, or someone else with it, lol, I'm not going to expect it. Often we even pass it up because the use is so situational (and you have to be so perfect with it) that it's not even worth bothering unless there's a clear constant threat like Varian Taunt or Murky Octograb. Definitely wouldn't expect you to be finding me in the mess of stacked up bodies we had on that merc camp. Honestly wasn't even sure you had it up at the moment anyway.

I find that the numbers obfuscate his contributions usually. Like you cant track disruption, dmg blocked, and wasted cooldowns and ppl kinda know that when he tops dmg it's kind of a red herring since a lot of it is unmeaningful dmg. But yeah agree that he needs nerfs, pretty happy that he's basically untouched on ptr tho. Also, i should try that shield talent at 7

His e range is so ridiculous, i love it but it's ridiculous and basically gives the enemy team -500 health (or whatever he can do in 2 secs, just threw a random number in there) as a passive lol. It's either the range or the time allowed for a reset that needs a nerf

I agree in some ways, that stuff makes a big difference but I really don't think we have anyone in this thread tackling the game at that level of nuance game in and game out. I think doing those things reliably is another level of play, and for the most part you just try to do it when you can while performing his primary function of harassing and securing kills. Disruption is something you can do at any level, but drawing the strongest/longest/biggest CD's from the enemy isn't exactly the easiest thing to do with a 1.5 sec deflect window on a regular basis. Definitely agree on top damage. I don't think it's empty damage like a Valla's Strafe/Multi-Shot style empty, as most of the people I get a good amount of AA/Q damage on I later finish, but it can be misleading as that's not really his primary focus.

Still, if your Genji is finishing 10-12 or more kills in a game for you and he's not feeding I think you can measure that pretty well. He's doing his job because they designed him to be a finisher.

I think the E range is perfectly fine. They've said they did that on purpose to be a double edged sword, and I've seen a lot of Genji's E in to get a kill and forget that it's gonna put em into a fort and they die too so I'd say that's working as intended. Reset wise, however, it does seem VERY generous on the timing. A goodly number of kills I've gotten haven't been with the E, I've had to finish with Q because it wasn't quite enough E damage, but I still get that reset and it feels like it's 3 seconds later (though the tooltip says 2 seconds). I agree that could probably stand to be changed for sure to a second or a second a half.

Quick match got me depressed as hell.

It tends to do that. High highs and low lows. Give unranked draft a try for a bit. It's a lot more structured.


What even is the point of Cleanse when people walk to their deaths after I save them from being CC'd

U prepared their soul for the afterlife

@genji range, it's hard for me to see it as a dbl sword because he has many tools for making a bad e nbd, like i feel pretty comfortable blindly trying to snipe someone behind their wall with it...tho sometimes i get too hasty and dont realize my d or w arent up haha. But in the end i love that it has the range that it does and hope it sticks around




I watched the replay to be sure. It was proto you healed with me a little below half and Milly at half right before that happened. The Chromie kill was just blind luck. You and Milly were standing in the radius and moved just a bit, it missed Milly and clipped you but I was moving forward and basically walked into it. Deleted.

re: the Cleanse, I don't know why that would be funny. I can't say there's a time when I've (or really anyone else in our group) has relied on a Cleanse. Wouldn't matter if it was you, proto, Milly, or someone else with it, lol, I'm not going to expect it. Often we even pass it up because the use is so situational (and you have to be so perfect with it) that it's not even worth bothering unless there's a clear constant threat like Varian Taunt or Murky Octograb. Definitely wouldn't expect you to be finding me in the mess of stacked up bodies we had on that merc camp. Honestly wasn't even sure you had it up at the moment anyway.

Well, I took Cleanse specifically to counter chromie's ult. It's a big, loud and deadly ult that is easy to purge. I missed the first time because I still don't use the info at the top of the UI and was looking at the scoreboard instead. The second time, I purged it easily but we wasted the objective because we chased for some reason. I did found you in that chaos because it leaves a sand trail but right when I was about to cleanse you dashed away half a screen away to your death. In any case, I did say laugh but not in a condescending way. More like, dang it I took this talent just for this but because of the chaos, it didn't work this time just like when I try to heal a Genji from afar as Ana but he keeps jumping around for no reason kind of way.

I also prioritized proto/rick a bit more because they were tanking a lot of burst and relied on your mobility to delay heals a little bit in case of chromie burst on Milly or me. Hope that explains my thought process a bit more. I'm still working on my support skills but you can't heal everything at once for sure.

What even is the point of Cleanse when people walk to their deaths after I save them from being CC'd

If you are solo queuing especially in QM, it's usually a wasted talent. Much better in an organized setting with people that know what they are doing and even then it can be hit or miss as you can read above xD.


You taking this way too serious, Kio. It's not an inquisition breh. I'm just BMing you to BM you, lol, not questioning your HOTS viability. :D

The Chromie just plain got lucky (part of the issue with the hero in general, honestly, when you can throw shit out constantly you tend to get lucky more than you should). If I hadn't rode forward out of the gate after mounting it wouldn't have happened, though it wasn't like I could see it from where I was coming from.


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
Got Johanna to 10 (and account to 400 in the proccess), shes great, up there with my faves (at least warrior wise). Working on Kharazim now (or again) and he doesnt do much for me im afraid.


You're also preventing your team from getting a bad one. On the flip side, if your team doesn't clear waves or have wave clear you're in for a bad time all around. At least you're the number one player killer hero til D.Va comes out, though.


You're also preventing your team from getting a bad one. On the flip side, if your team doesn't clear waves or have wave clear you're in for a bad time all around. At least you're the number one player killer hero til D.Va comes out, though.

Look at me, I am the bad Nova now!
Got Johanna to 10 (and account to 400 in the proccess), shes great, up there with my faves (at least warrior wise). Working on Kharazim now (or again) and he doesnt do much for me im afraid.

In my mind, she's the ur-tank; she does exactly one thing, but does it very very well. It just took me a bit to wrap my head around the "don't peel, it's not your job to peel and you suck at it. Just disrupt with your status skills while soaking up that damage, and let the rest of your team get in their work." She's great at what she does, I just don't find her very fun to play.

It's odd, because one of the most one-dimensional heroes in the game (Xul) is actually by far my most favorite to play. Not sure why Johanna leaves me cold.


Sonya's W has to be the most awkward ability to use in the game since they fixed Thrall's auto attacks w/ Windfury. The range on it is just plain weird.


A patch just went live, the one with the Varian and Lili nerfs.

Genji changes included, but nothing really major except the Dodge at 7 change. Went from 5 to 8 seconds now. Since that was the best talent at that tier, it might change things up.


My losing streak continues. Ended up playing Zeratul instead of Nova and was doing well myself but it just wasn't enough. Top damage and fewest deaths in the games I played but my team made up for that.

Edit: Great and now I'm up against a Varian with not tank on our side.


Edit: Great and now I'm up against a Varian with not tank on our side.

Wait, the Varian QM matchmaking change didn't go live? I didn't see it in the notes but assumed it was coming in with this patch. His reign of terror on QM continues even with the nerf, then.


Wait, the Varian QM matchmaking change didn't go live? I didn't see it in the notes but assumed it was coming in with this patch. His reign of terror on QM continues even with the nerf, then.

EU so it might just not be up yet. That being said, THAT'S the game we win of course.
He took twin blades.
Seems like I just have to complain here if I want to win.


Wait, the Varian QM matchmaking change didn't go live? I didn't see it in the notes but assumed it was coming in with this patch. His reign of terror on QM continues even with the nerf, then.

I don't recall them ever saying when that was going live other than it's going to happen.


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
just got the message in game on EU but exited and its not patching


I don't recall them ever saying when that was going live other than it's going to happen.

I know but doesn't seem like a hard change to implement so I would've assumed it was next patch. Guess if EU isn't patched yet we still don't know though.


But would they list it as actively changed or not? That's the question. We've had articles or notes that have made mention of stuff like this before. Unless players read Reddit they wouldn't even know it's coming even if they are suffering from it or abusing it.


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
Aye I can't get into the game getting Version Mismatch message

as you posted that I got the update button lol

except it seems to be stuck on "waiting on another installation or update"

Exact same issue here (EU also). Super annoying as I wanted to play with a friend.

its weird too because a friend who I was playing with before the patch, his is updated /shrug


as you posted that I got the update button lol

except it seems to be stuck on "waiting on another installation or update"

Exact same issue here (EU also). Super annoying as I wanted to play with a friend.

its weird too because a friend who I was playing with before the patch, his is updated /shrug

I had a friend who got in alright too. His game seems to be updated and working fine but not mine or another friend of his.

EDIT: Hots is working now!
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