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Hi-Def Media Lovefest: The war is over and we can all go home.

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Suikoguy said:
BTW, how is Blue Planet IMAX?

Does it overlap much with Planet Earth?

Not related at all. Although I'm not sure if the IMAX Blue Planet is a shorter edited version of the Blue Planet series by BBC. The Blue Planet series is by the same guys that did Planet Earth, but it was done earlier and solely focused on the ocean. Very good documentary, but Planet Earth just blows it away in terms of scope.


I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions
duckroll said:
Not related at all. Although I'm not sure if the IMAX Blue Planet is a shorter edited version of the Blue Planet series by BBC. The Blue Planet series is by the same guys that did Planet Earth, but it was done earlier and solely focused on the ocean. Very good documentary, but Planet Earth just blows it away in terms of scope.

Ah, in which case i'll wait and see if they release the full version


has calmed down a bit.
What's the next purchase for you guys?

I'm probably skipping the next two weeks and blind buying both 300 and Hot Fuzz. Both got a lot of buzz.


I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions
VanMardigan said:
What's the next purchase for you guys?

I'm probably skipping the next two weeks and blind buying both 300 and Hot Fuzz. Both got a lot of buzz.

Yeah.. releases at least for me, are quite for a while.
It might be Sept/Oct before I buy any new movies

Cosmic Bus

pristine morning snow
At least for new releases, The Host HD-DVD is probably my next purchase. I'm waiting to see when Hot Fuzz hits HD in the UK because it's not a combo disc over there.

I've got a couple of currently available things on the way from Amazon, though: World's Fastest Indian, One Six Right, and Bourne Supremacy from a trade.


VanMardigan said:
What's the next purchase for you guys?

I'm probably skipping the next two weeks and blind buying both 300 and Hot Fuzz. Both got a lot of buzz.

You're doing this for the Greater Good..

Cosmic Bus

pristine morning snow
They were 'hard-of-hearing' subtitles, so instead of just covering the dialog, there were subs for all the sound effects as well: <birds chirping> <gunfire in hallway>

That shit is hugely annoying.


VanMardigan said:
What's the next purchase for you guys?

I'm probably skipping the next two weeks and blind buying both 300 and Hot Fuzz. Both got a lot of buzz.
Purple Rain the absolute second it touches the shelf. I may even take the day off.


I don't think Blue Planet IMAX has anything to do with the BBC series of the ocean, since it's from the early 90's...

I moved back to my college town for the 2nd summer session and didn't bring much with me (no TV, no HD player, no Wii, etc...), needless to say, I'm gonna go a few weeks without much, if any free time...

That said, once I get back home, my next purchases will be Freedom Vol. 1, 300, TMNT, and 40 Year Old Virgin...


Joe Six-Pack: posting for the common man
VanMardigan said:
What's the next purchase for you guys?

I'm probably skipping the next two weeks and blind buying both 300 and Hot Fuzz. Both got a lot of buzz.
My next purchase is a Pioneer 5080... then 300 and Fifth Element.


LeBron loves his girlfriend. There is no other woman in the world he’d rather have. The problem is, Dwyane’s not a woman.
VanMardigan said:
What's the next purchase for you guys?

I'm probably skipping the next two weeks and blind buying both 300 and Hot Fuzz. Both got a lot of buzz.

For the month of July...

HD-DVD : I have 300,Hot Fuzz,Shaun of the Dead,and The Bourne Identity on pre-order with amazon.

Blu-Ray:The Host,The Fifth Element,The Shooter on pre-order with amazon.

Old Mpeg-2 Transfer on 25gb.


New AVC transfer on 50gb.


PS: Not my screens! I'm still waiting for my copy to be delivered.

Cosmic Bus

pristine morning snow
A pretty mediocre deal compared to the seemingly endless stream of Blu-Ray bargains, but Best Buy is tossing HD-DVD owners a minor bone this week: Troy, Last Samurai, Goodfellas V for Vendetta, and Phantom of the Opera are $14.99 through the 14th of this month.

Keep in mind that Goodfellas isn't a terribly impressive transfer and Troy is seeing a new director's cut release in the fall.


hyperbolically metafictive
what's supposed to be wrong with the goodfellas transfer? looked good to me, and the reviews i read were positive

Cosmic Bus

pristine morning snow
Maybe I could've worded it better. There isn't anything wrong per se, but I understand that it's not particularly impressive, and isn't much of a step beyond the DVD reissue.


LeBron loves his girlfriend. There is no other woman in the world he’d rather have. The problem is, Dwyane’s not a woman.
neojubei said:
V for Vendetta is on blu-ray???

No,its not.

Hota,you also forget to add The Phantom of the Opera on HD-DVD is on sale to for $14.99
HD DVD 19.99 CAD

GOONIES (I didn't know release date was even announced!)

They also have Blu-rays on sale at that price but can't find a similar list unfortunately.


has calmed down a bit.
Looks like retailers are not going to be picking a side for now:

Stores support both formats to capitalize on sales

Retailers are going mainstream with their marketing and merchandising efforts for high-definition discs as the number of titles released across the HD DVD and Blu-ray Disc formats approaches 1,000.

Amazon.com, Best Buy, Trans World, Virgin Megastores and others are promoting both formats, unwilling to potentially snub a portion of their early adopter consumers.

“Our feeling is that we should continue to supply both until the customers tell us that we shouldn’t,” said Jim Litwak, president and chief operating officer at Trans World. “Blu-ray is outperforming HD DVD in stores, but the customer is still telling us they want HD DVD.”

Trans World has doubled the amount of committed BD and HD DVD footage at its outlets since the first of the year and has moved titles to a more prominent area within DVD sections.

To accommodate this increasingly crowded category—which includes 735 current and expected BD and HD DVD titles, according to DVDEmpire.com—retailers are devoting more floor space and promotional punch to the products.

“For the first five months [of the year], all software advertising was done in association with hardware,” said Steve Nickerson, senior VP of marketing management at Warner Home Video. “But since that time, there has been a little more software-only advertising. Best Buy, Circuit City, Target and Fry’s—it's becoming a big enough install base for hardware for them to come out with each week’s new [high-def] software releases. [Retailers] can start advertising software separately.”

During the first week of July, Target delivered some of its first circular advertising that specifically promoted high-def titles, singling out three Walt Disney Studios Home Entertainment BD titles and three Warner HD DVD titles.

In June, Newbury Comics started sending its first DVD-only e-mail blasts, which include information and coupons on high-def titles.

Its next e-mail will feature a Disney-sponsored coupon, with which shoppers will receive 10% off all Newbury Blu-ray titles. This will represent the first time Newbury has launched a format-specific sale. It has presented a couple of overall high-def sales so far this year.

“During the week the coupon is run, we expect to sell a couple hundred copies of titles,” said Ian Leshin, buyer at the 27-store Newbury chain. “Disney is helping push the format, and we definitely appreciate it.”

However, he says Newbury is “very supportive of both formats. We get in pretty much all of the new releases.”

Virgin is working with high-def backers from both camps to set up high-def demo areas in time for the fourth quarter.

“We have been talking to both parties about stepping up the profile of both formats in store,” said Bart Saunt, Virgin divisional merchandise manager. “They have both come to the table, and neither of them has talked to us about excluding one over the other.”

He added, “Right now, we just rack out the [high-def] merchandise, there are no LCD or plasma screens showing off the quality. We are in discussions to show all that off better.”

Similar to other retailers, Virgin is selling BD high-def titles at a two-to-one clip over HD DVD. At its Times Square, New York, location, Virgin has dedicated twice the space to BD that it does to HD DVD.

But starting to exclude one format now risks “infuriating consumers,” said Saunt. “You might get burned, and retail bears the brunt of it.”

Noting Blu-ray’s emerging sales dominance in 2007, Hastings Entertainment CEO John Marmaduke says the specialty chain is leaning toward solely supporting the format.

This follows Blockbuster’s recent decision to rollout only Blu-ray titles in 1,450 bricks-and-mortar outlets.

“Blu-ray looks to be clearly the winner,” Marmaduke said. “We’re not optimistic [about sales] until there’s one format. I think it could happen by first quarter of 2008.”
VanMardigan said:
What's the next purchase for you guys?

I'm probably skipping the next two weeks and blind buying both 300 and Hot Fuzz. Both got a lot of buzz.

The Host is my only upcoming Blu Ray title. I've been thinking about picking up Spirits Within, depending on the image quality.


LeBron loves his girlfriend. There is no other woman in the world he’d rather have. The problem is, Dwyane’s not a woman.

Extra 5% off Heroes on Hd-dvd if you order from amazon.com and use the coupon code tvguide5

With having 10% off already and now this coupon,Heroes came to $59.45 :)
Hotarubi said:
Maybe I could've worded it better. There isn't anything wrong per se, but I understand that it's not particularly impressive, and isn't much of a step beyond the DVD reissue.

It looked pretty good, really. Haven't seen the DVD reissue (I have the old release) but it's looks "HD" which means better than any DVDs I own.

Even my lame HD titles look better than SD.


drohne said:
what's supposed to be wrong with the goodfellas transfer? looked good to me, and the reviews i read were positive

I agree. I bought Goodfellas in HDDVD this weekend and loved it. Thought the image quality was bad at first because of the fuzziness of the WB logo, but when the film started, I thought the image quality was great. Not as great as more recent films, but definitely nice. I feel like I have the definitive version, and am glad I never bought it on DVD.

On another note, I forgot how amazing the film was. I remember thinking it great, but a little over-rated... no longer feel like that.


I can understand that some people want the format war to be over, and I really wish there had not been a format war in the first place. However, I do feel the need to pick sides, and I picked HD-DVD. It seems a more consumer friendly format overall, and had a completed spec at launch, and all players are standard with ethernet ports, which although may not be important to everyone... it certainly is important to me.

Ultimately, I feel that HD-DVD has a good chance of losing, however, I also feel that Blu-Ray is not as much a lock as people think. Have Blu-Ray player owners compared their disks to HD-DVD's? Where is the justification for the 100% price difference? Yes, I know that cheaper BD players are now available, but initially at least, what was the difference?

With the price difference between my Toshiba HD-D2 ($250 at costco) and the lowest priced BD player, I could buy almost 10 movies, and that is not including the 5 that are coming in the mail (yes I know these aren't the greatest titles, but some are definitely worth multiple views).

Universal's catalog may not be amazing to BD owners, but the format that had Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind is the one that gets my money. Not a major film, and most people haven't seen it, nor is it likely to sell the format as much as POC. Yet to me, it is simply the best film I have ever seen, and the HD transfer is lovely.

HD-DVD has greatly renewed my love of movie collecting... and right now, HD-DVD has more titles that I'm interested in.


thaivo said:
HD-DVD has greatly renewed my love of movie collecting... and right now, HD-DVD has more titles that I'm interested in.

If you seriously love collecting movies, you'll get a Blu-ray player before long.

Crayon Shinchan

Aquafina Fanboy
thaivo said:
HD-DVD has greatly renewed my love of movie collecting... and right now, HD-DVD has more titles that I'm interested in.

Ultimately, if you love HD movies, what it'll come down to is; are you ok with having a disjointed HD movie collection, or are you ok with rebuying HD movies that you already own in HD?

If so, then there's no problems; it's just the typical early adopter burn that you'll get.

Some of us are hedging bets by betting on Blu-ray. Some of us just want it now.

Those that are delusional are the ones hedging their bet on HD-DVD... but I think it's long past that point already.


HyperionX said:
If you seriously love collecting movies, you'll get a Blu-ray player before long.

I'm not a serious collector... no. I'm rather price conscious actually.

However, If it ultimately comes down to it, yes, I'll likely pick up a BD player, but it is actually more likely that I'll pick up standard def versions of movies that aren't available in HD-DVD.


Crayon Shinchan said:
Ultimately, if you love HD movies, what it'll come down to is; are you ok with having a disjointed HD movie collection, or are you ok with rebuying HD movies that you already own in HD?
The movies that I'm buying aren't doubledips unless they are movies I love, such as ESOTSM.

Crayon Shinchan said:
Those that are delusional are the ones hedging their bet on HD-DVD... but I think it's long past that point already.

Honestly, I think that the people that are fooling themselves are the ones that think the format war is over already. It is trending toward Blu-Ray at this point, but that doesn't mean that HD-DVD is going to be killed outright. My HD-DVD player and media purchases have made me really happy, and I've been telling myself that I'd just either rent or buy DVD's of movies that are BD exclusive.

Ultimately, even if HD-DVD ends up the lesser of the formats, which again is not as certain as may would believe, I will have been able to enter the HD media pool much earlier than I could have waiting for Blu-Ray to come to a consumer friendly price. The movies that I buy are still going to play for the foreseeable future, and of course my HD-D2 is a wonderful upscaler. So I really don't have huge worries. I see HD-DVD's as being available for the forseeable future (3+ years from now).


Honestly, I think that the people that are fooling themselves are the ones that think the format war is over already.

Agreed. Blu ray's lead is nothing to brag about. Hd dvd has a lot of support, and once hd dvd players start coming down in price, things might change.
Wild Things got a MPEG 2 Transfer according to HD Digest. F'in Sony!

Looks like Paramount is finally giving Blu Ray the sound it deserves:

From Avs:

We did some investigating with our technical team on your inquiry. We
never try to give Blu-ray the "short end" on audio. Dolby Digital Plus
is not viable on Blu-ray at this time. However, it may be viable in the
near future. Also, we need the extra disc capacity of a Blu-ray 50 to
add higher level audio. Now that we can use BD 50, we have chosen to
use uncompressed PCM on our upcoming releases
(starting with Blades of

We will be using uncompressed PCM audio on our upcoming Blu-ray releases
where space permits. Similarly we will be using Dolby TrueHD audio on
HD-DVD releases where space permits. Both audio formats use a lot of
disc space so we evaluate each title case by case.

Transformers = AVC4 + Uncompressed PCM :D

Crayon Shinchan

Aquafina Fanboy
LM4sure said:
Agreed. Blu ray's lead is nothing to brag about. Hd dvd has a lot of support, and once hd dvd players start coming down in price, things might change.

But they have. And things haven't changed. Even during a week where HD-DVD content completely trumps BD content... they are still pulling the same kind of numbers as they have been all year long.

The only things I hear from the HD-DVD camp is; wait longer, cheaper prices.

Prices are already cheaper; how much further can they drop? It's not like BD prices are static forever... and with the larger premium, they have further room for movement in prices, at this point.


has calmed down a bit.
Crayon Shinchan said:
But they have. And things haven't changed. Even during a week where HD-DVD content completely trumps BD content... they are still pulling the same kind of numbers as they have been all year long.

While it's true that HD DVD had a content advantage that week, they were all catalog titles, and none were really the types of catalog titles that you would typically expect to wow in HD (like Matrix, LOTR, etc.)

I still expected a closer sales week, but we're talking about these set of titles:

American Me (Universal)
Army of Darkness (Re-issue) (Universal)
Being John Malkovich (Universal)
The Big Lebowski (Universal)
Bulletproof (Universal)
Dead Silence (Universal)
Freedom: 1 (Bandai Visual)
Mallrats (Universal)
Meet Joe Black (Universal)
Mystery Men (Universal)
Unleashed (Re-issue) (Universal)
The Watcher (Universal)

Which one did you expect to drive software sales? Mystery Men? (sorry ignatz)

Bulletproof with Adam Sandler??? Any of the two re-issues?

Which one of the above movies do you see HD DVD owners going "OMG that would look GREAT in HD!!"? Even Freedom, which I bought, is grossly overpriced for a single episode.

Again, not taking anything away from Blu Ray (it was 65/35 split I believe), but the above titles weren't going to push HD DVD ahead, and I doubt you'd find anyone who thought that. Most of us thought HD DVD would simply pull closer.
In hindsight, it's easy to say those titles won't push sales. However, what in teh HD-DVD upcoming release schedule will? All Universal has to fight with is back-catalog, and there aren't huge movies just waiting for them to release.

At this point, I am willing to say the outcome certain but the war not yet over. But there is nothing new that's going to happen to change things. A slightly-cheaper PS3 with 5 new movies certainly isn't going to hurt.


has calmed down a bit.
The Ps3 is certainly a lot more tempting now, and the movie offer sounds great. Still, HD DVD and 360 give me the leverage to wait even longer and allow for another price drop. By the time I get my Ps3, I want to have an HDMI tv and a new receiver.


Ignatz Mouse said:
In hindsight, it's easy to say those titles won't push sales. However, what in teh HD-DVD upcoming release schedule will? All Universal has to fight with is back-catalog, and there aren't huge movies just waiting for them to release.

At this point, I am willing to say the outcome certain but the war not yet over. But there is nothing new that's going to happen to change things. A slightly-cheaper PS3 with 5 new movies certainly isn't going to hurt.

The Bourne Ultimatum is HD-DVD exclusive (Universal). I really liked Casino Royale, but I actually like to Bourne films more, especially the first. Although it's not going to sell huge quantities, there is Kill Bill the Whole Bloody Affair as well, which is HD-DVD exclusive (I think) since it is likely coming from the Weinstein Co.

300, while not exclusive, may be more interesting to some on HD-DVD because of the added interactivity, although the interactivity may be not so valuable. I actually haven't had time to view any the interactive features of the movies I purchased.


VanMardigan said:
The Big Lebowski (Universal)

Got this in from Blockbuster online, and it is freaking hilarious. I may not purchase it though, as I don't usually watch comedies more than once.


thaivo said:
The Bourne Ultimatum is HD-DVD exclusive (Universal). I really liked Casino Royale, but I actually like to Bourne films more, especially the first. Although it's not going to sell huge quantities, there is Kill Bill the Whole Bloody Affair as well, which is HD-DVD exclusive (I think) since it is likely coming from the Weinstein Co.

300, while not exclusive, may be more interesting to some on HD-DVD because of the added interactivity, although the interactivity may be not so valuable. I actually haven't had time to view any the interactive features of the movies I purchased.

Borne is good (I love the series) but it isn't as big as Bond. If Weinstein release The Whole Bloody Affair, Dinsey will undoubtably release Vol. 1 and 2.

Also I am sure if recent trends mean anything 300 will sell the most of Blu Ray.
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