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Hi-Def Media Lovefest: The war is over and we can all go home.

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Lord Error

Insane For Sony
SanjuroTsubaki said:
Talk about Sony trolls. This thread has been derailed to the max.
Technically, this thread was about BR overtaking/BR dominance, right? So is it possible for BR proponents to derail it, by saying how it's a winning format? :p

Btw, MGS4 was never officially delayed, I think. Just some unconfirmed rumors.


"GAF's biggest wanker"
VanMardigan said:
One, we didn't know about, one we did. So one wasn't redundant, while one was.
You act as if Bill's assessment of the situation is static, set in stone months ago, failing to account for anything that has happened since he first started to lean towards Blu-Ray. That's the only way it would be "redundant" and in the process it would be a very scathing criticism of someone who is considered an expert in this field, whether you realize that's what your saying or not. I know you just want to downplay Bill's stance, but when an expert in a field stakes their reputation on a particular position over an extended period of time, that's *significant* and not simply "redundant".


First tragedy, then farce.
Crayon Shinchan said:
We keep going around and around and around.

The reason we are going around in circles is simple,

You keep calling anyone who thinks HDDVD has a shot at winning a troll. Then you go and proclaim the war over and BRD the winner.

I dont care if you, Bill Hunt or the Dahli Lama thinks BRD is going to win. Thats a perfectly fine opinion to hold, nothing is a fact because no one knows what the future holds.. but you have this wierd thing where you can have an opinion, but anyone with a different opinion is a troll.

If you dont see how thats a double standard I cant help you.


VanMardigan said:
The first part of the post didn't make any sense, so I'll pass on even addressing it. As far as what's quoted above, I agree that is what he did. Which is why it was redundant because we already knew that. I'm not saying he SHOULDN'T have posted that article, I'm just saying it was pretty irrelevant for those of us who read his site regularly.
The first part of his post made total sense. What you're saying is that it's obvious that Bill Hunt like Blu-ray. Well, it's also obvious that Nintendo is making a new Zelda for the Wii, but it's nice when they confirm it. If he thinks he should steer his readers in the appropriate direction, taking an official stance is a good thing. Letting your fanbase discern your position by reading through reviews and comments is not nearly as effective as putting up an article that says, "Hey, I picked Blu-ray, I recommend it and here's why." You may not feel that his official position is needed, but I have to say, you are pretty far into the HD DVD camp and the fuss that has been made by the HD DVD supporters here over one guy simply clarifying his position is obviously 100% based on fanboyism.

When HD DVD has an intelligent person that stands up for the format and speaks out to readers, I don't think you're going to get the kind of backlash that Blu-ray supporters are getting over thinking that Hunt's article is good. What you got was Harry ****ing Knowles listing untrue shit and sounding in general like the complete idiot that he is, so of course Blu-ray supporters picked it clean like vultures. Bill Hunt's reply was informed, thought out and of great benefit to his less-perceptive readers who trust him and may not have figured out exactly which way he swayed for sure. There is absolutely nothing wrong with clarification.

SanjuroTsubaki said:

I purchased a PS3 w/contr, movie, and game for $400. I sold a PS3 w/contr, movie, and game for $420. I know Blu-Ray has been in the lead last time I checked around February. The PS3 is a game console with the only game of intrest for me is MGS4 which is delayed.
I would NEVER spend $200+ on a HD-DVD player or Blu-Ray player.
I can purchase a HD-DVD add-on for under $90. HD-DVD is getting TMNT and already has Batman Begins.

I have not been hostile. I came in here for information and HD discussion and I was jumped on by a bunch of Sony loyalists. If anyone here doesn't see the logic in what I posted then you can simply not be helped.
How can a game that has never had a release date be delayed? If you bought a PS3 thinking MGS4 was going to be ready within the launch window then that's your own fault. It's been assumed to be a holiday 2007/Q1 2008 game for ages.

I think the reason people are calling you out so much is because it really sounds like you're planning on getting another PS3 when MGS4 hits... which is a brutal waste of money. Getting rid of the PS3 served no purpose whatsoever if you end up turning around to get another one within 12 months. You are bleeding money all over the place, and people just have a hard time grasping why exactly you're okay with that.


Ignatz Mouse said:
Van, I don't think it's silly to include the players in the laptops-- I think the justification given is silly.

It's a vary smart move, and likely to help out the format a lot, and I completely agree that cost won't that big a factor.

how many of the toshiba laptops will actually have the grunt to decode HDDVD?


Chemo said:
I think the reason people are calling you out so much is because it really sounds like you're planning on getting another PS3 when MGS4 hits... which is a brutal waste of money. Getting rid of the PS3 served no purpose whatsoever if you end up turning around to get another one within 12 months. You are bleeding money all over the place, and people just have a hard time grasping why exactly you're okay with that.

I'm not saying this in a mean spirited way. You seem more rational here than others. I gained $20 dollars on my PS3 venture. I bought it for $400 w/contr,movie,game and sold it for $420 with the same items. So to buy it again when the game is released is reasonable or maybe another game will come out of the blue. I know it never had a release date, but to try out a new game console and a few games of minor intrest with the possiblity of a much anticipated game coming out for the holiday season seemed like a good move at the time. I didn't regret anything.

Crayon Shinchan

Aquafina Fanboy
SanjuroTsubaki said:
Where the hell are you getting $200? You don't know how to read. A brand new PS3 is $600. I picked up a used one for $400 and sold it for $420. How the hell is a PS3 less than $400 by your accounts?

I'm making the assumption that you may want to buy the PS3 again for games sometime in the future. Maybe when it hits $200.

Ok, given that; the Bluray functionality has to be worth at least $200 to you in order for you to get a 'cheap' PS3 that only plays games (obviously that's not what you get; but if you're only willing to pay $200 for gaming PS3... which I imagine you would, as it's not a bad buy at all), then the Bluray player has to be worth enough to you right now, in order to justify the cost of the PS3.

Ok, so now you're dealing with $200 Bluray player, vs a $90 HD-DVD drive.

Given that Bluray has the momentum as far as HD movies goes, it's much more likely to succeed; and along with that success, HD-DVD is much more likely to fail.

Now, you're willing to pay at the very least, $90 for a HD player; but the movies are obviously going to bump up the prices as well.

I imagine that you'll be expecting to buy more than those two movies... (otherwise if you're really willing to pay 90+30*2 for HD-DVD and 2 movies, I really have no argument)... and if you're willing to do that...

then why isn't it worth it for you to pay an extra $110 for the format that is looking to succeed? So that you can have a HD player that can play movies into the future. Not just now?

If you're not willing to pay $200 for a PS3 games only, or you're willing to pay $130+ (but less than $200) for 2 movies, then my argument falls flat.

But then, my argument assumes that you're a rational individual.

I would never pay that ammount of money to watch a leftover movies on a format that might fail.

This is the statement that's considered hostile btw; 'leftover movies'. What is that even supposed to mean? If you don't want to pay that much for movies that may fail... then why are you willing to spend half that for a format that is *much* more likely to fail?


SanjuroTsubaki said:
I'm not saying this in a mean spirited way. You seem more rational here than others. I gained $20 dollars on my PS3 venture. I bought it for $400 w/contr,movie,game and sold it for $420 with the same items. So to buy it again when the game is released is reasonable or maybe another game will come out of the blue. I know it never had a release date, but to try out a new game console and a few games of minor intrest with the possiblity of a much anticipated game coming out for the holiday season seemed like a good move at the time. I didn't regret anything.

That doesn't sound reasonable to me. Since you may be paying more, or at least won't get the same value the next time around. You may have well just hung on to it and spend the 90$. That 20$ profit you made barely contributes to your HDDVD add on.

Crayon Shinchan

Aquafina Fanboy
StoOgE said:
The reason we are going around in circles is simple,

You keep calling anyone who thinks HDDVD has a shot at winning a troll. Then you go and proclaim the war over and BRD the winner.

I dont care if you, Bill Hunt or the Dahli Lama thinks BRD is going to win. Thats a perfectly fine opinion to hold, nothing is a fact because no one knows what the future holds.. but you have this wierd thing where you can have an opinion, but anyone with a different opinion is a troll.

If you dont see how thats a double standard I cant help you.

One argument is like evolution. The other creationism.

One is much more right, the other much more wrong; simply on the basis of empirical evidence out there.

Trying to pretend like they're on a level playing field is disingenious. But unlike evolution, unfortunately, we're not simpler observers of the fact; we're participants in this issue.

But the skew for Bluray is such that; at worst, we'll end up seeing both formats stagnant. If Blu-ray doesn't win, it's more likely to see both formats lose, then HD-DVD taking it all.

As a HD enthusiast, I want to avoid that situation as much as possible... but if you look only a few posts ago, before all this noise... it seems like we may be on the precipice of realising our worst fears.


Crayon Shinchan said:

Alright. Your Sony motivation cannot be stopped. Your numbers are all over the place and my response with "A format that might fail" is in response to someone calling my call "lame" because I wanted a game system.

Bottom line is I'm not taking sides. I'm not poor however so I could pony up and buy anything I want here in discussion. But I'm not going to spend what I think is alot of money which is OVER $400 at the LEAST for a console that I'm not going to be happy with.

PS3 is GREAT HARDWARE! BluRay looks ****ing FANTASTIC! I LIKE BLURAY! But comparing $90 to over $400 is still a huge difference for me to just watch movies at the moment.


Eh, I think Sanjuro is making a smart money saving decision for the short term. In the long term...who knows?

I don't agree that it's ever a smart idea to sell a console though, especially when it has good games and more right around the corner. But that's a gaming forum discussion.
Crayon, this isn't analagous to creationism. Yes, the facts weigh on the BluRay side, but you're overstating things, and that's what gets people riled.

As I have said before, the war *isn't* over, but there is a likely winner. But nothing is over until it's over.


djkimothy said:
That doesn't sound reasonable to me. Since you may be paying more, or at least won't get the same value the next time around. You may have well just hung on to it and spend the 90$. That 20$ profit you made barely contributes to your HDDVD add on.
Sigh. Its not about the $20. I spent that ammount on booze in no time. The point is I tried out a system that I wanted to try. It was just sitting there and I had a friend who wanted one. I sold it with the possible intentions of picking it up again.

There might be a price drop, better games, new additions, online modes. All different things that would add to the value of somthing.

Crayon Shinchan

Aquafina Fanboy
Ignatz Mouse said:
Crayon, this isn't analagous to creationism. Yes, the facts weigh on the BluRay side, but you're overstating things, and that's what gets people riled.

As I have said before, the war *isn't* over, but there is a likely winner. But nothing is over until it's over.

Yeah, it's overstating it. But all the same; the argument in empirical evidence terms is much stronger for one then the other.

Equal consideration can't be given for both; because that would be ignoring the facts.

Ok, you can say Blu-ray looks iffy; but you can't turn around and ignore that HD-DVD is in an even worse position.

If you say Blu-ray isn't looking good; the case you'd have to make is that HD media in general isn't looking as flash hot as it should be; you could evidence the measly sales numbers, or that Fox and other studios are hesitating releasing catalogue titles and even new releases. That might hold some water.

But when you say Bluray might fail; cite it as a reason for giving up the PS3 as a bluray player, then turn around and say, I don't mind spending $90 bucks on a format even more likely to fail, then you know some shit is up.


SanjuroTsubaki said:
There might be a price drop, better games, new additions, online modes. All different things that would add to the value of somthing.

The only thing you could have a tangible gain is the price drop. Everything else could be afforded if you still had the system now. The point is, you may have to spend $400 (i'm making that number up) to get the console back again, but maybe without a movie.

Did you not consider $400 a great deal for the PS3 to begin with? Oh wait, is a 20 Gigger?


Sanjuro walks into a dark alley off of the main road. The alley is damp from the rain from the previous night and can hear the raindrops hit off the aluminum garbage barrels that have appeared to have been untouched for decades. Sanjuro looks around briefly to make sure nobody is watching from the light area nearby. He then turns his head and in a cool mannered voice asks "I need a blowjob."

At first nothing happens as the alley is quiet. Then slowly two figures immerge from the darkness. As the two figures near closer Sanjuro quickly identifies one as his old friend BluRay. A quick grin arrives on both faces as they great each other but both do realize that they are hear for business and business alone. Sanjuro then asks "Who wants to suck my cock tonight?". BluRay answers quickly "For a hefty price I will suck your cock. It will be for alot longer and I'll stop and go alot but I feel it will be worth your cash.". Sanjuro excited then looks to the other figure and asks for his name. The figure replies "My name is HD. I will suck your manstick for alot less money than him. It won't last as long and you'll have to watch him **** my ass for the entire duration but it will feel the same if not a little better!" Sanjuro ponders his epic choice...
I never really understood what the concern is about one standard or another, I'll just wait and see what format has the most movies that I want to see in the future and go with it. Its not likely to matter one way or the other for any real length of time anyway.

Crayon Shinchan

Aquafina Fanboy
SanjuroTsubaki said:
Sanjuro walks into a dark alley off of the main road. The alley is damp from the rain from the previous night and can hear the raindrops hit off the aluminum garbage barrels that have appeared to have been untouched for decades. Sanjuro looks around briefly to make sure nobody is watching from the light area nearby. He then turns his head and in a cool mannered voice asks "I need a blowjob."

At first nothing happens as the alley is quiet. Then slowly two figures immerge from the darkness. As the two figures near closer Sanjuro quickly identifies one as his old friend BluRay. A quick grin arrives on both faces as they great each other but both do realize that they are hear for business and business alone. Sanjuro then asks "Who wants to suck my cock tonight?". BluRay answers quickly "For a hefty price I will suck your cock. It will be for alot longer and I'll stop and go alot but I feel it will be worth your cash.". Sanjuro excited then looks to the other figure and asks for his name. The figure replies "My name is HD. I will suck your manstick for alot less money than him. It won't last as long and you'll have to watch him **** my ass for the entire duration but it will feel the same if not a little better!" Sanjuro ponders his epic choice...

Yeah. I don't know. If you're making up metaphors like that, I can't help but feel you've made the right choice.

After all, you now have access to the world of HD


After trying to decided for about a day what the 3rd title should be for the B2G1F deal on Amazon I decided on:
Layer Cake
The Tailor of Panama

Layer Cake and The Tailor of Panama are blind buys so I am hoping for the best.


sooperkool said:
I never really understood what the concern is about one standard or another, I'll just wait and see what format has the most movies that I want to see in the future and go with it. Its not likely to matter one way or the other for any real length of time anyway.
Wow, never seen this post before!

Please come back to this thread when you actually support a next-gen format. Thanks for stopping by, but this topic isn't for fence-sitters or people who don't feel the need to upgrade.

jjasper said:
Layer Cake and The Tailor of Panama are blind buys so I am hoping for the best.
Not sure about The Tailor of Panama, but Layer Cake is a great film with outstanding PQ to boot. Excellent choice.


First tragedy, then farce.
Tailor of Panama is an awesome movie, its very well thought out and well acted. Pierce Brosnan plays an anti-Bond better than he did a Bond (see the matador also, great movie). It looks good on HDNET Movies, so I would imagine the BRD would look better than that.

Also funny about all the stuff about Blood Diamon that was said.. according to several prominent AVS forumers, the reviews are off and its a solid transfer. and the imfamous 7.9 bitrate was for a grand total of 1 scene. It averaged much higher.
SanjuroTsubaki said:
Sanjuro walks into a dark alley off of the main road. The alley is damp from the rain from the previous night and can hear the raindrops hit off the aluminum garbage barrels that have appeared to have been untouched for decades. Sanjuro looks around briefly to make sure nobody is watching from the light area nearby. He then turns his head and in a cool mannered voice asks "I need a blowjob."

At first nothing happens as the alley is quiet. Then slowly two figures immerge from the darkness. As the two figures near closer Sanjuro quickly identifies one as his old friend BluRay. A quick grin arrives on both faces as they great each other but both do realize that they are hear for business and business alone. Sanjuro then asks "Who wants to suck my cock tonight?". BluRay answers quickly "For a hefty price I will suck your cock. It will be for alot longer and I'll stop and go alot but I feel it will be worth your cash.". Sanjuro excited then looks to the other figure and asks for his name. The figure replies "My name is HD. I will suck your manstick for alot less money than him. It won't last as long and you'll have to watch him **** my ass for the entire duration but it will feel the same if not a little better!" Sanjuro ponders his epic choice...


You're OK.

FWIW, I never had a problem with your economics, just the tone (and I came in late).


has calmed down a bit.
Crayon Shinchan said:
One argument is like evolution. The other creationism.

One is much more right, the other much more wrong; simply on the basis of empirical evidence out there.

Terrible analogy. Both on the points ignatz posted and for your obvious lack of knowledge into what evolution claims vs. creationism and your ignorant grouping of evolution with abiogenesis.

how many of the toshiba laptops will actually have the grunt to decode HDDVD?

Are you being serious?

Crayon Shinchan

Aquafina Fanboy
VanMardigan said:
Terrible analogy. Both on the points ignatz posted and for your obvious lack of knowledge into what evolution claims vs. creationism and your ignorant grouping of evolution with abiogenesis.

It's an off the cuff analogy. And obviously in depends on the branch of creationism you're talking about.

Yes, you can have creationist theories compatible with evolution, but there are just as many been trumpeted just as loudly that are incompatible. But lets not make this into a thread about abiogenesis and creationism and religion. It's not the place.

The point is succint though; some things that are skewed as opinions shouldn't be seen as such; especially when backed by solid evidence. Blu-ray is doing much better right now, it's in a much more solid position in terms of support; and that there doesn't look like there's too much that will change that fact in the short to medium or even long term future. That's the reality; those are the facts. As a result, it's much less of a reach to say that Bluray has a much better chance of winning this HD media war, then of saying HD-DVD will win it.


First tragedy, then farce.
Oh, and I may be format neutral in the next 5 minutes if my ebay bid holds up.. 30GB PS3 for 350 bucks (used). I want Motorstorm and MGS4 anyway, and I dont see retail getting that cheap for a while.


has calmed down a bit.
Crayon Shinchan said:
That's the reality; those are the facts. As a result, it's much less of a reach to say that Bluray has a much better chance of winning this HD media war, then of saying HD-DVD will win it.

I agree with that, but that isn't the problem. The problem is that folks go way beyond what you described (as is usual in a forum) and it causes friction. I don't think there's a single HD DVD poster here that would disagree about BR doing better right now. The typical HD DVD stance seems to be "it's still early, anything can happen", and they're right, because stand-alone sales still tip in favor of HD DVD and software sales (the biggest factor for pro-BD posters) are still relatively low across the board.

As for your analogy, hopefully you don't "off the cuff" any more of those. I almost had a heart attack reading that garbage.

I'm frustratingly far from a Ps3 (and by extension Blu Ray). My tv has no 720p nor hdmi. I know I need a new tv before I get a Ps3.

Crayon Shinchan

Aquafina Fanboy
StoOgE said:
Oh, and I may be format neutral in the next 5 minutes if my ebay bid holds up.. 30GB PS3 for 350 bucks (used). I want Motorstorm and MGS4 anyway, and I dont see retail getting that cheap for a while.

30GB PS3?

Sounds like you're getting conned mate :p

Crayon Shinchan

Aquafina Fanboy
VanMardigan said:
I agree with that, but that isn't the problem. The problem is that folks go way beyond what you described (as is usual in a forum) and it causes friction. I don't think there's a single HD DVD poster here that would disagree about BR doing better right now. The typical HD DVD stance seems to be "it's still early, anything can happen", and they're right, because stand-alone sales still tip in favor of HD DVD and software sales (the biggest factor for pro-BD posters) are still relatively low across the board.

As for your analogy, hopefully you don't "off the cuff" any more of those. I almost had a heart attack reading that garbage.

Answer your PM.

The sales will be low in absolute terms for a while yet. But using that as a reason for ignoring the strong trends, that's strongly correlated with studio support, and PS3 support, is IMO disingenious at best, and willful ignorance at worst.

It's not just a matter of low sales and its early yet.... but what do you think might plauisbly happen that would cause things to go in favour of HD-DVD? *that* is the real issue.

And please don't bring up walmart and cheap chinese players. Go back a page or two to refresh those arguments.


Crayon Shinchan said:
They sell 30GB 2.5" HDD?
obviously it was a joke; he's obviously just made a typo

Ah. Sorry, I'm "supposed" to be working. Kinda slow on my end. Don't they sell 30 GB drives?


StoOge said:
Also funny about all the stuff about Blood Diamon that was said.. according to several prominent AVS forumers, the reviews are off and its a solid transfer. and the imfamous 7.9 bitrate was for a grand total of 1 scene. It averaged much higher.
OMG :lol someone is going to ..., okay I'm not going to talk about it :lol

btw, here is the HDD review of Hellboy.


StoOgE said:
Oh, and I may be format neutral in the next 5 minutes if my ebay bid holds up.. 30GB PS3 for 350 bucks (used). I want Motorstorm and MGS4 anyway, and I dont see retail getting that cheap for a while.

Exciting, I think I might buy a stand alone HD DVD player this weekend although I am going to wait until sunday to see if anyone is offering any deals.


First tragedy, then farce.
It was a 20GB.. sorry.

I did lose the bid though. It went for a bit over 400. Which Im more than happy to pay for. Heck, Id buy the 20GB in stores if I could find it. I just dont see 600 bucks being worth it for me at this point..


LeBron loves his girlfriend. There is no other woman in the world he’d rather have. The problem is, Dwyane’s not a woman.
rubso said:
OMG :lol someone is going to ..., okay I'm not going to talk about it :lol

btw, here is the HDD review of Hellboy.

Hellboy looks amazing,awesome transfer :D
Van, every time you use the word "standalone" you lose credibility. There are plenty of people like me who use the PS3 as a BluRay player simply because it's such a (relative) bargain. Yeah, it makes impossible to gague real user-as-a-player penetration, but you can't dismiss it any more than pro-BD people can count every PS3 as an active player.

To me, the only thing keeping the war from being over is the holiday season, and seeing price, library, and mindshare drive sales. Counting standalone BluRay players as a reason HD-DVD has a chance is self-deluding.


has calmed down a bit.
Ignatz Mouse said:
Van, every time you use the word "standalone" you lose credibility. There are plenty of people like me who use the PS3 as a BluRay player simply because it's such a (relative) bargain. Yeah, it makes impossible to gague real user-as-a-player penetration, but you can't dismiss it any more than pro-BD people can count every PS3 as an active player.

To me, the only thing keeping the war from being over is the holiday season, and seeing price, library, and mindshare drive sales. Counting standalone BluRay players as a reason HD-DVD has a chance is self-deluding.

I think the problem is that you think I'm dismissing the Ps3 as a BR player. I'm not. But the truth is, we know every single person that bought an HD DVD or BR standalone did it for movie viewing. Obviously, the Ps3 sells at a much higher rate than standalones and it's impossible to decipher accurately what the BR attach rate is. Either way, I'm not dismissing the Ps3, but it's just plain dumb for you to dismiss the growing standalone HD DVD sales when looking at the relative health of the format.

Crayon Shinchan

Aquafina Fanboy
VanMardigan said:
I think the problem is that you think I'm dismissing the Ps3 as a BR player. I'm not. But the truth is, we know every single person that bought an HD DVD or BR standalone did it for movie viewing. Obviously, the Ps3 sells at a much higher rate than standalones and it's impossible to decipher accurately what the BR attach rate is. Either way, I'm not dismissing the Ps3, but it's just plain dumb for you to dismiss the growing standalone HD DVD sales when looking at the relative health of the format.

Why is there a need to draw attention to who buys what players? So that you can somehow obfuscate the actual ratio of sales between the two formats?
Let me clarify-- making a statement like "HD-DVD standalone sales are higher than BluRay standalone sales" make you lose credibility, because clearly a huge and important part of the HD market is not standalone. It's spin to even bring up that comparison, especially when software slaes show that either a lot of those PS3 are active players.

Why even mention it, except to muddy the waters?

A more truthful statement would be "Players sales cannot be accurately compared because a significant portion of BluRay's slaes seem to come from PS3 owners."

What's left to compare is software sales, and pro-HD-DVD spin doesn't talk about that. :)


has calmed down a bit.
Crayon Shinchan said:
Why is there a need to draw attention to who buys what players? So that you can somehow obfuscate the actual ratio of sales between the two formats?

Because growing standalone sales are an indicator of a format's relative strenght/weakness, and while the Ps3 threw the Blu Ray/standalone BR player ratio out of whack, it had no effect on HD DVD standalones. The fact is, HD DVD standalone sales are still relatively strong and will continue to grow into this holiday season. While I'm surprised it had very little impact on software sales this past week with Matrix, the fact is that one way to gauge the format's growth (or lack thereof) is through sales of its standalones, ESPECIALLY because there is no Ps3 device on the HD DVD side to throw the equation out of whack. Even the 360 add-on is a good indicator because its sole purpose is to play HD DVD movies. So, discounting standalone sales doesn't make any damn sense, especially when gauging the relative health of the HD DVD format.

^ignatz, that should address your post as well.

Oni Jazar

MattXG said:
Blu-Ray is the new Beta-Max.

HD-DVD will hit $150 LONG before Blu-Ray....and its over for Blu-Ray at that point.....

You were right SRG he was a joke character, now banned from a thread in the gaming forum.
VanMardigan said:
because stand-alone sales still tip in favor of HD DVD and software sales (the biggest factor for pro-BD posters) are still relatively low across the board.

This is the bit of disingenuousness to which I referred. How can that be anything but trying to confuse the issue?


has calmed down a bit.
Ignatz Mouse said:
This is the bit of disingenuousness to which I referred. How can that be anything but trying to confuse the issue?

That was RIGHT AFTER I wrote that it supports the "it's still early, anything can happen" argument. I was stating that HD DVD still had a chance. I didn't draw any wide ranging conclusions from that. I didn't overestimate the importance of that fact beyond "there's still a chance". Now, if you're telling me HD DVD doesn't have ANY chance, you are the one being disingenous. Read my post again, I didn't take the standalone fact to draw any "HD DVD WILL WIN FOR SURE" conclusions.
mrklaw said:
what region is korea? Or will Sony release it region free?

Love this movie

Taken from Wiki:

Wiki said:
The Blu-ray movie region codes are different from the DVD region codes. The following are the region codes for Blu-ray discs:

A/1 -- North America, Central America, South America, Japan, North Korea, South Korea, Taiwan, Hong Kong and Southeast Asia.

B/2 -- Europe, Greenland, French territories, Middle East, Africa, Australia and New Zealand.

C/3 -- India, Nepal, Mainland China, Russia, Central and South Asia.
Van, my point was that it weakened your whole post, including that fact which does nothing to clarify and everythign to confuse the issue.

FLying off the handle doesn't help, either. You know I've never been an extremeist and I'm not accusing you of that, either.

You'd take me to task just as fast if I said that BluRay had millions more players on the market than HD-DVD does. Technically accurate, but not indicative of reality, just like your standalone statement.


has calmed down a bit.
Ignatz Mouse said:
Van, my point was that it weakened your whole post, including that fact which does nothing to clarify and everythign to confuse the issue.

FLying off the handle doesn't help, either. You know I've never been an extremeist and I'm not accusing you of that, either.

You'd take me to task just as fast if I said that BluRay had millions more players on the market than HD-DVD does. Technically accurate, but not indicative of reality, just like your standalone statement.

I'll state this and hopefully we can move on: I thought the standalone comment was relevant because:

1. It's true

2. It's ONE factor in determining HD DVD's overall current health

3. I didn't overstate its significance.
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