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Hey everyone


Gold Member
We could put up some affiliate links that users could click on for, say, GreenManGaming, HumbleBundle, or other legitimate game vendors with affiliate programs. GAF would get a percentage of sales without any cost to users. Was something we did a long time ago.

A searchable game store portal could be an option. People should be able to search by platform and game name at the bare minimum. Typically these sites have REST API end points that allowed trusted, registered external sites such as NeoGAF to use.

Has there been any extensive analysis done on the site from a SEO perspective? If I do a simple google search for "game forum" NeoGAF is the very bottom and the metadata seems to be lacking. All it says is: "It's a video game message board on the internet"

There does seem to be a problem with ads here. I tried a different browser than I usually use where I am not logged in and I'm not seeing ads at all.


Gold Member
Yeah, I don't know how it works but I use Chrome on my phones and haven't seen adds here for years. I visit here multiple times daily.


10,000 variations of my face incoming. With a huge budget metaverse immersive gaming experience definitely in development six months after launch!
If you did your butt, you could double that 10,000 "lollipop_disappointed:

Fs i am terrible, sorry :messenger_sad_relieved:
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I don't even get ads when I'm on the site on my phone. I don't even have an ad blocker on. Never understood that. I'm using Chrome on an android. If someone knows how to fix that, I wouldn't mind seeing them when browsing every day.
Ill take gold on one condition. No perma ban. Oh, and just delete everything from before the purge.

Come The Rock GIF by WWE
Please no. I like going back at the beginning of every new console cycle to see people repeating the same shit about diminishing returns. It’s cathartic.

EviLore EviLore I’d be happy to assist with the ads/affiliate work if needed. That would be an easy place to start outside of disabling ad blockers.

You could also create a new section for product reviews/previews to feed into those links. With the GAF user base it wouldn’t be hard to get support from brands for early reviews and product discounts


I don't even get ads when I'm on the site on my phone. I don't even have an ad blocker on. Never understood that. I'm using Chrome on an android. If someone knows how to fix that, I wouldn't mind seeing them when browsing every day.
Same. Only so many sites where I have whitelisted it and Gaf just shows no ads for me whatsoever. I don't mind them a bit.
All the years as a lurker or now as a member have never seen ads in this site (mobile) without any ad blocker.
Now you can make some ads that are not disrupting. Add the option to buy tags like the one some popular member have (under our name that says member). Give us the option to do donate any amount from maybe minimum 5€. And maybe some not disrupting Emoji also can be buyable.


I think there has got to be a better way than permanently banning people all the time. The site needs traffic and strong discussion, banning not only stops the banned from discussing topics but also has an adverse effect on existing members too.

Clearly there are some who want to cause trouble but there are others who are just passionate about the topic and simply cannot help themselves.

I think alternate punishments would be worthy of thought.


Expansive Ellipses
Staff Member
I think there has got to be a better way than permanently banning people all the time. The site needs traffic and strong discussion, banning not only stops the banned from discussing topics but also has an adverse effect on existing members too.

Clearly there are some who want to cause trouble but there are others who are just passionate about the topic and simply cannot help themselves.

I think alternate punishments would be worthy of thought.
Hmm, good idea.



I bought a sex doll, but I keep it inflated 100% of the time and use it like a regular wife
Another phone boy here who can't see any ads. Chrome and no ad blocks.

How about a user-driven non-forum looking front-end to bring in a larger audience, showing the latest news in gaming?
This would be very cool. I started coming to gaf for the gaming news, so I guess having a front-page loaded with those would attract a lot of people.

Oh! Another one could be to monetize reactions. You pay let's say 10$ which grant you a bunch of points, and each time you use a reaction it'd cost a few points.
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Having just subscribed to two Paterons, I'm trying to think about what would make me part way with my money.

I'm genuinely interested in thinking of ideas but at the same time I don't want to say some virtue signalling bullshit like I would like to pay for this without offering a solution. Obviously none of the premium features interest me so that hasn't been enough so I don't want to lie and make up a reason for why I don't use them other than they just don't entice me.

Just off the top of my head...

There are two main reasons why I continue to come here:

1) Freedom of speech, which you can't exactly charge for.

2) Your block feature. Yeah I get the irony of this given #1, but I don't use it to "censor" anyone or anything. In fact I think during my whole time here I've only really blocked 2 people. I use it to block out a lot of threads I'm just not interested in...kind of like a reverse RSS, where instead of subscribing to stuff I like, I start with everything and then unsubscribe. If you were to put this behind a firewall I would pay. But you wouldn't be very popular for doing so though.

But...perhaps you could introduce more advance blocking features? And that's what you would pay for? Or perhaps I'm the only one out there that values it so highly. I don't know...
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Hmm, good idea.

I was thinking more if you can prevent people from posting in threads tagged with X. For example, let’s say you had a Sony fan who continually went into Xbox threads and caused trouble, instead of banning them from the entire site you can ban them from commenting on any threads tagged with “Xbox”.

They can still comment where they don’t cause trouble, ensuring healthier discussion and still retaining lots of users.


Or is it just one of Phil's balls in my throat?
Affiliate links seems like the most sensible and least intrusive option, IMO.

I don't think any single user on the forum should/would have any objection to that.


I’m now in with Gold. This place has been and will stay great, so I’m happy to support. The Gold features are just icing on the cake.

I’m glad you added Patreon as I hear a lot of places use it, like DF. Not sure if that’s only subscription or allows one-time donations. Definitely have a way to do a one-time donation.

Other thoughts:
Make this a sticky for some time
Advertise Gold on some way
The first post in a thread being something discreet like an ad for Gold or affiliate links seems subtle.
I’m not sure how affiliate links work, but it it’s basically ‘hey I’m the site that sent them to your store to buy, give me a cut’ that makes sense to do. We buy so much digital items and games, I think people would be happy to buy through the link for something they are buying any way.
Not sure the profit in PS+ cards and Game Pass subs, but perhaps there is something we can buy direct from you.
Old old threads. I’m not in IT infrastructure but is there a way to cold storage the vast majority of trivial threads? The top 50 or 100 old threads based on recent accesses can be kept in warm storage.
Maybe some automoderation can but put in to stop people getting shooting themselves in the foot and getting banned. People sometimes just escalate. Getting called a $@/)?!- goat &@/&!: would just be funny and keep things simmering vs boiling.

I’ll add more if I come up with any.
fuck. i love this place and would hate to see it disappear. i hold my hands up i do run quite an aggressive adblocking set up but i've whitelisted the site on my desktop and will look at how i can do it on my mobile devices (sorry for not doing it earlier):


in addition i have joined up for a year of gold:



i don't know what we can do to bring more money in but i hope my little bit helps.


Oh snap son. I think I got an idea. What's your problem? The cost of storing all your archival threads.

So turn that problem into the solution:

1) Lock archival threads behind a firewall. It's an easy story to tell - shit costs money, pay if you want it.

But how much value is there in simply being able to look up archival threads? Therefore, the next step is:

2) Create value out of those archival threads. E.g. Index of top Gaf meltdowns. Top memes etc. What about a feature to tag and track analyst predictions posted in this forum? Keep a running tally on how often they get it right / wrong - obviously this leverages archival threads. People always say X person seems to get things right or wrong, let's quantify it. Imagine analyst predictions didn't disappear into the ether but were locked in some indexed vault ready to name and shame. Imagine of posters that made ludicrous claims could be more easily tracked and applauded or shamed. These are just some ideas off the top of my head but the general concept is to leverage that archival data.

3) Then make it so people who pay for this can post snippets of this stuff, like small embeddable windows (like Twitter clips). Quotes, top 10 lists, percentages of right vs wrong, but to drill down and see the data or the underlying posts and consequent responses, they need to be a paid member.

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°Temp. member
I don’t know much about algorithms, but is there anything we can do to correct that (aka the root of the problem)?

With neogaf being as well known and old as it is, maybe someone at Google would entertain a phone call?

Do we have any idea what may have changed in the algorithm and how we can adjust in that regard?


Just bought gold cause I want the site to live.

I don't write much but I visit the site every day. So I have no problem with spending a little every year.

My suggestions:

Advertise gold more heavily and give out some nice perks. Yeah it will cost development funds for new features but those are funds directly aimed at making more money.

When gold was first introduced it

A) didn't give me enough value


B) i didn't know it is kinda needed to help the site stay afloat.

If people know that gold is important and gives them some really good shit (maybe animated avatars?) the numbers will hopefully grow.

Also revise the registrations. At least back in the day it was really hard for me to register. I'm from Germany and my ISP email was not working. If I had not begin work in the public sector I would still not have an account. Maybe more new users also equals more gold subs. :)


°Temp. member
When I try to buy neogaf gold on my iPhone with Apple Pay, I click buy now and then the usual pop up asking you to double click the side button comes up and immediately leaves the screen, making me unable to pay. Any ideas? I’m using safari on an iPhone 12 Pro.


This tread made me realize there are no ads when browsing Gaf on mobile phone on default Chrome, so perhaps something can be done in that department?

1 dollar per triggered emoji.

Rivet Rivet would get bankrupt within a day lol.

I think there has got to be a better way than permanently banning people all the time. The site needs traffic and strong discussion, banning not only stops the banned from discussing topics but also has an adverse effect on existing members too.

Clearly there are some who want to cause trouble but there are others who are just passionate about the topic and simply cannot help themselves.

I think alternate punishments would be worthy of thought.

The forum got so much better within the past year thanks to platform warring policy, and I haven't notice any less discussion going on, but clearly a better quality ones.


We're a community of gamers. You need to exploit the fact that we've all been trained to fill progress bars to advance. I would suggest making a visible widget on the left menu that shows a few things:

* A firm number that we can aim for that shows the monthly cost (the goal) to run the forum along with a progress bar that fills up as the total donations for the month nears the goal.
* A list of top contributors for the month along with their total for the month.

Take the ambiguity out of the affair and you'll see people lining up to help push the numbers over the edge, not to mention the big spenders that feed off the recognition. Let the whales do the heavy lifting, they want to do it anyway, they just need to see precisely how much they're moving the needle forward. It will feel more substantial that way.
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When I try to buy neogaf gold on my iPhone with Apple Pay, I click buy now and then the usual pop up asking you to double click the side button comes up and immediately leaves the screen, making me unable to pay. Any ideas? I’m using safari on an iPhone 12 Pro.
well, would ya look at that....you're a gold member now ;)


What time is it?
Can we pay to ban users? I'd give good money to axe that skin tube, Mod of War Mod of War . Not only did he erase my time code, but he also branded me with a scarlet letter of his own affliction. "I'll figure out something", he wrote me in salacious private messages. Only to completely ignore his atrocities once I wouldn't fulfill his robosexual desires.


The forum got so much better within the past year thanks to platform warring policy, and I haven't notice any less discussion going on, but clearly a better quality ones.
There’s still a ton of trolling on all sides. I’m suggesting a better fix, even if it means dividing PlayStation, Xbox, Nintendo and PC into separate folders for easier restrictions to be put in place it’d be worth it… IMO
I think there has got to be a better way than permanently banning people all the time. The site needs traffic and strong discussion, banning not only stops the banned from discussing topics but also has an adverse effect on existing members too.

Clearly there are some who want to cause trouble but there are others who are just passionate about the topic and simply cannot help themselves.

I think alternate punishments would be worthy of thought.
There are alternive punishments called warnings and temp bans. You really want every thread to devolve into a console war because we don’t ban people?


Expansive Ellipses
Staff Member
I don’t know much about algorithms, but is there anything we can do to correct that (aka the root of the problem)?
The powers that be refuse to clarify, since that would provide insight into how their algorithm works. It's a dead end, unfortunately. I also called in several favors to no avail. We'll update the site layout again this year and see if that helps (and also because I loathe the Modern theme), but for now it's important that GAF gets some secondary revenue going to regain stability.


What time is it?
There’s still a ton of trolling on all sides. I’m suggesting a better fix, even if it means dividing PlayStation, Xbox, Nintendo and PC into separate folders for easier restrictions to be put in place it’d be worth it… IMO

The issue is traffic. This site just doesn't get enough traffic to justify platform specific forums. Just look at the Communities section and how little activity there is.
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