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Hmmm, the iQue?


ToyMachine228 said:
It's getting Sin & Punishment ported to it...That's how it's doing.
Yep S&P being the 10th release...

01 Super Mario 64
02 Dr. Mario 64
03 Wave Race 64
04 Star Fox 64
05 The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time
06 Mario Kart 64
07 F-Zero X
08 Yoshi Story
09 Paper Mario
10 Sin & Punishment

.... iQue is evidently doing so well for Nintendo they plan on releasing it other Asian and South American nations now. Comparatively, I think PS2 and GBA are total flops in China.


Jonnyram said:
I don't know about that. They've just announced the GBA SP will be released there.
What the crap?! GBA just released there like two months ago? :/

Nintendo should've gone SP originally... and they've only released 2 games so far (Mario Advance & Wario Land 4), they need more games stat.
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