We have data that the Berniebro narrative is bullshit.
Hillary stans need to sit down. You had your way bullying Sanders supporters and your preferred candidate lost.
Rather than shit on Sanders for building on following of the people, blame Hillary for not campaigning better. Or blame yourselves for picking the wrong candidates.
Don't blame the group of supporters that showed more support Hillary than Hillary supporters did for Obama.
Well I never thought that BernieBros were really that much of a threat in not voting or they were mass numbers of people.
My thoughts on the matter has already been posted, but if you want to bitch about bullying then go back and read the majority of threads recently where the only people who bring this shit up are Sander supporters crying and bitching about shit that literally doesn't even happen in the thread till they specifically bring it up.
You know, persecution complex and all that fun stuff.
I know it's really fun to see this stuff in such simple black and white views, it's much easier to live life this way, I know.