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HITMAN |OT| Blood Monthly


It's coming



i had a look at the rates people earn trophies with each subsequent episode and is it safe to assume this episodic approach isn't working as well as they'd like?

it seems it's been on a gradual decline since paris. and even that only has 60-ish% of people actually finishing the mission. i think japan is sub 10%, and the latest bonus mission is about 3% i think, that means people aren't buying later episodes and/or they are, but not even bothering to finish them due to losing interest caused by slow release schedules... it doesn't seem like a very positive outcome.
Just started playing this, finished Paris yesterday. LOL man I'm terrible. Killed the first guy and his body guard in a hallway but no one saw me. Killed the other lady on the outdoor patio with many others hiding behind a wall and then I jumped off the balcony.

I suck at these games. I did come across the other methods after I killed the first guy so I'll replay it down the line. I really wanted to disguise myself as the look a like model, couldn't figure it out.


Good god, the shitstorm IO would get if you could bomb a plane in this game.
Actually, I think if it's handled correctly, they could get away with it. One mission could see you at an airport like JFK or LAX, sent out to stop a would-be terrorist from carrying out his plan. How exactly you stop him comes down to your sense of morality - are you willing to kill a few to spare a lot?
You know why the plane scenario feels wrong for Hitman, even without the awful connotations:

47 gets sent when no one else can do the job. He gets sent when the target has evaded international manhunts. He gets sent when a drone strike has already been deployed and failed (as mentioned in The Warlord). He gets sent when collateral damage is unacceptable.

If the client can make the call to blow up hundreds of people along with the target, the client can send a less skilled gun-for-hire or drop a bomb to do the job. That's a completely different game, basically.


That's the fakest poster of all time! Incorrect font and use of it on 'Second Season' and a pretty fucking terrible render. Tiny hand that's not even properly holding the low-res briefcase, what?
If you haven't watched John Wick 1 (blu ray/streaming) or John Wick 2 (theaters) I'd remedy that ASAP, they both reminded me very much of the Hitman game in movie style. If you are the kind of Hitman that just goes on a murderous rampage after getting discovered 30 seconds into the mission.
Failed the elusive, third all time.

Shit list.
- The Prince
- The Chameleon
- The Warlord

I could not get that USB cleanly no matter what I tried. Got shot down as Hotel staff trying to sneak back into the security room after I shot the recordings machine.


Still on 2 out of 5 SA.


If we're doing season 2 fanfic I'd love to see a more dynamic mission involving another assassin hunting YOU, with him or her constantly changing outfits and slowly stalking you as you stalk your (decoy) target.

The existing formula is great but they could stand to shake things up on a big way for at least one mission. I'm not talking about Absolution, but something that makes you feel kind of vulnerable / hunted for once could be cool.
i had a look at the rates people earn trophies with each subsequent episode and is it safe to assume this episodic approach isn't working as well as they'd like?

it seems it's been on a gradual decline since paris. and even that only has 60-ish% of people actually finishing the mission. i think japan is sub 10%, and the latest bonus mission is about 3% i think, that means people aren't buying later episodes and/or they are, but not even bothering to finish them due to losing interest caused by slow release schedules... it doesn't seem like a very positive outcome.

The sales were good enough that Square Enix approved a second season before the retail version of the game was even out. Hitman's achievement drop off might be higher than normal but most games have I believe a sub 30% completion rate anyway. The retail version has been out for less than a month so I wouldn't call it a sales failure yet.
If we're doing season 2 fanfic I'd love to see a more dynamic mission involving another assassin hunting YOU, with him or her constantly changing outfits and slowly stalking you as you stalk your (decoy) target.

The existing formula is great but they could stand to shake things up on a big way for at least one mission. I'm not talking about Absolution, but something that makes you feel kind of vulnerable / hunted for once could be cool.

We had a taste of that in Blood Money, but I think that the whole changing disguises and stuff would probably strain and destroy the AI, unless they were kind of cheating it like they do now with the NPCs that wake up without clothes. I think at best we could expect an assassin in a randomized outfit each time you start a level that could zero in on your location based on your alert status, or general alert status in the world (like body discovered, crime noticed stuff).

My best bet is that they implement some of the stuff from professional mode into the normal mode in season 2, especially the suspicious item system, wouldn't be surprised if we saw high security zones in Season 2 where those rules would apply. Also that would actually make an unlock like the Briefcase very useful (apart from looking cool), because even if you are disguised as a bodyguard, other bodyguards might know that not one of them has Sieger 3.0 rifles.
If we're doing season 2 fanfic I'd love to see a more dynamic mission involving another assassin hunting YOU, with him or her constantly changing outfits and slowly stalking you as you stalk your (decoy) target.

The existing formula is great but they could stand to shake things up on a big way for at least one mission. I'm not talking about Absolution, but something that makes you feel kind of vulnerable / hunted for once could be cool.

Don't forget that the Mallory Misfortune escalation and the Mercenary chapter of The Sarajevo Six already have enemies that stalk you if you get close. They're clearly workshopping a concept like this.

Even Marrakesh had the "annoying shopkeeper" who constantly followed you if he managed to see you while you didn't have a disguise.
I want a female hitman game mode, doesn't even really have to be part of the actual storyline, just the option of playing and finishing a level using female disguises. Not having opportunities and unique kills would be kind of lame but whatever.

You could probably still do an SA (not suit only SA, obviously) on all the season 1 targets, with the exception of Colorado, and maybe the General in Marakesh.


A casino Hitman level would be sooo sooo good!

It might be the greatest level in Hitman history. Think of all the funny stuff they could do. 47 playing poker at a table, playing craps etc.
I think I would prefer an amusement park lvl to a casino lvl, considering that we already had a pretty good casino lvl in Blood Money (technically we had an amusement park lvl as well, but not really) , but yeah they could do a lot with a casino setting in the new Hitman.


I think I would prefer an amusement park lvl to a casino lvl, considering that we already had a pretty good casino lvl in Blood Money (technically we had an amusement park lvl as well, but not really) , but yeah they could do a lot with a casino setting in the new Hitman.

Splinter Cell Conviction had a pretty good amusement park level that when I played it made me want a level like that in a Hitman game.


Solaire of Astora

Death by black JPN
I want a hitman level set in a maximum security penitentiary. One of the two targets would be on death row and the other in general population but their lawyer is working on getting the convictions overturned due to a technicality. Obviously, 47's client doesn't want them to be released.

And since the new game allows for multiple starting points, let's just say that the default starting location is with Mr. Rieper on the prison bus.

Through level mastery, you unlock other starting points, such as Mr. Rieper's cell (because the default starting point would take a few minutes from bus to cell), prison guard, prison doctor, the warden's office and for the infiltration fans, outside the prison walls.

Opportunities include triggering a lockdown to get the non death row inmate into his cell. You can break into his cell from the maintenance shaft behind the cells as he had been working on a tunnel. Or you can take advantage of the fact that he's made a lot of enemies in prison, so you can steal a shiv he had been working on and give it to one of those new enemies. Or how about arranging a new cell mate for him? Or seeing that he winds up hanging from a makeshift noose? Or just throwing him over a balcony? Or how about a classic from blood money? Drop the barbell on his neck while he exercises in the yard.

As for the death row inmate, you could become the prison doctor and have him sent for injection. Or you could break him out of his cell, which would cause the prison guards to take him out as he makes a run for freedom. Or how about locking him in a drainage pipe that he thinks will lead him to freedom only for him to wind up drowning?

And of course, how will Mr. Rieper find his way back outside prison walls?

Solaire of Astora

Death by black JPN
That's a little bit too grim, with the human experimentation and body pit. Other than that, it does sound pretty cool. Either way, prison level has to happen.
prison level could be like hokkaido where you can't bring shit in until mastery level 20

ive always wanted a train level, like the oriental express or some super luxurious carriage, would be a bit cramped but I just love the idea of 47 icing someone and jumping out one of the windows and climbing on top of the train to escape by helicopter


What time is it?
I would have been really impressed if you did that and got silent assassin.

Ha! I don't know the levels very well which makes these elusive targets fun. I was doing great and assassinated the target in that room pictured but two guards walked in shortly after and I panicked. I found her machete upstairs and accidentally killed someone with it. And I was convinced that USB drive would be in that area so I started methodically clearing out the area looking for a safe. There are 10-15 more bodies scattered about. Many, many mistakes were made.


thinking architecturally, i think my top ones are still

1) airport
2) prison
3) university? (pretty big range of areas you could try)
4) shopping mall
5) zoo
Okay, I went searching for stuff that should be a Hitman level and... I found a new standard for "ultimate prison level." http://www.archdaily.com/379246/hydroelectric-waterfall-prison-proposal-margot-krasojevic


It's an architectural concept for a prison tower in the middle of the ocean that doubles as a hydroelectric power plant by generating a massive waterfall cascading down from the top.

Somebody get this in front of the developers.

Season 2 talk, hmmm? If you knew...

Edit: It could be great from what I've seen.

They're showing season 2 stuff to the panel already?

I'm glad there is potential!

Solaire of Astora

Death by black JPN
Season 2 talk, hmmm? If you knew...

Edit: It could be great from what I've seen.

Season 2 isn't enough. I want 3 and 4... Take my money.

prison level could be like hokkaido where you can't bring shit in until mastery level 20

That would be perfect.

ive always wanted a train level, like the oriental express or some super luxurious carriage, would be a bit cramped but I just love the idea of 47 icing someone and jumping out one of the windows and climbing on top of the train to escape by helicopter

I like the idea of that, although walking down the aisles of the train in a game like this would be a bit of a nightmare, as it's a little cramped like you said. Also, it might not be such a good level to replay because you can't exactly have much in the way of shortcuts between one end and the other/alternative routes. Maybe the train is currently stopped at a massive train station due to line delays. Meanwhile, your target is going between the restaurant car, his room and the bar?


i guess aesthetically it reminds me of the helipad and maybe hokkaido a bit, but some kind of antarctic base mission would be cool

remember when we totally thought we'd be going up against the church of scientology stand-in based on some dialogue in the early missions? some kind of massive cathedral/cult building could be sick.


A Circus, Theme Park or even a Casino are currently the things that I'd like to see.

I'm sure they will come up with some good level designs either way. Enjoyed all of them.
I feel like they're gonna keep the jet setting, globe trotting, super luxury locations (excluding Colorado). They might just create a whole airport for you to dick around in. That cult building would fit, scientology organisation which is super elite, that prison looks like a space prison so that's pretty cool.

What about during a tennis match like Wimbledon? Also if you make any sound at all you get detected.

Also going with the James Bond spy theme, they're probably going to do a casino in Monaco (or Macau).

I wanna see the Paris art gallery during the day without all the fashion show stuff.


thinking architecturally, i think my top ones are still

1) airport
2) prison
3) university? (pretty big range of areas you could try)
4) shopping mall
5) zoo

i still want a big corporation/business office block type level, like a few floors high up in a glass skyscraper...

or maybe even something a bit meta and make it the IO interactive dev studio? lol
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