Hillary's interview w/ A. Cooper: Sander's supporters are still incredibly divisive

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We have data that the Berniebro narrative is bullshit.

Hillary stans need to sit down. You had your way bullying Sanders supporters and your preferred candidate lost.

Rather than shit on Sanders for building on following of the people, blame Hillary for not campaigning better. Or blame yourselves for picking the wrong candidates.

Don't blame the group of supporters that showed more support Hillary than Hillary supporters did for Obama.

Well I never thought that BernieBros were really that much of a threat in not voting or they were mass numbers of people.

My thoughts on the matter has already been posted, but if you want to bitch about bullying then go back and read the majority of threads recently where the only people who bring this shit up are Sander supporters crying and bitching about shit that literally doesn't even happen in the thread till they specifically bring it up.

You know, persecution complex and all that fun stuff.

I know it's really fun to see this stuff in such simple black and white views, it's much easier to live life this way, I know.


Hillary was a flawed candidate, so the natural reaction is to continually dredge up everything and anything to gloss over that.

What a winning strategy.


So Clinton voters that went for McCain did it because they're racist and Clinton couldn't do anything about it and Sanders voters were totally under his control when they went for Trump?
I think there's likely a lot of overlap between the two groups..
Uhhh. No? Read my post again. I said his post was excessive. But I think she's taking it really hard.

It was a historic election. She lost with the biggest popular vote margin win in history. And of course it's even more important because of who she lost to.

She has a right to "take it really hard". Maybe if people stop telling her to go away and actually listen a little the party can work through it's issues.
Many = less than 20% in one state

The fact that it was that close of a race with Trump is just proof of how flawed of a candidate she was. Not many people outside of her very vocal base felt good about her.
I was waiting for words which blamed Bernie supporters, and I kept waiting.

Florida is a battleground state. No one was going to win it by more than 2-4%.


I just can't help but find it ridiculous when people posture as if Clinton talking about her experience and what she thinks of Sanders supporters at the time and even Sanders himself = splitting the party in two. Being divisive like it's going to be the difference between a democrat getting elected or not. Is this what it's really making any of you feel? Is she making anyone think twice about going to the polls who otherwise would? Nothing else matters at this moment than going to the polls.

What i did with the post election stickers they sent me by mail.

She needs to shut the fuck up and that has zero to do with her gender or whatever BS people are spouting. I voted for her, she fucked up and lost to a tax/draft dodging, snake oil selling creep. She wants to talk about everything but her failed election strategy or the fact that outside of the liberal cities, she is absolutely despised among the populace. She is the second least person I am interesting in hearing anymore, next to Trump. Go home and raise your grandchildren.


He's literally one of the most popular politicians around today and he's changing the conversation about healthcare and moving the party forward. Dems would be even more fucked if he wasn't around.
Not necessarily.

Bernie's single payer is a pipe dream that covers more than comparable single payer systems without having anywhere near the same amount of cost reduction to make up for expenses. But even worse is that there's nothing stopping a Republican from sending it off to the CBO to be scored, at which point Berniecare is an anchor tied to the necks of every Democratic 2020 prospect.


I'm reaching my limit with this finger pointing among one another. This is doing sweet fuck all to help the democrats either. Trump is the evils of capitalism incarnate and is destroying the lives of the defenseless. At least try to unite the party ffs!
Trump openly ran on fascist policies and folks still were like, but what about the possibility she has friends in corporations? They can take the blame for not rebuking pure hate.


That comment seems to only fuel the divide. It doesn't help that she apparently just ignores that many Sanders supporters did vote for her and instead just blames him for not doing enough.


This book tour is some really horrible timing on Clinton's part.
On the contrary. This is the perfect time to be bringing up the 2016 election. Would you rather these old wounds be torn open during the 2018 midterms, or in the run-up to 2020? Be serious now.
So Clinton voters that went for McCain did it because they're racist and Clinton couldn't do anything about it and Sanders voters were totally under his control when they went for Trump?

Sanders had control of his own narrative that he pushed during his campaign that the DNC was corrupt and the Clinton was by proxy is also corrupt.

Which is the main reason why swing voters didn't vote for her, especially when the Comey letter dropped.

So yes, I think Sanders had far more control of the views of his voters that swapped sides. He didn't have control of those who are inherently sexists, but his narrative absolutely did damage for the rest of the campaign, regardless of his efforts to campaign for her.

Should Clinton have hit back harder? I think so, but she specifically didn't attack Sanders because she didn't want to stir the hornets nest when the primary was basically over.


There have been massive Clinton threads on single passages from this book or an interview.
Yeah there's been lots of threads because she wrote an entire book on "what happened" and keeps talking about it in interviews. Sanders' focus, contrastingly, is on things like passing single payer. How are you guys this dense?
He's literally one of the most popular politicians around today and he's changing the conversation about healthcare and moving the party forward. Dems would be even more fucked if he wasn't around.

So we're pretending Hillary Clinton wasn't booed and called a socialist back in the mid 90s for trying to change healthcare now?


Asking Clinton to up and disappear isn't going to suddenly make the problems and the sentiments she's expressing disappear as well. She's going to echo the issues her own supporters see to boot from the primary and general. Better to just face all the bile head on and deal with it now than later. Dems from whatever wing of the party cohabit the same tent, we're all going to be here in 2020, rather the issues get addressed now than in the next presidential election. Feelings are raw and asking everyone to play nice and downplay the problems isn't going to help much either.
This isn't on her, this is on America embracing white supremacy openly again. She can't do shit when some of her own "side" don't even care about minorities the way they should. The state of district lines in the sf bay area and the white capitol of Oregon are proof of this.
Didn't she practically go on half as many tours compared to Trump across the country? Didn't she use private servers instead of going through her emails legally as she should have? Insulted Bernie supporters straight up when she was against him and is confused now that they didn't kiss her ass once she beat him.

She's an arrogant narcissist and a sore loser. Her adoring fans however seem to have something they share with Hillary in bundles, this cringe-inducing victim complex. Yeah, she did nothing wrong. Poor her.
She needs to shut the fuck up and that has zero to do with her gender or whatever BS people are spouting. I voted for her, she fucked up and lost to a tax/draft dodging, snake oil selling creep. She wants to talk about everything but her failed election strategy or the fact that outside of the liberal cities, she is absolutely despised among the populace. She is the second least person I am interesting in hearing anymore, next to Trump. Go home and raise your grandchildren.


I'm not sexist but!


Yeah there's been lots of threads because she wrote an entire book on "what happened" and keeps talking about it in interviews. Sanders' focus, contrastingly, is on things like passing single payer. How are you guys this dense?
How are you this dense? I have a decent enough memory to remember that Bernie also had his own book tour recently, despite losing in his party's primary by a wide margin.


Junior Member
Why is Cooper asking her this question? She's been on record in the past saying this, she wrote in her new book about this. What is the point of getting an additional sound clip of Hillary answering a question that will later be used out of context as "Hillary still mad! Hold that L, gurl!"

We can't stop re-hashing the primaries if interviewers are going up to the candidates like, "what was the worst thing about your opponent from over a year ago?"


I'm not sexist but!


Unconfirmed Member
We have data that proves the Berniebro narrative is bullshit.

Hillary stans need to sit down. You had your way bullying Sanders supporters and your preferred candidate lost.

Rather than shit on Sanders for building a following on the people, blame Hillary for not campaigning better. Or blame yourselves for picking the wrong candidates.

Don't blame the group of supporters that showed more support Hillary than Hillary supporters did for Obama.

This shit really pisses me off because Bernie didn't make it past the primaries yet you act like he did. You can't claim an alternative future as fact and use that as proof to say we chose the wrong candidate. Acting like Bernie was guaranteed to win the GE over Hillary is disingenuous bullshit because that reality never took place to begin with.


Not doing enough? He freaking endorsed her.
Barely. He kept waving off responsibility for his actions during the campaign and said Hillary had to win them over. Such a strong endorsement. Hey that lady I said is fundamentally against you, go vote for her ok?
Chuck Schumer, Nancy Pelosi and a gaggle of Dem senators are busy putting in that work to save Dreamers, block the border wall and have a discussion about single-payer healthcare and Hillary wants to keep talking about primaries.


Saint Titanfall
Better now than closer to the midterms or 2020.
Why does she need to have a book tour at all? Or at minimum why in the within 4 years of her loss?

We all know why but it has literally zero benefit to anyone that isn't her or the publishing company.


Apparently possibly raising a question of sexism makes me a shitty person. Then so be it.

It's being both disingenuous and intellectually dishonest, trying to pass the blame onto some projected personality flaw rather than being able to respect the idea that Sanders supporters had the audacity of just supporting different policies than Clinton's. We don't even get the credit for going out and voting for Clinton after Sanders lost the primary simply because we aren't die hard fans of hers. At this point we just want her to move on so we all can move on, it's got nothing to do with sexism for a majority of Sanders supporters.


He's literally one of the most popular politicians around today and he's changing the conversation about healthcare and moving the party forward. Dems would be even more fucked if he wasn't around.
He's not the most popular get that straight right now. He's also changed no conversation as we've had this discussion before. He's not more progressive, he's just a con man who's latched onto an idea and wants to put his stamp all over it because he's a vain asshole. He's definitely not moving the party forward as he's not even part of this party. He's only dividing things which is about the only thing he's good at. I really wish he wasn't around, we don't need him.
Every righte? This is for personal profit, the only perosn that book tour helps is herself. I'm glad i'm not an American citizen because some of this shit is ridiculous.
Yes, she has every right to say this whether she's doing it for profit or for free. Just because she's getting paid doesn't mean she doesn't have the right to speak her mind. I really don't understand how you see that as ridiculous unless you live in a country where you can be prosecuted for doing something like this. :/
At this point, 10+ months out from the election, we have Sanders introducing a single payer bill that's got more support than ever and Clinton touring for her new book and offering excuses for her loss.

One side definitely needs to move on.

Doc Holliday

SPOILER: Columbus finds America
Yeah there's been lots of threads because she wrote an entire book on "what happened" and keeps talking about it in interviews. Sanders' focus, contrastingly, is on things like passing single payer. How are you guys this dense?

maybe because he had a chance to vent after his loss. Let's not pretend like the guy went gracefully after knowing he was about to lose.

That being said, Hilary should know how to read the room. There is no appetite for this right now. She's being just as stubborn as Bernie was when he lost, and the consequences are just a shitty or worse.

Also I do find it weird that same guys who were mad about people telling bernie to shut up and take the L are now saying the same thing to Clinton.


Barely. He kept waving off responsibility for his actions during the campaign and said Hillary had to win them over. Such a strong endorsement. Hey that lady I said is fundamentally against you, go vote for her ok?

He was competing in a primary, what exactly is he supposed to say?


Sanders had control of his own narrative that he pushed during his campaign that the DNC was corrupt and the Clinton was by proxy is also corrupt.

Which is the main reason why swing voters didn't vote for her, especially when the Comey letter dropped.

So yes, I think Sanders had far more control of the views of his voters that swapped sides. He didn't have control of those who are inherently sexists, but his narrative absolutely did damage for the rest of the campaign, regardless of his efforts to campaign for her.

Should Clinton have hit back harder? I think so, but she specifically didn't attack Sanders because she didn't want to stir the hornets nest when the primary was basically over.

Maybe swing voters didn't vote for her because they didn't like her to begin with and maybe had nothing to do with Bernie Sanders.

Hillary ran a nasty campaign against Obama, and he didn't seem to have problems.


Chuck Schumer, Nancy Pelosi and a gaggle of Dem senators are busy putting in that work to save Dreamers, block the border wall and have a discussion about single-payer healthcare and Hillary wants to keep talking about primaries.
It's almost as if some of these people are Congresspeople who hold actual political power and some of these people are not.

Hmm. This is very confusing.


Why does she need to have a book tour at all? Or at minimum why in the within 4 years of her loss?

We all know why but it has literally zero benefit to anyone that isn't her or the publishing company.

The idea that there's 0 benefit to a post mortem on a high profile presidential election from the perspective of the candidate is silly. Regardless of how you feel about Clinton, the takes in the book are very clearly going to be used by future campaigns in regards to running against Trump for their own candidate.
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