How many people are in the contest so far? Anyone keeping track?
Also, are you all using stock art or making your own?
Here is a comprehensive list of contestants who either said directly they'd be participating or said they might be participating.
If you name isn't on this list (use CTRL + F) and you are participating just say so in the thread and I'll add you.
"I will enter the competition."
"I will try to make a game."
"I'm in."
"I'll probably make something."
"I think I will try something."
"I might actually have to try something."
"So for my project that I'm working on..."
"Maybe I'll enter the competition."
"Maybe I will try something."
"I'm interested."
"I'd love to create a team for this."
"It's doubtful / I don't know that I will be able to create something."
"This is a great idea. Bookmarked."
"Sounds fun."
"I'm tinkering with RPG Maker VX Ace."
"I'd be interested in helping someone / joining a part of a big team."
#1. kubus - MAYBE - (05-30-2014, 04:53 AM) -
"Maybe I'll join the competition but I have finals coming up so I don't know if I can find time."
#1. kubus - MAYBE UPGRADED TO YES - (05-30-2014, 11:50 AM) -
"Aghh I might try my hand at this after all. It sounds fun."
#2. ThoseDeafMutes - MAYBE - (05-30-2014, 04:56 AM) -
"Bookmarked and potentially participating."
#3. PaulExcellent - MAYBE - (05-30-2014, 05:00 AM) -
"Definitely thinking about doing this."
#3. PaulExcellent - MAYBE DOWNGRADED TO NO - (06-15-2014, 08:40 PM) -
"I got to drop out of the contest."
#4. Dusk Golem - YES - (05-30-2014, 05:00 AM) -
"I'll also mention I'll be participating for fun."
#5. lordfroakie - YES - (05-30-2014, 05:01 AM) -
"Guess I'll give it a try since I already own both XP and Ace."
#6. SephiZack - YES - (05-30-2014, 05:38 AM) -
"I've never done a RPG Maker game, I will at least try to make one."
#7. Copons - YES - (05-30-2014, 05:55 AM) -
"Subscribed and I'll totally try to come up with something before the deadline!"
#8. Chainsawkitten - YES - (05-30-2014, 06:10 AM) -
"Sounds like fun. I'm in."
#9. CheesecakeRecipe - MAYBE - (05-30-2014, 06:16 AM) -
"Maybe this will give me the incentive I needed to get back to working on that project with my friend."
#10. dark_inferno - MAYBE - (05-30-2014, 06:19 AM) -
"Sounds like fun. Color me interested."
#11. Ourobolus - YES - (05-30-2014, 06:20 AM) -
"I'm in. I just hope I have the time."
#12. Mister_Bubbles - YES - (05-30-2014, 06:36 AM) -
"I'm in! Need to pick up all the the expansions and stuff."
#13. PsionBolt - YES - (05-30-2014, 06:54 AM) -
"Sounds fun. I'll probably submit something, time permitting."
#14. Mr_Appleby - MAYBE - (05-30-2014, 07:37 AM) -
"This could be an interesting experience."
#15. TheChaos0 - MAYBE - (05-30-2014, 08:01 AM) -
"Don't temp me but I might give it a whirl...maybe..."
#16. Bl4ckSunsh1n3 - MAYBE - (05-30-2014, 08:28 AM) -
"I may participate depending on the amount of time I have."
#16. Bl4ckSunsh1n3 - MAYBE UPGRADED TO YES - (06-19-2014, 11:29 AM) -
" It's progressing at a rate that looks pretty certain like we'll be able to enter the competition."
#17. kiguel182 - MAYBE - (05-30-2014, 08:30 AM) -
"I might jump in on this after finals."
#18. spinalscratch - YES - (05-30-2014, 08:32 AM) -
"Great idea, I will try to participate!"
#19. redlemon - YES - (05-30-2014, 08:43 AM) -
"I'm in."
#20. esterk - YES - (05-30-2014, 08:44 AM) -
"I'm in, though I'm not sure how far I'll get with how busy I am."
#21. ZeroX03 - MAYBE - (05-30-2014, 09:00 AM) -
"Was thinking of doing something for the RPG Maker Web contest that's being run but could do something for this too."
#22. Baron_Calamity - YES - (05-30-2014, 09:01 AM) -
"Sounds fun. I'll give it a shot."
#23. DeviantBoi - YES - (05-30-2014, 09:02 AM) -
"I'd love to make a game in RPG Maker."
#24. munchie64 - MAYBE - (05-30-2014, 09:09 AM) -
"I may give this a try."
#24. munchie64 - MAYBE UPGRADED TO YES - (05-30-2014, 10:54 AM) -
"Yeah, I'm definitely in."
#25. tirkaroKujo - MAYBE - (05-30-2014, 09:19 AM) -
"Might be cool if I can find the time for it."
#26. BGBW - MAYBE - (05-30-2014, 09:22 AM) -
"Been discussing the idea of making a game with some other GAFers so this could be used as practise."
#27. molvetica - MAYBE - (05-30-2014, 09:38 AM) -
"Consider me interested."
#28. akidnamedaddy - MAYBE - (05-30-2014, 10:24 AM) -
"I might give this a shot, though I don't have any experience doing any aspect of it, hahah."
#29. RyougaSaotome - YES - (05-30-2014, 10:33 AM) -
"I'm down to clown."
#30. EdgeXL - MAYBE - (05-30-2014, 10:36 AM) -
"I'd like to be a part of this but I am not sure if I can have my game done by the deadline."
#31. Damaniel - YES - (05-30-2014, 10:46 AM) -
"Nice idea. I'll have to try and create a submission."
#32. Aquamarine - YES - (05-30-2014, 10:46 AM) -
"I have a really good idea for a short 2-3 hour game, so I'll fire up my ol' game-making skills and probably submit something."
#33. Mr. Luchador - YES - (05-30-2014, 10:51 AM) -
"I'm in."
#34. PapaJustify - YES - (05-30-2014, 10:51 AM) -
"I'm in! Sounds fun."
#35. HaRyu - MAYBE - (05-30-2014, 10:54 AM) -
"Been looking for a project to keep me busy, I might join in."
#36. evilwart - YES - (05-30-2014, 11:01 AM) -
"Would be good to focus on a project, so I'm in."
#37. LelouchViBritannia - MAYBE - (05-30-2014, 11:12 AM) -
"This sounds interesting. I may have to take part."
#38. Lelex - MAYBE - (05-30-2014, 11:13 AM) -
"I will try and come up with some idea, but even if I don't, I will be paying attention to what comes of it."
#39. Ruruja - YES - (05-30-2014, 11:14 AM) -
"I'm in and I'm going to win."
#40. Dandy Crocodile - MAYBE - (05-30-2014, 11:15 AM) -
"Fiddled with some games in VX a few years back but with my newly bought bundle I think I might participate in this!"
#41. Stampy - MAYBE - (05-30-2014, 11:16 AM) -
"I could be possibly in."
#42. Jam_Sandwich - YES - (05-30-2014, 11:26 AM) -
"Hopefully count me in."
#43. Thores - MAYBE - (05-30-2014, 11:29 AM) -
"Subscribed for sure, and I might participate if time and inspiration allows."
#44. Negaduck - MAYBE - (05-30-2014, 11:34 AM) -
"Debating on entering depending on my schedule but this sounds like it could be fun."
#45. Kuro - YES - (05-30-2014, 11:44 AM) -
"I've been thinking about some cool rpg scenarios lately. Time to put those ideas to use."
#46. Link Man - MAYBE - (05-30-2014, 12:07 PM) -
"Potentially interested, but is there a good (free?) music composition tool available that works with this?"
#47. Capra - YES - (05-30-2014, 12:10 PM) -
"Count me in to make... something."
#48. RMI - YES - (05-30-2014, 12:15 PM) -
"I don't know how much my schedule this summer will allow me to participate, but I will try to make something even if it is very short."
#49. The Adder - YES - (05-30-2014, 12:20 PM -
"I'm in."
#50. Stuart444 - MAYBE - (05-30-2014, 12:45 PM) -
"No Promises but I may try and do something for this."
#51. Heropon - MAYBE - (05-30-2014, 12:51 PM) -
"I think I'm going to try to do something but I'm more excited about playing other people's creations."
#52. atr0cious - YES - (05-30-2014, 01:04 PM) -
"I'm in."
#53. harSon - YES - (05-30-2014, 01:06 PM) -
"I'm down."
#54. legacyzero - YES - (05-30-2014, 01:12 PM) -
"Subbed. And dammit, you're gonna make me dust off my old RMXP skills, aren't ya."
#55. TrueGrime - MAYBE - (05-30-2014, 01:34 PM) -
"Might have to get into this."
#56. YesManKablam - YES - (05-30-2014, 01:36 PM) -
"Alright, let's do this."
#57. ethanny2 - YES - (05-30-2014, 02:02 PM) -
"Count me in, I just need to buy it, Finnnne I guess I will finally try to learn Ruby for scripting."
#58. gryvan - YES - (05-30-2014, 02:10 PM) -
"I will definitely participate on this."
#59. Dawg - MAYBE - (05-30-2014, 02:33 PM) -
"I kinda want to do this but I have a feeling I'll make some kind of frankenstein monster."
#59. Ventara - YES - (05-30-2014, 03:24 PM) -
"Count me in!"
#60. Filaipus - YES - (05-30-2014, 03:32 PM) -
"Got the bundle and I'm participating."
#61. Demon Lizardman - MAYBE - (05-30-2014, 03:44 PM) -
"Maybe when I finish building my PC, I will whip something up, is there a difference between RPG maker XP and XV ace?"
#62. Smedwicks - YES - (05-30-2014, 04:07 PM) -
"Finals are coming up but I bought the bundle and I'll try and make something for this."
#63. jkanownik - MAYBE - (05-30-2014, 04:41 PM) -
"I'd love to get a team together for an idea I have."
#64. Sandfox - MAYBE - (05-30-2014, 05:11 PM) -
"I'm thinking about going with a story in the same vein as my favorite Ishinomori stories and I think it could work pretty well if done right."
#65. Data Elemental - YES - (05-30-2014, 05:41 PM) -
"Intriguing. If time permits, I will try to come up with something."
#66. Korten - MAYBE - (05-30-2014, 07:51 PM) -
"Debating to enter or not..."
#67. Kabuki Quantum Lover - YES - (05-30-2014, 07:52 PM) -
"I... I totally am in. I may not make it, but I damn well will try."
#68. Blargonaut - YES - (05-30-2014, 08:07 PM) -
"I'll definitely try participating in this, and probably seek out some team help once I finalize a design structure and the story."
#69. Shrike Alvaron - MAYBE - (05-30-2014, 08:59 PM) -
"I may look into making something."
#70. HP_Wuvcraft - YES - (05-30-2014, 10:22 PM) -
"Team Assemble has two members, looking for a third. Spriter.
#71. sqwarlock - YES - (05-30-2014, 10:26 PM) -
"Not sure if I'll have the time to make a game with my own art, but I think I can come up with something silly using the generic art assets."
#72. Relix - YES - (05-30-2014, 11:07 PM) -
"I am in."
#73. KillerIsJed - MAYBE - (05-30-2014, 11:26 PM) -
"I wouldn't mind getting a small team together to work on a prequel to one of my games I'm conceptualizing right now."
#74. kai3345 - YES - (05-30-2014, 11:56 PM) -
"Also if any writers are looking to hop on a project, PM me."
#75. Kimaka - YES - (05-31-2014, 12:08 AM) -
"I think I might be in."
#76. PsihoPerihelion - YES - (05-31-2014, 12:17 AM) -
"I will try to do something."
#77. PepsimanVsJoe - YES - (05-31-2014, 12:22 AM) -
"Decided to do a mockumentary."
#78. Link1110 - MAYBE - (05-31-2014, 12:37 AM) -
"I've had a good idea for a while which I couldn't pad out to as big a scope as I'd like, so it'll be perfect here."
#79. Mentallyerect - MAYBE - (05-31-2014, 12:57 AM) -
"This all has relit the flame inside me to finally get around to making the old school rpg of my dreams."
#80. DAREALGUMMY - MAYBE - (05-31-2014, 12:59 AM) -
"Might give it a whirl but I am going in with no experience."
#81. Modsushi - MAYBE - (05-31-2014, 01:18 AM) -
"Pumping myself up for this."
#82. Servbot24 - MAYBE - (05-31-2014, 01:32 AM) -
"PM me if you're interested!"
#83. gblues - YES - (05-31-2014, 01:53 AM) -
"I'm in."
#84. Ludovico - MAYBE - (05-31-2014, 02:08 AM) -
"Welp, time to get cracking..."
#85. TheLostBigBoss - YES - (05-31-2014, 02:09 AM) -
"Totally in, gonna rework my C programming project from last semester into this."
#86. Dragonborn - YES - (05-31-2014, 03:05 AM) -
"I'll try making something but I'm mostly just looking forward to playing games others come up with."
#87. georaldc - YES - (05-31-2014, 03:13 AM) -
"I'll try to give this a shot, now that I purchased the bundle."
#88. KiraXD - YES - (05-31-2014, 06:06 AM) -
"well i guess ill try my hand at this finally."
#89. ZServ - YES - (05-31-2014, 06:39 AM) -
"I've got a VERY rough outline of the story I want to tell. Now it's just a matter of hammering out the details and doing it."
#90. djtiesto - YES - (05-31-2014, 11:47 AM) -
"I'll join but I'm not sure how far I'll be able to get."
#91. FrsDvl - MAYBE - (05-31-2014, 01:08 PM) -
"I might. Depending how fast i get the hang of it."
#92. Ryuelli - MAYBE - (05-31-2014, 01:42 PM) -
"Definitely wouldn't mind looking for a team.""
#93. krpiper - MAYBE - (05-31-2014, 02:05 PM) -
"So an Idea I had for this, but I am not sure that it will be a 'game.'"
#94. Pierate - YES - (05-31-2014, 03:28 PM) -
"So, I'm going to enter, or try at least."
#95. mattmanp - YES - (05-31-2014, 03:37 PM) -
"I plan to enter as well."
#96. GayForMaster - YES - (05-31-2014, 03:40 PM) -
"Count me in."
#97. Mr_Appleby - YES - (05-31-2014, 03:44 PM) -
"So that's what i'm going to do for this."
#98. XtaLarge - YES - (05-31-2014, 05:43 PM) -
"I think I may have to participate here."
#99. Fou-Lu - YES - (05-31-2014, 07:37 PM) -
"I have a bunch of ideas, think I will start a few different projects and go with the one that feels right."
#100. Yoshi Theater - YES - (05-31-2014, 09:35 PM) -
"Please count me in as well!"
(Part 2 coming momentarily, please don't post)