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Hilarious new NMS mod changes every player into Sean Murray, who begs people to delete it!


someone will do it. someone with a sad pathetic life looking for a bit of attention.
You must be fun at parties



I moved on.But in a sense that I dont let this game bother me anymore.If people want buy and play it, be my guest.If people enjoy it, more power to them!

But if, in a forum dedicated to discussing videogames, the topic is brought up, and its relevant to the discussion at hand, I will talk about it.Because in case another company is trying to do their own No Mans Lie, that a game seems too good to be true, its important for people to know what happened before to either not be fooled again, or at least know what you are getting yourselfs into.

And why are you all so adamant to forget this whole incident?
It clearly bothers you, you came into this thread still angry over something that happened half a decade ago.

and like I said, no one has forgotten about it. We just don’t choose to live in the past.


You seem to be ascribing Machiavellian motives to this guy where I just don’t see evidence for it. If it was all about money, they would be charging for these updates instead of giving them away. Because while it may be easier to update the game, it would also be easy to charge $5 for the updates. Especially the later ones. Seems more likely to me that he’s a guy who got caught up in a whirlwind of hype and overpromising, which even large studios are guilty of.

It was a bad move. I do however, appreciate the things that have been done since then. I guess the point is that I think the man caught an appropriate amount of shit at the time. At some point a man has paid his crime, so the speak.
Usually CEOs of such companies are smart and intelligent persons.He knew that, with the horrible press that the game was getting, especially with Sony dropping any association they had with it like it was a ball of dung, they knew that they couldn't pull that off.Not that they needed to.They made a fortune with the game on launch week, and after they "actually" finished the game, coupled with one or two sales here and there, they could keep selling the game at 60 dollars.Which would compansate the investment done in said updates, if the initial sales already wasn't enough(which they probably were).

I mean, until someone with inside knowledge comes out and say it, you cant be 100% sure of it.But considering the numerous similar situations of companies withholding reviews to be released after the launch of any game, or companies releasing trailers that overpromised what the game could do(Killzone, Aliens Colonial Marines), Its pretty clear to me and many that Sean knew what he was doing, and did it anyway.

I mean, like I said, its probably because they ran out of money and the game Had to be a success, because a fail would probably mean bankrupcy.So I would probably do something similar in his position.But that doesn't mean that I will commend or just handwaive it away because they fixed it after getting 100+ million dollars with that launch, like he did all that for the good of the players.


It clearly bothers you, you came into this thread still angry over something that happened half a decade ago.

and like I said, no one has forgotten about it. We just don’t choose to live in the past.
Neither do I.But like a regular person, I wont choose to ignore the past either. I can appreciate what they do next without forgetting what they did.

Which is, in my opinion, the most reasonable take here.


lmao no one believes you
Thats on you if you wish to believe it or not.You don't see me creating threads shitting on No Mans Lie either way.

If anything, it seems that you are angry at me for having an opinion on not liking being deceived, even if its about something "stupid" like a videogame.Which is sonething odd to be angry about.


Still, miles better than the Molyneux approach of taking the money and moving to the next scam... that's why I don't think they're in the same league
Except something like fable\popolous\black&white was still a good\great game when they released it, no man sky at launch was crap.

So yeah, different league like you say.
Sean Murray lied through his teeth all during the marketing phase of No Mans Lie
Gotta feed that fake outrage culture.

It's a little late for that. You haven't kept up with the game, have you? They've been improving the game drastically ever since launch. It has completely exceeded expectations.

Yes, they over-hyped it at launch. They've more than made up for it.

Sorry, but the outrage culture has moved on. I suggest you do the same.
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This is actually pretty amusing. Haven't seen a community do stuff like this and get acknowledged in quite a bit.

Again, it's wild seeing the incredible turn around for NMS and the studio. Truly. The entire story of them failing and then succeeding is one of the best I've seen in the industry in a long time. Everyone makes mistakes, and NMS is a prime example of why people deserve another chance.

Cant believe people are still playing No mans Lie.

But this is funny.

I moved on.




Gotta feed that fake outrage culture.

It's a little late for that. You haven't kept up with the game, have you? They've been improving the game drastically ever since launch. It has completely exceeded expectations.

Yes, they over-hyped it at launch. They've more than made up for it.

Sorry, but the outrage culture has moved on. I suggest you do the same.
Outrage culture?What is this?Now you're making some excuses for people to not be dissapointed by past(not present or future) actions and endevors of companies?Especially when said past actions can be used as a sign of future problems, which is usually the case with companies like EA and activision?

Trust needs to be earned and fixing a game that shouldn't have been broken in the first place is not an apology.

You guys are too easy to please, and way too easy to manipulate.That's just sad.


With what reality?Yours?Lying (or rather heavily implying, to the point that he knew that people would take that as an yes) that the game would have multiplayer was not really the case?Or having something really close to vertical cuts of the best planets of the game(assuming those footages were real) when most of the planets were just barren wastelands was not painting your game in a better light than what it was?

Because your "reality" is not the actual reality the rest of us lives.

Like I said, you aren't describing the Sean Murray that most people know. Most people.

Bitmap Frogs

Mr. Community
Except something like fable\popolous\black&white was still a good\great game when they released it, no man sky at launch was crap.

So yeah, different league like you say.

Populous? That was before he became what he became famous for. B&W was a glitchfest and fable, well fable didn’t even live to even 10% of what he promised.

Murray lied about NMS, but stayed to make sure the project lived up to what he promised it would be.
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Like I said, you aren't describing the Sean Murray that most people know. Most people.
You must be confusing with some other Sean Murray then.If I wasn't clear enough, I mean the Sean Murray from the developer Hello Games.You know, the one that lied about what his game was about all these years ago


Populous? That was before he became what he became famous for. B&W was a glitchfest and fable, well fable didn’t even live to even 10% of what he promised.

Murray lied about NMS, but stayed to make sure the project lived up to what he promised it would be.
Sure he promised a lot of bullshit that he never realized in his games, but like i said, fable and black and white (if we leave popolous aside) were still both good to great games, people who bought no man sky at launch had by far the worst end of the stick compared to molyneaux games.


You sure can hold a meaningless grudge, I'll give you that. Lol
I am just stating facts about something that actually happened. Dont know about you, but I do not like being made a fool and tricked into spending 60 dollars into a game that isnt what was promised.

You can think whatever you like, and may have no problem burning through your money, but I value mine, and try to not deposit my faith like that in any random stranger that only cares about your money.

I am not as easy to satisfy as you, for better or for worse.


He over-promoted his game. Hardly the federal crime Nautilus Nautilus is making it out to be. Then, Murray kept his mouth quiet and just kept improving the game, taking the game beyond expectations.

And, NMS was never bad, I loved it at launch and earned the platinum back then. The game now completely puts the launch version to shame though.
Okay, let’s not lie to ourselves here. It was bad


You people confuse forgiveness with forgetting.If Hello Games and Sean Murray releases a game in the future that I really like, I will sing praises about the game.But making good games and forgetting the past are two different things.I can like a product from someone I dont like and as a consequence the perspective I have of said person/company can improve, but it still wont change the fact that said person/company screwed up.

Another example is EA.I dont like them as a company in general, but they do make good games once in a blue moon.Such a example of a good game is Jedi Fallen Order, which came as a big surprise.But that dosen't change the fact that they killed Viceral Games and deprived the world of more Dead Space games.Even if the Dead Soace revival rumor is true, the fact dosen't change that we went on 10+ years without a Dead Space game.

You guys forgive and forget too fast.And that is why people like Sean Murray pull this shit: It doesn't matter if you lie about basically everything along the way.As long as you make enough money to keep and grow your company, enough so that you can buy your reputation later, you can get away with anything, because people have the memory of a mosquitto.

I don't thinks it's anyone forgot about how messy NMS launch was, it's just they improved the game so much now, it's not very relevant to NMS today. I think you can actually do everything they promised at launch now.

It's one thing if Hello games launched multi games in this fashion, but NMS is just one game. Unlike EA, which are pretty set in their ways.

Will I pre-order any of Hello games next game? No; But I'm not holding a grudge either.


If you're the susceptible to advertising, might want to get used to it.
If you never heard the definition of advertisement, Ill explain it to you then:

Its objective is to promote a product as the feature it currently has, not to promote feature that will only come out years later*

*Only if our product sells well.If it doesn't, you are out of luck.

No need to thank me for the explanation.Always happy to help a fellow member.


I don't thinks it's anyone forgot about how messy NMS launch was, it's just they improved the game so much now, it's not very relevant to NMS today. I think you can actually do everything they promised at launch now.

It's one thing if Hello games launched multi games in this fashion, but NMS is just one game. Unlike EA, which are pretty set in their ways.

Will I pre-order any of Hello games next game? No; But I'm not holding a grudge either.
Well, to each their own. I feel like the whole stuff that permeated No Mans Lie was the biggest con that anyone pulled in gaming for a long time.At least its the biggest story of that kind in modern gaming(so the last 15 years or so).

So I'm not so easy to forget and forgive such feat.But like I said, If Hello Games comes out tomorrow with a game that reviews well and it is to my liking, Ill judge the game on its own.The Last Campfire came out and it seems that its a good game for example.

Its just that I feel that Sean Murray and its company doesnt have the benefit of the doubt anymore, and that No Mans Lie is THE perfect example of to why be skeptical of devs that seemingly overpromise stuff without concrete proof.

Edit:Ok, the biggest one may actually be Star Citizen.I feel pity for anyone who backed this game way back in 2013.But yeah, No Mans Lie is a close second.
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Well, to each their own. I feel like the whole stuff that permeated No Mans Lie was the biggest con that anyone pulled in gaming for a long time.At least its the biggest story of that kind in modern gaming(so the last 15 years or so).

So I'm not so easy to forget and forgive such feat.But like I said, If Hello Games comes out tomorrow with a game that reviews well and it is to my liking, Ill judge the game on its own.The Last Campfire came out and it seems that its a good game for example.

Its just that I feel that Sean Murray and its company doesnt have the benefit of the doubt anymore, and that No Mans Lie is THE perfect example of to why be skeptical of devs that seemingly overpromise stuff without concrete proof.

Edit:Ok, the biggest one may actually be Star Citizen.I feel pity for anyone who backed this game way back in 2013.But yeah, No Mans Lie is a close second.
You calling it “no mans lie” just comes off as petty and pathetic. It isn’t 2016 anymore

so much for you “moving on”


You calling it “no mans lie” just comes off as petty and pathetic. It isn’t 2016 anymore

so much for you “moving on”
Eh, I like the name and it really encapsulates the whole affair around it.

At this point, I call it as such because its a good way to remind people of the whole debacle and be more aware of sucj schemes.And because I think its funny.

And thats it really.There is no grudge, its more about those two reasons really.
Eh, I like the name and it really encapsulates the whole affair around it.

At this point, I call it as such because its a good way to remind people of the whole debacle and be more aware of sucj schemes.And because I think its funny.

And thats it really.There is no grudge, its more about those two reasons really.
Nothing like the guy who keeps saying "I'm not mad" when he clearly is. Same with "there's no grudge", yet years later you keep posting over and over for hours about "No Man's Lie" (hurrr hurrr hurrr).

Bitmap Frogs

Mr. Community
Sure he promised a lot of bullshit that he never realized in his games, but like i said, fable and black and white (if we leave popolous aside) were still both good to great games, people who bought no man sky at launch had by far the worst end of the stick compared to molyneaux games.

And yet NMS has ended up fulfilling the promises of its creator...

I feel we're going in circles.Agree to disagree eh?
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Nothing like the guy who keeps saying "I'm not mad" when he clearly is. Same with "there's no grudge", yet years later you keep posting over and over for hours about "No Man's Lie" (hurrr hurrr hurrr).
I feel like if I keep going you will have a heart attack or an aneurism because of how mad you get when I talk about No Mans Lie.

So for your own safety, I'll stop here.


Sean Murray lied through his teeth all during the marketing phase of No Mans Lie.Either because they ran out of money and couldnt continue developing the game they wanted( as in the state it is today) or because of some other reason, It doesnt absolve him of the things he did to get his game off the ground because, lets be honest:The only reason he managed to sell 2 million units at launch week and charge 60 dollars for each unit was because of all the broken promises and lies he told Sony and gamers about all the things the game (couldn't) do.

If its ok to lie or release a broken game only to "fix" it years later, then there is no reason to hate or be mad at companies like EA and activision that do it all the time then.

I understand why Murray did what he did, after all not only No Mans Lie made his company take off and become well known, but it also made him rich.But Im not gonna sit idly and be ok to being lied to about almost every aspect of a product that I might buy.And Ill keep remembering everyone about this fact every chance I get.
Whats your stance on todd howard then? :D
People should probably watch this video to be updated on No man's sky as of today.

Anyway the situation is different today whatever there making they will not need to rush as they have far deeper pockets than they did back then.


Nautilus Nautilus let it go man, just watch the internet historian video about him. The guy is great, he kept on working on his game and update players for free. Literally any other publisher would have taken their profits and abandoned their game.
He didn't do it for "free", he got away with one of the biggest scams in videogame history, and made himself and his company rich.

And then, once he secured himself and any future project financialy, he then went back and started properly working on the game.Jusf because No Mans Lie and Murray was a scam initially, doesn't mean that the guy wants to keep scamming people.Like I said before, I 109% believe that Murray ran out of money before ever come close to completing the game and folling gamers was the only way to stay aflot.After he secured 90+ million dollars after the initial sales(sold 2 million in the first week if Im not mistaken), he could become the most philantropic man the world has ever seen, because he got away with robbery and being an indie studio meant that money would last until the end of times.

No Mans Lie wasnt a kickstarter game.Just because the game was developed after he got people's money doesnt make this okay, and intead of being like any other scam, it just makes this a smart scam
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You didn't watch the video. Your impression of Sean Murray and the situation regarding promotion of NMS does not line up with reality, particularly the motive you ascribe to Murray's statement.

. . .don't let that stop you from patting yourself on the back though.
I like the internet historian, but he is totally misguided in that video, much like with the baloon boy story.
his excuse for Murray amounts to "oh he is socially awkard", "oh he was out of his league", "oh he didn't realise that saying something during public pr interviews would make people believe something not true"

bunch of BS, Murray was completely aware of what he was doing, and the fact that now people consider NMS a success story just proves to him and other people like him that , yes, you can lie through your teeth and get out a hero at the end of the tunnel.

Nautilus Nautilus let it go man, just watch the internet historian video about him. The guy is great, he kept on working on his game and update players for free. Literally any other publisher would have taken their profits and abandoned their game.
he couldn't abandon the game, the guy is not molyneux, this game was his entire legacy...leave it dead and he would have not been able to sell a game ever again.

It0s kind of funny how people always point to that video like it has some kind of mind bending revelation "that it would make you ashamed of your words and deeds", while the supposed excuses for Murray's action are either extremely naive or extremely unconvincing.
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Nautilus Nautilus I think this is a narrative that you have constructed in your head, as if he was a master manipulator and liar, making a plan he came up with while petting a white cat and laughing "mwahahahaha" to himself every 5 minutes. He fucked up the PR (him being a dev, not an engineer, it was easier for that to happen) and the game's development was very challenging, which restricted the amount of features that could go in the game.

Now, as for your seething hate over him, like, the guy made up for his promises and created a very good product, for free. That's a very dumb way of being evil, there are plenty of scam games on kickstarter that actually just took the money and ran. At the end of the day, it's not like it was a bank heist, it was 60 dollars (that he made up for) he's not Putin or Kim Jung Un that are sending people to die. You have to re evaluate your priorities if that provokes so much hate and resentment in you.


Gold Member
it's nothing like it was at launch. the game has significantly improved with a shit load of major updates. they've redeemed themselves and gone well beyond with the support they've gave. it's a great game and if it's your thing then you could easily sink thousands of hours into it. so it's not surprising people are still playing it.
if you weren't following news about it the game wasn't even that bad at launch, it just wasn't what he said it would be. I played it for hours and hours and enjoyed it for what it was.


Nautilus Nautilus I think this is a narrative that you have constructed in your head, as if he was a master manipulator and liar, making a plan he came up with while petting a white cat and laughing "mwahahahaha" to himself every 5 minutes. He fucked up the PR (him being a dev, not an engineer, it was easier for that to happen) and the game's development was very challenging, which restricted the amount of features that could go in the game.

Now, as for your seething hate over him, like, the guy made up for his promises and created a very good product, for free. That's a very dumb way of being evil, there are plenty of scam games on kickstarter that actually just took the money and ran. At the end of the day, it's not like it was a bank heist, it was 60 dollars (that he made up for) he's not Putin or Kim Jung Un that are sending people to die. You have to re evaluate your priorities if that provokes so much hate and resentment in you.
He fucked up the PR?He not only managed to sell 2 million units of a hollow game and of a company that had zero games under their belt, but also came out a hero at the end. He is a PR genious.

After the initial deserved shitstorm, he managed to fool gullibke gamers that he was sorry and make people be okay with being scammed. And now there he is, rich and with an "acclaimed" game.He is VERY good at PR.

And thats the point:Some people don't simply want the money, they want everything. If I was him, and being able to keep making games was on the table, then hell yeah, I would scam idiots out of their money and do everything to play victim so that I would be able to do what I love(make games) and never have to worry about money anymore. Much better than simply running away AND risking people suing you
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Nautilus Nautilus I think this is a narrative that you have constructed in your head, as if he was a master manipulator and liar, making a plan he came up with while petting a white cat and laughing "mwahahahaha" to himself every 5 minutes. He fucked up the PR (him being a dev, not an engineer, it was easier for that to happen) and the game's development was very challenging, which restricted the amount of features that could go in the game.

Now, as for your seething hate over him, like, the guy made up for his promises and created a very good product, for free. That's a very dumb way of being evil, there are plenty of scam games on kickstarter that actually just took the money and ran. At the end of the day, it's not like it was a bank heist, it was 60 dollars (that he made up for) he's not Putin or Kim Jung Un that are sending people to die. You have to re evaluate your priorities if that provokes so much hate and resentment in you.
you do realise that we have early access for when you wanna release a game early and fix it later, do you?
so why other devs have to go through the proper steps, not resorting to false advertising, while he gets a pass because apparently, years later, he fixed the game he should have released years prior?
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