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Hill staffers secretly worked on Trump's immigration order, signed NDA's

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Article is meaty, below is some highlights and full article in this link; http://www.politico.com/story/2017/01/trump-immigration-congress-order-234392

Several House Judiciary Committee aides helped craft the controversial directive without telling Republican leaders


Senior staffers on the House Judiciary Committee helped Donald Trump's top aides draft the executive order curbing immigration from seven Muslim-majority nations, but the Republican committee chairman and party leadership were not informed, according to multiple sources involved in the process.

The work of the committee aides began during the transition period after the election and before Donald Trump was sworn in. The staffers signed nondisclosure agreements, according to two sources familiar with the matter. Trump's transition operation forced its staff to sign these agreements, but it would be unusual to extend that requirement to congressional employees.

It’s extremely rare for administration officials to circumvent Republican leadership and work directly with congressional committee aides.

GOP leaders received no advanced warning or briefings from the White House or Judiciary staff on what the executive order would do or how it would be implemented — briefings they still had not received as of Sunday night.


The episode also has instilled a wariness among GOP aides about the White House.

“These executive orders were very rushed and drafted by a very tight-knit group of individuals who did not run it by the people who have to execute the policy. And because that’s the case, they probably didn’t think of or care about how this would be executed in the real world,” said another congressional source familiar with the situation. “No one was given a heads-up and no one had a chance to weigh in on it.”


It was intentionally kept quiet. Even key administration officials had not seen it until "just before it was going out," according to one White House source.


Homeland Security Director John Kelly is expected to visit Capitol Hill on Tuesday and has told others he was "kept totally out of the loop," one person familiar with his comments said.

Hill Republicans on Monday were privately simmering that administration officials didn’t seek out their expertise. Most Trump officials lack policy chops and Washington know-how, they argued, and Republicans said they could have been helpful.

One senior GOP aide said that they generally understood Trump's goals to limit immigration, “but We're getting tired of all the chaos.”


Yep, it's a dictatorship. Effectively shut out/circumvented the other branches of government. Checks have been minimized/eliminated.

Impeach the fucker already.
Political coup happening right before our eyes. It really is the end. If only 80,000 more people would have voted Dem in the election, we wouldn't be here. History really does hinge on such small things sometimes.


How are NDAs legal in a government setting? Shouldn't that only be restricted to security clearance type information?


In moments where the POTUS is definitely, absolutely doing illegal shit, then he has to be impeached, right? Like, an actual obligation. What's to stop him from doing anything outside the boundaries of the law otherwise?
In moments where the POTUS is definitely, absolutely doing illegal shit, then he has to be impeached, right? Like, an actual obligation. What's to stop him from doing anything outside the boundaries of the law otherwise?

It's up to Congress, and Republicans fall in line behind party no matter what.


See that establishment GOP? Better start fighting back before we all lose the ability to prevent the idiocracy from collapsing our country.
In moments where the POTUS is definitely, absolutely doing illegal shit, then he has to be impeached, right? Like, an actual obligation. What's to stop him from doing anything outside the boundaries of the law otherwise?

If the President does it, it's not illegal!



He's really going to try and make everyone sign an NDA.... He believes people are somehow beholden to him and anything he wants to do or say.

Buh buh but a businessman will know how to do guberment gud!


This is the level of corruption Trump supporters wanted us to think Clinton was...
And they did it before even taking office. So it's not like there was even an attempt to work within the accepted parameters of government here.
This was a, by design, circumventing of checks and balances from the very beginning.
Political coup happening right before our eyes. It really is the end. If only 80,000 more people would have voted Dem in the election, we wouldn't be here. History really does hinge on such small things sometimes.

It's not the end. Stop saying that it is, yeesh.

People really need to stop assuming this. You don't know exactly what's gonna happen.

Kai Dracon

Writing a dinosaur space opera symphony




Where the fuck are they. Why haven't we heard from barely any of them

Wringing their hands because their golden patsy is a lunatic backed by fascist conspirators but they want to control the government and make American into 1957 forever and ever soooo baaaad...


Article is meaty, below is some highlights and full article in this link; http://www.politico.com/story/2017/01/trump-immigration-congress-order-234392

Several House Judiciary Committee aides helped craft the controversial directive without telling Republican leaders


Senior staffers on the House Judiciary Committee helped Donald Trump's top aides draft the executive order curbing immigration from seven Muslim-majority nations, but the Republican committee chairman and party leadership were not informed, according to multiple sources involved in the process.

The work of the committee aides began during the transition period after the election and before Donald Trump was sworn in. The staffers signed nondisclosure agreements, according to two sources familiar with the matter. Trump's transition operation forced its staff to sign these agreements, but it would be unusual to extend that requirement to congressional employees.

It’s extremely rare for administration officials to circumvent Republican leadership and work directly with congressional committee aides.

GOP leaders received no advanced warning or briefings from the White House or Judiciary staff on what the executive order would do or how it would be implemented — briefings they still had not received as of Sunday night.


The episode also has instilled a wariness among GOP aides about the White House.

“These executive orders were very rushed and drafted by a very tight-knit group of individuals who did not run it by the people who have to execute the policy. And because that’s the case, they probably didn’t think of or care about how this would be executed in the real world,” said another congressional source familiar with the situation. “No one was given a heads-up and no one had a chance to weigh in on it.”


It was intentionally kept quiet. Even key administration officials had not seen it until "just before it was going out," according to one White House source.


Homeland Security Director John Kelly is expected to visit Capitol Hill on Tuesday and has told others he was "kept totally out of the loop," one person familiar with his comments said.

Hill Republicans on Monday were privately simmering that administration officials didn’t seek out their expertise. Most Trump officials lack policy chops and Washington know-how, they argued, and Republicans said they could have been helpful.

One senior GOP aide said that they generally understood Trump's goals to limit immigration, “but We're getting tired of all the chaos.”

Treasonous. Arrest them.



Junior Member
I am assuming that this is legal in a very grey sense of the word..

NDAs within the government I believe are against FOIA but I could be mistaken.


Clothed, sober, cooperative
And why haven't these GOP Congressmen fired their aides yet?

Because they are the political equivalent of CEOs of bad companies who're cooking the books and surviving one "quarter" at a time. Only in this case, quarters are periods between your slow-witted base's demand for a "change" that you convinced them was needed with lies, and the moment they realize the "change" is destroying their retirement. At which point you blame it all on the queers and the darkies and move to a lobbying position on K street.
Every thread I've noticed him in he's always posting that defeatist rhetoric

I have been, I confess, but as I said in another thread, everything so far spells defeat. And we have been defeated by the last people on earth you want to be defeated by. I just don't see any way out now.


As soon as Bannon was brought on we knew where this was headed. Breitbart is White Supremacy finely glossed over so that people can't actually see they are being persuaded by racist rhetoric. He's a neonazi and now America is too . Thanks Trump supporters. I hope that theoretical bump in your paycheck was worth it. Though we all know it had nothing to do with that.


I have been, I confess, but as I said in another thread, everything so far spells defeat. And we have been defeated by the last people on earth you want to be defeated by. I just don't see any way out now.

So maybe go look for it and in the mean time leave everyone else alone.
So maybe go look for it and leave everyone else alone.

This. There's no point in saying that other than to get everybody else depressed. I'm just as scared of all that's going on like everybody else but I'm not going to waste thread space wallowing meaningless drivel about how this is the thing that ends everything, when in reality I don't know what's going to happen.

I'd much rather see encouragement rather than defeatism, even if someone thinks it won't go anywhere, because positivity from others matters a lot, especially in times like these.


helped a brotha out on multiple separate occasions!
Fucking crazy to see a GOP White House undermining a GOP majority congress. Really does look like a coup from here.
Suddenly, that Medium article about the Executive branch executing a coup d'etat-like consolidation of power against the other two branches of the Federal government just became real.
Alright, I'll stop posting then. I hope things work out okay. I'm sorry I upset everyone, it wasn't my intentions. I don't see myself being alive much longer, but I do send out as much hope from my heart as I can that it isn't what it looks like and there is something that will pull us out of this. Be safe.


Hahahahahaha it's gonna happen, he's just free styling this whole thing. It's all going to come crashing down.
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