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Heroes of the Storm |OT3| Chromiehounds


And by every so often you mean the most successful team ever in the west? ;-)

The fact they were winning with solo Tyrande, and that's also what allowed AlextheProGs team to take two games off Misfits in HGC makes me think there's some meta shifting about to happen.

13 games in a row to win though, that's unbelivable. I'd be dead at that stage.


Idk. I love dig, but god damn. They either show up or they don't. All the damn time.

I also didn't even probably watch half of the matches over the 3 days, but every time I saw Zera he sucked ass.

Also, can't wait for that dig mount. :)
Dreamhack Tours in april of last year (right after they picked up Alex) and this first phase of HGC is literally the only time this has not been the case.

They won 4 out of 5 regionals last year.


As Famiele has said, Dig are the most successful Western team by far I think. They tend to show up a lot...

And they have definitely been roped since the roster swap, but today it all came together ina very weird way. The fact that just as Dig use Solo Tyrande to win when blizzard just made her a non support for quick match is even funnier.
The only times that happens is against Asian teams, Bakery keeps digging that hole in that regard. Then they went to Korea and in the end Fnatic are the ones to beat MVP.

In EU they've consistently been the team to beat and ended up winning more often than not.


As Famiele has said, Dig are the most successful Western team by far I think. They tend to show up a lot...

And they have definitely been roped since the roster swap, but today it all came together ina very weird way. The fact that just as Dig use Solo Tyrande to win when blizzard just made her a non support for quick match is even funnier.

So fitting! Congrats to Dig, they really turned it on during the Misfits series and looked like an entirely different team.


Damn I fell asleep assuming Fnatic wins easy, and I see this! Happy for Bakery, that guy seems like a good dude, they made a new fan this weekend

So is everyone ready to have a mage Probe be our top damage hero in the game? God he's going to be such cancer.


Maybe that is the case, but they're always touted as 1/2 and get shown up by misfits and fnc it seems.

I can't really remember them finishing outside of the top 2 in an EU event. Maybe like once or something. Like they were saying above, in globals maybe it hasn't been as good as they hoped, but even then they still stay at the top of their region most of the time IIRC.

I think you're remembering the hype and the excuse making Dig and the casters usually make around said hype (their numerous roster changes, for example, it's like a recurring theme with them having an out in case they do bad) more than the actual finishes.

So is everyone ready to have a mage Probe be our top damage hero in the game? God he's going to be such cancer.

I don't know if he'll be toxic. Maybe. Depends on how much setup he requires, but if we're talking needing two of those things up to do damage and use the ult (and I don't know the CD) then the team fight would have to be where Probi wanted it in order for him to actually not be shit. Otherwise you'll spend the duration of the team fight trying to set up just like Gaz.


He's a walking wombo combo from level 1. I think he'll be pretty powerful with or without his turrets. Drop that W+Q on a VP and delete multiple people, gonna be scary. His Force Wall looking ultimate will probably be the go-to, forcing people to eat his combo.
HasuObs straight carried Misfit in game 1 vs Dig. Leyline Seal stopped at least 2 VP RoF combos cold.

This pincer by chromie
The core throw afterwards kinda dampens it. Could see it coming when the boss only got the shields down.


See my rants in this thread about that core throw...

So meta wise, it seems like Chromie isn't just for Christmas - picked several times now on various maps. Mene was also taking names on Kael as well, and clearly solo Tyrande works.

Interesting point - Tassadar does not have a 100% participation rate anymore. There were at least two games in that final series where he was neither drafted nor banned. Whatever meta those teams had developed between them in the last few gamesmanship, Tassadar suddenly wasn't part of it.

Love watching them evolve like that during matches.


Watching that clip of JayPLs hook in the first game versus Fnatic, and it's amazing the level of co-ordination that had on it. As *soon* as the hook hit something the rest of the team threw everything on the target spot. In pariticular, Zaelia's Ragnaros used his ult the split second the hook hit, which is unbelievable - as Dread pointed out, you have to literally freeze frame the clip to see the delay, it's done that fast.

It's good to see western teams like Dig and Fnatic with the same level of co-ordination we see from the top Korean teams.
Zaelia's Dehaka in the last game was marvelous as well. He ripped Fnatic's retreat completely apart multiple times.

Lucio was picked 7 times and lost 4 times. Teams that tried him were just Misfits, Fnatic and Tempo Storm.
Woah, Misfits throwing game 4 evens it out. They had 20 and did nothing with it. They were at the boss and saw Rag top and did squat with it.

If they'd gotten the boss it wouldn't have been available for Dig and forced a defensive response.


Woah, Misfits throwing game 4 evens it out. They had 20 and did nothing with it. They were at the boss and saw Rag top and did squat with it.

If they'd gotten the boss it wouldn't have been available for Dig and forced a defensive response.

Yeah, that series wa s great to watch but had some really sloppy moments. Dig throwing game 2 was disasterous and totally unnecessary, and they threw another game by attempting boss when the entire enemy team was up and nearbye.

Both serie were great to watch though. Along with Fnatic versus Tempostorm on Towers of Doom, but that was for an entirely different reason...

(I didn't realise but apparently when Team 8 won a map off Dignitas that was the first time in 10 months an NA team has won a map versus an EU team? All the predictions of EU crushing NA turned out to be true. ADRDs team should look into emigrating, they would easily be top 3 in NA right now).


Yeah I don't understand what it is with NA. They should have the players to compete, maybe they don't challenge each other enough.

Same as ever. Only concerned with winning and not with building or growing. "We aren't winning now so let's kick this guy to pick up "big name X" and we'll be awesome." Worked so well for Denial/b step and GFE. Meanwhile Misfits emerged with a lot of lesser names, Dig picked up Zaelia who I was unfamiliar with, and a team like Team 8 grew from the ground up with no names from parts of an old roster. Way too much emphasis on reputation and perceived skill here versus actual fit and synergy. NA looks down its nose at players like Yoda and buds who weren't on a big team, but those big super teams haven't really ever panned out.


I put them in there.

The NA dudes seem content with being at the top here and that's the extent of their concern. I can only think of a couple - Fan, Glaurung, Zuna - who have openly and repeatedly professed that their goal is to be the best in the world. And of those three, only Fan and Glau actually do the extra work to to make it happen. I'm sure I'm missing a few players, maybe, but the point is they are far less concerned with it than the Dig guys or Fnatic guys seem to be.



Most interesting part to me:

We now have the ability to scale damage based on game time elapsed, which should help the performance of the game, but also more accurately adjust damage values of certain abilities.
We have implemented this on Li Ming’s Arcane Orb & Tyrande's Sentinel and will continue to look for other use-cases.

Strangely, they don't actually explain how Arcane Orb or Sentinel will be using this.


Watch me feed on Probius on McIntyre's stream. We're doing in house, and he's the Probius on the other team.

EDIT: Damage is good but I hardly got to team fight. They had a Hammer and Gaz and we had no range so just got rekt.


No. Been a long time since a HOTS tournament did that. Don't think it happened last year either. Or if it did it was only like once.

I see Mc is still doing his pointless youtube videos, I get they are easy to produce but they offer next to no value.

Isn't that 99% of these kinds of videos? It's information you can gather just from reading yourself, but people like to be told. Also.... $$. Even if it's only a little bit, the more you have, the more it adds up over time.

Honestly, the biggest affront on these vids is that he still records them on low settings.


Which I think is stupid. You should be allowed to drop a series when in a double elimination tournament. That's the whole point of it.
This was the first time Blizz has run a double elim bracket for hots I think.

I like round robin the most. Grand final was the first time Dignitas and Fnatic met in the tournament.


We've had winners and losers brackets in like every regional and global have we not? How is that not double elim for everyone but the team that stays in winners?


Yeah, winners bracket advantage for hots is playing a series less than the losers bracket and not having to play 3 sets in a row (which we know is an absolute killer). Moon is complaining about it on Reddit but TBH I think the current system is the best possible. Resetting the bracket would take too long, and going into the final with a one game advantage just seems unfair.

You get an extra life to get to a final, but no extra lives once there. The teams seem happy with it, and if they are we should be really.


Which I think is stupid. You should be allowed to drop a series when in a double elimination tournament. That's the whole point of it.

You can - to get to the final. Once in the final, that's it.

Losers bracket has to play more sets, has to reveal strats more and has to play three sets back to back. That's enough of a penalty for losing a set surely?
Yeah I think with a reset they would have to do Bo3s for at least 1 more tier to save time and 1 game advantage never sat right with me.

The final already went way past time, imagine having to run another Bo5 afterwards. Fnatic and Dig would have been Residentsleeper.


You can - to get to the final. Once in the final, that's it.

Losers bracket has to play more sets, has to reveal strats more and has to play three sets back to back. That's enough of a penalty for losing a set surely?

In the FGC world, you have a full double bracket all the way which is what I am used to seeing. I admit that the matches are in order of magnitude shorter than full on HoTS or even Dota2 but still why does one team get the single elimination treatment for having a flawless run but others get a second chance. It also removes the possibility of the winning team having to "warm up" a little bit before getting back in their groove. If they needed a set to warm up and maybe to fish out some things from the other team they should be given that luxury.


I think Dota2 tournaments used to do that, weren't they? It has been a while since I've watched those but it could be a good compromise.
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