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Heroes of the Storm |OT3| Chromiehounds


Only big names for this game that i know off the top pf my head are dig and fnatic, a decent chunk have opted out like c9 and mym and complexity

I think there was an eg team but i might be remembering wrong


Blizzard has to prove they can build and support it as a proper esport before any of the big NA orgs will jump back in. It will probably be a matter of years before something like that could even happen. They royally fucked up releasing this game in its unfinished state, trying to right that wrong is proving to be basically impossible. General MOBA community has dismissed this game from day 1, and that really fucked it's chances of becoming a big esport.

Plus, the skill level in NA is so low, I really don't see why anyone would want to sponsor these guys when they have no chance against EU, or the East.
myi is still committed to hots, they just went and sponsored an amateur season and I think they still have their all girls amateur team i think.
They were ready to continue sponsor Misfits as well but were essentially outbid

Still think the NA thing is overblown. The teams are out of shape right now but NA could very well compete with EU.


Agree with you there. On the other hand, it's a good game for younger/newer organizations to make a start in. I don't know if they get any of that guaranteed money, but it's not hard to acquire a team that places in the money due to the lack of sponsors. It's not a lot of funds, but most businesses aren't making a lot of funds when they start out.

I really think Bob Ross sort of stealthily f'd everyone when they had TSM on the hook and decided to go for a bit more money instead of the brand recognition. That would've been a huge get for HOTS. Now there's no telling what it'd take to bring someone like them or CLG into this game...meanwhile TSM still has a Vainglory team, lol.

Still think the NA thing is overblown. The teams are out of shape right now but NA could very well compete with EU.

I was gonna say this around the Clash. NA is down now, but odds are there will be a shift later this year or next year and it could turn on it's head, or at least turn to the point where they aren't getting 3-0'd like chumps. These things seem to be pretty cyclical.


I just wish someone picks up Team 8. They just need a little more push to stand out and elevate the scene. To be honest, I've been surprised by their start and hope it continues.


What's mym?

Meet your makers, kind of an older team in esports, was big in dota1 but thats all i really know about them

Iirc the bob ross/tsm thing didnt come through because they asked regi whether their team could be higher priority but regi was prob like ima be real probably not.

I expect nvt to do a lot better but they sure performed like unforgivably poorly so far. I didnt watch the clash but while eu was a tier above when the tourney started i dont really think they are so far ahead that na cant catch up


I still expect Team 8 to crumble. Being a fan of glaurung has conditioned me to always expect disappointment.

Same. Hard to tell if it's just a good run or truly a good team. We'll know pretty soon, though. Their showing at the Clash was encouraging for me.

Edit: was there not a THH this week?


Wonder if PPD will ever show interest in HotS again. If HGC is a success in growing the scene maybe it will attract him back. Complexity though probably won't come back.
Bo7 +1 would be the ideal solution but looking at Katowice it'd have been much worse than what we got. There would have needed to be 1 or 2 Bo5s downgraded to Bo3s or games happening off stage again. This was with a bunch of 3-0s. Dig and Team 8 were like the only ones going to game 5.

Bakery responded by suggesting giving WB Winner to get map and first pick for the first game. Which would also be a significant advantage.


Here's esportsMatt response to the single elim grand final. I'm still not fully satisfied but at the very least they are still thinking about different ways to go about it.

Why am I unsurprised that moonprayer's big writeup of a fantastic tournament is started and dominated by his utter *whining* about the final? He's been repeatedly posting multiple times in the same Reddit threads about it, and to be frank it's tiresome and a bit dull by this point.

I also think he's ignoring the massive issues that come with any of his suggested 'fixes', not least of which would have been a final that would have gone on until 2 in the morning and with Dig playing way too many games in a row to be fair or provide good entertainment. If you watch the very last game, you can see that both teams are utterly exhausted and making silly sloppy plays that weren't necessary (schwimpi suiciding on Li-Ming, Stich forgetting he didn't have gust and flying on falstad into two enemies, then Wubby not killing him as Tyrael). A best of 7 after two best of fives already is just too much.


Bo7 +1 would be the ideal solution but looking at Katowice it'd have been much worse than what we got. There would have needed to be 1 or 2 Bo5s downgraded to Bo3s or games happening off stage again. This was with a bunch of 3-0s. Dig and Team 8 were like the only ones going to game 5.

Bakery responded by suggesting giving WB Winner to get map and first pick for the first game. Which would also be a significant advantage.
It's a good second-best solution.


Bo7 +1 would be the ideal solution but looking at Katowice it'd have been much worse than what we got. There would have needed to be 1 or 2 Bo5s downgraded to Bo3s or games happening off stage again. This was with a bunch of 3-0s. Dig and Team 8 were like the only ones going to game 5.

Bakery responded by suggesting giving WB Winner to get map and first pick for the first game. Which would also be a significant advantage.

I'd be okay with this. It works in the context of heroes and gives at least an advantage for the team that managed to stay on the winner's side.


I haven't tried Dehaka since the first time he was on free week after release and got him to 5. Turns out he's pretty good and a lot of fun, not sure what took me so long! Definitely feels better with the talent rework than he did previously.

Only been playing him for a few days, but holy crap he feels so OP


Might have a new favorite hero! Feels so good to tongue someone into oblivion, burrow a skillshot, then brushstalk back to clear lanes or gank someone out too far. Maybe it'll help my probably terrible MMR, getting tons of XP for the rest of the team and then joining fights in an instant really helps.


Might have a new favorite hero! Feels so good to tongue someone into oblivion.


I had a similar run with Dehaka earlier. Agree he is pretty strong in Quick Match. I also have been a fucking tear with Nazeebo:

14-4 in last two or three days. It's been nice, mainly using Zombie Wall build. We also ran some cheese with wall/Malfurion root which was ridiculous. Finally once again justifying my HeroesFire guide, lol.


I've had good luck with Zeebo lately too. He's perfect for QM because you can go in different builds depending on the comp. Zombie wall is a lot of fun, but spiders for lots of backline and toad shotguns for lots of melee. Both ults have their place as well (though I prefer Gary), had a game recently on Braxis where we had basically no waveclear so the zerg waves were a huge problem, until I busted out the spoopy ghost. My wife and I like duoing as Zeebo and Xul, she bone prisons for easy peasy poisonous zombie walls. Zeebo #1 assassin!


This game still lags for me even though I switched to what ever server has the best ping, in the options. :(

kirblar might know a few things you can try to fix that. Some of those issues aren't server/computer related, it's just options in game that need to be fiddled with for certain setups. Not sure if those have been fixed yet but he can probably answer it either way.


There's a sound setting that you should turn off, I forget the name but it's like ambient/3d/etc, it helps a ton having it off.
I'm so fucking sick of being in mmr hell and seeing ppl on the enemy team doing advanced moves like stutter stepping in bronze/silver. While my team can't do basic fundamentals.

Shit is unreal.


Just do the best you can do, if you deserve to be in a higher league you'll get there. You should win at least 60% of your games if you are significantly better than your current placement.


It's another one of those days where tons of EU pros are steaming. Just watched a weird game where Bakery was playing Stitches against Quacknix on Greymane, and he was surprisingly good on him with the hooks. As Cris commented, maybe Stitches is a Dignitas special or something...


I'm so fucking sick of being in mmr hell and seeing ppl on the enemy team doing advanced moves like stutter stepping in bronze/silver. While my team can't do basic fundamentals.

Shit is unreal.

Being good mechanically doesn't help if you don't have good game awareness. The only common thing in your games is you. There's more chance that the enemy team has a bad player than in yours if you feel confident you don't belong there. If you rewatch your replays, there's always something you can work on.

  • Are you being late/early to objectives
  • Did you recognize when you were up/down a talent and acted accordingly
  • Did you force a bad engagement or did you encourage a bad engagement
  • Did you soak too much/too little when something more useful could have been done
  • and so on and so forth

Sure sometimes it feels like herding lobotomized cats high on catnip but if you can just use pings. Ping where you'll go, ping danger or retreat when you feel the engagement isn't going in your favor. Do it twice in a row usually and then stop. If they respond, great they will listen for this one game. If they don't well do your best. If only one or two other teammates respond it's already a good thing. Typing is a waste of time when the games are as short as they are in HoTS. Raises the chances of someone tilting on your side even more likely.

Just don't die and be as productive as you can be with the time you saved by not dying needlessly. I'm still learning that one to the horror and astonishment of Milly.


Edit: Oh god my wallet started crying when he saw next week special bundle with Scarecrow Xul on top D:. I've been playing this game too much lately to not buy something. Thankfully I'm still not sold on probius even though that terran skin is so nice.
Just do the best you can do, if you deserve to be in a higher league you'll get there. You should win at least 60% of your games if you are significantly better than your current placement.

I know, it's just. You don't get lower levels, it's so much worse than overwatch.... At least ppl try in lower ranks in overwatch where in HoTs ppl just throw to troll much more often.
It's another one of those days where tons of EU pros are steaming. Just watched a weird game where Bakery was playing Stitches against Quacknix on Greymane, and he was surprisingly good on him with the hooks. As Cris commented, maybe Stitches is a Dignitas special or something...
Bakery used to play Ranged ADC before Bob? He also just doesn't liking solo queuing as a support. Which is why he wants duos back.


I know, it's just. You don't get lower levels, it's so much worse than overwatch.... At least ppl try in lower ranks in overwatch where in HoTs ppl just throw to troll much more often.

I don't agree with that. Playing in lower MMR is just as frustrating in OW as it is in HOTS in my experience, with the exception being that you get fewer people outright d/cing in OW. HOTS at lower MMR is definitely bad for that happening every few games. They are both more toxic than the higher levels, and feature a pretty good amount of ineptitude in all varieties.

Do you play in NA or EU? If you play in NA myself/Milly/proto/Kio/scoobs/some others play in various sized groups throughout the week. I'm not saying we are pros because only Ketch is a real pro, but for the most part we range from mid Diamond to Masters and have been playing for quite a while. Also, if you are better than your MMR, it'll give you a chance to play with semi-competent teammates on voice comms. And if you're not, we should be able to help you identify where you're struggling.


I don't agree with that. Playing in lower MMR is just as frustrating in OW as it is in HOTS in my experience, with the exception being that you get fewer people outright d/cing in OW. HOTS at lower MMR is definitely bad for that happening every few games. They are both more toxic than the higher levels, and feature a pretty good amount of ineptitude in all varieties.

Do you play in NA or EU? If you play in NA myself/Milly/proto/Kio/scoobs/some others play in various sized groups throughout the week. I'm not saying we are pros because only Ketch is a real pro, but for the most part we range from mid Diamond to Masters and have been playing for quite a while. Also, if you are better than your MMR, it'll give you a chance to play with semi-competent teammates on voice comms. And if you're not, we should be able to help you identify where you're struggling.


I'm not saying that, I'm just saying if you are convinced you are better than your MMR/placement there's an easy way to find out.


Planning on updating my Nazeebo guide and I was looking at the numbers and I have to agree with Maledict...you're still as likely or more likely to win going wall build as you are spider build. You just provide more utility while still doing great damage.

Like I was saying yesterday, I've went 14-4 with him the past few days in QM going wall build. I find my contributions to the team in other areas (mercing/team fighting/defending) tend to be more valuable than me just mindlessly stacking while my team is potentially in hot water without me. I tend to hit level 20 with about 115-135 stacks regardless, making Vile Infection still an option, but I don't think you need to go all in on Spider talents to make it still deadly. He's deadly late game period.

The highest winrate level 1 talent for Nazeebo is Thing of the Deep. It's like 4-5% higher in QM and HL and (IMO) kind of necessary if you want to go wall build. Dead Rush at 7 is also 3-4% higher winrate than it's spider counterpart. At 16, Spider Colony outperforms Ring of Poison by just 0.3% in QM and Ring of Poison is 1.6% higher winrate in HL. But the coup de grace is that at 20, Humongoid and Vile Infection are within 1% winrate of each other, basically telling us that while Vile Infection is ridiculous it really is just a "win more" talent. Nazeebo himself is what is super strong late game, regardless of the talent chosen.

tl;dr: I don't think there's a wrong way to build him so long as you go Walls or Spiders. I do think Walls gives you more utility for sieging and defense than Spiders, so that would be why I would suggest it over the other. Whatever you do (though I would not suggest Toads), he's pretty strong right now.


I feel like everyone except me thinks they're better than they really are. I am convinced I suck, and I'm surprised when I do well lol. I really couldn't tell you how I got my MMR so high, probably had a lot to do with new Tassadar rework week.

Also, I just realized I have a 70% win rate with Zul'Jin over 26 games played, not fuckin bad!


Here's the Nazeebo build I've settled on recently. Crazy wave clear and sustain, crazy burst, good all around without going all-in on any one thing. I'd go as far as to say this is his best build, and not many talents are even up for debate. 13 obviously is situational, but the others are kind of must haves.


tl;dr: I don't think there's a wrong way to build him so long as you go Walls or Spiders. I do think Walls gives you more utility for sieging and defense than Spiders, so that would be why I would suggest it over the other. Whatever you do (though I would not suggest Toads), he's pretty strong right now.

What about this guide from horsepants. Do you agree, disagree, laugh ... anything ? It goes in a complete opposite direction than what you've observed so far from what I can tell.

I feel like everyone except me thinks they're better than they really are. I am convinced I suck, and I'm surprised when I do well lol. I really couldn't tell you how I got my MMR so high, probably had a lot to do with new Tassadar rework week.

Also, I just realized I have a 70% win rate with Zul'Jin over 26 games played, not fuckin bad!

Clearly, you haven't played enough with me if you think so. I'm the poster child for self-deprecation. Apparently I'm 60% winrate with zul'jin with 24 games not too bad either but Falstad has surprised me by having a 70% with 21 games. I really love that bird riding dwarf.
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