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Hi-Def Media Lovefest: The war is over and we can all go home.

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Oh please, now, you are just picking post that supports people jumping to Blu-ray. Here is one that was orginally Blu-ray and now he jumped on to HD-DVD

I just recently went format neutral by getting a HD-E1 next to my "older" Panasonic DMP-BD10 Blu-ray player. I have to say I'm impressed by the maturity of both the player software as well as the interactive features on the HD-DVDs I've tried, compared to Blu-ray. I knew they were better by many accounts, but seeing is finally believing. PQ I believe is starting to be equal.

Anyone else went from BD to neutral and was impressed by the same thing?

And the Toshiba and Panasonic are behaving just fine next to each other, they even share a HDMI cable.

Sounds like he owns both and is more impressed with HD-DVD


TheJesusFactor said:
Oh please, now, you are just picking post that supports people jumping to Blu-ray. Here is one that was orginally Blu-ray and now he jumped on to HD-DVD

Sounds like he owns both and is more impressed with HD-DVD
Sounds like he's loving that HDi, to bad BDJ can't match it.
So HD Dvd is having supply problems heh. Some people on this board are so full of crap. I can't help but thinking alot of these posts will come bck to haunt you guys. And i have no problem with Blu ray winning.


Ash Sparrow said:
So HD Dvd is having supply problems heh. Some people on this board are so full of crap. I can't help but thinking alot of these posts will come bck to haunt you guys. And i have no problem with Blu ray winning.

Sure... :D


Gold Member
LuCkymoON said:
Sounds like he's loving that HDi, to bad BDJ can't match it.

HDi currently makes HD-DVD the superior format on technical terms, storage capacity is nothing in the face of how awesome HDi is.
TheJesusFactor said:
HDi is incredible, I just love it so much more over the old DVD menu system.

One of the many reasons I'm with the HD-DVD format, what they brought so far to it is exactly what I'm looking for as a high-definition format.

Hmmmm, don't know about the validity of this article. It could be wrong, but I'll let you be the judge. I'm not surprised by the fact that Blu-Ray discs are overtaking HD-DVD in sales lately, given the amount of titles coming out, but are the numbers accurate? Don't shoot the messenger!


Sales of movies on Blu-ray discs have surpassed sales of motion pictures on HD DVDs in the USA, a market study by a market tracking agency claims. But that is not a surprise: Sony has bundled some PlayStation 3 game machines with a BD movie and included a voucher for another Blu-ray disc, essentially shipping several hundreds of thousands Blu-ray movies for free.

A recent market research report from Nielsen VideoScan claims that the numbers for the week ending January 7th demonstrate that for every 47.14 HD DVD movies sold, there are 100 Blu-ray movies sold, but on the following week, ending January 14th the amount of HD DVDs sold would be 38.36, for every 100 Blu-ray discs sold, PSX Extreme web-site claims.

This is not the first time when a research indicates about Blu-ray outpacing HD DVD sales. According to 20th Century Fox Home Entertainment, a studio that exclusively supports Blu-ray format, Blu-ray discs started to outsell HD DVDs in late December and by early January there were 3.5 BDs sold on every single HD DVD movie.


HD DVD manufacturers – primarily Toshiba and Thompson – said they shipped about 175 thousands of HD DVD players in 2006. But while the Blu-ray camp led by Sony Corp. did not indicate how many players were sold, it is known that Sony Computer Entertainment Inc. shipped one million PlayStation 3 gaming machines in late-2006 – early-2007.

Many of the PlayStation 3 game consoles included Talladega Nights movie on Blu-ray and/or a voucher to purchase a Blu-ray movie for free, meaning that there were several hundred of thousands of Blu-ray movies purchased for free during the period.

Blu-ray disc fiercely competes with HD DVD format to replace conventional DVD in future. While Blu-ray offers larger storage space for content, HD DVD drives and discs are easier and cheaper to produce.


Does anyone know where Picturehouse stands? Have they said anything about Blu-ray / HD-DVD? I want my Pan's Labyrinth in HD!!! :)


Picturehouse is a Time-Warner company and so Warner has the home video rights, so you will probably see it on both HD-DVD and Blu-ray :)


Gold Member
Midas said:
Does anyone know where Picturehouse stands? Have they said anything about Blu-ray / HD-DVD? I want my Pan's Labyrinth in HD!!! :)

That's technically New Line; so they're on TotalHD.

Kleegamefan said:
Picturehouse is a Time-Warner company and so Warner has the home video rights, so you will probably see it on both HD-DVD and Blu-ray :)

It's a division of New Line (within Time-Warner), so they handle their home video which means TotalHD only.


ManaByte said:
That's technically New Line; so they're on TotalHD.

It's a division of New Line (within Time-Warner), so they handle their home video which means TotalHD only.

Which means I don't need to buy a HD-DVD player. Good for me. Thanks for the information.
Many of the PlayStation 3 game consoles included Talladega Nights movie on Blu-ray and/or a voucher to purchase a Blu-ray movie for free, meaning that there were several hundred of thousands of Blu-ray movies purchased for free during the period.

Free movies are never counted. If that is the case then HD DVD is in even worse shape since they've had that "Buy a HD DVD player and get 3 movies free" promotion forever.

It's strictly sales. Have a look at the comparsion graphs for minutes ago. Amazon isn't giving away free movies. Blu-ray is outselling HD DVD.



"GAF's biggest wanker"
I've been saying for quite awhile that the deeper interactivity that HDi/BDJ bring to the table over DVD would be one of the determining factors in favor of the HD movie formats :)


kaching said:
I've been saying for quite awhile that the deeper interactivity that HDi/BDJ bring to the table over DVD would be one of the determining factors in favor of the HD movie formats :)


Hmm... yeah, it's a nice point to bring up for shrill enthusiasts, but it doesn't seem to be determining much.

That said, a big FU to Sony and whoever else vetoed iHD from BD. There wouldn't even BE A ****ING FORMAT WAR if they hadn't done that (given that MS would've then chosen to remain format neutral).


Post Count: 9999
Zaptruder said:
That said, a big FU to Sony and whoever else vetoed iHD from BD. There wouldn't even BE A ****ING FORMAT WAR if they hadn't done that (given that MS would've then chosen to remain format neutral).

If anything, you should be pissed at MS for using iHD to leverage its dominance in the OS world.

I'm not sure why you think studios should be happy to limit their movies' usability.
High-def player sales even, says NPD Group
Tight supply of Toshiba HD DVD models could be a factor
By Susanne Ault 2/2/2007

FEB. 2 | Despite price differences, high-definition stand-alone Blu-ray and HD DVD players are neck-and-neck in sales, according to the NPD Group.

Between April and December, 48% of high-def stand-alones sold were Blu-ray and the remaining 52% were HD DVD. Blu-ray stand-alones, including models by Sony, Samsung, Philips and Pioneer, are priced at about $1,000 and up. In contrast, certain Toshiba HD DVD models can be found for about $500.

One possible contributing factor to the results is that retailers have noted tight Toshiba inventory relative to the flusher availability of stand-alone Blu-ray players.

Also, there are more Blu-ray manufacturers than HD DVD manufacturers releasing stand-alone players.

NPD’s data excludes sales of high-def gaming devices, the Blu-ray-compatible PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360’s HD DVD drive. NPD plans to update this information on a quarterly basis

This is unbelievable!! Never expected this so soon. Despite the higher prices of STANDALONE (this has nothing to do with PS3s) prices, Blu-ray standalones are almost neck and neck with HD DVD players.

Therefore, those cheap Chinese HD DVD players that Toshiba is banking their success on just went down the tubes. Fact: Content sells and Blu-ray is obliterating HD DVD in content.



Another AVS myth bites the dust, the AVS goons spreading lies how HD-DVD stand-alone sold 5 times more than blu-ray stand-alone
The Main Event said:
One of the many reasons I'm with the HD-DVD format, what they brought so far to it is exactly what I'm looking for as a high-definition format.

Hmmmm, don't know about the validity of this article. It could be wrong, but I'll let you be the judge. I'm not surprised by the fact that Blu-Ray discs are overtaking HD-DVD in sales lately, given the amount of titles coming out, but are the numbers accurate? Don't shoot the messenger!


That XBitLabs column is a joke. Nielsen VideoScan numbers only count over-the-counter unit sales, not freebies or pack-ins.

XBitLabs should try doing a tiny bit of research sometime before jumping to wild conclusions and making fools out of themselves. The way VideoScan numbers are compiled is not a big secret. Even the little indy music/movie store I worked in while at university had access to their VHS and DVD numbers in various trade publications, and their methodology over the years is well-known, and a lot less arcane than something like NPD, which no one outside NPD really understands. Nielsen VideoScan is all hard data from POS.

I can only guess that since these numbers came out Amir has been freaking out and spreading the FUD around to anyone stupid enough to buy into these lame excuses. Looks like XBitLabs got suckered in.
More AVS goodness:

Is this NPD thing really reliable?

All you have to do is talk to these store managers and it's very clear that HD DVD is far outpacing BR in standalone harware sales. Maybe they didn't bother to do that. It wouldn't be the first time numbers are used that have no basis in fact.

NPD has no credibility :lol
TheJesusFactor said:
Everyone should run to their local Best Buy or Circuit City and give a report here. That is better than any of the lies floating around.

Might want to wait until tomorrow...

It looks like the Best Buy Buy 1, Get 1 Free Blu-ray Promo is coming back tomorrow:

Best Buy will be offering a buy one Blu-ray title and get one free from Sunday Feb.4 to Sat. Feb. 10.

The titles being offered are:

Credit dvdirv @ HighDefDigest Forums.


If true, I might pick up a few. While I wouldn't pay much for the less-than-stellar transfers of The Fifth Element, Underworld: Evolution, or House of the Flying Daggers, I wouldn't mind getting them for free. Jessica Alba in a bikini in HD for free seems like a good bonus to me too.

Someone on the HighDefDigest forum in another thread has found Reservoir Dogs, Running With Scissors, and American Psycho already on the shelves @ Best Buy, a little early.


DarkJediKnight said:
This is unbelievable!! Never expected this so soon. Despite the higher prices of STANDALONE (this has nothing to do with PS3s) prices, Blu-ray standalones are almost neck and neck with HD DVD players.

Therefore, those cheap Chinese HD DVD players that Toshiba is banking their success on just went down the tubes. Fact: Content sells and Blu-ray is obliterating HD DVD in content.

Yeah I just saw this.

Manabyte am cry.


Casino Royale just hit #30 at Amazon a couple of hours ago. The highest rank for any HD movies beating even Batman BeginsHD-DVD, Superman Returns HD-DVD, etc....


there is joy in sucking dick

I would peek over at the "other board" not the "other other" board to see how they're reacting but I don't frequent it anymore.


_leech_ said:
More AVS goodness:

NPD has no credibility :lol

To be fair to the AVS folks, this is really the first true hardware "war" they ever encountered in the internet era. VHS/Beta was before the time of the AVS forums, and DVD was a pre-declared winner, its really the first format war they encountered where consumer interest and sales numbers are religiously followed. They are not seasoned pros like the folks here at GAF. :)

The knee-jerk reaction of the HD-DVD supporters where "don't like the data = source must be unreliable" is to a certain point expected. They are going to have to go through the slow and painful process of just accepting NPD numbers. :D


Doctor_No said:
To be fair to the AVS folks, this is really the first true hardware "war" they ever encountered in the internet era. VHS/Beta was before the time of the AVS forums, and DVD was a pre-declared winner, its really the first format war they encountered where consumer interest and sales numbers are religiously followed. They are not seasoned pros like the folks here at GAF. :)

The knee-jerk reaction of the HD-DVD supporters where "don't like the data = source must be unreliable" is to a certain point expected. They are going to have to go through the slow and painful process of just accepting NPD numbers. :D

So the question is, will we see monthly thursday NPD thread at AVS? ...like we do here at GAF:lol


Petrarca said:
So the question is, will we see monthly thursday NPD thread at AVS? ...like we do here at GAF:lol

The AVS guys have been posting NPD numbers in the HD software thread for the past two months. :lol
Apparently, Toshiba got a spot to advertise the HD-DVD format along with their $200 rebate when buying a Toshiba HDTV in conjunction with an HD-DVD player during the Superbowl.

Let's see how it'll turn out.
Why are people stating that HDi is better BD-J? Doesn't BD-J have everything that HDi has?

At the 2005 JavaOne trade show, it was announced that Sun Microsystems' Java cross-platform software environment would be included in all Blu-ray Disc players as a mandatory part of the standard. Java will be used to implement interactive menus on Blu-ray Discs, as opposed to the method used on DVD video discs, which uses pre-rendered MPEG segments and selectable subtitle pictures, which is considerably more primitive and less seamless. Java creator James Gosling, at the conference, suggested that the inclusion of a Java virtual machine as well as network connectivity in BD devices will allow updates to Blu-ray Discs via the Internet, adding content such as additional subtitle languages and promotional features that are not included on the disc at pressing time. This Java Version will be called BD-J and will be a subset of the Globally Executable MHP (GEM) standard. GEM is the world-wide version of the Multimedia Home Platform standard.

The BD-ROM specification defines four profiles of Blu-ray players. All video-based profiles are required to have a full implementation of BD-J. The 1st generation players are based on the Profile 1 (BD-Video) specification that does not require support of certain features such as Picture-in-Picture, secondary audio, local storage, and network connections. Profile 1.1 makes PIP, secondary audio and local storage mandatory. Profile 2 (BD-Live) adds network connectivity to the list of mandatory functions. Profile 3 is meant for an audio-only player and does not require video decoding or BD-J.


CurseoftheGods said:
Why are people stating that HDi is better BD-J? Doesn't BD-J have everything that HDi

the only possible reason for saying iHD is better is because the tools for authoring iHD are arguably easier to use.

On the other hand, Java is more well-known to programmers and any ease-of-use disparity will disappear as demand for BD-J authoring tools increases.
CurseoftheGods said:
Why are people stating that HDi is better BD-J? Doesn't BD-J have everything that HDi has?

Its simple, BD-J does not work right now, in fact they haven't finalized it. HDi is working and is finalized. Basically, you can't get interactivity on any Blu-ray movie for another 6 months. And even then, your current collection will not work with the new standard. This is the main reason why Warner Bro is hold off release any new movies.


TheJesusFactor said:
Its simple, BD-J does not work right now, in fact they haven't finalized it. HDi is working and is finalized. Basically, you can't get interactivity on any Blu-ray movie for another 6 months. And even then, your current collection will not work with the new standard. This is the main reason why Warner Bro is hold off release any new movies.

Warner releases between now and June (according to highdefdigest):
The Departed (Warner)
Bullitt (Warner)
The Getaway (1972) (Warner)
Happy Feet (Warner)
March of the Penguins (Warner)
National Geographic: Relentless Enemies (Warner)
Petrarca said:
Casino Royale just hit #30 at Amazon a couple of hours ago. The highest rank for any HD movies beating even Batman BeginsHD-DVD, Superman Returns HD-DVD, etc....

Now it's #29. Will it crack the Top 25?

The Main Event said:
Apparently, Toshiba got a spot to advertise the HD-DVD format along with their $200 rebate when buying a Toshiba HDTV in conjunction with an HD-DVD player during the Superbowl.

Let's see how it'll turn out.

Where did you get that info? According to the Superbowl Ad runsheet I got, Toshiba doesn't have an ad in the Super Bowl.

As an aside, it is interesting to note that there aren't going to be many movies advertised during the Super Bowl, either. Only three are scheduled. Two from Disney, (Meet the Robinsons and Wild Hogs) One from Lionsgate (Pride). Big change from last year, which had a lot of movies.

C'mon BDA, get that damn java 1.1 working so I can get my hands on this 50gb disc. I own the HD DVD version and it's really nice, but the picture is softer than King Kong, Hulk, Crank, Covenant, etc... The VC-1 bitrate was really low so here's hoping the Blu-ray version will get a new transfer. :D


I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions
Kleegamefan said:


Yeah, they sold through 30k HD-DVD Players within 24 hours after launch. :D


Mrbob said:
Yeah I just saw this.

Manabyte am cry.

funny thing is poor guy decided to jump full on the bandwagon after HD-DVD started going down like a sinking ship :lol

actually he's a huge movie fan, so the HD-DVD wont go to waste
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