As long as they keep making drivel that doesn't keep up with what the vast majority of audiences around the world want, and so one as their services are clumsily-designed and implemented in contrast to how attractive file-sharing can be, piracy will always affect them. Even when these niggles do get un-niggled, piracy will go onbut, you know, they're actually all poor, with their 55k salaries and having to commute to work every day in the LA tangle.
I can understand the latter point, but come on: all of the money keeps getting funneled to the top when it gets collected, and the rest of the Hollywood workforce will have the same lack of affluence that these executives can lay claim to. The politics of pocketing money aren't that interesting once you realize the methods by which these men can convince a sufficiently less-smart population to buy into their schemes. And those days, to an extent, will be over with a free and open Internet, where communication flows with far less hiccups.
That, and Netflix is awesome.