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Hi-Def Media Lovefest: The war is over and we can all go home.

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Gold Member
gandda said:
:lol @ people getting their hopes up about Warner going Blu-ray exclusive. Toshiba's going to moneyhat them like crazy.

And Sony and friends won't?

Edit: Please, help me see the moves.
Hey guys, I don't know if there is a seperate thread for this, but a friend bought me the Spiderman Trilogy Blu-Ray set. The only problem? I don't own a blu-ray player. So, I want to sell it. Is there a selling thread to post in?
Gamecocks625 said:
Hey guys, I don't know if there is a seperate thread for this, but a friend bought me the Spiderman Trilogy Blu-Ray set. The only problem? I don't own a blu-ray player. So, I want to sell it. Is there a selling thread to post in?

There is an official buy sell trade thread on the gaming side that should work pretty quick for you. ( Would post a link but do not have it bookmarked on my work pc but someone will )


Chiggs said:
And Sony and friends won't?

Toshiba's friends are bigger, badder, more ... American.

They've already spent $150,000,000 (count the zeroes, please) on Paramount.

Paramount! For crying out loud.

You don't just spend that kind of money on the little guy if you're not going to lasso up the bigger guy to even up the playing field, i.e., studio support.

You can learn this kind of logic in public schools, even.


nods at old men
gandda said:
Toshiba's friends are bigger, badder, more ... American.

They've already spent $150,000,000 (count the zeroes, please) on Paramount.

Paramount! For crying out loud.

You don't just spend that kind of money on the little guy if you're not going to lasso up the bigger guy to even up the playing field, i.e., studio support.

You can learn this kind of logic in public schools, even.
Toshiba: Revenue $63.7 Billion US (Consolidated 2007)

Sony: Revenue $70.303 billion US (2007)

150million is pocket change to both of these mofos.


Fork 'em, Sparky!
I think wishful thinking is the more accurate term.

I don't see why Toshiba couldn't offer 300 million or more to Warner for exclusivity for the next 2 years, but would even that be enough?

Warner, after all would have to sell more than 10 million HD-DVDs or Blu-Rays to equal that amount of money given up front for exclusive support.

Of course, if Toshiba can offer money, Sony can, too.


For anyone that cares, Pan's Labyrinth for Blu-Ray was out in Best Buy. I didn't see any HD-DVD but I wasn't specifically looking for it. Anyways, it seems to have shipped early so if you're out doing xmas shopping late this weekend, keep your eyes peeled. I'll probably chime in the HD movie thread to lay down my thoughts on the PQ/AQ.

Happy hunting!


On the topic of moneyhats, did Toshiba not already try to moneyhat Warner and were rejected? Maybe the payout wasn't big enough, but still...


Oh and is Rush Hour 3 definitely out tomorrow (especially in Canada)?

What kind of idiots schedule a big movie like this on BOXING DAY.


Clothed, sober, cooperative
gandda said:
Transformers is easily 10 times more watchable than Spider-Man 3.

I would rather own X-Men 3 on Blu-ray, if I had to own either at all. That's saying a lot.

I would rather stand through another Peter Jackson movie than watch another Sam Raimi movie. That, also, is saying a lot.

Warner going HD-DVD exclusive would make the purchase of a Xbox 360 that much easier to bare. I'm just waiting for the announcement to make sure it's set in stone; better safe than sorry.

:lol @ people getting their hopes up about Warner going Blu-ray exclusive. Toshiba's going to moneyhat them like crazy.

Spider-Man and Transformers are both utter shit. Both formats: Doom3d


First tragedy, then farce.
I want to go buy Bourne and Bladerunner today, but my parents know that I love both movies, so I have to wait till Xmas to see if they got me those before buying them. Ugg. I need them now :(

Is Pans Labrynth out yet?


My amazon order of Simpsons, Stardust and Balls of Fury was lost in shipping. Amazon rocks, reported it yesterday afternoon and they overnighted me another order and they will be here today. Tonight is going to be a good movie night :D


Piper Az said:
However, Bourne = HD-DVD === WIN!!!

I rented bourne ultimatum on SD DVD last night. Not even the mighty power of bourne can make me buy a HDDVD player.

Well, not until CES anyway. If its looking like stalemate for another year I may jump
Stinkles said:
Spider-Man and Transformers are both utter shit. Both formats: Doom3d
I'd say the same thing about both movies: Great effects, crap story, saw them both once, thought they were both OK and I don't ever need to see either again.


Porn Industry Warms Up to Blu-ray



acabado said:

If they are going to continue to make porno "parodies" of popular movies, they should at least try to find actresses that resemble the hotties in the respective film.

Pirate ships and sword duels don't turn me on, Keira Knightley does.

Jesus, I should be a porn director/producer, these people are selling the easiest product in the world, and they still manage to fuck it up.


First tragedy, then farce.
OokieSpookie said:
It is not really a parody of what you think that it is

IIRC, this movie caused an uproar. The city in Florida that they filmed it in thought it was a legit movie (they advertised it to them as such) and they gave them all kinds of tax breaks to get the production to their city.

They then went back to California and filmed all the interesting parts to add into the 'movie' later. The city sued them trying to get money back and lost. :lol


acabado said:

Actually it should be titled, "Porn Industry Realizes it (Possibly) Bet on the Wrong Horse."

However, I still contend that porn should not go HD, unless it's anime and/or CGI.

IIRC, this movie caused an uproar. The city in Florida that they filmed it in thought it was a legit movie (they advertised it to them as such) and they gave them all kinds of tax breaks to get the production to their city.

They then went back to California and filmed all the interesting parts to add into the 'movie' later. The city sued them trying to get money back and lost. :D

That is hilarious; I haven't heard that story.


First tragedy, then farce.
Ignatz Mouse said:
I don't get it. Are there comments somewhere linking this to HD media, because this seem pretty well unrelated to me.

it doesnt, its all Digital Distribution and cross promotional stuff. Sounds like MS is doing alot of Viacoms online advertising for them as well.

That wont stop people from assuming this deal has something to do with HDDVD.


Gold Member
Ignatz Mouse said:
Oh, I misread the initial poster's meaning, thinking that they already had gone to work making this into something it isn't.

My sources are telling me that there are employees at Viacom/Paramount that used to work at Warner Bros. The implications are staggering.
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