Hillary's interview w/ A. Cooper: Sander's supporters are still incredibly divisive

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Isn't it very divisive of her to keep railing on the "bernie is at fault for me losing" thing?

We get it Hillary, divisive Bernie supporters were one of the factors leading up to your loss (in fact i constantly bring up the disconnect among people who spent the primaries demonizing Hillary and then were surprised when the woman they swore was Satan incarnate lost the main election), but stop trying to frame the narrative as if Bernie was the sole reason you lost. It wasn't, accept it and learn.


Volunteer Deputy Campaign Director, Obama for America '16
Her actions on this book tour make the Bernie holdouts look smarter than us Bernie fans who gave her our votes.

She doesn't care. We're all guilty in her eyes for choosing Bernie over her in the primary.

Hillary is mentally ill. Not Trump levels but she's not fit to serve.

War Peaceman

You're a big guy.
I don’t see anything wrong with that passage. He’s painting a picture of an uphill battle.

Honestly I dcan’t JR care. I voted for Hillary in my primary and in the general but it’s time to move on and move left.

the point is, that why is it ok when Sanders writes a book after losing an election that describes what he was up against, but not ok when Hillary does it?


Can we all get behind the point that regardless of the actions of Clinton and Sanders, the democrats lost to a tide of far right lies and racist propaganda. That is the enemy.


Don't worry, I'll vouch for them.
Her actions on this book tour make the Bernie holdouts look smarter than us Bernie fans who gave her our votes.

She doesn't care. We're all guilty in her eyes for choosing Bernie over her in the primary.

Hillary is mentally ill. Not Trump levels but she's not fit to serve.

Holy fucking shit. What the fuck?


Fighting for a Democratic Party that stands for something that isn't incrementalism, and catering to corporate donors is "divisive". You didn't lose because of Bernie, Hillary. You lost because of you. And there's a clear narcissism with Hillary here IMO. Bernie hasn't attack Hillary once since the election. He's been touring the US looking for Unity and promoting the party. She's been pointing fingers and touring the US promoting herself.

The party has to move on from the Clintons. No more moving right. We need to move left. Clinton is comfy in the center and the nation doesn't want that anymore. This very board doesn't want that anymore.

I do recognize that she took a bit of ownership in her book, but destroys it once she treats it like "it's not me! It's those kids!" And I'm sorry Hillary, but the same Bernie base (including myself) bit their tongue and voted for you, even if begrudgingly. And I'd do it again. But this country is ready to move on from corporate, flip-flopping centrist with a checkered history. And I don't blame Stein voters either. They get the right to vote their conscience just like anyone else does and I'll fight for that right for them.

This election was a shit show all the way around. But I'm not going to blame voters. Give us better candidates. Stop running establishment hacks that we somehow "owe" the office to. Hillary, nor Bernie was entitled to the presidency. And none of the politicians the party is going to throw at us in 2020 do either.

Also, something that really frustrates me about politics and voters, is fanaticism. For ANY candidate. Including Bernie. Nobody should be a "fan" of a candidate/official. At all. And I've seen a striking amount of fanaticism where voters/supporters won't question everything, will cut their nose off to spite their face, and throw their support behind a candidate, regardless of their flaws. I've seen Hillary, Bernie, and Trump supporters go to the mat for their candidate when something clearly bad is uncovered about them. The demonization happens with little to no reason other than you disagree. Thaler lack of political discourse this election season as fucking piss poor, and we (voters) are part of the problem. We need to fix all this for the next elections IMO
Isn't it very divisive of her to keep railing on the "bernie is at fault for me losing" thing?

We get it Hillary, divisive Bernie supporters were one of the factors leading up to your loss (in fact i constantly bring up the disconnect among people who spent the primaries demonizing Hillary and then were surprised when the woman they swore was Satan incarnate lost the main election), but stop trying to frame the narrative as if Bernie was the sole reason you lost. It wasn't, accept it and learn.

I would break it down even further, some Bernie supporters in a few states. But then again, there were about 80k in Michigan that didn't even vote for the top of the ticket. Who knows the amount of them voted for him in the primary.


What the fuck happened to all y'alls narrative last year that criticism and discussion was healthy and important?

Now someone needs to "go away"?
Is Clinton saying anything about how to move forward? How to energize the left and take back the country? Because at least in terms of headlines, all I see is her just relitigating the primary and 2016.

Bernie is actually trying to move forward. That's where he's putting his focus and efforts. Not "what happened" but "let's make it happen."


Her actions on this book tour make the Bernie holdouts look smarter than us Bernie fans who gave her our votes.

She doesn't care. We're all guilty in her eyes for choosing Bernie over her in the primary.

Hillary is mentally ill. Not Trump levels but she's not fit to serve.


I don’t see anything wrong with that passage. He’s painting a picture of an uphill battle.

Honestly I dcan’t JR care. I voted for Hillary in my primary and in the general but it’s time to move on and move left.
The general issue is the overarching "How unfair that she actually put in the work to earn that support from people" narrative.

Obama had a lot of internal party support when he ran against Clinton. Not as much, of course, but it was there.


Rapid Response Threadmaker
Boy that sounds entitled. How dare she build a coalition of supporters and endorsements. Everyone who isn't with me is establishment.

It's incredibly sour grapes on his part as well. He was going up against a previous First Lady, Senator, and Secretary of State. People put support on people early either for perceived loyalty, influence, they know they are going to win, they really support them, and money. No shit that was going to happen. Even though Bernie had been in the political game for a little while, he still had nowhere the influence or name recognition Clinton had.


Rapid Response Threadmaker
Her actions on this book tour make the Bernie holdouts look smarter than us Bernie fans who gave her our votes.

She doesn't care. We're all guilty in her eyes for choosing Bernie over her in the primary.

Hillary is mentally ill. Not Trump levels but she's not fit to serve.

Someone needs checked, and I don't think it is Hillary.


Crashing this plane... with no survivors!
One of them is writing books because she still can't accept she lost and got embarrassed while the other one continues to work hard to try and improve the lives of all Americans.

They're both working hard to improve the lives of all Americans.
Also, the narrative that if Clinton was more progressive and Bernie like falls apart because BERNIE SUPPORTERS VOTED FOR CLINTON

It wasn't his most liberal supporters she needed to win, that's not why she fucking lost. Saying anything like that is literally crafting a fake narrative for yourself.

Of course, it didn't help that those liberal supporters fell for decades of GOP smear, which absolutely helped in swing voters going "so corrupt!!", but her being more liberal would have done nothing to win over the people that literally voted for her.
Her actions on this book tour make the Bernie holdouts look smarter than us Bernie fans who gave her our votes.

She doesn't care. We're all guilty in her eyes for choosing Bernie over her in the primary.

Hillary is mentally ill. Not Trump levels but she's not fit to serve.

I would comment on how ridiculous, and ugly this post is. But.... That is apparently "Bullying Bernie supporters" so I guess I'll just stay quite and not participate like all of the Black Democrats in the south should have last year.


So we're comparing a swap from Hillary to mccain as the same as Bermie to Trump. Sure.
The larger issue with that attempted analogy is that Clinton '08's base of support was likely closer to Sanders '16 than Clinton '16. She explicitly ran using the WWC as a base in that election, while in '16 her base of support was much more similar to the Obama '08 coalition.

I voted Obama in '08 and Clinton in '16 in the primaries and I saw a lot of the same issues in Clinton's '08 campaign that I did in Sanders '16 one.


I only hope that she can get all of this out of her system before we get closer to the midterms. She's not entirely wrong, but it will seem petty as fuck if she keeps doing this right before one of the most important midterms ever, especially since she's the most responsible for our current state of affairs.


ugh, such delusion

hopefully Hillary will tone down this divisiveness after her book tour, it seems like Democrats are doing a good job of uniting and looking forward and she's still back in 2016 trying to split the party in two for seemingly selfish reasons

not a good look
All the factors considered......

It was Comeys letter that ruined Hillary. I feel it in my bones. the timing was God fucking awful and it was completely onesided.


Her actions on this book tour make the Bernie holdouts look smarter than us Bernie fans who gave her our votes.

She doesn't care. We're all guilty in her eyes for choosing Bernie over her in the primary.

Hillary is mentally ill. Not Trump levels but she's not fit to serve.
You had me allllll the way till the last sentence. That's just excessive. Though I would agree, she's taking this pretty hard.


This shit is going to cost us 2020 isn't it...

I don’t see anything wrong with that passage. He’s painting a picture of an uphill battle.

Honestly I dcan’t JR care. I voted for Hillary in my primary and in the general but it’s time to move on and move left.

He talks about an unfair process when 1). He had been a democrat for five minutes, shocking that the DNC would have a favorite and 2). His own press secretary said that no one stole the election that they simply lost so his boo hoo ing about the unfair process that his own people claim didn't cost him the primary is a bad look.

Also, claiming that hillary only got the support of all of those people because of her beltway contacts and not because they actually supported her in good faith is pretty sad.

I say all this as someone who voted for Bernie in the Ohio primary. When he says things like this his supporters can't justifiably say that she's the one with sour grapes.
Clinton supporters (including myself), Hillary is not doing herself any favors with this talk. It's opening up deep wounds that were just starting to heal. Like it or not, Bernie commands a huge wing of progressive politics which includes a lot of millenials, regardless of the practicality of his ideas. Hillary should not poke any more nests and make people who reluctantly voted for her regret it. It's time to heal the party and if she wants to play a major role, she should align herself with Bernie wing instead of looking inwards and being defensive. And waiting another year or two for the book would have helped.

Bernie supporters, you need to realize the amount of vitriol die hard Berners and BoBers directed at Hillary during the primaries. She isn't wrong, and what she is talking about is not unprecedented. Look up PUMA's from 2008. BoBers continued to drag her all the way in general and there is also a good cross section of Bernie voters who voted for Trump. Lot of talk from these folks is still acidic and just unrelenting and many times unfair.

Both the flanks need to come together right now to fight the common enemy: Nazis.


go back to the woods. bernie's dropping popular legislative proposals and you're talking about winning seats for dems; the majority of which is getting shit shoveled in their mouths daily while pleading for decorum.


People who complain.about Bernie still primarying after he had been "defeated" are silly. Hillary was still under investigation and anything could've theoretically happened.

Even if there's a less then 1% chance, you might as well try, especially when you are the only other major candidate.


CLINTON: It was clear I was going to be the nominee like in March or April. It was beyond any doubt in June. And in '08 we ran a much closer, tougher primary contest between President Obama and myself. It was really close.

Her supporters and cultist are even more divisive at this point. (I have receipts so don't try it)

And she is too. My god, the OPTICS of her constantly whining about Bernie / Berners while Sanders is having an amazing week of coverage with his healthcare bill.

Time really is the ultimate truth teller.


Hillary's supporters are much like Hillary herself, they expected Bernie supporters to sit down and shut up because she was the chosen one.



I would comment on how ridiculous, and ugly this post is. But.... That is apparently "Bullying Bernie supporters" so I guess I'll just stay quite and not participate like all of the Black Democrats in the south should have last year.

No go ahead, fringes on both sides should be criticized and people in between should stop associating themselves wholesale with other people that support the same thing they do. I supported bernie and then Hillary full on, and I dont have anything to do with the people who shit on Hillary with no sense of nuance or fact based outlook nor those who shit on bernie and his supporters.


Rapid Response Threadmaker
Ok, they still voted in an open white supremacists.

I said they were dumb. It's why Hillary's deplorables line literally wasn't wrong. 48% of the country voted. Hillary won just slightly more than 50% of the votes. Hillary said half of his supporters were deplorables. Rounding it out half of 48% is 24%. Half of Trump supporters rounded out would be 12% of the country. I can guarantee that AT LEAST 12% of the country is racist.
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