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Hillary Clinton Selects Tim Kaine As VP

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Fuck the "boring" comments. This is what matters.

##Insert another boom gif here


Posted by NYCmetsfan in poligaf. Sums up the pick perfectly.

all the talk of boring is a bit disappointing.

This shows hillary doesn't view politics as a show or something to make yourself feel better. It shows she cares about one thing. Governing.


I also couldn't live with myself if Hillary made some incredibly stupid foreign policy move like she has done in the past that significantly alters and fucks up the world as we know it. (Iraq war he we go) She's very hawkish throughout her entire career.

Or I also couldn't live with myself voting for a president who has consistently backed Wallstreet and the bailout of big banks, further screwing the middle class throughout her presidency.

I'm glad you can overlook these things though.

So you honestly think the chance of Hillary fucking things up and the chance of Trump doing so is exactly the same?
I also couldn't live with myself if Hillary made some incredibly stupid foreign policy move like she has done in the past that significantly alters and fucks up the world as we know it. (Iraq war he we go) She's very hawkish throughout her entire career.

Or I also couldn't live with myself voting for a president who has consistently backed Wallstreet and the bailout of big banks, further screwing the middle class throughout her presidency.

I'm glad you can overlook these things though.

Nice to see you don't care about all the people (Women, racial minorities, LBGT) who would likely get fucked over if the GOP took the Presidency and appointed new justices.

I guess those aren't REAL issues.


This is a Biden-esque pick!

Seriously. The revisionism around 2008 and Joe Biden's record is one of the most infuriating things that gets posted around here.

Kaine is to the LEFT of Biden! Especially Joe Biden a la 2008, Biden was a far more moderate than Kaine is. NARAL gives Kaine a 100% rating. Biden got 75%. In 2006, Kaine was against a state constitutional ban on same-sex marriage. He is a gun owner who is incredibly strong on gun reform, which is kind of a big deal to some people. (The NRA has given him an F!) He's against the death penalty. Biden is (as far as I know) still in favor of the death penalty.

Like, seriously. He wasn't my first pick. I had other candidates I like better. But there are a lot of reasons why it's a really smart choice. He's from a swing state. He's popular in his state. He speaks fluent Spanish incredibly well. He has survived an all out assault when he ran for Senate. He has taken part in far more debates than Warren ever has. He has executive and legislative experience.

Come on people.

Plus, when people talk about how boring Kaine is, they tend to forget that a lot of people thought Biden was boring, too.


Kaine is a good, boring pick. He checks nearly all the liberal boxes. Represents a lean state. Is a policy wonk and has years of experience, making him capable to be president from day one. He's also capable of being more than a window dressing and can actually be of use in the Senate, where his vote and connections could really matter, especially with the nuclear option in play.

I'm not fanning my vagina to put out the flames by any means, but he's a good choice. Also, I don't have a vagina.


According to all those political grading sites, he's pretty harsh on marijuana. Does not support on "federal or state level."

Well thats supremely disappointing. I wonder if he's taken money from LE or pharma groups. There's not a single legit reason to be against it at this point.

Not that it changes anything of course...
If you think Hilary is as bad a trump then you haven't been paying attention, you're horrifically selfish or you're a fucking idiot. Or all of the above. Grow up.

Candidate A spews authoritarian garbage with every other sentence he utters. Hates Muslims and Immigrants. Hates African Americans. Hates women. Is okay with war crimes. Greatly admires demagogues/autocrats like Putin and Saddam. Thinks our participation in the NATO treaty is optional. Has no policy agenda. Willfully Ignorant. Eagerly participates in far-fetched conspiracy theories. And is a self-obsessed loon.

Candidate B was really bad at emails and probably lied at some point. O and she gives a speech or two for rich people from time to time.



This election is important not only because of the supreme court, democratic policies and principles, and ensuring steady leadership in an uncertain world, but it is important because we must, as a country, roundly reject the divisive and racist bullshit coming from the republican party.

The language coming out of the RNC was unacceptable and it is a categorical imperative that we reject this.
I agree, but it remains to be seen if those values are shared by the electorate.


I'd rather have a boring candidate who knows what they are doing than anybody else. Must everything be shock and awe? He's anti-discrimination, the NRA hates him, Planned Parenthood loves him. I'd rather have Warren in the Senate where she can do some good.


I don't know much about him to be saying anything smart. But from the sounds of things he'll scare away the potential voters who also don't know much of anything but think Hillary is bought by Wall Street, while also attracting Republicans who are feeling betrayed by their party, which finally got too racist and horrible even for them.

Virginia possibly going blue would be a nice plus.
VA is a swing blue/lean blue state already and Kaine is a safe bet to deliver at least the 2% bump that VPs have delivered recently as he's a well liked politician who has won every election he's ran for in the state.

Pushing VA into likely blue territory basically requires Trump to win all of PA, OH, CO, FL, NC, NH, NM, AZ, and IA. Kaine takes an existing electoral college edge and stacks it substantially further.

He is an ideal surrogate for the Latino vote as a longstanding supporter of a path to citizenship, one who can deliver the message in fluent Spanish himself. As a Roman Catholic who speaks Spanish he could also really move the needle with the predominantly Cuban, Puerto Rican, and Dominican groups that comprise the Florida Latino vote.

And as you said, he pulls in undecided centrists. Anyone to the left of Clinton who were relying on her VP pick to be convinced to vote for her weren't reliable voters in the first place. She isn't trying to court the Sanders or Stein coalition because those people aren't likely to swing her way no matter who she picked because they aren't living in reality anyway.

She took the safe pick because the safe pick is the best choice to actually serve as VP and based on the current polling a safe, solid bump is all she really needed. Hillary Clinton is above all else a responsible public official, she isn't going to risk a boom/bust VP pick when running against an overt fascist who wants to destroy everything progressives have achieved over the past 8 years.


In the first election after turning 18, voted for Nader because neither Bush nor Gore were appealing. Whoops! I won't ever vote so stupidly again (even though I still like Nader). I don't love Hillary but I think she'll be a fine president and infinitely preferable to the alternative. And I'm glad she'll have Warren and Sanders as her advocates in congress.


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
I agree, but it remains to be seen if those values are shared by the electorate.

Liberals need to stop fucking whining and stand up for what is morally right against what is morally reprehensible. Don't vote for Hillary if you don't want to but have some spine and stop pretending the options are awww so bad. One candidate doesn't check all of your boxes; the other candidate is basically a fascist racist.
Hillary has been polling pretty well in Pennsylvania, so I don't think that there's a path forward for Trump if he loses Virginia.


A Good Citizen
I see it as Mad Max vs Blade Runner dystopia. I guess one is slightly better than the other.
why do all posts like this compare real life to a movie or tv show

or I guess since dril has already been invoked in this thread:


How is the person you're quoting wrong?

Fitts said he has voted democrat 14 years and now would not vote, how is that NOT a vote for Trump? Hate it all you want but it's the truth.

It completely ignores basic math. A non-vote is a vote removed. It's not a vote one way or another. It also varies depending on the state. A single non-vote or even a gaggle of non-votes in a heavily red or blue state wouldn't even remotely put a dent in our electoral process. It would have to be a theoretical disaster for enough people to sway an election with a non-vote, and even then I contend it wouldn't matter. Intentions count for dick if you physically don't vote.


Well thats supremely disappointing. I wonder if he's taken money from LE or pharma groups. There's not a single legit reason to be against it at this point.

Not that it changes anything of course...

I'm holding out hope that because of shifting public opinion we see a move towards decriminalization at least

I don't even smoke, it's just shitty to demonize pot smokers


I see it as Mad Max vs Blade Runner dystopia. I guess one is slightly better than the other.

Well, then there's your choice. That's part of life, making choices between things that aren't perfect or between things that are all bad. Sometimes you just have to do it. No one's going to come knocking down your door if whoever you voted for fucks up. You don't have to go into public and endorse them 100%. You don't even have to like them. It's a choice and it's a rather important choice, I think.

Personally, I think Clinton would have to really fuck up to negate the decades her supreme court picks' good whereas Trump would already start with decades of fuckery due to the supreme court alone. Any extra fuckup (and we know that will happen) is just bonus chaos.


This isn't how the government works and would have probably ended his governship and lead to more deaths from who replaced him.

The dude is a strong catholic. He cares about this issue. He opposes the death penalty

He was legally obligated to only serrve one term so any conerns about his governorship are moot. The VA Constitution explicitly disallows gubernatorial re-elections. There's also precedent for mass clemency even for states where death penalty abolishment was not imminent (see: NM and Illinois).
I was 18 in 2005, so I've basically been holding my nose and voting for Kaine for my whole adult life at this point.

He's not a great progressive or anything, but this will shore up Virginia, and maybe we can get a more liberal Senator as a replacement.

I was already somewhat disillusioned in 2005, but Kaine running as being opposed to the death penalty and then executing as many people as he did really disillusioned me a lot to ever really believing in him.

But the VP doesn't really do anything, so whatever.
I feel like this is how Clinton's Presidency is going to go, "Let's follow the safe route here..."

Which is fine. Not particularly energizing, but fine.
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