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Hogwarts Legacy | Review Thread


Buy what the game or don't. But the notion that you share the social and/or political views of the worst people involved with whatever goods & services you purchase has always been fucking stupid, to put it mildly.

Avalanche has to be over the moon that attempts to sabotage the release of a game they were working on years prior to JK outing herself as a TERF have landed like a fart in a hurricane.
It's not too surprising that they haven't tbh. They used to be my go-to gaming news place but since they had that Ed Nightingale writing articles it's gone completely REEEE. I'd bet money he threw a tantrum to stop them from covering it.
That Nightingale is a fucking moron, putting it bluntly. That hackjob article he did on Persona was a joke. And of course the coward disabled comments. Bet he's crying right now, though. :messenger_grinning_smiling:

seeing 85 currently


King of Gaslighting
So I thought PC codes weren't being sent out for review, but I guess that's not true and PC codes - review or otherwise - are out. Anyone have any PC impressions; saw that the game might be kind of nasty on RAM (at anything over 1080P I should say).

Also, looking at that META gif. . .holy hell. Really? Roughly 50 reviews? That - is shameful. There's a new Spongebob out and its got more reviews than this. They won't do it, but WB should be "circumspect" with who they hand out preview (and potentially review) codes for in the future. Totally their editorial right (and I honestly pat some of them on the back if this stand is genuine and not calculated), but man is it striking to see.

This game's sick:

In the office on a rare day and just howled in my cubicle. The character swap alone would have been great, but I lost it immediately when he jumped on the souped up broom and drive by magicked someone. . .all in under ten seconds of a nearly one minute video.

. ..sometimes the internet delivers.
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Buy what the game or don't. But the notion that you share the social and/or political views of the worst people involved with whatever goods & services you purchase has always been fucking stupid, to put it mildly.

Avalanche has to be over the moon that attempts to sabotage the release of a game they were working on years prior to JK outing herself as a TERF have landed like a fart in a hurricane.
I agree, you shouldn't only engage in the art of people you like. It's a matter of perspective. People here did the same when Disco Elysiums studio was going through issues because of their views. And over on Era they're doing it because they don't like the views of JK who isn't involved with the game. Both are silly. Engage in perspectives that don't align with your own, helps you strengthen your ability to give your own perspective as well.


This is reasonable gem to put it in here as well
It's funny cause the game creators liberal as hell...our side should be working with them, not trying to outcast them leading others to embrace people who already align with us...so silly.
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Kremlin backed game, worshipping USSR. I will not get into it, I don't think that it will change anything if people will play it, it is just that SJW draws arbitrary lines with their broken moral compass.

It's ironic they won't play it for the Kremlin backing given these boycotters operate the exact same censorship-fascist mind control.

Maiden Voyage

Gold™ Member
Fextralife is streaming it over on twitch if you’re curious about the gameplay:


Era is so confused why we keep talking about them, as if most of us aren't here because we just want to discuss the freaking game and its success. So much hype in the gaming community right now and they are just this wet rag of gloom and doom. It would help so many of them if they just went offline and tried to live a little more positively in life. Not everyone is out to get you like they imagine.

Hell this game is incredibly progressive, and the devs share a lot of the same inclusive thoughts as you. Why make so many unnecessary enemies? Yea there are some bad apples, but the world is always with people like that, and better just ignore them then giving them more ammo. Just a sad state of affairs

I am so god damn excited for 9pm tonight to play! Not watching any of the reviews because I've already been sold on the game for years
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Kremlin backed game, worshipping USSR. I will not get into it, I don't think that it will change anything if people will play it, it is just that SJW draws arbitrary lines with their broken moral compass.
See, that’s a game that is legit contributing to a corrupt regime and has a corrupt message behind it. JK Rowling couldn’t give a shit about money at this point and HWL itself and the devs have been super inclusive across the board. But never mind any sort of discussion or nuance, just buy game = harmful!


This is genuinely going to be a LOT of peoples GOAT game.

Not to mention, the castle is created, the map is huge, the lore is unimaginable and the potential income is infinite.

We’re going to be getting some serious DLC here, the inevitable Quidditch addition, house based extra storylines and good lord in heaven we are definitely going to be getting a sequel.

This is the first addition in a series that has every single attribute to be the highest selling series of the generation.

Harry Potter sold more books than any book ever written, it probably has the biggest fanbase on the planet, and its audience is at the absolute peak of both spending ability and interest in gaming.

The Hogwarts series will be second only to GTA, within 10 years.

Expecto fucking Sales, boys.
The revolution will start from Harry Potter.


That Nightingale is a fucking moron, putting it bluntly. That hackjob article he did on Persona was a joke. And of course the coward disabled comments. Bet he's crying right now, though. :messenger_grinning_smiling:
Yeah that's the article that pushed me to stop reading the entire site. Absolute fucking drivel.


I dunno about this, if they’re not unlockable in the game.

I’m probably being an OAP here but why would I take 30 mins out of my day to watch someone, who I wouldn’t have a pint with, play a video game that I could spend the 30 minutes playing myself?
Twitch rewards are a huge success for companies. It drives a massive amount of viewers (potential buyers) onto Twitch. Every dev does it now, and as long as it's just a few cosmetics and a short amount of watch time (30 minutes), I don't see the problem


Most of this thread is about the boycott than about the actual game reviews. It's a little exhausting. People are well within their right to boycott based on the support JK has provided to anti-trans causes. People are also well within their right to buy, play and support this game, because the game has very little connection to JK, the actual content of the game is actually supportive of HP fans that are trans and the success of this game will likely have no bearing on JK actions as she's already incredibly wealthy. We're not even sure if she's getting royalties from this game, when it's quite possible she just received an upfront payment for the license.

Back on topic, I suspected the MC rating would be high based on the previews. Graphics look a little rough but it's a cross-gen game and I was originally planning to wait for a sale due to my backlog but I'm reminded of how I enjoyed those GBA HP games and think this game might scratch an itch I didn't know even existed.
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The Stig

You know, I have zero interest in Harry Potter, but after seeing some reviews and watching the combat, I'm very interested.

I also dont pay much attention to popular culture in general. What unspeakable things did JK Rowling say and what anti trans legislation is she backing?


Only read the first two books and thought they sucked. Only saw the first and last movie and thought they sucked.

But the whole internet culture arguing over this f'n game has me hyped. Making a boring Monday interesting reading people screech about a trans genocide.
They're 100% not well intentioned. These people hate their lives and set out to make everyone as miserable as possible.

They hide behind "virtuous" causes because that's what gives them the license to attack and control people. The primary motivating factor is gaining clout and power for themselves online since their lives are a disaster.
I tend to be charitable to people and their intentions. I think they think they are doing what’s best for others and their community. But their ability to be nuanced in their approach is non existent.
Most of this thread is about the boycott than about the actual gam reviews. It's a little exhausting. People are well within their right to boycott based on the support JK has provided to anti-trans causes. People are also well within their right to buy, play and support this game, because the game has very little connection to JK, the actual content of the game is actually supportive of HP fans that are trans and the success of this game will likely have no bearing on JK actions as she's already incredibly wealthy. We're not even sure if she's getting royalties from this game, when it's quite possible she just received an upfront payment for the license.

Back on topic, I suspected the MC rating would be high based on the previews. Graphics look a little rough but it's a cross-gen game and I was originally planning to wait for a sale due to my backlog but I'm reminded of how I enjoyed those GBA HP games and think this game might scratch an itch I didn't know even existed.
Exactly. I think JK is a bigot and a pretty terrible person, but I'm also interested in this game not because of her, but because of the talent at the studio and an interesting world to explore. If Era as a platform wants to keep it out of their forums, fair enough, they are perfectly within their rights to do so. It doesn't make them "fascists" and I even understand why they want to. That's their decision to make.

What I don't like is people being shamed if they want to play it. ALL of our entertainment, be it the creators who make them or even the devices we use to play them on, have some sort of black mark in the chain of it entering our lives. Just using modern phones requires looking the other way with how they are made and whatnot, and I'm sure these same "shamers" are looking the other way while they post on twitter using said phones.

With all that said, congrats to the Avalanche Software. It seems like you made a really good game. I look forward to playing it tonight!


Gold Member
Era is so confused why we keep talking about them, as if most of us aren't here because we just want to discuss the freaking game and its success. So much hype in the gaming community right now and they are just this wet rag of gloom and doom. It would help so many of them if they just went offline and tried to live a little more positively in life. Not everyone is out to get you like they imagine.

Hell this game is incredibly progressive, and the devs share a lot of the same inclusive thoughts as you. Why make so many unnecessary enemies? Yea there are some bad apples, but the world is always with people like that, and better just ignore them then giving them more ammo. Just a sad state of affairs

I am so god damn excited for 9pm tonight to play! Not watching any of the reviews because I've already been sold on the game for years

The mods there live in a idealized world where things work in the way they want to,

We are talking about them in every Hogwarts Legacy thread because the idea of locking and banning people on a gaming forum for discussing about one of the most waited games of 2023 on top of their website hosting ads on the game is hilarious,

Is J.K Roling a bigot? Yes she is.

Is Hogwarts Legacy Bigot? No. For the contrary, J.K Rowling is probably going to seethe once she finds out the game has trans characters
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Can’t Git Gud
What is the witch vs wizard choice in character creation? I saw that on stream.
Arent they all wizards in hogwarts ?
edit - this is a real question
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How many reviews? 14?

Any performance issues on the PS4? Can't play on anything else.
you can't play it on PS4 yet.

There are like 50 reviews or so.
They didn't send review codes to outlets that have been openly trashing the game for months now. Can you blame them? Polygon, Kotaku, etc, all of them have trashed this game and talked about how you can't separate it from JKR's "hateful" views. Why would they send them early codes? They are completely irrelevant, destroying their own business for internet clout.


Revealing too. One person is talking about how to educate an old friend who doesn't share the same views. The discussion is all about 'enlightening' this person, with other posters asking if this friend is "really willing to change their mind'. The first question you should be asking in a situation like that is 'am I willing to change my mind?', because if you're not willing to concede that you might be wrong, why should somebody else show willing? You see a lot of this in activist circles, this idea that 'discourse has failed' when there was never a really a conversation to be had, just an attempt at coercion or conversion from one side and resistance from another.

“I’m not here to educate you” is a popular phrase amongst those types. So they just want to tell everyone they’re horrible people for wanting to play a game.

A reasonable person might be a bit introspective after taking such a huge L but an extreme narcissist will always blame everyone and everything else.


It doesn't make them "fascists"
Complete disagreement. And I have receipts from the dictionary.

“a tendency toward or actual exercise of strong autocratic or dictatorial control”

Banning all discussion of the biggest game in months, and possibly of 2023. Possibly going to ban sales threads since the game will be top of charts.

How much more dictatorial control do we need to see Before the shoe fits?
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