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Hogwarts Legacy | Review Thread


Junior Member
Played the first hour last night..

So far, this is almost exactly what you would think of when dreaming up a game in this world. Visuals, sound effects, music and banter all come together to generate the same atmosphere you felt when watching the films.

if the first hour of the game are any indication of what lies ahead of me.. I am in for one glorious trip!
Wife played it this morning for a bit, looks fun but I did notice that the facial animations have a blank stare vibe going on, lol.

It is what it is, curious to see what else the game has in store.


Gold Member
PC Gamer:


She haunts me! Every waking moment J.K. Rowling haunts me! She sticks a wet finger in my ear when I'm not looking!

Trust me guys, I feel really bad playing this really great game!

Please don't cancel me, Twitter mob! I'm on your side, really!


You do realize that you come across as idiotic and uneducated as the people u love to make fun of. Don't be that guy. Only a sith thinks in absolutes. I used to be you and then I decided to actually educate myself on the subject because I was constantly confronted with it everywhere I looked. I'd advise u to do the same to realize it is in fact not as black and white as both sides want us to believe as a method of recruiting us for their respective cause. I sincerely hope u are able to expand your mind and maybe read into this stuff and try to understand where the other side is actually coming from. Having thus said.. fuck Ree and my game is done installing. Off to Hogwarts, ye blokes.
You used to be me until you fell into the gender ideology rabbit hole. You need help now. I recommend you to go to a Buddhist temple in Kyoto and read some old proverbs from people who lived in this world and who were much wiser than modern woke cultists to remind you what's the right path... and travel to poorer lands, and notice how most of the rest of the world is completely unconcerned with and even mystified by issues that are of vital importance in the so-called Developed World. I'll completely ignore your advice on educating myself on twitter with people with pronouns on their bio and the worst hairstyles on why male rapists who found out they were women in prison should be moved to women only prisons.

South Park is a parody, while JK Rowling trying to release laws banning being transgender, ofc if the person doesn't see a problem with that, then it's hard to understand
You are so confused it's just funny lol.
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It's the same world of course but JK Rowling wasn't in charge of coming up with the characters/plot. From what I understand, Avalanche were allowed to come up with their own characters and story but they had to run it by Rowling's team to basically just make sure it fit the worlds lore or whatever. I love the characters Rowling created and I don't think anyone could make them as interesting as she did.

As excited as I am for the game I am not sure about it being set 100 years before the books. It's set in 1890's and the first Harry Potter book is set in 1991/1992. I get it they probably wanted to completely set the game apart from Harry's time but I wish it was more modern. If we get a sequel I hope it's set between 1999-2015 so that it happens after Harry defeats Voldemort and before his first kid goes to Hogwarts.
Absolutely not. If anything, I’d like to see them go back further in time!
Give us Merlin!


You used to be me until you fell into the gender ideology rabbit hole. You need help now. I recommend you to go to a Buddhist temple in Kyoto and read some old proverbs from people who lived in this world and who were much wiser than modern woke cultists to remind you what's the right path... and travel to poorer lands, and notice how most of the rest of the world is completely unconcerned with and even mystified by issues that are of vital importance in the so-called Developed World. I'll completely ignore your advice on educating myself on twitter with people with pronouns on their bio and the worst hairstyles on why male rapists who found out they were women in prison should be moved to women only prisons.

You are so confused it's just funny lol.
I mean I agree with her, men cannot be women, like she says, but I also understand why some people cannot accept it
It's not foolish, it's literally social science and in general social/human development. I 100% agree on the stance that a centrist viewset is the best action, but obviously that isn't guaranteed because everyone has a base of development that creates their persona.

Just, let people be people and also let people enjoy bloody video games. World is gonna blow up anyway, may as well shoot magic out of my wand.
You realize social science is a soft science, and there is absolutely no agreement on this, just directives, right?
Tgere is zero hard science to any of these claims.


How/when did she call for laws banning transgender?
It not directly from what I understand but:

she always tries to oppose laws that make things easier and approves things that make harder for trans people, as it should be
I made some mistakes saying she want to ban "transgender" by law, more just make life a little harder, little by little for trans people


Gold Member
lmao Jim Sterling whining how a transgender character is "barely in it".

That's just like real life, mate. Get you of your bubble and go outside - how many transgenders do you see?
From what I remember (anywhere from a gas station to grocery store to a ball game) I’ve seen zero trans people. At least the flamboyant ones like Jim Sterling. And unless every person I’ve met in life is secret about it, I’ve yet to hear one person say they are trans or heard from another person that person down the hallway is trans.

It’s hilarious because there’s surely trans people who have been next to me at some point but I couldn’t tell. Yet on social media the only trans people you hear about are the loud ones with a wig on and 5 o clock shadow.

Go figure.


Gold Member
The hyperbolic transgender discussion in these threads is tiring. Every fucking thread seems to descend into this madness. Imagine if every COD thread turned into some kind of crazy hyperbolic second amendment argument?

I get mocking the overly sensitive, but I'd like to see the thread stick to the topic which is discussion of the reviews and the game itself.


Gold Member
It not directly from what I understand but:

she always tries to oppose laws that make things easier and approves things that make harder for trans people, as it should be
I made some mistakes saying she want to ban "transgender" by law, more just make life a little harder, little by little for trans people

No, you blatantly misrepresented the truth. There is a massive difference in opposing a bill that calls for falsely issuing a new birth certificate and banning transgender entirely. Fiction can be fun!
Time to switch to the different narrative:

Whilst there is a lot of nonsense in those tweets (how many trans characters could you honestly expect in story set in 19th century England?) I think it is pretty clear that WB have cherry picked sites to receive review code. Not that I blame them. Who on earth would send they game to be reviewed by people who have stated publicly they are opposed to it on a ideological level?


It not directly from what I understand but:


she always tries to oppose laws that make things easier and approves things that make harder for trans people, as it should be
I made some mistakes saying she want to ban "transgender" by law, more just make life a little harder, little by little for trans people
All she does is protecting women's rights.

I didn't watch the video because I cringe when I see adults struggling to define what a woman is, but the "Scottish Gov has just implemented an effective ban on trans prisoners who’ve committed sexual & violent crimes against women being moved to a women-only prison", which proves J.K. Rowling's concerns all this time.


All she does is protecting women's rights.

I didn't watch the video because I cringe when I see adults struggling to define what a woman is, but the "Scottish Gov has just implemented an effective ban on trans prisoners who’ve committed sexual & violent crimes against women being moved to a women-only prison", which proves J.K. Rowling's concerns all this time.

I mean If a man can't be a woman, then she is against transitions, how is that not?


The hyperbolic transgender discussion in these threads is tiring. Every fucking thread seems to descend into this madness. Imagine if every COD thread turned into some kind of crazy hyperbolic second amendment argument?

I get mocking the overly sensitive, but I'd like to see the thread stick to the topic which is discussion of the reviews and the game itself.

Maybe create a tread were we only discuss everything around the game except the game itself; era, trans etc?

If thats ok with gaf, and keep other treads about that Wizard game only about the game itself?


All she does is protecting women's rights.

I didn't watch the video because I cringe when I see adults struggling to define what a woman is, but the "Scottish Gov has just implemented an effective ban on trans prisoners who’ve committed sexual & violent crimes against women being moved to a women-only prison", which proves J.K. Rowling's concerns all this time.

Rowling does a lot of really great things. These lot just hate her cos she told them they dont have a womb, basically


Maybe create a tread were we only discuss everything around the game except the game itself; era, trans etc?

If thats ok with gaf, and keep other treads about that Wizard game only about the game itself?
This is a great idea but then the mods have to keep an eye on it, which sounds like a giant pain in the genitals


Junior Member
The amount of unadulterated SALT currently flowing because of this game within a very vocal minority of the gaming community is palpable and in most cases completely devoid of reasoning..

Its ridiculous to watch and breaks my fucking heart. They are personally marginalizing themselves from the rest of the gaming community by not even acknowledging that regardless of what JKR is, says or does.. The game set within her universe can stand on its own and apart from her in the eyes of the majority of gamers.

Part of what makes our species great is that we are able to take anything we humans can imagine, absolutely anything regardless of where it came from or who came up with it.. We take that and we make it OURs. We take those ideas and we mold them and expand on them.. We give our own TAKE on that idea.. Its how we evolve....

This is where most edge movements fail.. They lack leadership that understands how to navigate the social and political landscape to shape a message in order to maintain their relevance within the larger community and not end up marginalizing yourself.

K' Dash

All she does is protecting women's rights.

I didn't watch the video because I cringe when I see adults struggling to define what a woman is, but the "Scottish Gov has just implemented an effective ban on trans prisoners who’ve committed sexual & violent crimes against women being moved to a women-only prison", which proves J.K. Rowling's concerns all this time.

imagine trying to defend womens rights and getting blasted for doing so, what the fuck with this world?


Gold Member
I'm not even a Harry Potter fan, but the world building and atmosphere look fantastic. Gaf impressions sound great as well.

Might have to pick this up and make the wand go bbbiiiiiiigotus bbrrrrruhtronus.
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Neo Member

This thread is gold, I really don't want to derail it even more but damn...


Gold Member

This thread is gold, I really don't want to derail it even more but damn...

First few posts are written by corpses.


Gold Member

This thread is gold, I really don't want to derail it even more but damn...

And it begins...

Meme Reaction GIF by Hyper RPG

edit: geez focus man!
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I have never read the books and I think I only seen one or two of the movies to completion if that.....with that said I am loving this game. I put in a good 4 hours last night, woke up thinking about the game and am sipping my coffee thinking and typing to you all about the game. Going to fire it up after some breakfast and put a few more hours into it. It is really good and production values are through the roof. As I said in one of my previous posts last night, don't bypass the Quality/30fps mode...it is actually really great and with a game like this it is perfectly fine at 30fps...and looks great.


Agreed. I'm ready to talk about a different kind of fairy tale.


2 and a half hours until the game unlocks!
True. It'll be 3am in japan, I'll play it tonight or tomorrow morning depending on how long it takes to download and install.
Let's go!!!!

Edit: i also apologize to the mods for the ot
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This thread is gold, I really don't want to derail it even more but damn...
God they're fucking terrified of HL this is hilarious


Gold Member

This thread is gold, I really don't want to derail it even more but damn...

This guy really likes buses.


Rooster Teeth Hair GIF by Achievement Hunter



This thread is gold, I really don't want to derail it even more but damn...
LOL. This is going to be a gift that is going to give all year.

Hogwarts may very well be one of the biggest selling games of the year (whether it has staying power in the collective conscious of the gaming community..who knows?), but its going to be sticking around for a little while if only for the sales threads.

Some "big" games come and go. Some stick around. Curious where this one falls.


Gold Member

This thread is gold, I really don't want to derail it even more but damn...
Stockholm Syndrome: The Thread


Gold Member
Your 14 year old deserves the game on day one.
Perhaps GAF should chip in and help people get this game.
I would definitely chip in.
That’s a very nice offer, and very appreciated. I would not turn down the charity. I had just got a PS5 with a Christmas bonus. Rent went up $300 a month without warning, then my 4 year old needed new glasses, we found out that her speech and behavioral therapy (she’s autistic) aren’t covered under our insurance, so we have collections after us. For therapy for my autistic daughter that should have been covered by insurance.

Just a perfect storm of shit happening at once. I know we’ll get through it, just sucks knowing we wiped out our savings in a matter of two months.

Maybe in the back of my mind, I wanted this game to be from EA, so we could get it on the game pass service later. But I was mistaken. Did Harry Potter ever belong to EA?
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That’s a very nice offer, and very appreciated. I would not turn down the charity. I had just got a PS5 with a Christmas bonus. Rent went up $300 a month without warning, then my 4 year old needed new glasses, we found out that her speech and behavioral therapy (she’s autistic) aren’t covered under our insurance, so we have collections after us. For therapy for my autistic daughter that should have been covered by insurance.

Just a perfect storm of shit happening at once. I know we’ll get through it, just sucks knowing we wiped out our savings in a matter of two months.

Wow. I'm really sorry your family is going through all that at once. You guys deserve a fun wizarding game to take your minds off of those problems.

Ya'll know how to set up something where GAFfers can contribute to getting people this awesome game on day one?



Just played the first hour, game looks crazy good even in performance mode.

Voice acting is top notch and the world/environments seem genuinely really interesting.

Maybe I should check out the Harry Potter/Fantastic Beast films.

Can't wait to play more!


I was very much alive and kicking back then, but I played on N64, and then GameCube, where load times barely existed. The first time I was really hit with them was on the PS3.

On PS5 they shouldn't exist to any noticeable degree (was a rather annoying thing to me in GOWR, which was clearly a PS5 port of a PS4 game).
I liked loading more than the constant frame drops on for example megaman games on Game boy , but it made the games more challenging for sure .
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