If that is the final mission, I'm hyped as fuck.
Seems the third bonus episode may beanother take on Sapienza, or at least an ET proposed by the main target of the level. Very weird.
Fired this up to play the latest escalation missions and...
So, I got the Blood Money suit but I've missed two ET's (the E3 one, and the Black Hat). Bug?
So is the cellphone bomb pretty much gamebreaking? Seems like it works really well for almost every elusive/escalation.
The tie color bothers me, it's supposed to be in darker red:
You could say the same about the exploding ducks or the sniper rifles in the sense that you can do just about every elusive target with them.
Silent assassin is a different story, though. Only the exploding ducks can pull off silent assassin (by chaining it with an "accidental" fire extinguisher, propane tank, car etc. explosion).
I had the elusive target dead to rights. Dressed as Helmen, prox mine on the balcony, I was just waiting for her to walk over it. Some goober comes out from the party and walks over it instead and for some reason, her guards shoot me to death.
Fuck all of that. That's some shit.
Is Gary Busey a good person?
I don't think the escalations and bonus missions are technically canon.
It's definitely been a conscious choice to make the targets (mostly) evil, probably to keep 47 at least somewhat redeemable/relatable.
I felt they did play around with that a bit in Blood Money though, like with the amusement park owner, and in the final mission that also has you kill all the witnesses at the funeral including the priest and a reporter.
I don't think the escalations and bonus missions are technically canon.
It's definitely been a conscious choice to make the targets (mostly) evil, probably to keep 47 at least somewhat redeemable/relatable.
I felt they did play around with that a bit in Blood Money though, like with the amusement park owner, and in the final mission that also has you kill all the witnesses at the funeral including the priest and a reporter.
IO has done everything right.
Game-wise, absolutely. That whole putting unlocks behind an online wall and not communicating it before launch? Nah, that soured me on the series for 6 months.
To be fair, it's a digital download only episodic release title, so I can understand why they might assume a connection in that instance. But yeah, that would suck if you have only sporadic internet access or an unreliable connection.Game-wise, absolutely. That whole putting unlocks behind an online wall and not communicating it before launch? Nah, that soured me on the series for 6 months.
While that is a bunch of piss, let's be fair here: you know that shit came from their publisher who has a big, throbby Silverballer about big data.
They only want HAM on HITMAN, because the other games that track data don't actually block access. Then again, the other IPs bathed with this (Just Cause, Deus Ex and Tomb Raider, apparently) did not go fully digital at launch and wait for a physical copy later.
I can only hope they deal with this with the physical release, or at worst, expect the game to be broken open in time on PC, assuring access to the content the game has without fear of "digital rot" via disconnected servers. I'm pretty sure that's how we'll be assured Elusive Targets to be played years down the road, which I personally find important to preserve for the "fullness" of the game.
To be fair, it's a digital download only episodic release title, so I can understand why they might assume a connection in that instance.
*Can I play HITMAN offline or do you have to be connected all the time?
You will be able to play the locations and missions offline. To play the live events, download updates or see things like leaderboards, youll need to be online.*
Square Enix confirmed: "Yes, you can play the full game offline after you have downloaded an episode. But there are live elements which you will need to access online."
I don't think they're gonna change it...
Among every other press release confirming this, they chucked this on a Q&A on their website:
Nothing about basic, SP unlockables being hidden behind an online wall anywhere. In fact, they said on numerous sites you could play the 'Full game' except 'live' content. Here's one:
I followed the game very closely and these aren't the only examples. I'm not sure when 'live elements' meant basic, SP unlockables and they never actually said.
Like, connection issues I can live with. My connection is great, so once the servers were fixed, it ran like a dream. However, given that a number of Challenges can only be completed with certain items unlocked, I think it was pretty shitty of them not to mention the game really is Online Only beforehand, hence why I didn't dip in for 6 months.
I'm over it now, mind. Sort of.
As far as I'm aware, nothing is changing for the retail release either.
Blood Money had the theme park owner in the tutorial mission, and Contracts had the captured private investigator. Other than that, yeah, just about every other target in the series is a scumbag.I really wish they'd make you kill an apparently good person for one of the ET's or missions. Why make 47 this cold unfeeling professional if everyone he kills deserves to die anyway? Make 47 go after a Presidential candidate promising to bring positive change to Washington. Make 47 kill a pharmaceutical manufacturer who intends to undercut the rest of the industry and make cancer medication dirt cheap. At least make the morality a little gray instead having every target be some murdering child molester monster.
Of course, that criticism could be levied against the whole series.
I got really tired of this game. I completed all opportunities in Bangkok and guess what? No achievement. Half of them had a description yesterday and today there is none. I have the relative challenge unlocked but the opportunities result to be still locked.
Really, how can IO keep going away with this?
This bug is present from the first episode and it still occurs from time to time. I don't know if it's the server screwing up or whatever, but the game is already repetitive by itself, if you add time spent on doing things you already did because something went wrong...
I did have a question about opportunities though. I noticed I'd complete an opportunity but somehow it wouldn't register as being completed. It's not a big deal but after you've done a few there doesn't seem to be any way of knowing which ones are registered as completed and which aren't. Is there some way to track which opportunities you've completed that I haven't been able to figure out in the game? It doesn't seem to be in any of the menus.
Well, if they don't change it, like I said, I hope the game gets hacked and busted post-release. They better not pull a Chromehounds where more than half of the game vanishes in time. Much better to be like Armored Core V where when the servers went down, the game got one final patch to migrate much of the online-only stuff to offline play, IIRC.
They especially better do this, or I hope the game does get busted on PC. Looking up some of the datamined ETs, I kind of do not feel comfortable with the game just being left as 11 main missions considering the amount that exist.
I will list all of the ones with information about them, as there's quite a great deal, if only to make my point that by linking so much to an always-online model, you're going to totally skimp the game if all of this will forever depend on active servers. Knowing unlockables and this amount of content is loosely hooked to the circumstance of IO supporting it on their servers concerns me deeply. The bolded ones are the ones we presently have had announced and available to play as of this post. The ones I list in italics have only had their target name revealed and no particular assets beyond that, so these may be cancelled ETs. Finally, these are not in any release order for their respective locations, for I've only put the ones we have played at the top of each list for visual convenience. Sarajevo Six targets are included as well, as they are very much like ETs, but they can be replayed: these too depend on an online connection, so there's no reason to hold them as separate.There may be a good reason they're handled like ETs, too....
There are no spoilers to the specificity of any of these ETs as missions. Just names, and to highlight they have invested a fucking lot into this, even if we've only seen 10. I want Marrakesh-level protests for offline support post-physical release, because this is some crazy shit to leave on a thread by sheer volume. Without further rambling, though...
[*]The Director - Scott Sarno (Sarajevo Six)
[*]The Forger - Sergei Larin
[*]The Sensation - Jonathan Smythe
[*]The Broker - Howard Moxon
[*]The Black Hat - Owen "Protagonist" Wagner
[*]The Pharmacist - Nila Torvik
[*]The Blackmailer - Walter Williams
[*]The Paparazzo - Kieran Hudson
[*]The Identity Thief - Brendan Conner
[*]The Enforcer - Gary Lunn (Sarajevo Six)
[*]The Congressman - Anthony Trout
[*]The Prince - Father Adalrico Candelaria
[*]The Twin - Dylan Narváez
[*]The Wildcard - Gary Busey
[*]The Badboy - Bartholomew Argus
[*]The Guru - Richard J. Magee
[*]The Partners - Yo Ja Kyung & Maurice Dendry
[*]The Spodiatrist - Spodester
[*]The Extractor - Walter Menard (Sarajevo Six)
[*]The Gunrunner - Vito Đurić
[*]The Fixer - Xander Haverfoek
[*]The Freak - Mr. Giggles
[*]The Veteran - John Stubbs (Sarajevo Six)
[*]The Warlord - Adeze Ojiofur A.K.A. "Nna Obara"
[*]The Food Critic - Wen Tsai
[*]The Mercenary - Patrick Morgan (Sarajevo Six)
[*]The Controller Taheiji Kojama (Sarajevo Six)
[*]The Surgeon - Doctor Pavel Frydel
[*]The Ex-Dictator - Richard Ekwensi
[*]The Rogue - Owen Cage
[*]The Angel of Death - Etta Davis
[*]The Bad Robinson - Jaromir Zotov
[*]The Ice Cube - Michael Dorman
[*]The Gunner - Herman Vanhoek
[*]The Tourist - Daniel Vestergaard
[*]The Burglar - Fitz Denis
[*]The Chef - Gabriel Santos
[*]The Torturer - Wilhelm "Willy" Schulz
[*]The Client - Taheiji Koyama
[*]The Playboy - Tren Sang-Ho
[*]The Gambler - Riley Hunter Moorefield
[*]The Documentarist - Phillipos Kaphanopolis
[*]The Fugutive - Unknown target
[*]The Bookkeeper - Pertti Järnefelt
[*]The E-Sportsman - Zhen 'LOLRaptor2000' Yü
[*]The Operative - Mi-Cha Sun
[*]The Conditioner - Bradley Paine
[*]The Doomsayer - Giichi Daita
[*]The Author - Lawrence Wilson
I'm now on the train that if ETs aren't available post-physical release for players to play at their choosing, there's a huge amount of content being made being thrown away. Even if we're already seeing some ET bleeding and becoming samey in Paris, it doesn't change the fact more options and content is not only a better product to sell to players, and assuming the game has had what would appear to be lukewarm sales due to the DRM and episodic nature, the game needs the promise of content to really hook people into investing. Many of us hardcore dudes are on board despite this, but as a AAA game, unless you're FromSoft, hardcore dudes are not what can sustain you, especially if you want to make two more games continuing this specific storyline and your publisher is king crazy Square-Enix.
11 missions may seem "small" to a casual person, but if you count each ET as a separate mission, you end up with the largest Hitman game by far. Counting the two tutorial missions, six main missions, three bonus missions, six Sarajevo Targets, anddatamined ETs, you have about44scenarios to play with that are made by IO themselves.61
And this is just game one of three that they want to make. Jay-Zus.
New unlock for Colorado confirmed:
This is going to enable so many new strategies.
Surely if this acts like the existing emetic poison (it causes the target to become ill and find a place to throw up), if you're close enough and hidden enough to administer it to the target without suspicion, why not just use a more lethal equivalent?
I still don't know how half the poisons in this game actually work, I've only ever used the standard emetic pick ups scattered throughout the levels so far.
This can be used to get non-targets out of the way in a nonlethal fashion when it's too risky to knock them out. Often more predictable than throwing things/setting off explosions, and faster than dropping a weapon as a distraction.
Sometimes you just need one person to not be there for a while. Remember that guy guarding the general's office in the school?
On a somewhat related note, I've been out of the loop on hitman for a while, and on hitman strategies for even longer; did we ever get a solid reason to use the sedative poison?
On a somewhat related note, I've been out of the loop on hitman for a while, and on hitman strategies for even longer; did we ever get a solid reason to use the sedative poison?
Probably to knock out dudes without choking them?
If it sounds largely ineffective and super contextual, it probably is.
you can get rid of people by sending them to vomit without needing to wait for them to go and drink/eat something.