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Heroes of the Storm |OT3| Chromiehounds


I just struggle to see what he brings to the game. I guess infinite mana? Good wave clear? But mana is so cheap anyway and wave clear isn't good enough in its own.

Like when do you pick this hero?
Probius doesn't really bring much of anything to a match, except Pylon Overcharge. So maybe it will be decent on fixed objective fights if allowed to properly set-up before hand.

Really does he beat Lunara in your estmation?

I liked Lunara enough to play her and unlock her master skin at her launch whereas I'm probably going to shelve Probius after a few more games and not play it again until it gets buffed.


I liked Lunara enough to play her and unlock her master skin at her launch whereas I'm probably going to shelve Probius after a few more games and not play it again until it gets buffed.

That was some torturing yourself level shit. I remember you posting about that. But leveling Lunara vs not Probius sounds more like personal preference than anything. Would be mighty hard for him to be as bad as, or god forbid worse than her on her release. I don't see it so far.


My tracer is beginning to be less booty tier than when I first started using her. I still mistarget sometimes or press too many buttons but it's getting there. Those probes don't last long vs her. Speaking of which, they should either buff the health of his pylons or lower the cooldown of them. Would at least make him more mobile in his setups.
I liked Lunara enough to play her and unlock her master skin at her launch whereas I'm probably going to shelve Probius after a few more games and not play it again until it gets buffed.
Sure but that's on you. I played Lunara a bunch myself at the time but she was undercooked to a ridiculous extent that I'd be surprised any hero beats again.


Her real problem was her AA animation was shit and it screwed up her a+move really bad. Rest of her kit hasn't changed much really, small buffs to HP and damage numbers, but she's mostly the exact same.
Her real problem was her AA animation was shit and it screwed up her a+move really bad. Rest of her kit hasn't changed much really, small buffs to HP and damage numbers, but she's mostly the exact same.
they also gave her full mount speed 24/7 now. Her kit is the same but has she ever been anything but buffed?


Scoobs you need to go back and watch the video I posted for you last page...

And I think KT was the most undercooked hero on release.



First QM solo game:

Enemy team: Varian/Zarya/Nazeebo/Tyrande/Probius

Our team: Abathur/Alarak/Nazeebo/Ragnaros/Probius

Seems fair. Those new matchmaking rules working well tonight. To add insult to injury Abathur went evolve monstrosity to make sure there was no chance we could win.
Does feel like Sondius/Probius/Probe dude/Probi will need some buffs.

  • pylons need more HP, too easy to kill
  • photon cannon is basically a joke. serves as a minion or merc damage soak and that's about it. maybe if you fully talent into it it becomes useful, but if that's what it takes well it needs to be buffed.
  • feel like with all the W talents, there should've been one that gave it a bit more range. His damage relies on it too much.
  • Pylon Overcharge is almost necessary if you wanna do damage and don't have a perfect comp in front of you, but even though it gets extended range from Pylons it's very easy to avoid
  • His level 4 talent that grants CD reduction on his speed is almost a must. I'd argue it is a must honestly.

Pylons are okay , more health and it would be a pain to destroy them , let them stack on Sondius passive instead. Grant them an ability to give shield to all ally units and structures.
The cannon is kind of useless right now, it should stay indefinitely like the Pylons and with extra shield , give them a talent to move or being affected with the overcharge heroic skill or at least one extra cannon , being able to summon three pylons but one cannon its kind of dumb.
So far the best heroic ability is the Overcharge but it needs to affects the cannons to of some sort, like shields.
Since you can invest in a good CC on its W, the second heroic ability its kind of pointless
Probius' turret doesn't target Puffer Fish, his Q seems to have no affect on it either. W + Q hasn't been something I've been able to pull out quick enough to verify if it damages Puffer Fish.
Probius is fun, not super fun but leagues ahead of a gazlowe. The long wind up to do damage is killing me. I'm so used to just unloading the whole kit on opponents, otoh I really like the zoning capabilities.


The time to wait for the W to "bloom" or whatever before you can Q it sucks. Isn't it enough that you have to aim the Q at one spot on the whole fucking circle? Do we have to delay it as well? #probiusthoughts

Ok, 4-3 with him on my main on live now.

Couple games we just had no chance in, but I've gotten MVP with him 3 times (once in a loss). The siege and EXP is the kind of stuff the MVP system loves, plus you rarely die because of your Z. Pylon Overcharge, when you can get em drawn in, is amazing. Me and Ketch just ended a game because we backed off of core as the whole team respawned and lured em right into a circle of my 3 pylons. RIP them.

His overall, full game damage is kind of middling. I would equate it to Artanis level damage. Like I said before, good to finish a kill or allow someone else to do so, and amazing if they are dumb enough to walk into your ult, but mostly it's just pot shots here and there while you provide utility and zoning otherwise.

I figured I wouldn't like him but I really enjoy playijng him. The weep woop woo sounds and the little speed boost get me in the feels every time.
Oh yeah hitting the orb in the middle sometimes gets me as well. Really shouldn't be a requirement. Also that you can't stack the Ws but have to place them next to each other.

Pylons should be charges and the AA damage is ridiculously low. Getting shields inside the pylons sounds weak capped at 120 but when I took it felt pretty strong.


When I first picked him up I kept missing my W + Q at times and was like WTF, and then I realized you have to delay for like a second. I was trying to rapid fire it. I feel like it sort of needs to be that way since it's so easy to walk out of.


Pokémon Parentage Conspiracy Theorist
Billzard: Win as Cho'gall* to win Cho'gall

*Cho'gall not on rotation

Me: Ummm... *plays more Zelda*


man I wouldnt mind giving Zelda a whirl. I would need to buy a second Wii U probably though (kids occupy the main Wii U usually).


Billzard: Win as Cho'gall* to win Cho'gall

*Cho'gall not on rotation

Me: Ummm... *plays more Zelda*

That's the point. You play with a friend who has Cho'gall, and after the matches you then own him. It's to make you partner up with people.


Pokémon Parentage Conspiracy Theorist
That's the point. You play with a friend who has Cho'gall, and after the matches you then own him. It's to make you partner up with people.
Oh, he appears playable to you if you are in a party with a friend who has him?
Start my first placement game, team picks second and picks Valla and Lunara 1st round on an open map.



Only reason i can see him being picked is for zoning and obj denial but you have heroes who can do that and also be a good hero at the same time


Oh yeah he can do fine lik gazlowe can do fine, i dont dislike having him on my team but at the same time ive only ever experienced probius vs. probius


It's not that it can do fine, I think it just does. I'd argue Gazlowe gimps your team, it warps what you can do in a way probius doesn't so far.

Eh i mean it's early to say for sure, anecdotally he's been a liability in my games but not in a way that stands out much. The way im currently thinking of it is that there hasnt been a single situation in my games where we or they wouldnt have been better off w/ a different hero. I rate him above gaz just for having access to reliable burst (tho i dunno if i think he's better at winning games, gaz can still win one for you off a combo), but i feel like probius can be replaced w/ like a jaina or guldan or whatever in the games ive had w/ him and just have a better effect

I also have been playing heroes that kill probius easily like kerrigan and medivh so maybe that skews my thoughts on it too


Going to try to level up my Valeera until Mass Effect unlocks. Any tips? I see that the assassinate talent at lvl 7 (more damage to isolated heroes) is by far the most popular one on hotslogs but it seems kind of a weird choice to me considering I usually initiate with the stun or sometimes the silence. I somewhat get death from above at 13 because it makes it easier to chase or to reposition on minions if you need to get away.
Eh i mean it's early to say for sure, anecdotally he's been a liability in my games but not in a way that stands out much. The way im currently thinking of it is that there hasnt been a single situation in my games where we or they wouldnt have been better off w/ a different hero. I rate him above gaz just for having access to reliable burst (tho i dunno if i think he's better at winning games, gaz can still win one for you off a combo), but i feel like probius can be replaced w/ like a jaina or guldan or whatever in the games ive had w/ him and just have a better effect

I also have been playing heroes that kill probius easily like kerrigan and medivh so maybe that skews my thoughts on it too
Probius Z should mess up Kerrigan combos. I've been playing against butcher a bunch and you just Z out once the stun wears out or Z to safety so butcher has to cancel.
Probius definitely can be replaced with better heroes, he's a bit undercooked and needs QoL adjustments, but that it is true for a many heroes. The range of liability is what matters, imo probius can slot right into a run of the mill gameplan.


Also, i really enjoyed sc1 and bw when i was younger, so i def had different thoughts about what a probe hero would have looked like vs. blizz's interpretation

Things i would have liked to see
1. Gateway building/unit production w/ a resource mechanic for unit/building production
2. More utility based; stuff like teleporting your team to pylon aoe, defensive buildings besides photon cannon, just more team aura possibilitues from pylon/other buildings...like just in general a more building focused character
3. Little to no teamfight potential packed into the probe unit, more packed in stuff he builds...would have been so fun to get towards the core of the enemy team and see the mini base the probe had set up
4. The dream would be diff units doing different things when near eachother (something like those teleporting dragoons from sc2 dodging stuff/blocking, reaver drops, etc.)
5. Man it would have been cool to have an ult that's like azmo's hell rain thing but with protoss units warping in

Obviously all of that would take crazy amounts of work, like im not really surprised that probius ended up this way in the end.

I guess no units can partially be attributed to the inability to select things in this game though

@fam yeah i agree that his base kit can be good (def one of those kits that slide between up and op imo), current personal prob day 1 impression tho is that he's kind of dead weight


yea being able to create a gateway and then the talents are like instead of a gateway you now make robotics factory and get immortals instead of zealots....

like his talent tree could have been a SC tech tree, and by the end you're building carriers and shit.

but now he's got like shitty creep tumors, shitty turrets, shitty team fight.

the more i think about it, the more dissapointed i am.

like ugh... there's so many better ideas for the hero then another gazlowe. blizz is definitely capable of making shit way more unique and interesting then this.

like pylons could grant xp or like soak lanes or something resource related... like units that die within range of a pylon create bribe like stacks which you can then use to make units from your gateway. whatever it is It should be about making buildings that produce units... I mean probes DON'T attack shit especially not with big aoe nukes.... c'mon. How does the design meeting go? "What should our probe hero do in heroes? build stuff? Nah, AOE spells!" it's stupid.


Yeah that was the dream tho it's perfectly understandable how it turned out i guess

They kept the no health/no range aspect, like i do kind of feel like im killing an sc probe when i kill him


it's even more disappointing when you think about how good they've nailed the "feel" of heroes in the past. I know i'm a rexxar fan boy, but even when he released super shitty he still felt like a wow hunter. Like Zagara also really feels like your playing zerg. Chogall creates those awesome moments when you're arguing with your other half. All of the overwatch heroes feel like you're playing overwatch.

As far has HotS heroes goes probie is like profoundly bad from a design perspective.

(I say this as someone who has not played probie, so maybe I should shut up.... but c'mon.)


The only modern blizz game ive played besides this is overwatch and theyve done a great job translating their feel imo. Havent played lucio, i expect he's a little harder to get right since he's about wall running and booping, but i see ppl bodyblocking and booping and gliding around, like it seems pretty good as an onlooker


And another thing! This fucking probe does more damage then Tassadar psi storm. Think about that shit for a second.

It probably does more damage then artanis whose supposed to be the king of the Protoss.


ITT everyone disrespects the probe meanwhile Familie and I prepare for the new meta when they overbuff him like they did Zarya.

You can't tell me who to love dad!


No disrespect besides to the one meeting they had where someone said "lets call the probe...probius", draw a line in the sand blizz
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