Days like these...
Have a Blessed Day
This is really a non-event indie films suck and who really watches them anyway? Nobody that's who!
Just thought I'd save the blu-ray guys the effort
Killthee said:On demand disk? Why? Maybe it's because I'm not craving indie HD films, but I don't see the point in this. IMO, this would be great if you could rent an SD movie online and at the end of the film it would give you the option of buying an HD on demand disk.
The Main Event said:Hmmm, not sure if you understand the concept.
Basically, some small/indy movie studio wants to put their movie on HD DVD. They bring it to CustomFlix which can be sold afterwards online exclusively on Amazon.
Customer wants movie "X", orders it, CustomFlix presses it on the spot for Amazon and then it is sent to you.
It really benefits both the movie maker (low cost) and the seller (more room in their warehouses, no inventory).
SRG01 said:I'm pretty sure small indie studios don't have the equipment to produce a good HD transfer... :lol
Eggo said:Yeah I was wondering about this... if you're indy, are you really shooting in HD? Maybe they are, I don't watch a lot of indy flicks, but the ones I've seen haven't had the biggest budgets.
SRG01 said:I'm pretty sure small indie studios don't have the equipment to produce a good HD transfer... :lol
Days like these... said:This is really a non-event indie films suck and who really watches them anyway? Nobody that's who!
Just thought I'd save the blu-ray guys the effort
Ignatz Mouse said:The PS3 is what pushed me over the edge, it was a really good move. I don't play enough videogames anymore to warrant a $600 system, and I didn't want to gamble $500-$600 for HD movies, even though I wanted them and didn't want to wait.
It clearly kept BluRay from being a loser out of the gate, which is where it was pre-PS3.
Days like these... said:I was joking earlier. I think it'll help HD DVD pick up some indie movie fans. I wonder what film/s Amir was hinting at? I can only think of couple: LOTOR trilogy and Star Wars. You guys care to guess?
Oh and The Matrix works fine on my 360 add on
Days like these... said:I was joking earlier. I think it'll help HD DVD pick up some indie movie fans. I wonder what film/s Amir was hinting at? I can only think of couple: LOTOR trilogy and Star Wars. You guys care to guess?
Oh and The Matrix works fine on my 360 add on
VanMardigan said:Also keep in mind that Sony encodes Paramount's BD titles so if there is something wrong there, you know where to look[/I]
DarkJediKnight said:
Hello!! In France, but I expect the same set here.![]()
As for Amir's other comments, I have yet to see a BD insider step up and counter everything Amir is saying about the BD business model/tech, etc. They seem to be pretty quite (at least on AVS) compared to HD DVD insiders.
VanMardigan said:Just the thought of LOTR in HD is enough for me to *insert crazy hyperbole here*. I hope we get it by the end of the year.
VanMardigan said:2. BD companies had one motivation behind BD format: to make the profits they did not make in DVD. They look at BD as a premium product to earn profits on. Other than Sony, the rest have no motivation to be aggressive wrt to pricing.
VanMardigan said:3. Toshiba is dead serious about HD DVD. More serious than any BD company other than Sony. So I expect them to continue to be more aggressive price wise. We have already seen this effect in the market.
The Main Event said:I've been looking into that for quite a while. Finally a confirmation.
As for Amir's other comments, I have yet to see a BD insider step up and counter everything Amir is saying about the BD business model/tech, etc. They seem to be pretty quiet (at least on AVS) compared to HD DVD insiders.
this just in Consumer electronic companies like profits, news at 11.As for Amir's other comments, I have yet to see a BD insider step up and counter everything Amir is saying about the BD business model/tech, etc. They seem to be pretty quite (at least on AVS) compared to HD DVD insiders
druie said:Just when you thought they were down and out!![]()
Crayon Shinchan said:Van. Just give it up. This Amazon deal is not going to be HD-DVD's blockbuster deal no matter how much you want it to be.
So please stop flooding this thread with text walls of Amir's quotes.
captive said:Wasn't Star Wars distributed by 20th Century FOX?
And LOTR, isnt that both formats from New Line(which hasnt released anything in HD yet right?)
VanMardigan said:I haven't even mentioned blockbuster. What's your problem? And if the rest of the regulars agree that I shouldn't quote stuff from amir (no matter how relevant), then I won't.
Oni Jazar said:Indie titles with no name (or non existant) publishers will not bolster the format in any reasonable way. The only thing that the mass market will care about will be current major titles. Titles like Spiderman 3, Pirates 3, Ratatuille, Die Hard 4, Harry Potter 5, Simpsons, Transformers, Fantastic 4, etc.
yacobod said:transformers is from paramount/dreamworks
it should be on both formats i think
yacobod said:transformers is from paramount/dreamworks
it should be on both formats i think
Harry Potter also
yacobod said:transformers is from paramount/dreamworks
it should be on both formats i think