VanMardigan said:
I'm pretty disappointed MS didn't at least announce a price drop for the HD DVD drive or.........something. With Sony's "value shift/kansas city shuffle" possibly putting the 80gb at $499 this year, it seems I'm quite a ways away from a $399 Ps3. Perhaps this time next year. If I can resists MGS4, that is.
Yah, Sony ****ed up with its phantom price drop, however I think it shows what Microsoft views of this HD media business. They were quick to pimp their latest online offerings.
Top 10 sales for everyone's interest.
1. Ghost Rider 100
2. PotC: DMC 90.46
3. Planet Earth Blu-ray 82.35
4. The Patriot 82.30
5. PotC: CotBP 80.00
6. Apocolypto 75.26
7. Casino Royale 75.05
8. Bridge to Terabithia 73.83
9. Blood Diamond HD DVD 70.10
10. Planet Earth HD DVD 56.94
No big drop off big time.
PS, who the hell is BUYING Ghost Rider? Rental at best. :/