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Hi-Def Media Lovefest: The war is over and we can all go home.

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Well I guess my beef is these disc cost 25-30 bucks, I damn sure want something that makes it worth the cost. If not why are we moving away from DVD? Just for HD transfers? I don't buy that and J6P public won't either. DVD had to have something to set it apart from VHS just like HD will have to have something to set it apart from DVD and don't give me better picture/sound crap! (Yes of course it's great) I've got a friend who won't change from DVD until some big difference show up on either platform or he has no other choice but to upgrade to one or the other. That's the customer that needs something more than picture and sound guys. To beat it all he's a big movie nut! Sorry, better transfers and newer sound most people won't care about because they don't have the latest and greatest receiver won't cut it!
Shepherd said:
Does that mean it is free to use or do studios still have to license it from Microsoft?
i'm not sure, but i think open formats can still have license fees associated with them. blu-ray isn't a propriatery format... but you still have to license it.

i think that's right. i can certainly back up my comments about VC-1 and HDi (apparently they moved the i to the end for some reason) being open formats with sources.


Gold Member
Thats awesome, finally a step in the right direction by the stumbling gigant.

Anyway, just watched Die Hard 4.0, and yes, the EU version is the censored one.
I also got my Deja Vu (they sent me the DVD instead of the BD yesterday), so I'll be checking that out tomorrow. Denzel <3

I had a quick peek at Starship Troopers and was pretty impressed by the IQ, not as good as recent movies but a lot better than I thought.
Kolgar said:
This is the part that gets me. And people are claiming Blu-ray should win? The format's not finished! It shouldn't even be released!

Not "should win" but "is winning."

I don't care for the moral underpinning of putting a should statement in there. This isn't about merit or what's deserved, it's about what happens. If you're that upset, bame HD-DVD for not capitalizing on their lead, or getting the studio support set up.
VanMardigan said:
So you're the Blu Ray equivalent of those senseless Sony haters ignatz complains so much about, right?

Hey, found me another one, mousey!! What was that again about the differences between HD DVD and Blu Ray fans? Seems like there are about as many MS haters as Sony haters, and it's all console-war linked. Just as so many people suspected.

I never said that there were none. Whereas some of the vocal HD-DVD folks say things like "as anti-SOny as I am..." (Fragula) or have been banned for trolling PS3 fans.. well, it adds up.
VanMardigan said:
I don't post much over there, do I? Over there it's not even close, here (considering it's a gaming forum first and foremost) yeah, it's about the same. All these Ps3 fans apparently choosing to prefer Blu Ray for reasons other than the fact that it came with their Ps3. Not everyone can be honest about that, now can they?

Being for something is not the same as being against something else.


has calmed down a bit.
Ignatz Mouse said:
Being for something is not the same as being against something else.

True, but I showed you two examples (probably more if I hadn't pointed them out and stopped the rest) that show "being against".

edit: and don't you think you could just consolidate your posts by editing instead of doing back to back responses like onix?
VanMardigan said:
True, but I showed you two examples (probably more if I hadn't pointed them out and stopped the rest) that show "being against".

I addrerssed that. This is counter to your assertion that people who like PS3 must hate MS.

I don't care about the pro-MS people, it's the ones who have this bitter anti-Sony streak that stir up shit.


VanMardigan said:
So you're the Blu Ray equivalent of those senseless Sony haters ignatz complains so much about, right?

I admit that some of my dislike of MS is completely unfounded. (Due to it coming from my being a longtime Apple supporter, and, well, you know.) I think though, in general, they (MS) can be a terrible influence on the industry. Their reputation is much like that of Wal-mart - come into a market, completely dominate all of the competition with a superior product, then once they've won they scale back or completely neuter their effort because they don't have to try any more.

I mean, I could hate MS forever simply because of the pain they put me through as a web designer for years and years thanks to Internet Explorer.

So, is part of my dislike of MS being so mixed up with HD-DVD simply out of a dislike (justified or not) for MS period? Sure. But I also don't like ANY company having control of so much of a market (or so many) period. (Clarification: I'm not saying that MS has control of HD-DVD... I'm more talking about their heavy involvement, or effort to get involved, in so many markets.)

At the same time, I like the fact that Sony's grip on the console market has gotten broken up, and that they now actually have competition and can't just sit back and rule the roost once for another generation.

Of course, my favorite source of competition for them in that market is... Microsoft. Which, yes, I know totally goes against what I just said, and I hate myself for loving the Xbox 360 so much. *laughs*
shidoshi said:
At the same time, I like the fact that Sony's grip on the console market has gotten broken up, and that they now actually have competition and can't just sit back and rule the roost once for another generation.

Of course, my favorite source of competition for them in that market is... Microsoft. Which, yes, I know totally goes against what I just said, and I hate myself for loving the Xbox 360 so much. *laughs*

I feel the same way. The SCE of 1995 was sooo much more cool and interesting than the SCE of 2001 and on.

If I were in it for the games and not movies, I'd have gotten a 360. I very nearly did, the day "$600" was announced.

Enough of that though...


The only reason have a PS3 is because I don't care enough about games to justify spending more than 200 on a gaming console, but I wanted an HD player and a new games machine to go with the TV I bought so it was the best value.

edit: The best value right now though for HD movies and games is the 360 and the video marketplace and while I hate the idea of movie downloads I have thought some of selling my ps3 and movies and using the 360 and the marketplace as a stop gap till this format war is resolved.


Ignatz Mouse said:
Not "should win" but "is winning."

I don't care for the moral underpinning of putting a should statement in there. This isn't about merit or what's deserved, it's about what happens. If you're that upset, bame HD-DVD for not capitalizing on their lead, or getting the studio support set up.

LOL. I stated that some people are claiming Blu-ray "should" win. Are you saying not one person out there in the great wide world is saying it "should" win? Did I call you out by name? No. But I see this all the time on boards across the net. And I think the fact that you felt the need to remind me that Blu-ray "is" winning speaks to some insecurity on your part.

Fact is, I didn't say doodly-squat about whether or not Blu-ray "is" winning. In disc sales, that is indisputable. I simply stated my incredulity that anyone could want it to win, being unfinished and overpriced as it is.

And no, I'm not upset. Curious, amused, entertained, flummoxed by the human race as usual, but not upset. I'm enjoying red and blue movies alike just fine, thank you.
No Kolgar, I didn't see who *you* said thinks that BluRay (or HD-DVD) "should" win. Your use of "should" is what I'm getting at. You can't even see my point, you're so immersed in this war as something other than a business struggle.

You want to use a word like "people" and avoid actually naming zealot. Call people out, and keep the generalizations to yourself. They say more about you than anybody else.

Sorry the format that "should" win isn't... :lol


Nope, can't see your point, your meanings are clearly too deep for me to fully grasp as I peek in from time to time and post from work, so I'll just submit and acknowledge your clear superiority.

And generalizations? I could come back with the names of 75 batshit-insane Blu-ray fanatics on other boards (which is what *I* was thinking about), but I don't see the point so sorry, you'll just have to live with the generalizations.

Message boards. Serious business!

edit: Don't worry, the format that should win, will! :lol

mr stroke

Oni Jazar said:
So what's your most anticpated HD title in Q4? Mine has got to be Blade Runner. I've been dying to bust a nut on that for years now! It better be a superb transfer.

well it was this-


but sence the transfer is so poor I will have to go with Pans, that is a movie that should have been released day and date with the SD DVD


Ignatz Mouse said:
Exactly my point!

Guilty as charged. As a sensible consumer, I'll take the completed product that's offered at a reasonable price over the incomplete one at a higher price every time.

I own both formats, but I prefer HD DVD.

That said, I prepared myself for any eventuality long ago when I purchased my PS3. Blu-ray disc sales had just overtaken HD DVD, you see, and if that's the way the war was going to go, I wanted to be ready.

You know what? Screw it. Somebody just give me a "Batshit insane for HD DVD" tag and I'll wear it with honor. :lol

mr stroke

WULFER said:
Well I guess my beef is these disc cost 25-30 bucks, I damn sure want something that makes it worth the cost. If not why are we moving away from DVD? Just for HD transfers? I don't buy that and J6P public won't either. DVD had to have something to set it apart from VHS just like HD will have to have something to set it apart from DVD and don't give me better picture/sound crap! (Yes of course it's great) I've got a friend who won't change from DVD until some big difference show up on either platform or he has no other choice but to upgrade to one or the other. That's the customer that needs something more than picture and sound guys. To beat it all he's a big movie nut! Sorry, better transfers and newer sound most people won't care about because they don't have the latest and greatest receiver won't cut it!

I agree with the disc price being out of control though, 30-34$ per disc is stupid for the average person-100$ for 3-4 HD discs vs 10-12 for SD DVD is a big problem IMO. If Toshiba were smart they would be pushing BlockBuster and rental stores to rent HD DVD.
Still if there are a ton of 99$ HD DVD players this x-mas people would be stupid not to buy them, considering most upscaling dvd players are only 20-30$ less.
Kolgar said:
Guilty as charged. As a sensible consumer, I'll take the completed product that's offered at a reasonable price over the incomplete one at a higher price every time.

I own both formats, but I prefer HD DVD.

That said, I prepared myself for any eventuality long ago when I purchased my PS3. Blu-ray disc sales had just overtaken HD DVD, you see, and if that's the way the war was going to go, I wanted to be ready.

You know what? Screw it. Somebody just give me a "Batshit insane for HD DVD" tag and I'll wear it with honor. :lol

I misunderstood you the other way this time...

In my mind, the format that ultiamtely wisn is the format that deserved to win, since there's no moral basis for a "should" and everything else is selective weighing of the various companies tactics. I bet on Blu because of studio support, which I guessed would matter more than "completeness."


Actually, is there a difference in features? I'd decide based on that and any pricing difference there may be.

With that said, I just preordered Stardust. Never seen it, but it looks awesome.


mr stroke said:
well it was this-


but sence the transfer is so poor I will have to go with Pans, that is a movie that should have been released day and date with the SD DVD

Oldboy is one of the best movies I have ever f**king seen. It was the best in the revenge trilogy(mr vengence takes 2th place)!

Oh-daesu I love u.


Hey Blu guys, just talked to a friend of mine who really wants to buy into BR, but absolutely 100% detests gaming and games. I've tried to talk reason with him, but I think there is 0 chance he'll buy a PS3.

So, which BD standalone is the best right now? Priority on easily updatable FW if it's 1.0


I don't know why people were surprised with Blu-ray's poor start. The more companies heavily invested in the format the harder it is to organise, make decisive decisions and follow through.

HD-DVD's decisions are dictated by at most 3 companies. Blu-ray decisions are made by a who's who of the CE/Hollywood world. The 1.1 profile dithering is a case in point. There are many firms trying to make sure they are catered for. Blu-ray is like the EU (Both are blue!) Which is both good and bad.

I think the BDA's cocksure attitude at the start has come back to hurt them too. You can bet that they didn't expect the HD-DVD side to gain this much traction. The Broadcast Empire of Matsushita, Sony and Royal Philips expected dominance to just follow, who could blame them? They aren't referred to as the Broadcast Empire for nothing. Unfortunately all three of these companies don't have the tactical eye of Microsoft. If you fight Microsoft you bring the sledgehammers out early and hit ‘em big from the start.

Time Warner are interesting. At Group level they have shown preference for Blu-ray or at the very least a like for the format, it was executive branch pressure that forced Home Video to go multi in 2005. Home Video chose Toshiba because of the work they did together with DVD. There’s a new Time Warner CEO now, let’s see how that pans out.


Just saw the numbers for Spiderman 3, 130K for the standalone, around 70K for the box set, thats great! Outsold Transformers :D Though 300 BD still has the record if you discount the box set.

I have a question tho, with all the $99 HD-DVDs that were sold last week, did they come with a free movie or two? Ones that were scanned? If so, they will contribute to the numbers wont they? So that's at least an extra 90K software sales for HD-DVD which means the ratio wont be too overwhelming in BDs favor. Still, it's another weekly win for BD most likely.

Anyway, I have been too busy to buy any movies recently but I just ordered 3 Kubrick movies and plan on picking up the Die Hards, Close Encounters and the Pixar movies (whenever they come out).

My most anticipated releases of the year are Blade Runner and Lost Season 3! Cannot wait for them!


retardboy said:
99 dollar players did not come with a free hd-dvd

Ahh that's good to know, thanx :)

EDIT: so Best Buy gave a couple of free movies away? Thought I heard something like that.

Ignatz Mouse said:
Pixar movies came out this week!

I live in the UK so not for me they didn't :( Ratatouille is region locked too, tho I just found out Cars is region free but I'll probably just wait for the UK release.


Can someone pm me the link to the 5 free Blue Ray DVD's deal website? I'm going to be picking up a PS3 after dinner tonight and I'm looking to pick up quite a few Blue Ray movies, I just want to make sure I don't pick up ones that I would want with the 5 free movies deal.

The funny thing is that I've had my copy of Lair that was sent to me from the team sitting on my coffee table for the past few months. Maybe now I'll actually get to play the damn thing. I can't wait to pick up Ratatouille and the Pixar shorts collection...
Yogi_bear said:
Can someone pm me the link to the 5 free Blue Ray DVD's deal website? I'm going to be picking up a PS3 after dinner tonight and I'm looking to pick up quite a few Blue Ray movies, I just want to make sure I don't pick up ones that I would want with the 5 free movies deal.

The funny thing is that I've had my copy of Lair that was sent to me from the team sitting on my coffee table for the past few months. Maybe now I'll actually get to play the damn thing. I can't wait to pick up Ratatouille and the Pixar shorts collection...


mr stroke

Yogi_bear said:
Much appreciated.... Any recommendations for movies? Definitely picking up the Pixar movies, 300, Black Hawk Down, Casino Royale, and the Planet Earth series....Any movies to stay away from(bad image quality, etc..)?

As for PQ/AQ don't buy-

U2: Rattle and Hum
The Dirty Dozen
The Fugitive Video
Full Metal Jacket Video
The Fifth Element Video
The House of Flying Daggers

do buy-
pretty much anything animation(open season,corpse bride,pixar)
FFRTSS(shity movie though)
Pirates and the above you mentioned
Yogi_bear said:
Much appreciated.... Any recommendations for movies? Definitely picking up the Pixar movies, 300, Black Hawk Down, Casino Royale, and the Planet Earth series....Any movies to stay away from(bad image quality, etc..)?

Early stuff like House of Flying Daggers and Fifth Element were pretty bad though they re released a fixed Fifth Element.

The Pirates movies are amazing, the Pixar stuff is amazing, all animation is amazing from Dr Strange to imports of Ghost in the Shell and Ghost in the Shell Innocence.
Planet Earth is amazing and I am hearing great things about 2001.
The Prestige was great..hell so so so many movies are amazing it just depends on your genre of choice.


Joe Six-Pack: posting for the common man
So whats the deal with no Ratatouille review on Highdef digest yet?
They just put up their review of I Pronounce you Chuck and Larry and completly shat all over it.
captive said:
So whats the deal with no Ratatouille review on Highdef digest yet?
They just put up their review of I Pronounce you Chuck and Larry and completly shat all over it.

They got their copy a little late, review will be up tomorrow.
For Canadians it looks like Futureshop will be doing a bogo for Blu again according to their flyer.
Looks like the same line up though (POTC1&2, The Prestige, Ladder 49 etc)
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