I mean I assume there will be a guy peeing or something as soon as you get in so you get an outfit and can walk around. It's not like you're gonna have to be sneaking around the entire time
I got to take a look at Colorado at gamescom, and got to speak to Torben from Io about it all - pretty interested by some of the stuff he said!
I don't think anyone should expect elusive targets to come back after this. He's said exactly what I was thinking - they would lose far more than they gain from letting people replay them.
Think about it: all your runs in the regular missions blend together after a while. You don't even remember what you did your first time killing the story targets anymore. It would be bad if the elusives were the same.
I was trying to download the recent update (about 300 MB) and it would just stop downloading at some point. Turns out I didn't have enough free space on my drive because the patching process has to copy the entire game to the download folder. I need at least 45 GB of free space to apply a 300 MB update? That's some bullshit right there.
If I recall it was server load issues (all unlocks depend on connection) and yes that was only an issue at launch.I have read that the game had some technical issue when it was released on PS4, was it fixed ?
If I recall it was server load issues (all unlocks depend on connection) and yes that was only an issue at launch.
The game has little bugs but it's also incredibly complex so it's forgiveable!
probably not til long after the 'full' release.Thanks i am considering getting it. I was waiting for a sale for the starter pack (yes i know, i am cheap) but i guess it won't happen.
Thanks i am considering getting it. I was waiting for a sale for the starter pack (yes i know, i am cheap) but i guess it won't happen.
New Elusive Target 'The Pharmacist' goes live on Friday.
The 1.15 patch notes:There's a new patch up for the PS4 version. No release notes, just points you to the official web page.
Fixed a rare crash issue when launching contract creation.
Fixed occasional sound stuttering issues.
Fixed an issue where a contract could launch with no objectives.
Fixed an issue where challenges were sometimes inaccurately evaluated.
As an intro pack owner, that'll suit me just fine![]()
Another Paris ET?
Multiple difficulties seems unlikely. The game balance still gets tweaked significantly in some patches, so just balancing the base game seems like a lot of work.
This is far from the last Paris elusive, going by the data-mined game files (which are out there if you want to spoil yourself on some upcoming ones).
I didn't expect this many Paris elusives, but now that I think about it it makes sense to front-load more content for intro pack owners.
Excellent idea.They should make the Elusives a bit more varied, seems like everything is a target with a bodyguard tailing them four feet behind. How about some counter-snipers you have to take out before you can approach the target?
I guess they will probably put out most of the non Paris elusives once the retail version is out maybe?
Would like to see one in Bangkok soon tho
Pretty sure ETs are done once the season is complete.
I'm hoping they put ET's on a constant rotation after season 1 ends, like one every 7 days and it just rotates through all the ones they have created. I know it breaks the "blink and they are gone forever!" idea, but I have a hard time believing they are going to never, ever bring them back. Doesn't really matter to me, I have done all of them so far and will continue to do so, but they are a really cool and fun part of the game and its a bummer most people wouldn't see them.
While it does seem like a waste of $ and resources to never bring back ETs, maybe they look at it from a marketing/promotion perspective. Dole out these ETs and a "big one" like the Busey thing as a way to entice users to buy in digitally/episodically. Busey was Sapienza, which left out intro pack users.
Spoiler: "Floor 0" of the Colorado map made it onto Hitman Forum.
Can't really tell anything from this image, though. Looks comparable in size to Thailand I think?