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Hogwarts Legacy | Review Thread


Gold Member
Early access starts at midnight. Can't play on Xbox unless you use the NZ trick and PS doesn't have that.

It started this morning. That's why folks here are posting images of the game.


Scroll up and look at ManaByte ManaByte 's posts. He is taking in game screens from XSX. <<<using the NZ trick
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Gold Member
That is not a good screenshot.

Edit: why does my quoted photo look better than the picture from the post I’m quoting? The one in this post looks clearer than the image in post 1035.
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Gold Member
I just saw the guy I replied to replied to someone saying it was an EA game, so I assume it will release on ea play and game pass at some point?
It’s WB so it’s not a foreign publisher to Gamepass: they have the Arkham games, the second Mordor game, MK and Injustice 2 on there. But I think it will be a few years before they even think of putting this one on Gamepass if it sells well.
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I think for me is whether I agreed with her comments in question or not, they were fairly well reasoned, well meaning and seemed in good faith (it’s not like she’s calling for a holocaust) and honestly if anyone has that much of a problem with it then argue it, instead of ‘I have to immediately burn anything and everything Harry Potter related’…it’s childish.

Yeah I was gaslit to believe JK Rowling was evil, but after really looking at what she was saying and what she stands for I realised that she is only advocating for the rights of biological Women. The militant misogyny element of the trans community is not doing them any favours.
I'm not even a harry potter fan(only saw bits of some of the movies), but I might pick up because it looks pretty good and to support the developers. I also bet half the resetera knobs who are raising a stink are gonna be playing this on the down-low heh.
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Yeah. It is going to unlock right at noon central time on the PC. So, you really don't get your 72 hour early access.
The console version unlocks at midnight on the 6th.

Maiden Voyage

Gold™ Member
That’s real shitty. She sounds really upset and for what? So that they can enjoy playing a game? That community need to take a fucking vacation on the sun.
They’re still streaming now. Watching their stream in support. Chat is sub only and much calmer. I imagine some bans got handed down. Should be a ban list like they did on Twitter. Just immediate ban for annoying activist Karens.
As expected, game looks like it's a winner. Happy to see it getting such positive reviews and feedback. And when you know how to play, combat looks amazing.
Apparently the REE crowd got so bad in Girlfriend Reviews chat, it made the girlfriend cry:

These people need to fuck off.

Backup of the clip here.

Yeah doesn't surprise me. They got harassed pretty bad last year for giving TLOU2 a positive review. So I imagine it must be overwhelming to feel like it's happening again.

From what I've seen, they seem pretty "normie". So I don't think they quite understand all the culture war shit they keep inadvertently treading in.


want to play this badly, but i had to buy diapers for my 4mo daughter :pie_grinning_sweat:

maybe next month
You missed entering the contest giveaway thread. At least you can go through it for some laughs, even better now knowing the game is excellent.



(Not original as I'm not Zendex, but well documented & probably can't be topped as it's real)

Edit: if I am allowed to win, can I donate my prize to my older brother? It is his birthday in Feb 💪

My awesome partner has got me the deluxe retail version preordered (it's a two year late Christmas present) XD
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A lot of purple hair dye will be flung against walls today.

Resetera going to just pretend this doesn't end up as one of the best games this year all year long. You probably won't even be allowed to vote for it come GOTY time for them. So pathetic
I’ll never get the mindset of cancelling creative works put together by hundreds of hard working people to spite the comments of one person. I get it Rowling has some controversial opinions but that doesn’t make the work less valid or meaningful and the game makers certainly don’t deserve to lose out on a bonus or paychecks because of her. It’s like Cosby it’s still a great show: Theo and Rudy still deserves those royalty checks even though Cliff turned out to be a scumbag.
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Era using the 'JK Rowling is a big meanie' thread to skirt the discussion ban:


Not quite as blatant as using the stickied Cyberpunk thread to openly shit on everyone discussing the game, but still a classic Era move.
Unreal. I would imagine this is the same thought process as someone who uses the ignore option here.
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