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Heroes of the Storm |OT3| Chromiehounds


I feel like nova does a better job at straight killing you when your isolated, and zera does a better job in sustained fights where he's chunking people over and over again.


Nova, even more so than Valeera IMO, requires someone else to help her finish someone from 100 to 0 if you're just talking pure ganking. She has the same problem of people walking away. If they are already injured, both can do about the same. I'd also argue Valeera is at much less risk when doing so from the counter gank due to the Q and the D.

Zeratul I just plain disagree with. Whenever I play with one, they go in a fight and just get chunked by AOE and maybe they do a little work, but most of the time they just end up having to hang outside and hope shit happens. Again, I'm talking about QM, but Valeera being able to stealth at will and immediately as a means of escape and re-engage makes her much better for darting in and out IMO.


From the little ive seen of valeera she def seems more bruisy (whether shes good at it or not is another discussion) compared to zera who is more burst and cd orientated (less w/ seeker more w/ wormhole), zera never wants to be autoing blindly in a teamfight outside of specific situations. Zera def better at going in and out (it's his whole design) while valeera often has to commit and weave due to her only mobility being a minidash and stealth being incredibly easy to stop, which makes her ms increase mainly useless.

Also the whole reddit "valeera can oneshot you post-20!" has always been odd considering zeratul has been able to do the same thing...since like forever
Zera always has decent waveclear to pick up the slack and pretty good mercing as well.

If your team doesn't enable you just be a pain in the ass and harass the squishies. The first thing you gotta do is instill the fear of venturing out into them.


I swear I ran into a map hacking etc last night. Mother fucker knew where I was at 100% of the time. Even when standing still and no collision between us.


Even if you stand still you still see the shimmer. It could still be possible however. Might be good to submit your replay to blizzard.


Yeah, it was quite ridiculous. Over 3k games of hots and hundreds on the other stealth and I have never ONCE ran into someone like that. I could hardly get near any fights as he'd go out of his way to harass the shit out of me before I broke stealth.


A good Nova and Valeera is toxic as fuckkkkkk boiz.

Us: Valeera, Nova, Ming, Jaina, Zeeb
Them: Thrall, Butcher, Valeera, Medivh, ZJ

They got decimated by Nova and I even with Medivh. Good times.


Pokémon Parentage Conspiracy Theorist
Finally got a team that knew how to play the rooster game but it just spawned all 4 items at the far edge of the area and two of them were newly-appearing dupes that showed up like a full second after the rooster asked for them. It also didn't even activate the game for 4/6 of my games today and I still haven't completed the daily.

They say they're fixing it and a bunch of bugs in a patch tomorrow so I guess we'll see.


I'm liking the switch to dropping 1 hero then teasing the next, rather than dumping two at once. (outside of events/Blizzcon/etc.)
The thing I've noticed the most fighting against Valeera's is how unimpactful they seem to be. Like getting stunned and losing half my health sucks, but it always seems to have no consequence.... like I can just walk away after that and lose nothing, or she has to run and nothing comes from it. Playing against her she just seems like a worse zeratul In more organized games, and a worse nova in more chaotic games.

I only played against one Valera where I thought they were really good at the hero, and it was mostly just them being super annoying with the disables and getting away with it every time.

Valeera's impactful when there's follow-up on her initiation but if it's a 1v1 situation, unless it's a low-health squishy or heavily wounded target, they're gonna eat the cc and burst damage and then mostly likely walk away from the encounter.

Can someone explain how smokescreen works to me?

Like she's just in there able to do whatever she wants without getting revealed right? She can still be hit with aoe? Does hitting her reveal her? You could force her out with gust or expulsion zone or sunder or something?

She gains 25 armor, takes 25% less damage, and cannot be revealed while in the Smoke Bomb. While she cannot be directly targeted she can still take damage from non-targeted AoE attacks like Samuro's Bladestorm and still die.


Think I'm 6-2 or 7-1 on Valeera

I never top damage, but kills almost always. I play her hit and run which is what a rouge should do? Idk. The other Val's top, but die a ton more.


I feel like it depends on the enemy comp with Valeera. Some games I don't die at all and can hit and run without issue. Other games they have so much aoe bullshit that I can't even get an opener in stealth. If my team is winning then I'm probably doing fine but if we're getting wrecked it feels like there is nothing I can do to help turn it around.


I've mostly just been playing vs AI w/ Valeera to get her combos down, only played one quick match and I destroyed so I think it might be time to take her out in Unranked & HL. Fuck it.


The real reason is... if i'm gonna get this fucking rooster mount I gotta get in as many games as possible in the shortest amount of time, because I have zero free time right now cuz work sucks.

I must have rooster.


Kio pls just because you spend 20m in ai doesn't mean anything

I can only do so much by myself plus I was in no hurry. Was experimenting with skills rotations for taking camp ASAP with nazeebro. The next games were half the time but I got 3 roosters wins out of it.
The teams that roll with Valeera as gank squads and coordinate around cheap shot are fucking scary. Stun, burst, with a tank following up cc--stitches hook, artanis dash/swap, pick your poison--into the enemy team and delete. I'm afraid that Blizzard is going to buff Valeera based off of her horrendous winrate when she's pretty ridiculous in the right hands with the right team backing her up. I mean she can be just like Nova, play well and still be on the losing team and ultimately have little to no impact on the overall match. Or just outright feed and throw the match under the bus. But she's so strong as an initiator.

I feel like it depends on the enemy comp with Valeera. Some games I don't die at all and can hit and run without issue. Other games they have so much aoe bullshit that I can't even get an opener in stealth. If my team is winning then I'm probably doing fine but if we're getting wrecked it feels like there is nothing I can do to help turn it around.

An attentive ETC is a nightmare to play against as Valeera.


First time playing the new Tass w/ W build and hes insane. Top damage lol, Archon is absurd now, i love it so much
Is there a personality requirement to play Valeera, because 90% of Valeeras in quick match are like 14 year olds who just outgrew being 13 year olds playing Illidan

3 stealth teams are a nightmare right now, but tbh when more than half the opposing team is stealth I find I spend more time looking at ground textures and catching them approaching me than I'd ever bother otherwise


Is there a personality requirement to play Valeera, because 90% of Valeeras in quick match are like 14 year olds who just outgrew being 13 year olds playing Illidan

3 stealth teams are a nightmare right now, but tbh when more than half the opposing team is stealth I find I spend more time looking at ground textures and catching them approaching me than I'd ever bother otherwise

Sound a bit salty, best advice would be to not play quick match right now or if you do, play tassadar so you can reveal them constantly. He counters them so hard now
Sound a bit salty, best advice would be to not play quick match right now or if you do, play tassadar so you can reveal them constantly. He counters them so hard now

Oh I always sound salty but I'm not really, honestly that percentage is about right for the number of Valeeras who spend all game bitching and whining so far this week is all

I'm warming up to new Tass somewhat, basically I've been rolling with buffing the D and it's been interesting late game. He's definitely been fun to play this week that's for sure.


I really think Tass W build is super strong, particularly in quick match. I'm topping damage consistently and it's hilarious


Keep in minnd that the number kind of a tricky indicator since his w is aoe and dot, which will always ramp up ur dmg numbers but might not tell the whole story of what the numbers are contributing


Keep in minnd that the number kind of a tricky indicator since his w is aoe and dot, which will always ramp up ur dmg numbers but might not tell the whole story of what the numbers are contributing
Oh for sure, but when you think about all else tassadar contributes with shields, slows, and vision it's hard not to be impressed with the damage he can put out too. I think he's gonna be hellllllla strong once people get used to his new playstyle.

Archon turns him into a legitimate backline melter. It's too dope.


Synergy got blown up when the delete buttons of Dignitas got online holy cow. Void Prison, Sulfuras Smash, mosh pit, mighty gust, twilight dream and roots is really hard to dodge if they want someone out.


Digs draft in this third game is terrible. Truly terrible - they can't kill a single thing. Also zaelia and jpl keep mistaking abilities so they fail to combo (e.g. Etc face melting someone away from a root).

Edit: that was painful. Felt like they shouldn't have won that match at all.


So, I found some use for ambush. Mind you, I was drunk and also took assasinate but it helped me kill abathur 7 or 8 times. I just don't see the point otherwise. Assassinate was also good because they were split so much.
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