dallow_bg said:
Damn you VanMardigan!
*shakes fist*
dallow_bg said:
CSSer said:I missed it... details?
FFObsessed said:Damn you VanMardigan!
*shakes fist*
VanMardigan said:Hey, I'm neutral now, it wasn't me!
*slowly backs out of thread*
nope:lol :lol :loljmdajr said:looks like it has been unhacked now....
Sir Fragula said:Bought the HD-DVD of Corpse Bride today in Gamestation for £12. What's the consensus on it?
StoOgE said:I want to go buy Bourne and Bladerunner today, but my parents know that I love both movies, so I have to wait till Xmas to see if they got me those before buying them. Ugg. I need them now
Is Pans Labrynth out yet?
Cool! I was surprised to see it so cheap in Gamestation. Serenity in Tesco for £12 was a nice surprise, but if Corpse Bride's picture quality is as great as you say then I'm downright confused by the pricing... They had most other titles there for £ stroke said:about the best picture quality you can get in HD
It is great quality, mine was $10 new in an American sale.Sir Fragula said:Cool! I was surprised to see it so cheap in Gamestation. Serenity in Tesco for £12 was a nice surprise, but if Corpse Bride's picture quality is as great as you say then I'm downright confused by the pricing... They had most other titles there for £20-ish.
I would asume its priced that way because it was released almost two years ago. IMO its one of HDDVD's best releases and the movie its self is pretty good tooSir Fragula said:Cool! I was surprised to see it so cheap in Gamestation. Serenity in Tesco for £12 was a nice surprise, but if Corpse Bride's picture quality is as great as you say then I'm downright confused by the pricing... They had most other titles there for £20-ish.
dallow_bg said:
Forsete said:Oh god.. Whats next? Suicide bombers? :lol
bune duggy said:well the address bar showed this:
but the entire page was the HDDVD "look and sound of perfect" page. I thought about making a screen cap but I decided not to. oh well, looks like I should have. :lol
avaya said:I wouldn't put it past rdjam.
markom58 said:First Pirates: At World's End and now Ratatouille on live marketplace!!!![]()
_leech_ said:
Kleegamefan said:So I asked this a few pages ago and got no response so I will ask again..
Anyone have any details on the Korean version of Transformers Blu Ray?
Release Date?
And most importantly, does it work on a US PlayStation 3?
markom58 said:First Pirates: At World's End and now Ratatouille on live marketplace!!!![]()
don't we have a HD movie thread for stuff like this?markom58 said:First Pirates: At World's End and now Ratatouille on live marketplace!!!![]()
DarkJediKnight said:Good for those who want digital RENTAL copies. I prefer my movies in 1080p, with flawless picture and sound.Suck it Trebe... Digital Downloads!
DarkJediKnight said:Who is this rdjam? Is he Deadmeat?
OokieSpookie said::lol So are we going to get an update every time they add something as if it is some secret surprise?
Kleegamefan said:Anyone have any details on the Korean version of Transformers Blu Ray?
And most importantly, does it work on a US PlayStation 3?
Kleegamefan said:So I asked this a few pages ago and got no response so I will ask again..
Anyone have any details on the Korean version of Transformers Blu Ray?
Release Date?
And most importantly, does it work on a US PlayStation 3?
yes it is region 1, does the disc have English and Korean tracks or just English...or just Korean? That would be funny.HomerSimpson-Man said:Wha..what?
There's going to be a Korean Blu-ray release of Transformers?! Korean is region 1 right?! If there is english, I must have it!!
Because it'd be the same as reporting when these movies appear on your cable operator's On Demand service, in this thread - it isn't germane to the topic. BD or HD-DVD exclusivity never stopped these movies from appearing in HD by some other means.markom58 said:So again, what's funny? I dont understand.
kaching said:Because it'd be the same as reporting when these movies appear on your cable operator's On Demand service, in this thread - it isn't germane to the topic. BD or HD-DVD exclusivity never stopped these movies from appearing in HD by some other means.
kaching said:Because it'd be the same as reporting when these movies appear on your cable operator's On Demand service, in this thread - it isn't germane to the topic. BD or HD-DVD exclusivity never stopped these movies from appearing in HD by some other means. few Testimonials:
William - "Nothing but good things to say about HD-DVD. Keep the movies coming!"
Alesha - "I love HD DVD, they need more studio support! Plus Blue-ray is way over priced, nobody wants to pay $1000 for a dvd player!"
Terry - "HD DVD is growing much faster than Blu-Ray. Release your films, and I will purchase."
Tony - "HD-DVD gives us a realistic - reliable affordable way to enjoy movies in HD... Give us full support! Thank you."
Steven - "I own the Toshiba HD DVD player XA1 and it is amazing.I work part-time at Circuit -City (2 years) and it is a significantly better picture than the Samsung Blu-Ray player."
Eric - "Blue-Ray didn't deliver what it promised and HD-DVD has delivered in every area it was supposed to. In practice it's the better, more stable format."
Mischa - "Don't withold those great titles, bring them at least to both formats. Let the consumer decide!"
Dan - "I've compared both versions, and quality is better than blu-ray. But what appeals to me is how much more affordable it is.."
Nolan - "I am a large consumer of movie software and would love to increase my library with tittles on HD DVD. Please release tittles and let the consumer decide which format should win."
Charity - "Please end this now. Look at the sales numbers.The consumer has clearly sided with HD DVD."
Tom - "Its the only way forward. It Works..."
Zaptruder said:It's true.
HD-DVD sales of the Harry Potter box sets are outpacing the sell through for BD versions...
as a percentage of the installed base (including PS3s) that are buying the movies.
DJ_Tet said:Has anyone compared the Marketplace version of Pirates vs the Blu Ray version?
I saw that most downloads clock in between 5-7 gigs, certainly it isn't full HD? I imagine it has to still look impressive though, are there any good comparisons online? I'm not sure which movies are on Marketplace (and am not interested in digital d/l,) I just want to know how good the technology is at present time.
duketogo88 said:Charity - "Please end this now. Look at the sales numbers.The consumer has clearly sided with HD DVD."