The Video: Sizing Up the Picture
'Paprika' is presented with a vibrant 1080p/MPEG-2 transfer that generally looks very good. The palette is gorgeous and tossed enough primaries at the screen to make my eyes water. The color fills are stable and never bleed through the linework, resulting in an image doesn't waver or shake, even when thousands of butterflies stream across the screen. Contrast is vivid and comfortable, blacks are perfect, and the source isn't bogged down by compression artifacts or other blemishes. Best of all, this is the first anime I've seen where the traditional animation blends almost seamlessly with its CG elements. Aside from the usual differences in the frame rates, the CG has been meticulously designed to match the hand drawn characters, allowing the the two animation styles to peacefully coexist, even under the increased scrutiny that comes with a high definition transfer such as this.
Alas, there are a couple of imperfections to report. First off, although line work is generally crisp and the image well-rendered, there are a few random shots that look a tad hazy, as if the picture was slightly out of focus. To clarify, I'm not complaining about any of the intentional softness used by Kon to enhance the film's dream sequences. Instead, the particular breed of softness I'm referring to seems to be a technical artifact of the transfer itself. For quick reference, watch Dr. Shima closely in the first act and compare the clarity of his close-ups over the course of several scenes. Secondly, like most traditional animation, the picture falls victim to persistent color banding.
Although these minor issues prevent 'Paprika' from soaring to quite the same heights as other high definition anime releases like 'Tekkon Kinkreet,' make no mistake -- all in all, 'Paprika' looks very good.
The Audio: Rating the Sound
'Paprika' features a pair of English and a Japanese language Dolby TrueHD 5.1 surround tracks (48 kHz/ 16-Bit/ 3.0 Mbps) that weave a convincing atmosphere for the startling dream realities of the film. The surrounds are used aggressively and are peppered with the slightest audible details. The dream parade extends across the entire soundfield, pushing every last tink and rattle through the rear speakers. Pans are swift and characters cleanly whoosh across the front of the soundscape. Accuracy is spot-on as well, and the effects placements create a convincing space for all of the sound elements to inhabit. Best of all, the dialogue is crisp and clear, offering two nice mixes that will please both dubbers and subbies alike.
The only downside to both TrueHD mixes is a by-product of the otherwise engaging musical soundtrack. When a melody is blazing along, it sounds great, using thumping, low-end bass hums and shrill, stable treble tones to establish a bizarre cacophony of sound. But when any character opens their mouth to speak, the volume of the music is drastically reduced. Whether intentional or not, the end result is distracting. Instead of relying on proper prioritization, the sound designers seem to scramble to reign in the music. Every time it happened, it completely pulled me out of the otherwise immersive soundfield.