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Hillary Clinton publishing book about 2016 election in Sept titled "What Happened"


Weren't she and Bill making like $45M per year on speeches? I wonder if that money dried up a little bit after the insane failure of a presidential run and this is a way to make some cash? I just don't see what the point of this is other than to make money and she's already rich as hell.
Making more money that they can pump into their charitable foundation is a bad thing?

The idea that making money is inherently evil is not a normal idea!

Maiden Voyage

Gold™ Member
Are you being intentionally obtuse?

So you're just going on and on about 'taking ownership' for...... what reason exactly?

Why would criticizing Clinton's response to the election mean that I somehow believe her actions will have a significant impact on the future of the country?

Her not taking ownership is symptomatic of why so many don't like her. That's my only point.

If you can point to a post where I have said anything to insinuate that her owning her loss would somehow improve the country, please link.
You say that "pragmatic centrist" Democrats, whatever that means, have died an ignominious death. The numbers say otherwise.

What I love about neoliberals is that they are not even able to recognize themselves as such. They don't understand their ideological bias, because their ideology is based on the falsehood of "objective" pragmatism. That's the purest form of ideology going by Zizek.
O this day I still don't understand why she didn't release the speeches. IMO, the fallout from not releasing was far worse and lasted far longer than fallout from whatever non controversial statements within would have.

Because Bernie turned those nothing speeches into "definitive proof" of her evil corruption. Also at that point Hillary had more than complied with just about every standard of transparency that every other candidate had to deal with, like years and years of tax records for example. If I had to deal with this double standard of "no, we're gonna have you really, really, really, prove that you're not the corrupt spawn of Satan," I would have also said fuck that shit.

You're like the ideal example of why hacking and shit works. Congratulations

I mean sure, the narrative that the DNC stole the election from Bernie with their master strategy of having shitty personal opinions about him is the exact narrative that the Russians wanted to create when they release those emails the way they did, but like.. THE DNC TOTALLY ROBBED HIM THOUGH!

Stuff. Thangs.

Death Note-ing Seth Rich. Having opinions about Bernie Sanders. Dark magicks. I mean, the evidence is right there!
Why would criticizing Clinton's response to the election mean that I somehow believe her actions will have a significant impact on the future of the country?

Her not taking ownership is symptomatic of why so many don't like her. That's my only point.

If you can point to a post where I have said anything to insinuate that her owning her loss would somehow improve the country, please link.

So if you don't want her to take ownership because it will actually do good then why do you care? You own masturbatory instincts because you feel that her taking ownership will somehow justify your own irrational hate of her as a person?
She didn't have a really lackadaisical approach. She campaigned in PA a ton, and spent there, and still lost.

What would the overall electorate have looked like in a situtation where she won PA, but still lost WI and MI? All three of the states, and Florida, and the huge margins against her in IA and OH, where the same wave of white people without college degrees that don't normally vote, but did this time.

Bernie could have conceivably made up his giant loss in the South with other states, due to proportional delegate assignment. But he lost by four million votes, in the South, in urban centers, and in the typical battleground states. He was so vastly less popular than Hillary that it really didn't matter all that much what states he focused on.

She ignored PA outside of Philly and Pittsburgh, so the notion that her spending money there proves that the campaign couldn't have won MI and WI doesn't hold much water.


This is the best example how rich and powerful people like the Clintons can fail miserably, yet still manage to make money out of it.


Ofcourse. But with book, there is always the chance of a movie based on the 'true events' and movies bring more exposure.

Yikes. I can say with reasonable confidence the one thing America does not need is a "dramatic" Hollywood retelling of the 2016 election loss on the big screens. I mean, is the goal to try and make the Democrat party appear as bad as possible? That's one way you can try and absolutely ignite the public image of the party, and basically, serve up the opposition so much opportunity for easy mockery. I think it's safe to say the Democrat party would need to fire all of its media/public relations staff if they ever thought it was a good idea to greenlight a movie about a pretty damaging loss. You won't get sympathy through a sob-story told via a trendy director and some swish actors. A book people can just about stomach, a movie? Don't log on to the internet for a few years, and don't watch any news channels/political shows on TV. My British brain can only imagine a movie being made about how Corbyn lost to May (even although it was kind of a win)... It's just, no. Such easy pickings for your opposition to laugh, mock and satirise your grovelling into oblivion.

Maiden Voyage

Gold™ Member
So if you don't want her to take ownership because it will actually do good then why do you care? You own masturbatory instincts because you feel that her taking ownership will somehow justify your own irrational hate of her as a person?

I think you are reading far more into my posts than what is there.


I think you are reading far more into my posts than what is there.
People have to read into your posts because you deliberately avoid putting any of your actual political beliefs out there while posting about how you "don't like Democrats", making people have to guess where you actually stand because you're unwilling to actually spell it out.
Literally no one has said this.
When people get angry at someone for making money because "they already have enough", it's the implication. This is not one that is shared by the public at large, but which pops up quite frequently on the left.
What I love about neoliberals is that they are not even able to recognize themselves as such. They don't understand their ideological bias, because their ideology is based on the falsehood of "objective" pragmatism. That's the purest form of ideology going by Zizek.

I fervently support civil rights. I believe that women should have inviolable sovereignty over their own bodies. I view LGBT people as people (as a gay man, how could I not?). I think the criminal justice system should be reformed so that it'll finally stop victimizing black and brown men. I believe the prison system should be rehabilitative, not punitive, and that drug addicts, whether they smoke crack or swallow opioids, deserve help. I support marijuana legalization even though I have no desire to smoke it. A teacher, I would abolish the property-tax funding scheme for education that results in minority students having shitty, underfunded schools. I do not dislike capitalism or think it needs to be abolished, but I do think its fruits should be taxed and redistributed to ensure all members of society a decent standard of living - in other words, I support a safety net.

If all of that makes me a neoliberal, I guess I'm a neoliberal. However, I'll just assume you use that word to mean "anyone I don't like," because all I said was that Democrats didn't die a fiery electoral death. What a shill I am.

Maiden Voyage

Gold™ Member
People have to read into your posts because you deliberately avoid putting any of your actual political beliefs out there while posting about how you "don't like Democrats", making people have to guess where you actually stand because you're unwilling to actually spell it out.

I voted for Hillary but don't like her. I don't think you have to dig too deeply to find that in my posts.


Her and Mitt Romney can get together on writing a chapter on the issues with discounting a section of the voting public.

Ahh I remember when the astute political minds of the community not only said that it wasn't a big deal, but that it would actually help her.

Good times.


Does she take ownership in the whole ass book?

She has taken ownership before it.

But it is not arguable that there were a number other factors that impacted it. Such as being fucking demonized as "Killary" and the fact that the entire email scandal was bullshit.
I fervently support civil rights. I believe that women should have inviolable sovereignty over their own bodies. I view LGBT people as people (as a gay man, how could I not?). I think the criminal justice system should be reformed so that it'll finally stop victimizing black and brown men. I believe the prison system should be rehabilitative, not punitive, and that drug addicts, whether they smoke crack or swallow opioids, deserve help. I support marijuana legalization even though I have no desire to smoke it. A teacher, I would abolish the property-tax funding scheme for education that results in minority students having shitty, underfunded schools. I do not dislike capitalism or think it needs to be abolished, but I do think its fruits should be taxed and redistributed to ensure all members of society a decent standard of living - in other words, I support a safety net.

If all of that makes me a neoliberal, I guess I'm a neoliberal. However, I'll just assume you use that word to mean "anyone I don't like," because all I said was that Democrats didn't die a fiery electoral death. What a shill I am.

Agreed. We are both identity politics-ing neoliberal corporate shills.

Cheers brah


The whole world already knows what happened. The U.S. elected a president that would have been fitting for some kind of banana republic, a fucking reality show host with no concept aside of „Putin is cool and brown people are bad, also emails“.

THIS is what happened. Hillary failed to mobilize her (assumed) base, and while she won the popular vote by a very, very small margin counting what she was up against, she still lost. She and her campaign fucked up, royally.

And the whole world will have to pay now, having a climate change denier as a president of the U.S.. The largest military power in the world has become unreliable and erratic. The NATO will have to find a way to act without the U.S. The western world has lost its most crucial ally. Angela Merkel and Macron will have to pick up the slack and make the EU the last bastion of a liberal western world, despite Tumpists actively working against them together with fucking Putin and the shitshow Poland has become.

THIS is what happened, this is the legacy of „Yasss queen“, this is the monument of her fucking incompetency and the idiocy of all those U.S. citizens on the left, that didn’t vote because she was not „pure“ enough, not Bernie, not black or voting is such an exhausting experience that they rather stayed at home.

Fuck all of those people, and fuck Hillary Clinton for every single time she said „if you go to my website...“
It's a legitimate issue, but it is very clearly being exploited (if not just desperately seized upon) by people who want to exonerate Clinton and the Dems more generally. It's a lot easier to believe that Trump is solely the product of the malign manipulations of a foreign power than to conclude he's the symptom of a decades-long systemic failure of our political and economic system.

Lol! I missed this insane post. I think I know what happened! I think Clinton leaked the emails to Russians just so she could have an excuse to loose! Everything makes sense now!

EDIT: Holy shit! This explains why she set up that meeting between Russians and Don Jr! She just needed to make it look like Trumps were involved with Russians while it was a ploy to be used as an excuse for the loss which she was planning for!

EDIT 2: Why stop there? I think she ran her campaign just so Trump would win. Check this out - they used to be friends. Why would they stop being friends? I think they knew Don had no chance unless he ran against the woman so she cheated Bernie from running and got Trump elected. What a mastermind!


When that book come out, there will a thread spaming into 200 pages. And I am not going to read it.

Depends. She may deserve it, depends on how she frames the book.

If it's 'The Russians did me in' and she refuses to take responsibility for her loss, she will get rightfully torn apart.

Personally I'd like to hear her unfiltered, but she's been so guarded her whole life that I don't think we're really going to see that. Which is sad, because I think she's a brilliant woman who has a lot she would like to say.


A better name is "How Our Thirst for Money and Power Fucked Over Progressives and Our Chances to Win in 2016".

Progressives fucked over her, not the other way. She caved on almost every policy position, even after winning the primaries by four million votes, only for them to throw a hissy fit and then gloat for the next 8 months.


The whole world already knows what happened. The U.S. elected a president that would have been fitting for some kind of banana republic, a fucking reality show host with no concept aside of „Putin is cool and brown people are bad, also emails“.

THIS is what happened. Hillary failed to mobilize her (assumed) base, and while she won the popular vote by a very, very small margin counting what she was up against, she still lost. She and her campaign fucked up, royally.

And the whole world will have to pay now, having a climate change denier as a president of the U.S.. The largest military power in the world has become unreliable and erratic. The NATO will have to find a way to act without the U.S. The western world has lost its most crucial ally. Angela Merkel and Macron will have to pick up the slack and make the EU the last bastion of a liberal western world, despite Tumpists actively working against them together with fucking Putin and the shitshow Poland has become.

THIS is what happened, this is the legacy of „Yasss queen“, this is the monument of her fucking incompetency and the idiocy of all those U.S. citizens on the left, that didn’t vote because she was not „pure“ enough, not Bernie, not black or voting is such an exhausting experience that they rather stayed at home.

Fuck all of those people, and fuck Hillary Clinton for every single time she said „if you go to my website...“

On the other hand, maybe this is all your fault for not going to her website like she asked.
When people get angry at someone for making money because "they already have enough", it's the implication. This is not one that is shared by the public at large, but which pops up quite frequently on the left.

Yeah but did you see Obama getting that book deal though?! Man of the people my ass!

Oh what? He's using the money to help people? Uhh umm uhh.


What's wrong with making money as long as an appropriate portion of it is used to ensure that all citizens have basic necessities of life such as shelter, food, and health care?

i dunno what could possibly have turned off voters from a person who makes tens of millions of dollars on speeches behind closed doors to the financial services industry

i mean she donated some of it to charity ffs

it's the most baffling centrist horseshit to imply that nothing about hillary should have turned off regular people. she was not an appealing candidate, and she lost to a moron.

it's not sexism or racism to think that hillary was maybe a little bit too rich and compromised to be a credible progressive candidate. only pundits, lanyards and the internet yas queen squad are unable to understand this.

no one cares that she was 'the most qualified candidate ever to run for president' or that she went on Broad City or got endorsed by Lin Manuel Miranda. None of that shit appealed to actual people.

people, especially on the Left, want money out of politics. that means stuff like citizens united but also stuff like rich well-connected status quo technocrats.
i dunno what could possibly have turned off voters from a person who makes tens of millions of dollars on speeches behind closed doors to the financial services industry

i mean she donated some of it to charity ffs

it's the most baffling centrist horseshit to imply that nothing about hillary should have turned off regular people. she was not an appealing candidate, and she lost to a moron.

it's not sexism or racism to think that hillary was maybe a little bit too rich and compromised to be a credible progressive candidate. only pundits, lanyards and the internet yas queen squad are unable to understand this.

no one cares that she was 'the most qualified candidate ever to run for president' or that she went on Broad City or got endorsed by Lin Manuel Miranda. None of that shit appealed to actual people.

people, especially on the Left, want money out of politics. that means stuff like citizens united but also stuff like rich well-connected status quo technocrats.

Yeah guys only cool guys like Trump are allowed to be insanely rich, openly elitist and obviously uncaring of lower class problems and win!

People wanted money out of politics so much, they voted to put even MORE into it.
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