Hillary's interview w/ A. Cooper: Sander's supporters are still incredibly divisive

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Bernie wrote a book after the election. In which this passage exists:
The second paragraph is stupid and he should not have said this. Comes off as an excuse and not a good mentality if he wants to correct his mistakes and actually mount a winning campaign going forward.

Wow. That wasn't hard. Calling a dumb statement dumb, instead of invoking whataboutery

Hillary needs to stop bringing up Bernie and 2016. She's brought it up on multiple different platforms now and it's getting ridiculous. Just stop.
ugh, such delusion

hopefully Hillary will tone down this divisiveness after her book tour, it seems like Democrats are doing a good job of uniting and looking forward and she's still back in 2016 trying to split the party in two for seemingly selfish reasons

not a good look

Delusions, a sign of mental illness. She's not well.


People who complain.about Bernie still primarying after he had been "defeated" are silly. Hillary was still under investigation and anything could've theoretically happened.

Even if there's a less then 1% chance, you might as well try, especially when you are the only other major candidate.
This is why Bernie was so bad for the election, he reveled in the ignorance of his supporters.


Eh, she is maybe right, but she needs to shut the fuck up about it tbh. This helps nothing.
She has a book out, is on tour and is doing interviews. She has EVERY right to say her peace on this matter. No one has to like the truth when it's presented to them, but she can serve it up anyway.

It helps expose Sanders for what he is and hopefully prevent him or anyone like him trying to divide the party in the future. Maybe we'll get over this in a few years, but not as long as Sanders is still hanging around dragging things down.
Dems gonna stack them Ls if they keep trying to put the blame on Sanders supporters and push this overblown Berniebros narrative.

Hillary need to toe the line and make sure to support whoever's up next.


Bernie wrote a book after the election. In which this passage exists:
Oh my, a whole passage.

A passage that simply states he was up against a candidate with a bunch of pre-existing support.

That's definitely comparable and there's not even a hint of false equivalency.


Yeah I detect no lies. This forums Bernie stans are a good microcosm of the issue at large.

there is no lie in what shes saying

I mean she's not wrong, and some of the replies to this thread will only prove her right.

What she said is literally "what happened"

What she's saying is one hundred percent correct.

According to the evidence we have he did a better a job than she did in 2008. How is this so hard?
Lost to an insecure, billionaire oompa loompa that has consistently made an ass out of himself. Already the biggest jobber in a presidential election and going for the biggest sore loser in a presidential election next.

Hopefully the Democratic party has some sense in the next couple of years and convinces her to stay away from another presidential campaign. Or Trump's repeating.
Its beyond me how anyone could not vote for Clinton when the other option is Trump.

But Clinton shouldn't try to blame anyone else than herself. Yes, lots of obstacles where put in her way, but she was still up against the weakest and most unqualified candidate in history and her loss could've easily been avoided if it hadn't been for several obvious mistakes she made.

I also think its quite arrogant for a centrist to think that they deserve the votes of the left by default.
If anything, this election was a message by the voter that centrism isn't popular.
Its time for democrats to embrace their left wing. Its their future. Northern European style social democracy, the most successful system on the planet right now. Get behind it.
Her actions on this book tour make the Bernie holdouts look smarter than us Bernie fans who gave her our votes.

She doesn't care. We're all guilty in her eyes for choosing Bernie over her in the primary.

Hillary is mentally ill. Not Trump levels but she's not fit to serve.
Ummm u ok there...?


Don't worry, I'll vouch for them.
Oh my, a whole passage.

A passage that simply states he was up against a candidate with a bunch of pre-existing support.

That's definitely comparable and there's not even a hint of false equivalency.

There have been massive Clinton threads on single passages from this book or an interview.


This isn't helping, but maybe Hillary is getting it out of her system early. It's better for everyone to pick up the primary bickering and then have the dust settle now rather than in 2020.
Can we all get behind the point that regardless of the actions of Clinton and Sanders, the democrats lost to a tide of far right lies and racist propaganda. That is the enemy.

Right and we should be focused on the future instead of continuing to debate whose fault it was that democrats lost last year. Every day we spend dividing ourselves over Bernie and Hillary is another day that the GOP gets stronger and is able to set themselves up to win again next year when it REALLY matters.

Honestly thats why I wish Hillary would stop antagonizing Bernie and his supporters so damn much. Blaming him in her book and then comments like here are just revisiting old wounds and getting people fired up about the wrong fucking things. Now more then ever she should be a voice of unification if she is going to be a voice at all but nope, still all about why she lost and blaming it on groups that actually did end up supporting her and barely taking any real blame on herself. That doesn't help any democrats, should they have have supported her or Bernie in the primaries.
The larger issue with that attempted analogy is that Clinton '08's base of support was likely closer to Sanders '16 than Clinton '16. She explicitly ran using the WWC as a base in that election, while in '16 her base of support was much more similar to the Obama '08 coalition.

I voted Obama in '08 and Clinton in '16 in the primaries and I saw a lot of the same issues in Clinton's '08 campaign that I did in Sanders '16 one.

This shit is going to cost us 2020 isn't it...

He talks about an unfair process when 1). He had been a democrat for five minutes, shocking that the DNC would have a favorite and 2). His own press secretary said that no one stole the election that they simply lost so his boo hoo ing about the unfair process that his own people claim didn't cost him the primary is a bad look.

Also, claiming that hillary only got the support of all of those people because of her beltway contacts and not because they actually supported her in good faith is pretty sad.

I say all this as someone who voted for Bernie in the Ohio primary. When he says things like this his supporters can't justifiably say that she's the one with sour grapes.
I guess I have a different perspective on it. It’s clear to me that he’s showing how difficult it would be to win the nomination.
According to the evidence we have he did a better a job than she did in 2008. How is this so hard?

One could easily argue that a portion of her supporters were racially motivated to not vote for Obama, while one could argue that Sanders poisoned the well in constantly attacking the entire democratic party in labeling them as corrupt elitists which did nothing but add fuel to the fire for the right to drive that narrative and push swing voters away from her.

Clinton couldn't gain back a section of her supporters in some states, Sanders did the damage himself during the campaign.


She has a book out, is on tour and is doing interviews. She has EVERY right to say her peace on this matter. No one has to like the truth when it's presented to them, but she can serve it up anyway.

It helps expose Sanders for what he is and hopefully prevent him or anyone like him trying to divide the party in the future. Maybe we'll get over this in a few years, but not as long as Sanders is still hanging around dragging things down.
He's literally one of the most popular politicians around today and he's changing the conversation about healthcare and moving the party forward. Dems would be even more fucked if he wasn't around.
Dems gonna stack them Ls if they keep trying to put the blame on Sanders supporters and push this overblown Berniebros narrative.

Hillary need to toe the line and make sure to support whoever's up next.
Okay, if you want to have a serious discussion, make serious posts. It's not atall overblown and is true. Many Bernie supporters supported Trump. This is from Florida

One of the key’s to Trump’s lead in Florida, which in increasingly looking like a must win state for the Republican nominee, is around a fifth of Bernie Sanders’ supporters are backing him in November.

The poll shows Clinton has not been able to nail down all of Sanders’ old supporters. She gets 62 percent but large segments of them back other candidates as 18 percent of them are for Trump and 17 percent for Stein. Johnson reels in only 2 percent of Sanders’s supporters. After losing to her in the Democratic primaries, where he exceeded most expectations, Sanders has endorsed Clinton.


She can say whatever she wants. There was a lot of factors in her losing. Comey letter, Bernie or bust people, 47% of Americans not even voting, fake news pushed to hurt her by Russians.

You can blame her for not going to states she should have, but no need to dog pile it on.
You can blame her for not going to the states she should have.

You'd be wrong, since she campaigned heavily in Florida and Pennsylvania and lost both states.

In other words
Nate Silver said:


The second paragraph is stupid and he should not have said this. Comes off as an excuse and not a good mentality if he wants to correct his mistakes and actually mount a winning campaign going forward.

Wow. That wasn't hard. Calling a dumb statement dumb, instead of invoking whataboutery

Hillary needs to stop bringing up Bernie and 2016. She's brought it up on multiple different platforms now and it's getting ridiculous. Just stop.

It's pretty clear she was asked about him in the excerpt posted in the OP.
This thread isn't helping in discrediting the Berniebro narrative

We have data that proves the Berniebro narrative is bullshit.

Hillary stans need to sit down. You had your way bullying Sanders supporters and your preferred candidate lost.

Rather than shit on Sanders for building a following on the people, blame Hillary for not campaigning better. Or blame yourselves for picking the wrong candidates.

Don't blame the group of supporters that showed more support Hillary than Hillary supporters did for Obama.
It's incredibly sour grapes on his part as well. He was going up against a previous First Lady, Senator, and Secretary of State. People put support on people early either for perceived loyalty, influence, they know they are going to win, they really support them, and money. No shit that was going to happen. Even though Bernie had been in the political game for a little while, he still had nowhere the influence or name recognition Clinton had.

I don't think he was blaming them. There is nothing in that passage Bernie did not say on the campaign trail, in the context of defining what they were up against (the status quo).

It could be sour grapes, but it's just a passage, without context. Is it about him complaining why he lost, or is it about him defining the types of things that people who go against the status quo have to deal with-which is literally what his most recent book is about?


Lost to an insecure, billionaire oompa loompa that has consistently made an ass out of himself. Already the biggest jobber in a presidential election and going for the biggest sore loser in a presidential election next.

Hopefully the Democratic party has some sense in the next couple of years and convinces her to stay away from another presidential campaign. Or Trump's repeating.
This isn't on her, this is on America embracing white supremacy openly again. She can't do shit when some of her own "side" don't even care about minorities the way they should. The state of district lines in the sf bay area and the white capitol of Oregon are proof of this.


Saint Titanfall
She has a book out, is on tour and is doing interviews. She has EVERY right to say her peace on this matter. No one has to like the truth when it's presented to them, but she can serve it up anyway.

It helps expose Sanders for what he is and hopefully prevent him or anyone like him trying to divide the party in the future. Maybe we'll get over this in a few years, but not as long as Sanders is still hanging around dragging things down.

Every righte? This is for personal profit, the only perosn that book tour helps is herself. I'm glad i'm not an American citizen because some of this shit is ridiculous.


Unconfirmed Member
Threads like this always bring out people who seemingly don't know what it's like to be human. If you seriously expect the opponent of the most important presidential race to stay quiet, retreat to a hole and not air her grief then you're absolutely insane. She does no harm to you if she speaks her mind yet some of you internalize and personalize it so much.

The fact that many of you expect her to shut up and go away is really embarrassing. Being out of the race isn't enough for some of you - she needs to be erased from memory completely. God forbid she has an opinion, that "woman" should automatically shut up. Made even more ironic that many of you calling for her reclusion assuredly didn't vote or voted for anyone but her, yet you'll fault her and want her to shut up. Take your own advice.


This is why Bernie was so bad for the election, he reveled in the ignorance of his supporters.

The only ignorance is people who somehow are still upset at Bernie Sanders even after the Primary.

If you think the election would've changed if Bernie ceased to exist, then I got some bad news for you.

Threads like this always bring out people who seemingly don't know what it's like to be human. If you seriously expect the opponent of the most important presidential race to stay quiet, retreat to a hole and not air her grief then you're absolutely insane. She does no harm to you if she speaks her mind yet some of you internalize and personalize it so much.

The fact that many of you expect her to shut up and go away is really embarrassing. Being out of the race isn't enough for some of you - she needs to be erased from memory completely. God forbid she has an opinion, that "woman" should automatically shut up. Made even more ironic that many of you calling for her reclusion assuredly didn't vote or voted for anyone but her, yet you'll fault her and want her to shut up. Take your own advice.

Nobody would be upset with her if she was acting like an adult. She's been opening up wounds and hurling insults at a now large portion of the people who voted for her and represent her party.

She's allowed to have an opinion, but so am I.
Goddamn it everyone really needs to move on from this. Just getting ridiculous at this point and I'd hate to see a repeat of all the infighting next election.
Dems gonna stack them Ls if they keep trying to put the blame on Sanders supporters and push this overblown Berniebros narrative.

Hillary need to toe the line and make sure to support whoever's up next.

She's already warned Democrats not to follow Bernie as a leader. She's still hating.


The key difference between centrists (or neolibs if you will) and leftists is that leftists view labor rights as civil rights, while centrists do not. And so long as we live in a society where one has to work to survive, that’s going to remain an irreconcilable difference that is going to cause bitter division.

Then I guess we're all leftists here. Why is there so much intra-leftist conflict?


Neo Member
I'm reaching my limit with this finger pointing among one another. This is doing sweet fuck all to help the democrats either. Trump is the evils of capitalism incarnate and is destroying the lives of the defenseless. At least try to unite the party ffs!


Okay, if you want to have a serious discussion, make serious posts. It's not atall overblown and is true. Many Bernie supporters supported Trump. This is from Florida


Many = less than 20% in one state

The fact that it was that close of a race with Trump is just proof of how flawed of a candidate she was. Not many people outside of her very vocal base felt good about her.


One could easily argue that a portion of her supporters were racially motivated to not vote for Obama, while one could argue that Sanders poisoned the well in constantly attacking the entire democratic party in labeling them as corrupt elitists which did nothing but add fuel to the fire for the right to drive that narrative and push swing voters away from her.

Clinton couldn't gain back a section of her supporters in some states, Sanders did the damage himself during the campaign.

So Clinton voters that went for McCain did it because they're racist and Clinton couldn't do anything about it and Sanders voters were totally under his control when they went for Trump?


"I feel like we are best when we are between center left and center right... and I call on bernie and his supporters to all feel the same"


The only ignorance is people who somehow are still upset at Bernie Sanders even after the Primary.

If you think the election would've changed if Bernie ceased to exist, then I got some bad news for you.
It might have been different if Bernie wasn't crowing about corruption like he's not. The fact that you don't even know the facts about the case against Hillary, and are spitting out the same bullshit Bernie was, means you can't talk from a position of credibility.
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