Gold Member
plagiarize said:yeah it's shame VC-1 and iHD aren't open formats.
oh no wait... THEY ARE.
Soo.. they are not Microsoft proprietary? Cool.
plagiarize said:yeah it's shame VC-1 and iHD aren't open formats.
oh no wait... THEY ARE.
no. they aren't.Forsete said:Soo.. they are not Microsoft proprietary? Cool.
wikipedia said:The opposite of a proprietary format is an open format which does not place restrictions on end users and are often also human readable
i'm not sure, but i think open formats can still have license fees associated with them. blu-ray isn't a propriatery format... but you still have to license it.Shepherd said:Does that mean it is free to use or do studios still have to license it from Microsoft?
VanMardigan said:Looks like the truth was somewhere between our guesses, ignatz:
Kolgar said:This is the part that gets me. And people are claiming Blu-ray should win? The format's not finished! It shouldn't even be released!
reilo said:Is it still 65/35?
VanMardigan said:So you're the Blu Ray equivalent of those senseless Sony haters ignatz complains so much about, right?
Hey, found me another one, mousey!! What was that again about the differences between HD DVD and Blu Ray fans? Seems like there are about as many MS haters as Sony haters, and it's all console-war linked. Just as so many people suspected.
VanMardigan said:I don't post much over there, do I? Over there it's not even close, here (considering it's a gaming forum first and foremost) yeah, it's about the same. All these Ps3 fans apparently choosing to prefer Blu Ray for reasons other than the fact that it came with their Ps3. Not everyone can be honest about that, now can they?
Ignatz Mouse said:Being for something is not the same as being against something else.
VanMardigan said:True, but I showed you two examples (probably more if I hadn't pointed them out and stopped the rest) that show "being against".
VanMardigan said:So you're the Blu Ray equivalent of those senseless Sony haters ignatz complains so much about, right?
shidoshi said:At the same time, I like the fact that Sony's grip on the console market has gotten broken up, and that they now actually have competition and can't just sit back and rule the roost once for another generation.
Of course, my favorite source of competition for them in that market is... Microsoft. Which, yes, I know totally goes against what I just said, and I hate myself for loving the Xbox 360 so much. *laughs*
Ignatz Mouse said:Not "should win" but "is winning."
I don't care for the moral underpinning of putting a should statement in there. This isn't about merit or what's deserved, it's about what happens. If you're that upset, bame HD-DVD for not capitalizing on their lead, or getting the studio support set up.
Kolgar said:edit: Don't worry, the format that should win, will! :lol
Oni Jazar said:So what's your most anticpated HD title in Q4? Mine has got to be Blade Runner. I've been dying to bust a nut on that for years now! It better be a superb transfer.
Ignatz Mouse said:Exactly my point!
WULFER said:Well I guess my beef is these disc cost 25-30 bucks, I damn sure want something that makes it worth the cost. If not why are we moving away from DVD? Just for HD transfers? I don't buy that and J6P public won't either. DVD had to have something to set it apart from VHS just like HD will have to have something to set it apart from DVD and don't give me better picture/sound crap! (Yes of course it's great) I've got a friend who won't change from DVD until some big difference show up on either platform or he has no other choice but to upgrade to one or the other. That's the customer that needs something more than picture and sound guys. To beat it all he's a big movie nut! Sorry, better transfers and newer sound most people won't care about because they don't have the latest and greatest receiver won't cut it!
Cloudy said:So which version of Blood Diamond should I get?
Kolgar said:Guilty as charged. As a sensible consumer, I'll take the completed product that's offered at a reasonable price over the incomplete one at a higher price every time.
I own both formats, but I prefer HD DVD.
That said, I prepared myself for any eventuality long ago when I purchased my PS3. Blu-ray disc sales had just overtaken HD DVD, you see, and if that's the way the war was going to go, I wanted to be ready.
You know what? Screw it. Somebody just give me a "Batshit insane for HD DVD" tag and I'll wear it with honor. :lol
Cloudy said:So which version of Blood Diamond should I get?
Jeff-DSA said:Red.
It fits the theme better.
Cloudy said:So which version of Blood Diamond should I get?
mr stroke said:well it was this-
but sence the transfer is so poor I will have to go with Pans, that is a movie that should have been released day and date with the SD DVD
retardboy said:99 dollar players did not come with a free hd-dvd
retardboy said:99 dollar players did not come with a free hd-dvd
Ignatz Mouse said:Pixar movies came out this week!
Yogi_bear said:Can someone pm me the link to the 5 free Blue Ray DVD's deal website? I'm going to be picking up a PS3 after dinner tonight and I'm looking to pick up quite a few Blue Ray movies, I just want to make sure I don't pick up ones that I would want with the 5 free movies deal.
The funny thing is that I've had my copy of Lair that was sent to me from the team sitting on my coffee table for the past few months. Maybe now I'll actually get to play the damn thing. I can't wait to pick up Ratatouille and the Pixar shorts collection...
OokieSpookie said:
Yogi_bear said:Much appreciated.... Any recommendations for movies? Definitely picking up the Pixar movies, 300, Black Hawk Down, Casino Royale, and the Planet Earth series....Any movies to stay away from(bad image quality, etc..)?
Yogi_bear said:Much appreciated.... Any recommendations for movies? Definitely picking up the Pixar movies, 300, Black Hawk Down, Casino Royale, and the Planet Earth series....Any movies to stay away from(bad image quality, etc..)?
captive said:So whats the deal with no Ratatouille review on Highdef digest yet?
They just put up their review of I Pronounce you Chuck and Larry and completly shat all over it.
Sweet just in time for when i get my copy.OokieSpookie said:They got their copy a little late, review will be up tomorrow.