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Hogwarts Legacy | Review Thread


Era using the 'JK Rowling is a big meanie' thread to skirt the discussion ban:


Not quite as blatant as using the stickied Cyberpunk thread to openly shit on everyone discussing the game, but still a classic Era move.

They are forcing the people who will be most micro-critical of this game, to sit in silence. This is such big news for the games reputation.

If they were allowed to talk about it, they would have got together and found every little flaw/bug with the game and sent it all over the internet by now.

Warner Brothers must be laughing their heads off


Gold Member
They are forcing the people who will be most micro-critical of this game, to sit in silence. This is such big news for the games reputation.

If they were allowed to talk about it, they would have got together and found every little flaw/bug with the game and sent it all over the internet by now.

Warner Brothers must be laughing their heads off
Like I said before. Some unintentional 4D chess to make the full banner advertiser happy ;)
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Asian here (Taiwanese) and my god am I bewildered by your politics, since when are gaming this tense? Why can't we just enjoy something for once?

This is what English speaking streamers (GirlfriendReviews) have to go through when playing this game, they got attacked for just playing it, they don't even really like the game that much. The girl (I think her name is Shelby?) even started to cry like WTF?


Meanwhile, this is what non-English speaking streams look like.
Everyone's just having a blast and we all love how faithful the game is when it comes to environment details. You can see the chat's cracking jokes and being silly.


Keep in mind as well that Taiwan is considered the most progressive in Asia too and yet none of us care that much, certainly not like the west is right now.
I'm not religious but Jesus fucking Christ...
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What a fucking legend. This thread will probably be deleted off the face of the earth so see it while you can.



Lol some guy with an actual serious response in the thread despite the OP being nothing but a picture of JK Rowling, "They actually pulled it off. Seems like there are some technical glitches here and there on PS5 but they can probably patch that over time."

They're gonna come for you too in addition to the OP, friend, for daring to speak on the video game as if it were a video game.
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Having rules doesn't make you fascist in a private organization...this is silly now. You can disagree with the rules, but fascist? Come on.

You know, after your utterly stupid thread the other day I was starting to think something was up but now you're just confirming it.

If rules are steeped in fascism then those who uphold and enforce said rules are fascist. End of story.
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These people actively engage in mob tactics outside of their platform to get people fired over a personal opinion.

This goes well beyond the scope of being a “private” company
It's not a state run organization, and all they can do is share what they find wrong but a company choosing to let go of an employee is a choice. I don't even agree with the last case.

There's the rub. You can't even have a conversation about it over there ;) Thus, there is no challenging ideas, etc..

Those losers can't be reasoned with.
Thats still not facism, don't do to facism what my side did to the word nazis taking away all meaning to mean "something I don't like".

You really think the behavior is contained to their platform? I don’t but thats just my guess. If they pass a lie detector and prove they’ve never tried cancelling someone, don’t allow links to weirdo Twitter accounts trying to silence discussion, etc., etc., then I will revisit my opinion.
That's still not fascism, maybe I'm taking the hyperbole too literal.

You know, after your utterly stupid thread the other day I was starting to think something was up but now you're just confirming it.

If rules are steeped in fascism then those who uphold and enforce said rules are fascist. End of story.
You're explanation here is as simplistic as your explanation on my other thread. Most people giving detailed examples of a nuance topic and here you come with the most bare bones reply. But way to own me.
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So glad it's reviewing well. I might pick it up for my nephew and play along with him in about a month or so, for PC. Hopefully major performance issues will be ironed out as well.


You're explanation here is as simplistic as your explanation on my other thread. Most people giving detailed examples of a nuance topic and here you come with the most bare bones reply. But way to own me.

You know why? Because in both cases it really is that simple.

You're not the critical thinker you think you are, if anything it's proving to be the opposite considering the ideologies you've clearly allowed yourself to be influenced by.
Whoof. . .this looks rough. That RAM utilization is fucking insane:

19GB isn't actually bad.

Expect a lot more games to use that much with 32GB available.

Fortnite for example uses 19GB thanks to all the latest UE5 features. So a brand new game in 2023 using 19GB? Not too crazy.

32GB is quickly becoming the required amount for games. You can still get by on 16GB but you should be building PCs with 32GB these days. I've seen some games use 21-25GB.
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Wow, amazing. Glad a good game is out, and that combat looks awesome!!!

Funny, I was 22 when the 1st movie came out and 19 when the first book came out, so I never got into these until last year. Watched all the movies back to back with my gf as a 43 year old and loved them.
Don't know why I didn't give them a chance back then, probably thought they were too kiddy.

At any rate will buy this game soon.


Looks to be a good enough game .Being a huge fan of the books i will definetely try it.

Any word about PC performance?


Gold Member
High user counts.

I can only hope Era normies come here and start to question whether playing the most trans friendly game ever released, one based on a wizard book, is the ultimate sign of bigotry and genocide after all.

It is delightful to see the sales and critical success, maybe this will finally show the publishers and media that the loonies can be safely ignored with no adverse effects.


Asian here (Taiwanese) and my god am I bewildered by your politics, since when are gaming this tense? Why can't we just enjoy something for once?

This is what English speaking streamers (GirlfriendReviews) have to go through when playing this game, they got attacked for just playing it, they don't even really like the game that much. The girl (I think her name is Shelby?) even started to cry like WTF?


Meanwhile, this is what non-English speaking streams look like.
Everyone's just having a blast and we all love how faithful the game is when it comes to environment details. You can see the chat's cracking jokes and being silly.


Keep in mind as well that Taiwan is considered the most progressive in Asia too and yet none of us care that much, certainly not like the west is right now.
I'm not religious but Jesus fucking Christ...
I like Girlfriend Reviews, but Matt, her partner, has basically been hating on this game since Day 1. Not even the political side of things, but just in the "there's no way this game can actually be good I understand video games and just everything looks off and bad" kind of way. Then the good reviews come out and he's immediately saying there's still no way it's actually a good game. How are they ever going to enjoy the game if that's the mindset you go into it?

And yea their fanbase seems to be on the farther left/politically conscious side, so of course they're going to get shit. It's all just so embarrassing
Don't be so obtuse. You know "fascism" is only said to hold the mirror up to their actions and what they accuse others of. Nothing more.
I'm consistently against hyperbolic terms used against anyone to make a point when the true outcome of those said terms require state sanctioned violence. If I was on there and they called others N*zi's I will call that out as silly because I care about consistency. I would be cast aside by them for ordering the deluxe addition of the game, buying it for my GF and doing the test to find my house. But it's their prerogative to feel that way and not let me into their online country club.

You know why? Because in both cases it really is that simple.

Well then... thank you.
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I get it just fine. You think it’s ridiculous to call them little dictators because it’s just a forum. But I believe the degree of harm they can cause is irrelevant to whether or not they are meeting the definition.

What are you talking about? How is disagreement with you ironic in that Context? Did I miss the mod post prohibiting your view point?
Look, nothing would bring me more joy than going round and round with you all day, but while you're chiding another site about banning talk, you're posting on a forum that bans politics - which is fine btw, but *psst* the term "fascist" is pretty political - so I'm just going to guess your problem with all this isn't free speech, just a guess.

I'm finding it pretty ironic that all these people calling Era literal fascists and that they're weak, sure are having a hard time with those of us here that aren't fans of JK and her views (and even still, want to play the game).

I wouldn't throw stones at that other glass house if I were you...
Dude, theres like one person sniping at you. Its not some concerted effort
Looks to be a good enough game .Being a huge fan of the books i will definetely try it.

Any word about PC performance?
Saw earlier today someone with a 4090 playing it completely maxed out at 4K with RTX and they were getting 40-45fps. With DLSS3 on it was around 100fps.

4K 60fps maxed out is looking like you need a 4000 card or a 3090/3090 Ti. If you have a weaker card you're going to need to turn RTX off and maybe lower other settings.

Not sure about 1080/1440p.


I like Girlfriend Reviews, but Matt, her partner, has basically been hating on this game since Day 1. Not even the political side of things, but just in the "there's no way this game can actually be good I understand video games and just everything looks off and bad" kind of way. Then the good reviews come out and he's immediately saying there's still no way it's actually a good game. How are they ever going to enjoy the game if that's the mindset you go into it?

And yea their fanbase seems to be on the farther left/politically conscious side, so of course they're going to get shit. It's all just so embarrassing

Yeah and they keep saying they are ''allies'' which is such a weird concept to me (again I'm from another side of the globe)

You don't need a name or a title to be supportive of minorites & LGBTQ etc.
So what If I'm not an ''ally''? Does that mean I automatically hate all the blacks/Jewish/gays/trans?

It's such a weird thing to claim that you're an ''ally'', it's like claiming to be a ''male feminist'' when really all they need to say (and all they ever do) is that they respect women. Big deal.
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I'd imagine in time for the 72 hour early access so yes tomorrow probably.

A lot of people got their discs early or managed to unlock the game but I don't think there is a patch out yet.

I think the latest patch came out like 4 days ago so day 1 patch definitely missing
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