I gotta say elusive targets alone make this my GOTY. The dread I feel when I'm compromised or having to restart when things get hairy. Trying to execute the perfect hit. There is nothing better.
Managed to Silent Assassin this one, though I was sloppy about it.
Was anyone finding that the target wasn't eating the jam? I assumed they were going to pull a similar trick from the twins ET and have the target make the other guy try it, so I didn't poison it. Might be that it doesn't trigger him to eat some unless you've interacted with it.
Ended up knocking out all 3 guards near the target, spiking the other guy's wine to make him sick to split them up and then knocked him out/killed the target.
Enjoyable, but I think I've had my fill of Paris.
Pretty easy one since the two guys don't seem to care you flag as Trespasser in the room with a guard outfit. Anyone else NOT get the challenges flagged as complete? Bit of a bummer, ET done and shows as done and as SA but neither challenge pops as complete. Oh well, don't really care about yet another tie for Mr. Reaper.
I'm not a fan of the syringe, I've noticed way too often if another NPC is standing nearby they will flag you immediately after your target falls. Too scary for me to use on ETs. since getting SA is the goal always for me.
This would have been a really interesting one to do with suit only and no knockouts, while its possible I think it would be extremely difficult.
so weird coming back to this after playing a lot of deus ex.
Not that easy for this if you are low lvl in paris and don't have, but still ended up sneaking around and conking everyone with a wrench. Did get spotted though... oh well.attic
3 stars.
I started at the auction, much easier to get a bodyguard disguise from that side
I'd say attic would be the best for that. You can get a bodyguard disguise like 8 seconds in, a sole dude that can be taken out with a nearby fire extinguisher.
Normally yes, but as it happened in other elusives, some guards are moved from their original posts. The one that talks with that dude being one of them.huh, I remember that wrong then, I thought there are 2 guys talking to each other
Oh shit, I didn't know there was a new one. I'm at work; how much time is left on this ET?
Did a suit only no knockouts run. I almost had a heart attack at the end , I had just killed the dude with poison and the guard I distracted was coming back at that moment through the door. Almost caught me!
Where do you get the keycard on a no knock out run?
Managed to do it and get away.
It occurs to me that my run is basically the same as yours, since all the guards on the way are suspicious even when you are disguised as a guard. So I was sneaking around keeping out of sight anyway.
I don't think I could handle doing this with trespassing-level suspicion, though.
You should've been spotted on numerous occasions. By the way, how was dropping from the 2nd floor to the first even possible? Glitch?Here it is! SA/SO, no Knockouts in 4:52
I even paused for a little bit when the guard is about to enter the room because I was scared shitless lol.
You should've been spotted on numerous occasions. By the way, how was dropping from the 2nd floor to the first even possible? Glitch?
Stick around and listen to the hacker banter by the way, its pretty much straight out of CSI and hilarious.
"Lets hack ALL the IPs!"
I didn't listen, like intentionally hilarious? Because IO would know the real jargon, it'd be very funny if they went full ham.
Stick around and listen to the hacker banter by the way, its pretty much straight out of CSI and hilarious.
"Lets hack ALL the IPs!"
If detection was realistic, all the missions in this game would be impossible. The drop from the 2nd floor to the first was introduced in a patch several months ago and never patched out.
Little over a day.
As someone who just bought the game recently, is there any chance that all elusive target contracts will be made available at a later date? Presumably when the season is over. I don't care as much about the bonus outfits you can unlock. I'd just like some more missions to be made available. Wish I picked the game up at release now. Fingers crossed for seasons 2 and 3. I'm in day one for those, although I'd like them to look at Hitman:Contracts for inspiration.
They've indicated they're one and done, but with the effort put in to make them and to catch the physical audience I could see them happening again. Tough to say.
They went full ham and it was hilarious.
If I buy the intro pack, does anyone know how much the upgrade packs will be??