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Hi-Def Media Lovefest: The war is over and we can all go home.

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has calmed down a bit.
On the other hand, I had some contact with Amir, and he had some comments regarding the HD DVD situation, and how it relates to MS.

I asked amir why MS didn't include an HD DVD drive in their Elite console, which would have obviously pushed the install base the way Ps3 did:

One cannot force consumers to adopt something they don’t want. Customers clearly don’t want a $600 game console or PS3 would be ahead of us and they are not.

He didn't think the Elite would sell at Ps3's price:
Not if the box did not sell due to high cost (retail and manufacturing).

He says that his team would love HD DVD in the Elite:
as the guy responsible for HD DVD, I like to see even my toaster have an HD DVD drive in it. But for the same reason no toaster manufacturer is going to do that, I have to respect the decision of our gaming division to focus on what the customers primary want, which is a great gaming platform with great value.

I asked him what sort of spark HD DVD could receive now that it was a 3-1 underdog in the HD disc format wars:

I think the great spark everyone needs, is a viable market for HD optical disc which right now, does not exist for either format. With sales at 1% of DVD, we could keep going after each other, or focus on winning customers away from DVD. On that front, we are doing better than the other guys, by building dedicated devices for movie playback as lower costs.

Check out Amazon: http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/tg...766836-3448913. The #1 player is Toshiba HD DVD player. The only Sony player is at #6 and it is a $50 DVD player! All three Toshiba players are in top 10 whereas there is not a single BD player in there. If BD format is “dominating,” why is there no player in those rankings?

The answer is simple. Customers are used to paying $50 for a DVD player. Buying a $600 game machine is not going to do it for them. Nor does hype, or misleading headlines.

I stated that I would sell my HD DVD drive if Uni went neutral (lol) and he said:

Then you may be waiting a long time then . Remember, we don’t get fooled by headlines that are not true. The core reasons HD DVD is doing better in the above regard is as much true as it was last Friday. It is still cheaper to make and deploy. It works. It is complete. We are not selling players which are already obsolete like they are when they rev their requirements this year.

Finally, I asked him if MS was still standing firmly behind HD DVD and supporting it or if they were willing to watch the format die:

We won’t let it die. That word is not in our vocabulary. What it takes though is for you, our great customers, to stay the course and not believe hype. The BD folks want you to ignore reality so that they don’t have to deal with their problems. For that, absence of competition is good for them. Don’t let them get that tool!

So I asked him what they were doing and his response:

I can’t say what we are doing. What I can say is that we are not standing still…

Remember guys, these aren't official press release statements. These aren't interview notes. This is just his casual response in a message board environment. I don't mean that you can't critique the posts (feel free), but I want you guys to understand the context in which he made these statements. Everyone knows Amir, while it's his job to be an HD DVD evangelist, is still a VERY nice guy and loves to keep in touch with the community.


I don't really agree with a lot of what he says and sounds like a bunch of PR but it is his job so whatever, it was nice of him to answer your questions though.

I can’t say what we are doing. What I can say is that we are not standing still…

You just know they have people working to break BD+


The number 1 HD-DVD player is one they struggled to get down in price so much that they cut 1080p from it. That's just insulting.
VanMardigan said:
Everyone knows Amir, while it's his job to be an HD DVD evangelist, is still a VERY nice guy and loves to keep in touch with the community.

But it's his job to be a very nice guy who loves to keep in touch with the community.


has calmed down a bit.
distantmantra said:
But it's his job to be a very nice guy who loves to keep in touch with the community.

He's VP now, so not exactly. But even if it were, it doesn't detract IMO from who he is.


VanMardigan said:
I asked him what sort of spark HD DVD could receive now that it was a 3-1 underdog in the HD disc format wars:

I think the great spark everyone needs, is a viable market for HD optical disc which right now, does not exist for either format. With sales at 1% of DVD, we could keep going after each other, or focus on winning customers away from DVD. On that front, we are doing better than the other guys, by building dedicated devices for movie playback as lower costs.

It gets me how the HD-DVD camp ALWAYS says basically this same thing.

Questioner: "Hey, why is Blu-ray outselling you 3:1?"
HD-DVD person: "High-def discs don't sell, lol!"

That, uhh... answers nothing. The question wasn't why aren't Blu-ray and HD-DVD not outselling DVD, it's why is Blu-ray outselling HD-DVD. Even if sales are only 1% of DVD, HD-DVD still has the smaller market share. That's the question, you nimrods.

It also doesn't matter if your hardware is selling better than them if it isn't doing better software wise. I believe Amir's own company itself produces a piece of hardware that isn't selling gangbusters, but is doing excellent when it comes to software.


Worships the porcelain goddess
Was nice of the guy to answer the question, but I still believe HD-DVD is headed to it's death. These companies never admit defeat, but it just delays the obvious.

Nice dig at the PS3 too, too bad no one wanted the Elite either. =P


VanMardigan said:
I'm pretty frustrated. I had a perfectly working and compatible player, then MS screws it up with an update that nobody knows what it does. :(

As snide as this sounds, it sounds par for the course.


has calmed down a bit.
djkimothy said:
As snide as this sounds, it sounds par for the course.

They'd done a good job so far with Xbox and the HD DVD add-on. Both had firmware releases that were highly publicized and had detailed explanations of what was being done.

This time, it was a stealth move, which leads me to believe it had something to do with encryption keys or something related to security. This really, really sucks.


Post Count: 9999
shidoshi said:
It gets me how the HD-DVD camp ALWAYS says basically this same thing.

Questioner: "Hey, why is Blu-ray outselling you 3:1?"
HD-DVD person: "High-def discs don't sell, lol!"

That, uhh... answers nothing. The question wasn't why aren't Blu-ray and HD-DVD not outselling DVD, it's why is Blu-ray outselling HD-DVD. Even if sales are only 1% of DVD, HD-DVD still has the smaller market share. That's the question, you nimrods.

There is no good answer to the question ...

... so it is simply side-stepped.
Taken from our very own Paprika thread:

lubitsch said:
For those who are thinking about importing the french Bly-Ray, i received my disc from amazon.fr today ( i live in germany) and it`s very import friendly. It is regionfree ( it has the regions A, B and C), and a very large variety of languages and subtitles, including the original japanese and english.

i`m not really able to judge the quality right now, as the lamp of my projector is on the verge of dying, getting darker everyday day, but what i can see looks very good.

oh, maybe i should mention that i have a US PS3 as my Blu-Ray player


~$35 from Amazon.fr



has calmed down a bit.
To be fair, the question was NOT "why is blu ray outselling hd dvd". It was more of "what is MS going to do in order to change the momentum", which he answered by referring to low overall sales but then talking about increasing the dedicated device volume.

It still wasn't a satisfactory answer in my mind, both because he didn't really explain what could drive that volume, or how HD DVD could accomplish that goal any better than Blu Ray.
Here are two points that the pro-HD-DVD side use that bug me:

One is the "neither is selling" and the other is the "we're cheaper."

Neither is selling like DVD, but it's early. We won't know if one of these two has a healthy life ahead of it for at least a year, probably two-- this and next holiday season. During that period of time, price is going to matter far, far less becuase the prices are going to come way, way down. If they don't, the formats die, and all the manufacturers know that. The pro-HD-DVD arguers seem to know that it's early in the game since they reference the low sales compared to DVD, but then ignore that fact when it comes to player prices. I'm not sure how one can reconcile one with the other.

I know that the current sales are a flyspeck compared to DVD and will untimately be drowned out if/when one of these formats takes off-- but the fight right now isn't for absoute numbers, it's for the #1 spot in the HD media slot that's expected to grow with the sales of HD TVs. Price if players hasn't been a big factor in this pre-eruption battle at all, and by the time things really erupt, it won't be an issue either (unless I am wrong and BluRay players stay significantly more expensive than HD-DVD players).


Finally this silly format war is coming to an end. One format future, like it should have been from the get go! Silly Sony & Toshiba.


has calmed down a bit.
MS Customer Service was no help to me unfortunately. I was told that I was the first person to call reporting a problem. Someone's supposed to give me a call back in 3-5 days. This is ridiculously frustrating. Still no official word from MS on what the update was about, though I already got an off the record reason that sheds no light on my situation. sigh, this really sucks.


Joe Six-Pack: posting for the common man
Oh. My. God.
The subs just came in. Incredible, so this is what a real sub looks like, weighs, and ginormous. Man i want to take this to my friends to hook up to his dennon just to hear it, and of course to blow his little velodyne out of the water. :D


Post Count: 9999
captive said:
Oh. My. God.
The subs just came in. Incredible, so this is what a real sub looks like, weighs, and ginormous. Man i want to take this to my friends to hook up to his dennon just to hear it, and of course to blow his little velodyne out of the water. :D

You ordered some SVS's, didn't you?


Post Count: 9999
VanMardigan said:
MS Customer Service was no help to me unfortunately. I was told that I was the first person to call reporting a problem. Someone's supposed to give me a call back in 3-5 days. This is ridiculously frustrating. Still no official word from MS on what the update was about, though I already got an off the record reason that sheds no light on my situation. sigh, this really sucks.

That sucks man :(

Do you have any idea what the warranty even was? I hope it isn't some dick-over 90 day bullshit.


has calmed down a bit.
Onix said:
That sucks man :(

Do you have any idea what the warranty even was? I hope it isn't some dick-over 90 day bullshit.

I'm not paying for this. I'm not. MS is going to have to fix it, regardless if it's software or hardware related. As much as they seem to be denying it, it's obvious that the firmware update jacked up my add-on.


Post Count: 9999
captive said:
Yes, two PB10-NSDs. One for my theater and one im taking to houston for my parents new house.


I've always loved their cylinders, but only recenty heard their boxes. I was quite impressed with what they could do at their size/price.

It's sad, I'm actually not even using a sub at this point. I don't think my neighbors would like it. :p

I have a pretty decent sub I bought years ago (Boston Acoustic VR-2000 - At that time, it was the only single driver sub to get THX-certified). Technology has certainly gotten better ... but it really ain't a slouch. It is surprisingly musical, and can go pretty damn loud without much distortion (hence the THX certification).

Once I move into a house, I'll have to see how a feel about it. I'm sure I'll eventually upgrade it, but it might get me by depending on the size of my theater.


Post Count: 9999
VanMardigan said:
I'm not paying for this. I'm not. MS is going to have to fix it, regardless if it's software or hardware related. As much as they seem to be denying it, it's obvious that the firmware update jacked up my add-on.

:/ Good luck.

If it's under warranty, you'll have no problem. If it isn't though, it may be hard to satisfactorily ‘prove’ it was their doing. This is especially true if you were one of the few to get hosed.


Joe Six-Pack: posting for the common man
Onix said:

I've always loved their cylinders, but only recenty heard their boxes. I was quite impressed with what they could do at their size/price.

It's sad, I'm actually not even using a sub at this point. I don't think my neighbors would like it. :p

I have a pretty decent sub I bought years ago (Boston Acoustic VR-2000 - At that time, it was the only single driver sub to get THX-certified). Technology has certainly gotten better ... but it really ain't a slouch. It is surprisingly musical, and can go pretty damn loud without much distortion (hence the THX certification).

Once I move into a house, I'll have to see how a feel about it. I'm sure I'll eventually upgrade it, but it might get me by depending on the size of my theater.
I got my own house and all the neighbors are rather old.:D
Man i cannot wait to get this thing hooked up to a reciever. My friend with the denon is moving, i want to see if he will let me borrow it while he moves.

Anyway im watching CBS 100 years 100 movies, they just talked about Toy Story, man do i want that movie on blu-ray i dont currently own it but its such a great movie.


Post Count: 9999
DarkJediKnight said:
Captive, evjoy the PB10. I'd suggest Incredibles. Amazing low end.

Yep. Even some of the other Pixar movies are ridiculous at times.

I went to an in-home demo a while back of some Onix speakers, electronics, and a couple other brands. The guy had two SVS cylinders (I'd have to look up which they were) for sub use with the Onix Rocket HT.

He demoed a clip from a Pixar moive. I can't recall what it was ... it may have been Monster's Inc ... anyway, I literally thought he was going to crack the drywall in the room. It was utter insanity (and didn't sound like crap either).

The great thing was that he first removed some things he had on shelves. I'm betting he learned that the hard way :lol


I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions
Onix said:
The great thing was that he first removed some things he had on shelves. I'm betting he learned that the hard way :lol


He must have, cause that is not something I think most people do before watching a movie :lol


Enjoy the SVS! I have a PCi tuned to 22hz and I love it! Eventually I'll probably upgrade to one of their dual driver box subs, but for now the PCi is doing a fantastic job. If you are in the market for a new receiver, keep an eye on all the HDMI 1.3 units coming out from Pioneer, Denon, and Onkyo.
Yep. SVS is where it's at. I have a 20-39PCI+ And it gets down to around 17.5hz easy in a corner. However, it really sticks out and my room isn't that big. Theoretically, I can just stick a PB10 there and I wouldn't miss a heck of a lot. That little sucker is that good.


Joe Six-Pack: posting for the common man
Thanks guys. I enjoyed the incredibles so ill have to pick it up once this whole shabang is done.
All i need now is my Polk CSi5 and the Pioneer 5080, well that and for the reciever to get here. My dad bought the best buy SXRD 60A2020 deal with a PS3 and haggled them out of a stand for me since he is having a custom cabinet built for his house, a lot of money saved even if i had gone with some of the cheapest stands.
@BdoUK this is why i have to wait to hook up everything, i preordered the Onkyo 705, the JR rep said they would be getting them in within 5-7 days, but Lrstevens at AVS has said mid july to late july... I hope he is wrong, but he has been right about the 605 and 805 when they came out.


Post Count: 9999
SVS is generally plenty for most people.

However, if you are so inclined to see what exists beyond, check out the following.




Fathom (there are actually 2 different models of this)

http://home.jlaudio.com/ The Gotham and Fathom have won nearly every award out there. They are effectively the best tradition subs available.

I can't even imagine what these sound like.

However, if that isn't enough ... fine ... here is the most powerful sub ever created for consumer use.


TRW 17 (Thigpen Rotary Woofer)


This thing is a stroke of brilliance. By design, it actually becomes MORE effecient as you lower frequency. It has useful (as in real) output BELOW 5Hz. 0_o

We plotted test data from the highest output most powerful subwoofers that we could find professionally tested by magazines . Most of the maximums are for sound level limits reached for 10% distortion.

Our goal is to extend the useful response of a home audio system to below 5Hz. With the Model 17 rotary woofer we can redefine the range of hearing and low frequency special effects.

In order to hear 10Hz you need sound pressure levels above 100dB. To hear 5Hz you need sound levels above 110dB. Existing subwoofer systems cannot do that. To create an audible 5Hz with cones you would need between 8 and 20 cone woofers 15 inches in diameter or greater with several thousand watts of amplifier power. With a single rotary woofer a couple hundred watts will do.

So ... uh yeah ... it hits 5Hz > 110dB :lol


Post Count: 9999
It'll only set you back around $12,000 or so :D

Supposedly Eminent is working on a smaller version. Even so ... I'm sure it will still be in the neighborhood of the J L Audio stuff (several grand).


Joe Six-Pack: posting for the common man
Onix said:
It'll only set you back around $12,000 or so :D

Supposedly Eminent is working on a smaller version. Even so ... I'm sure it will still be in the neighborhood of the J L Audio stuff (several grand).
*puts a penny in a jar* some day...


has calmed down a bit.
That is some truly insane audio equipment right there. You'd have to be audio obsessed (and rich). I tip my hat off to folks who own that sort of equipment.


Post Count: 9999
While I would love to have something like that (I think it may need to be custom installed - at least his original prototype did I believe) ... I'd be happy with the J L Audio stuff :D
drohne said:
has paprika been announced for us release at all? i might just import

All we know is that it's not on the schedule at the moment, but Sony is looking into it. I'm guessing it will hit Blu Ray before Christmas.

Amazon.fr is backordered for at least two weeks, and it's $41 with shipping included.
The JL subs are insane. My rich buddy has two in his crazy HT. Between that and the Crowson stereo TES systems in every seat, everything rumbles like crazy in there!

Onix said:
It'll only set you back around $12,000 or so :D

Supposedly Eminent is working on a smaller version. Even so ... I'm sure it will still be in the neighborhood of the J L Audio stuff (several grand).

There's also a downside in that you have to run it in an IB configuration. (Meaning you have to have it mounted in an attic, basement or room adjacent to your listening room, with a hole cut in the ceiling, floor, or wall.) Still, if you really want that lowest octave, it is the only way to go.


First tragedy, then farce.
"In order to hear 10Hz you need sound pressure levels above 100dB. To hear 5Hz you need sound levels above 110dB. Existing subwoofer systems cannot do that. To create an audible 5Hz with cones you would need between 8 and 20 cone woofers 15 inches in diameter or greater with several thousand watts of amplifier power"

:lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol

You will be thrilled with that SVS.. I have the SCS-01 5.1 system (with PB12) hooked up in my living room, and to be honest I think it sounds better for movies and games than my (much more expensive) Axiom system.
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