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Heroes of the Storm |OT3| Chromiehounds


Damn, watching this spotlight vid...

He looks like the most complicated hero they've released. Like there's what 80% or more of players will be able to do with him, and then some middle ground, and then we'll see pros doing the type of stuff regularly we see in this video (assuming he's meta). Like we have heroes now who have combos, but he even has talents that make more outlets for combos and combo options. It's kind of intimidating TBH, but at least he's not a secondary support.

Also, something about the face of that second skin reminds me of the Mouth of Sauron.


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
I know you guys said it, but holy shit hes huge. He's taller than Cho'Gal


Yeah, breh. He's a real NBA center. Someone needs to shop the Durant "My Next Chapter" meme with Kel'Thuzad joining the Nexus.



Arch Lich of Naxxramus

Lich Lord of the Plaguelands

Commander of the Dread Necropolis

Master and Founder of the Cult of the Damned

Council of Six

Creator of the Abominations

Summoner of Achimonde, the Defiler

Betrayer of Humanity

Majordormo to the Lich King

Hearthstone enthusiast

God damn what a resume!


I feel like the butcher nerf is a step in the right direction but the blood amounts are missing the forest 4 the trees. He's still like gp nova, doesnt have to participate in the kill for blood drops, so making him suffer more when he dies when he can just play safe and reap rewards is a little wonky, tho i do feel itll help in games where butcher just sacrifices himself to get the kill and blood drop

Also it's cool that they removed auriel's lvl 7, that needed to happen way sooner


Yeah no explanation either, i can see them justifying the redistribution of dmg (want less resets/heals and more aoe dmg), but removing adaptation is surprising to me

Like getting a q reset and hopping to your team for safety is a great mechanic, if they felt like it was too bullshit they could have tweaked the numbers imo


Tyrande nerfs make me a sad panda but I can at least understand those. She is really strong rn.

Edit: Chen nerfs as well? Am I missing something?


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
Kerrigan was nerfed because in my last game last night with Prelude, we got eviscerated by a Kerrigan all game, so I told Blizzard to nerf me.

I own Blizzard guyz sorry


That's fair, imo. It's a global ult on a non global hero, it shouldn't have the same cd as brushstalker or phase shift.

Kerrigan was nerfed because in my last game last night with Prelude, we got eviscerated by a Kerrigan all game, so I told Blizzard to nerf me.

I own Blizzard guyz sorry
I thought the issue was the Valeera. :thinking:


The chen stuff is prob just them trying to compensate a bit for giving him auto-cleanse at 7 now

Also illidan has been considered a global hero since i started playing in 2014


The hunt nerf feels somewhat counter intuitive because isn't his whole trait gimmick that his basic attacks reduce the cd? Now they just increase the cd to a point where he can only use it as often as almost every other hero even if he gets those autos off. I dunno. But Greymane's "let me hit you for 35% of your current health from afar" is on a 30 second cd. You can basically just poke with that thing, the cd is so low. Not that I'm asking for Gmane nerfs here.

Kerrigan was nerfed because in my last game last night with Prelude, we got eviscerated by a Kerrigan all game, so I told Blizzard to nerf me.

I own Blizzard guyz sorry

Of course it's your fault. I should have known.


The chen stuff is prob just them trying to compensate a bit for giving him auto-cleanse at 7 now

Also illidan has been considered a global hero since i started playing in 2014

I don't know what game you've been playing but it sure as hell wasnt Heroes of the Storm then... ;-). Meta was always, always the right choice at every level of play for the vast majority of the games lifespan. Taking Hunt and using Illidan as an engage from global hero is a thing that's only really arisen this year. For a long, long time anyone taking the Hunt was considered a complete noob who had no idea how to play the hero.


Upping the cd on hunt rewards active illidan players a little more and makes sedentary illidan players suffer a little more, but i dont really think it contradicts his design

I don't know what game you've been playing but it sure as hell wasnt Heroes of the Storm then... ;-). Meta was always, always the right choice at every level of play for the vast majority of the games lifespan. Taking Hunt and using Illidan as an engage from global hero is a thing that's only really arisen this year. For a long, long time anyone taking the Hunt was considered a complete noob who had no idea how to play the hero.

Yeah meta was the better ult but illidan has been picked for global since inception, it's in his kit and was not uncommonly paired with stuff like falstad. He was also often picked as an offtank. I never got the vibes from your last sentence, plenty of hunt players in my early games (i actually mainly play the game with someone who basically exclusively played huny illidan in games he thought he could get away with it, again since 2014), but yes they neutered lvl 10 meta so hunt took off more after that. It was always in the game. I remember old c9 playing a hunt -> nova burst combo on sky temple


Yeah but real global heroes trade their mount for that, making it less frequent and forcing Illidan to work for it is a good change, imo.
give him mana.


Rationalizing a base stats nerf against a potential talent pick at level 7 seems like a poor decision.

Yah modus operandi of blizz balancing
That plus the idea that chen is not fun for ppl to play against if they dont have cc so they made him less tanky, that would be another classic blizz balance decision


Now all we need is a Familie celebratory "I TOLD YOU GUYS" post in the style of scoobs.

What's up with the Lucio HP buff? How about some Lucio healing buffs again?


Im glad i dont play w/ ppl who whine about talent/ult picks tho, that sounds really annoying

I don't see it much on my level of play but I've encountered it occasionally. Those people usually have no idea what they're talking about. The people who do that for heroes are even more annoying though, like the one person who called Tracer a "useless hero" in one of my games recently.


I don't see it much on my level of play but I've encountered it occasionally. Those people usually have no idea what they're talking about. The people who do that for heroes are even more annoying though, like the one person who called Tracer a "useless hero" in one of my games recently.

I think the most ive ever felt strongly about stuff like that is seeing gazlowe get the robo ult but in the end u gotta be like "yo i have a gazlowe in my game in the first place, it is what it is"

Ahem, I have informed you thusly.

Not everything I wanted out of a nerf but it'll have to do.

I feel like on paper it's paltry but at the same time i do have so many hunts casted just off cd so it actually might be really significant. Def a situation where you cant use it as flippantly tho, prob no more hunting into empty lanes or hunting to get cds


I think the most ive ever felt strongly about stuff like that is seeing gazlowe get the robo ult but in the end u gotta be like "yo i have a gazlowe in my game in the first place, it is what it is"

I hear you. There are definitely some heroes I don't particularly enjoy seeing on my team but I would never flame someone just for the pick (especially in qm) because you can't change it at that point. Sometimes they surprise you too.


Yeah especially since there is usually great weird potential too. Won so many games solo tass back when popular conception was that it was insta-lose against a healer. A lot of the time ppl dont want to figure out what their comp is good or bad at and they end up playing the same way and trying to blame the comp when its like brugh you didnt even give it a shot in the first place what did you expect


I don't see it much on my level of play but I've encountered it occasionally. Those people usually have no idea what they're talking about. The people who do that for heroes are even more annoying though, like the one person who called Tracer a "useless hero" in one of my games recently.

I typically see it the most with mages and Nazeebo since most of those have an "optimal" build but can also diverge and have perfectly viable alternatives. The funny thing is usually when I see it, it's always blame that is mistakenly placed. Either there are others who are performing worse, or the talent choices were a non-factor in a brutal stomp to begin with.


Yeah blamers are usually reaaally guilty of something before they open their mouth lol

Read on reddit that auto-cleanse on chen at 7 is bugged and still procs every 10 seconds 🤔🤔

Oh reading that the q change for kerrigan makes it so she cant q -> auto for infernal shrines obj anymore, makes more sense now


In my experience, I seem to win when I have a team that looks insane and has no chance. And I lose when I have a team that looks perfect and amazing on paper (how do you lose versus Cho'Gall with Tychus and Leoric!!!)


I def have had a game with tychus/malth/leoric and we failed completely against chogall lol, cant stick to him and not enuff dps to kill him (% dmg is good but useless with no finisher or like 2 stuns). That plus they had auriel


I def have had a game with tychus/malth/leoric and we failed completely against chogall lol, cant stick to him and not enuff dps to kill him (% dmg is good but useless with no finisher or like 2 stuns). That plus they had auriel
Has that happened to me too and that's when I learned that you can't just beat Chogall with % damage, need some lock down too.


So what's going to be best Jaina talent build now?

I am thinking Chill Duration, Pierce on Q, Auto attacks do 75% damage, Water Elemental, Icy Veins, Numbling Blasts and either Wintermute or the new Ice Blink.

Really sucks that they removed Frostbitten talent though. Could've moved it to one of the later talents.



Because he's annoying as fuck with his boop and super speed and auto attacking while moving to dismount you when you just want to get somewhere. Like a buzzing mosquito.

In my experience, I seem to win when I have a team that looks insane and has no chance. And I lose when I have a team that looks perfect and amazing on paper (how do you lose versus Cho'Gall with Tychus and Leoric!!!)

Yup, this happens to me constantly as well.


Yep, been around for a long time but it's never really been a hangout. The game just isn't very conducive to it for sustained periods IMO. Byproduct of the short games and several years of bare bones chat functionality in client.

Hmm I just find a Discord an easy way to find people to play with.


Is it me, or unlesswe see major changes to the meta kel'thuzad isn't really going to change things at all? He's another backline fragile mage, with a kit that's quite similar to Kael's. Low mobility, vulnerable to dive heroes with cooldown based burst damage aren't really that prominent in this double tank / double support meta.

(Nerfing double support is okay, but they need to also nerf tank damage output as well - that's the other part of the problem).


Is it me, or unlesswe see major changes to the meta kel'thuzad isn't really going to change things at all? He's another backline fragile mage, with a kit that's quite similar to Kael's. Low mobility, vulnerable to dive heroes with cooldown based burst damage aren't really that prominent in this double tank / double support meta.

(Nerfing double support is okay, but they need to also nerf tank damage output as well - that's the other part of the problem).

Hard to say, i feel like it depends on how strong he is after 15 stacks. I feel like his kit is more suitable against melee than jaina's. But i dont see much indication that we'll leave a tass meta anytime soon and yeah he looks weak to that. Think he'd be a great pick against arthas

One thing he has that other mages dont is global pressure, his kit is kind of ass for splitpushing (i dunno his talents, maybe he has stuff that helps this?), but he can soak and followup hunts and vps accross the map which might be strong. It's got a 15 sec cd lol, so every 2 storm bolts the target is gonna eat a lich nuke from across the map


Is it me, or unlesswe see major changes to the meta kel'thuzad isn't really going to change things at all? He's another backline fragile mage, with a kit that's quite similar to Kael's. Low mobility, vulnerable to dive heroes with cooldown based burst damage aren't really that prominent in this double tank / double support meta.

(Nerfing double support is okay, but they need to also nerf tank damage output as well - that's the other part of the problem).
I mean what do you expect them to do.. NOT make more Mages? Or make Mages that can blink across the terrain like Genji?

KT is a VERY strong Mage with powerful skills and talent with the ability to play as a carry along with being high skill cap.

Metas come and go. There might be a meta where picking two Mages might be the meta and KT becomes first pick/ban tier.

As far as what he can offer the meta... KT still has hard CC which makes him valuable. And his range is high so it's not like Jaina where she had to come within auto attack range to land her skills so he can play safer.


Dive might be strong against Kel'Thuzad, but he's potentially more survivable against it than other mages. Even Kael'thas just has a stun. Kel'Thuzad has a root/slow and a potential stun in his base kit. If he's caught out in the open on his own against a strong diver, he's probably still screwed, but in lots of situations this could be enough to get him back to safety.
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