Doctor_No said:Shit, I miss Jakarta. The food especially. .. .
someone put the jakarta police on suicide watch:lol
Doctor_No said:Shit, I miss Jakarta. The food especially. .. .
thaivo said:
Kind of surprising. Are HD DVD supporters suddenly feeling generous towards Paramount? I know I just ordered 10 copies... :lol
plagiarize said:that bitrate hasn't been proven to be any observable difference. when you watch your 300 blu-ray would you honestly fault the picture and sound quality compared to the pirates movies? the 30 gigabyte HD-DVD had equally good picture quality and sound quality and *more* extras.
i just don't see how 30 gigabytes is a constraint on anything other than four hour plus long epics. extras can be thrown on a second disc (as they were on pirates) and it's a selling point, not a a negative.
Bebpo said:This is 100% true.
But on the other hand, sometimes it's best to think beyond just how you stand today. If Paramount didn't take the money, maybe one format would've one and maybe sales would have increased dramatically with only one format on the market and the effects from that they made have made more in sales difference over the next couple of years then that 150 million.
MechDX said:Warner going HD DVD exclusive next week confirmed. lol:lol
It's because 300 is not the greatest transfer ever, and the extras had more to do with political reasons than rational or technical ones.
djkimothy said:LOL, I'll be able to hear the collective screams of Blu-ray supporters when I'm at Disney world. :lol
StoOgE said:i wish the brd camp would stop pretending that they are worried about the future of hdtv media and just admit they are mad cuz they thought their format of choice was about to win, and now they have to wait another year to 'win'.
im not going to pretend hddvd getting new legs doesnt make me happy for purely selfish reasons
edit.. told you i read brd moneyhatted bb
bc226 said:Why did Sony want to own a format so bad that they are willing to let there Console gaming die?
Doctor_No said:Shit, I miss Jakarta. The food especially. .. .
StoOgE said:someone put the jakarta police on suicide watch:lol
bc226 said:In regards to the format war why could Sony not agree with Toshiba this time over HD-DVd like they did with DVD?
Why did Sony want to own a format so bad that they are willing to let there Console gaming die?
From wht i understand has little has 2 years ago both the HD-dvd camp and the Blu-Ray camp were very intrested in 1 format but neither Toshiba or Sony could come to an agreement like they did before with dvd.
Was Sony asking for a bigger slice of pie like they did with Nintendo?
Why is it Sony always tries to have a winning format and they start these wars?
Bebpo said:The hardcores might be, but there are A LOT of people in this thread who support Blu-ray who would GLADLY wish death on Blu-ray if HD-DVD looked poised to win. Two formats is fucked up and personally I see a 50/50 split for the next 10 years after HD-DVD drops to dirt cheap and sells a fuckton and PS3 drops to pretty cheap and sells a fuckton.
Doctor_No said:Suicide watch? You haven't lived till you experienced the better-half of Indonesisa (Including Bali). . .
womfalcs3 said:New blu-ray releases listed from FOX/MGM
THE FLY (1986) OCT. 9 Q1 08
28 DAYS LATER OCT. 9 North America Only
AMITYVILLE HORROR (1979) (MGM) OCT. 9 North America Only
I, ROBOT NOV. 13 Q1 08
CAST AWAY DEC. 4 North America Only
Some would argue that point.plagiarize said:that bitrate hasn't been proven to be any observable difference. when you watch your 300 blu-ray would you honestly fault the picture and sound quality compared to the pirates movies? the 30 gigabyte HD-DVD had equally good picture quality and sound quality and *more* extras.
i just don't see how 30 gigabytes is a constraint on anything other than four hour plus long epics. extras can be thrown on a second disc (as they were on pirates) and it's a selling point, not a a negative.
Alcibiades said:About a year ago, when HD DVD had a clear lead over Blu-ray (before the PS3), many were saying it was HD DVD's battle to lose and that Blu-ray should give up, despite the fact that HD sales were .01% of DVD sales.
Now that Blu-ray has 60% of the marketshare of HD media, people are saying HD DVD should give up and that a Blu-ray win is imminent, despite the fact that the HD marketshare is less than 1% of DVD.
It's silly to think that the current lead by Blu-ray mattered much in the long scheme to things to big corporations who have a long-term view of this. Even if the marketshare of HD media hit's 5% this year (it won't) and HD DVD only captures 40% of that, one has to be crazy to call the war all but over.
The Paramount decision was a HUGE surprise to many people (I wasn't expecting anything like that), but to say they shouldn't do it because Blu-ray has a 60% share in a 1% market is ridiculous.
With this announcement though, expect Warner to solidify their neutral stance even more, and make a big deal when all top 10 sellers on high-definition come from their studio.
Bebpo said:The hardcores might be, but there are A LOT of people in this thread who support Blu-ray who would GLADLY wish death on Blu-ray if HD-DVD looked poised to win. Two formats is fucked up and personally I see a 50/50 split for the next 10 years after HD-DVD drops to dirt cheap and sells a fuckton and PS3 drops to pretty cheap and sells a fuckton.
Petrarca said:The food is great, but the weather is horrible. The air is dirty and the traffic jam is murderous. Motorcycles are everywhere, I can't imagine driving on the streets of Jakarta.
The ladies are fine. damn! there are many good looking chicks here, both the Chineses and the locals
Agent Icebeezy said:I'd wager that most of these people in this thread have a Blu-Ray player by way of their PS3. So I can't really agree with that assessment about if HD-DVD were to win.
shagg_187 said:I thought they announced 29 new titles... some are missing here.
shagg_187 said:I thought they announced 29 new titles... some are missing here.
StoOgE said:twas a joke.. petraca being captain blu and all New York Times said:LOS ANGELES, Aug. 20 Hollywoods squabble over which of two technologies will replace standard DVDs reignited Monday with two studios throwing their weight behind one format and several rivals ramping up support for the other.
Paramount, part of Viacom, and the publicly held DreamWorks Animation said they would exclusively back the HD DVD format for the release of high-definition movies on disc. Among the movies the studios plan to release in the format are Transformers and Shrek the Third.
Until now, Paramount has released titles in both HD DVD and a competing format, Blu-ray. DreamWorks Animation has not released a movie in either.
The battle over the competing high-definition DVD technologies has sputtered in recent months as Blu-ray discs have emerged as the front-runner. Blu-ray titles are sharply outselling HD offerings, major retailers like Target are stocking only Blu-ray players, and Blockbuster recently said it would carry Blu-ray exclusively.
Last week, the Walt Disney Company said it would release one of its best-known animated movies, Sleeping Beauty, on Blu-ray. There is no longer any doubt that Blu-ray is the clear successor to standard DVDs, said Bob Chapek, president of Disneys home entertainment unit.
But money talks: Paramount and DreamWorks Animation together will receive about $150 million in financial incentives for their commitment to HD DVD, according to two Viacom executives with knowledge of the deal but who asked not to be identified.
The incentives will come in a combination of cash and promotional guarantees. Toshiba, for instance, will use the release of Shrek the Third as part of an HD DVD marketing campaign.
Paramount and DreamWorks Animation declined to comment. Microsoft, the most prominent technology company supporting HD DVDs, said it could not rule out payment but said it wrote no checks. We provided no financial incentives to Paramount or DreamWorks whatsoever, said Amir Majidimehr, the head of Microsofts consumer media technology group.
The surprise move by Paramount and DreamWorks Animation prompted an immediate response from the electronics companies betting on Blu-ray.
This seems like a move of desperation, said Andy Parsons, a member of the Blu-ray Disc Association, which represents companies like Panasonic, Samsung and Sony.
Studios that have lined up behind Blu-ray, including Disney and 20th Century Fox, said the move would heighten consumer confusion at a point when Blu-ray appeared to be emerging as the best choice. This is not in the best interest of consumers, said Mr. Chapek of Disney.
A Disney spokesman said the company might expand a new campaign to sell consumers on Blu-ray, and Fox announced plans to flood the market with 29 new Blu-ray releases.
Paramount and DreamWorks Animation described their decision to back HD DVD as part of an extensive evaluation of current market offerings. The key factor was HDs lower cost to consumers, said Rob Moore, Paramounts president of worldwide marketing and distribution.
What is most important to consumers is how much they are paying, and HD DVD is simply less expensive, he said. Focusing on one format will also allow us to provide better content because were not splitting our attention.
The two studios may have left themselves wiggle room, however. Paramounts agreement to use only HD DVD is limited to only 18 months. And Paramount noted that no films directed by Steven Spielberg were included in the deal as his films are not exclusive to either format. Mr. Spielberg is a co-founder of DreamWorks SKG, a unit of Paramount.
The rivalry between Blu-ray and HD DVD harks back to that 30 years ago between the VHS and Betamax formats for home video recording. Which high-definition technology is better has been the subject of intense debate in Hollywood for years. HD DVD players are about $200 cheaper than Blu-ray machines, but Blu-ray discs have more storage space and more advanced protections against piracy. Both versions deliver sharp resolution.
Sales of DVDs over all are expected to be especially strong this holiday season, and both sides are hoping that the battle of the high-definition formats will not cause consumers to tune out entirely, perhaps deciding that standard DVDs are good enough.
To help clear up confusion, the studios are starting marketing campaigns in partnership with the various electronics companies. The most prominent is Disney, which last week introduced something it calls the Magical Blu-ray Tour. The 40-foot exhibit, built to look like the Sleeping Beauty Castle at Disneyland, will be set up in malls in 18 cities. It features Panasonic high-definition televisions showing various Disney movies.
shagg_187 said:I thought they announced 29 new titles... some are missing here.
The two studios may have left themselves wiggle room, however. Paramounts agreement to use only HD DVD is limited to only 18 months
Shpeshal Ed said:Interesting you say that.
My brother works at JB Hifi (a major Australian retailer), and has spoken with reps from companies invloved in the format war and pretty much ALL of them (including a Pioneer rep) say we WILL have 2 formats.
They say combo players will become the norm and it wont matter then.
When you think about it, if ALL companies involved make combo players, the whole war means jack shit, and it will simply come down to buying the movie you want to buy. The difference? One movie will have a blue cover, the other a red one.
shagg_187 said:Oh Jesus f*ck me. Now we gotta wait till end of 2008.... by then, there will be more time-exclusives.
lol yes 150 million just came out of thin air.chinaismine said:
chinaismine said:
djkimothy said:I would agree with him. If HDDVD had support of all studios but Sony. I'd still gladly march to Futureshop and buy an HDDVD player. Again. It's all about the content. It just so happens that the PS3 plays blu-rays so I'm a BD supporter by default.
Petrarca said:Yo guys!!! what the fuck happened? why was the title changed?
I've been on vacation for the last 10 days, and still have another 2 weeks. I'm in Jakarta, the connection is shit! 32K modem. Your avatars are fucking killing me. I can't go thru the pages, so again.....So what the fuck happened?!?!?!?
mashoutposse said:Paramount/Dreamworks did the right thing for them. There was no way that the lost BR sales will come close to the $150 million cash payment plus other considerations, so they took the money and ran. The market will still decide a winner and they can still hop on that train when this deal expires. I think it's a no-brainer.
MechDX said:I say we all go back to VHS in protest!
Azrael said:The market can't decide a winner when one side is trying to turn a profit and the other is prepared to write off hundreds of millions/billions of dollars of losses with the profits they make in other industries just to sabotage the first group.
we'll have to see how fast they can get the price down on them.Ignatz Mouse said:I'm sorry, I just don't trust that combo players will be the standard at all.
StoOgE said:i wish the brd camp would stop pretending that they are worried about the future of hdtv media and just admit they are mad cuz they thought their format of choice was about to win, and now they have to wait another year to 'win'.
im not going to pretend hddvd getting new legs doesnt make me happy for purely selfish reasons
edit.. told you i read brd moneyhatted bb
Azrael said:The market can't decide a winner when one side is trying to turn a profit and the other is prepared to write off hundreds of millions/billions of dollars of losses with the profits they make in other industries just to sabotage the first group.
MechDX said:Si why didnt Sony just team up with Toshiba and include HD DVD in the PS3? Problem readily solved.