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HOLY SHITE...Anyone else get Kingdom Under Fire?

Musashi Wins!

This game RAWKS! Heard some negative rumbling about the demo, but the full game is aces so far. Granted...two hours in, so this is basically a very very positive first impression. I can imagine that when I'm controlling a lot more troops and using more strategy it may get a little out of hand. There's a lot going on in the battlefield.

Some brief things though...

The graphics are amazing. Not seeing any tearing or anything of the sort. Troops all over the place, blood flying, great art, etc. Can't get over how great it looks. This is the first game I've ever played that felt like the battle scenes in Braveheart or something.

Camera rules. Camera absolutely pees all over DW. And no slowdown. Jeezus.

Korean voice option with subtitles. Nuff said. Actually, not enough said, because the Korean voice work is quite good, especially Gerald.

Upgrading at camp with weapons and skills fucking rules. Love it. While the combo system is very simplistic (this is very hack n slash) the nuances of powers and units are tres cool.

There's a lot of wonderful small things...I like how you must arrange spearmen, or using your archers..it's hands on and it makes sense even if it gets hectic switching around. The AI you leave behind unfortunately doesn't fight to my standard. I love killing the leaders of troops. Had a great fight in a small stream next to my army...that was excellent. Love the cheer when a fight is won and you scramble to the next objective.

The rock music actually works for me in this game. More than DW. It's too early to say in all ways, but actually this game is so much more impressive than DW initially. From presentation to performance. You can also choose to be good or evil, with harder quests in both alignments available for unlocking. There's also a mini-game option but it's still locked for me. I even like the "crusade" story so far.

Haven't tried LIVE yet as I'm too newbie at it. The content download box is checked which is very hopeful.

So...just saying that this game makes a hell of a good first impression from looks to fighting. So glad I picked this up! If you're a DW fan but tired of the series you MUST try this game.


Damn these games are coming too fast! Totally forgot about this one. Was thinking of getting Midway AT2 and Syberia II, but now I have to rethink. >_<

Musashi Wins!

jedimike said:
Damn these games are coming too fast! Totally forgot about this one. Was thinking of getting Midway AT2 and Syberia II, but now I have to rethink. >_<

omfg get this instead, Jedi.

Lyte Edge

All I got for the Vernal Equinox was this stupid tag
Picked it up today as well; can't wait to try the game out on Live. I've played the beta a little bit before, so I'm curious to see how the final version has changed.

I guess more play time and feedback from others will be needed on the game play aspect, but one's thing is for sure: Playing KUF than playing Dynasty Warriors or Samurai Warriors is NOT a good idea...KUF makes both games look VERY dated and both games feel very slow-moving compared to it. :D


Musashi Wins! said:
omfg get this instead, Jedi.

I'll let you play it a couple days first. I liked the demo, but the strategy stuff left a bad taste in my mouth. Especially selecting troop types from the mini map.

Musashi Wins!

jedimike said:
I'll let you play it a couple days first. I liked the demo, but the strategy stuff left a bad taste in my mouth. Especially selecting troop types from the mini map.

haha, indeed. As i said, it may just make a hell of a first impression. I can definitely see a learning curve as things get more intense.
You guys have heard me rant about this game several times, and it has been a long wait. But it's totally worth it. I'm too tried to post detailed impressions because I got in ate form the gym and ended up playing this and Midway Classic 2 way too late. So I'll chime in tomorrow after I play on XBL. My only gripe is that it looks like the multiplayer has indeed been changed form 2-on-2 to 1-on-1 online play. I was REALLY hoping to coop with a pal and weak havos online (coop in game like R63, Ghost Recon, and Full Spectrum Warrior have me spoiled). This isn't bad, I was just reallyl lookig forward to playing alongside a pal (which may be possible in 1-on-1, but I have to confirm that tomorrow). Other that that the game is absolutely outstanding! It's been a long time coming, but I'm glad its finally here, and fun as hell to play!
Musashi Wins! said:
haha, indeed. As i said, it may just make a hell of a first impression. I can definitely see a learning curve as things get more intense.

Agreed, once you learn that it's all about the mini-map functionality (pressing left trigger instead of manuverng the big on-screen pointer), the navigation is VERY simplistic. Now you can concentrate on tactics and army composition, which become very important in a few battles. I won't post spoilers. ;)

Trojan X

How funny! I'm direct from the team, I told everyone about it and no one given a toss and now the game is out people go crazy. No point me saying anything for now on regarding this or any project.

Musashi Wins!

Trojan X said:
How funny! I'm direct from the team, I told everyone about it and no one given a toss and now the game is out people go crazy. No point me saying anything for now on regarding this or any project.

If this is the quality of your work, by all means go on about your future projects. Personally, I've been following the game since I knew about it and have had it pre-ordered forever. I couldn't be happier so far. If I missed a thread you did about it in the past it wasn't because of lack of interest.

Can you tell me what the mini-game function is or what future plans for downloadable content are?


Anybody else have impressions? I really want to run out and buy it, but my OXM demo was so freakin buggy, it kind of ruined it for me.

Lookin forward to hearing more (persuade me to run out at lunch to pick this bitch up!)


I will probably get it in a few days. These last few weeks have been hectic. Plus, I've been playing an ungodly amount of X-Men Legends.

Musashi Wins!

Celicar said:
I will probably get it in a few days. These last few weeks have been hectic. Plus, I've been playing an ungodly amount of X-Men Legends.

That's exactly what keeps me from just playing this.

Not noticing anything "buggy" yet though. I've heard the demo was pretty unpolished but this doesn't seem that way.

I've heard that playing strangers online can be rough as it's not always obvious what there ranking is. A levelled up fighter can totally decimate a newb. I'll probably try to play against some friends. Hopefully new modes of play are on the download calendar.
Trojan X said:
How funny! I'm direct from the team, I told everyone about it and no one given a toss and now the game is out people go crazy. No point me saying anything for now on regarding this or any project.

Oh now you speak. Trojan X, I've been hunting you down for over a year on various message boards and you have yet to reply to anything I posted. So for that I'm very angry at you. Having said that, Phantagram did an outstanding job with this game and delivered what was promised almost 2.5 years ago. I am truy enjoying this game. I have but one final question. Was the 2-on-2 online play taken out at the last minute due to technical issues, or was it something that was added later in development and didn't work out. I was reallyl looking forward to coop play with a some friends.

I hope this game generates a fair amount of buzz and retail sales. I'm already hungry for a sequel!
Sorry Trojan X, but when you like a game I like, a piece of me inside dies. I dont want to like it. Like when I posted about the demo rocking and you came in with your horrible grammar and stupid grin proclaiming by my side how ill like it even more or some shit. I just wanted to vomit poop.


The black man everyone at Activision can agree on
DaCocoBrova said:
So this game is just a pretty RTS?

IGN's review seems to describe it as a Dynasty Warriors type game that is much better than the DW's....


Man, I've been following this game for the past year or so and can't friggin wait to pick it up. The reason I haven't been talking about it more is because school is absolutely DESTROYING me right now and I don't have time for any games really. Just reading the Message boards during my breaks between writing my OS :(


Damn I didn't know this game was out already. I may have to grab it now...I love Dynasty Warriors.

I did play the demo, but I have to admit I thought it was a bit underwhelming. Too much RTSing and not enough bashing.

Musashi Wins!

Mrbob said:
I did play the demo, but I have to admit I thought it was a bit underwhelming. Too much RTSing and not enough bashing.

but that's really what you're all about now, isn't it sissy Zelda-boy?


Chili Con Carnage!
Trojan X said:
How funny! I'm direct from the team, I told everyone about it and no one given a toss and now the game is out people go crazy. No point me saying anything for now on regarding this or any project.

Lies, we all loved the trailers and stuff you posted. Then you went all quiet durin the NCsoft---->MS, your 1 man PR effort peaked like about 18 months before the game came out :D (here anyway)

Why not tell me all about Strident getting the go ahead again, i promise to go crazy :D


Musashi Wins! said:
but that's really what you're all about now, isn't it sissy Zelda-boy?


I always wanted to try out TWW when it dropped in price don't h8. :( :( :(

I'm gonna get the game eventually. Hopefully soon. And beat you down online for those comments!
Got the game today. So far, I've only just finished the first three missions with Gerald (Easy diff.). Pretty and fun, though I hope to have more moves/combos in addition to what's already there. Looking forward to playing it on Live with anyone starting later in the week. On that note, does anyone have any opinions of the versus game?
I only got mine for $31 from Outpost with shipping included. I hope they don't try to pull that backordered stuff with my Halo 2. If so I'll cancel and stick with my EB preorder.


MightyHedgehog said:
Got the game today. So far, I've only just finished the first three missions with Gerald (Easy diff.). Pretty and fun, though I hope to have more moves/combos in addition to what's already there. Looking forward to playing it on Live with anyone starting later in the week. On that note, does anyone have any opinions of the versus game?

It's cool. It's easy to become unbalanced. That was why they took out the 2on2 supposedly I guess. It's kind of disappointing you and a friend can't take on two computer opponents though. If you start out fresh with someone else.. and you consistently win several matches, you'll get a whole bunch of stat points and they won't.. meaning you'll be able to upgrade your stuff all over the place.. and you'll continue to win. Fun as hell though.


Why is this game getting no hype? So far (just finished the human missions) this is the best game I have played all year. If you were a fan of dragon force this is a must have, it reminds me of that game in so many ways. Even the art seems similar.

The only flaws are the voice acting and confusing storyline. Speaking of that, what the hell happened at the end of Geralds story? Is it continued with the other characters?


"GAF's biggest wanker"
Finally received my copy from Outpost.com yesterday. Who was it that was saying stay away from the English voiceovers? It's not that bad - maybe a little flat on the delivery, but the voice actors match the characters well enough.

I think I'm on the sixth mission with Gerald as of last night and its really growing on me. Nice use of shaky cam to present some of the scripted events, good sense of battlefield presence overall.
This game is great fun, but I'm not getting what I thought I would outta the online portion...:( All I've had is horribly laggy games and the lack of 2on2 is disheartening. Why MS? Why? What the fuck is with the shit netcode and lack of more than 2 player games online? Fuckers. The single-player rocks pretty well, though.
I've been playing since monday. I decided to cancel my order at outpost.com and pay the extra ten dollars at EB.

I've been enjoying it immensely since then. It's not exactly pick up and play but at the same time it doesn't require you to play for hours until the next save point. I can deal with that.

Fun game. A nice diversion until Halo 2, Metroid 2, and Baten Kaitos come around.


Official GAF Bottom Feeder
I'm enjoying it quite a bit. Apparantly Phantagram said that the first downloadable content for this will include the promised 2v2 mode.


Musashi Wins! said:
I would say that's fairly accurate.

Since you've played it, can you briefly elaborate upon what separates it from DW? XBN panned the game's graphics, saying they're average; they also mentioned the camera being a headache. I've never been fond of the DW series, thinking it tedious, but I've read some good things the way battles are realized in KUF. Is it repetitive? Are the backgrounds barren?


The main thing that separates KUF from DW is that you carry out commands for every company - it's closer to a 3rd-person RTS in this way. When you encounter an enemy unit, you assume control over your general and dish out all kinds of pain while supporting companies help you out (or don't, it's all under your control). Also unique to this game is an SP meter, which rises as you do damage with your commander/supporting companies, and decreases when you cast spells or use companies' special abilities (i.e. archer companies have a special ability which allows them to do double the damage at the cost of shooting range and a certain amount of SP). Further, there's a fog of war effect on the map so you have to scout areas for traps or ambushes, unlike DW where the entire map and enemy units are revealed from the get-go.

I haven't run into any camera issues, company navigation is most easily handled through a mini-map - although you can navigate manually, controlling movement via the map is a lot more practical since enemies' aggro range is displayed there.

The terrain is nice, not anything spectacular (forests, rivers, grass), but what's nice is it factors directly into offensive and defense strategy. For example, archers can't attack units in forested areas. There are also rolling hills and plains, adding more variation to the environment; it's awesome to see an enemy army running down a hill to attack you. The game has a lot of neat moments like that.

The bad thing about this game is that the missions, at least the ones I've played so far, are pretty linear. The narration walks you through the steps to victory and there's not much, if any, variation in strategy. This may change later on, since I'm still running through Gerald's storyline which is a beginner's mode. I imagine the strategy portion is much more pronounced in head to head play but I haven't tried it yet.

Finally, the English VA is horrible. I set the sound options to Korean voice with English subtitles which is a lot more listenable.

Edit: Also, you have full control over your companies' development. Companies and commander units can learn new skills and grow in level using universal experience points. When a company unit meets certain requirements it can be upgraded to a better job (i.e. basic footmen -> heavy footmen -> knights -> paladins) resulting in increased stats and new abilities. You can also equip units and commanders with weapons and armor to further increase their stats.


Official GAF Bottom Feeder
Jesus Christ mission 11 of Gerald is kicking my ass 6 ways from sunday. God damn wyverns, I will kill you all!


The game really opens up when you get to Regnier and Kendal. Most of the time you can choose your entire army and the objectives are "destroy all enemys". I actually found their missions eaiser overall, with a few insanely tough ones thrown in. The swamp mammoth helps alot whenever you can use it, that thing dominates people. Also calvery archers are awesome, they can do it all.


There is no system link. The game is only 1 player. For some reason the back of the box is all jacked up, it claims the game supports custom soundtracks and 1-2 players.


was watching my friend play it earlier. so far im not impressed, the characters TALK TOO MUCH. but hopefully i will have a crack at it soon. then i will truly judge it for myself looks nice though. real nice
jedimike said:
I'll let you play it a couple days first. I liked the demo, but the strategy stuff left a bad taste in my mouth. Especially selecting troop types from the mini map.

well, to like this game, i think youd have to have SOME interest in RTS games....

Takuan said:
The main thing that separates KUF from DW is that you carry out commands for every company - it's closer to a 3rd-person RTS in this way.

exactly...which is why this game ownz...

its like a NEW sacrifice...
i gots to chime in with my opinions of the game after playing it for 3 days:


its not the worst game i've ever played, but it's pretty god damn boring. there are some rpg elements, but i have a pretty easy time through 8 or 9 missions just button mashing the enemies. yeah, there is strategy (like disarming the bombs and having archers etc), but to me the game isn't very fun. if you love dynasty warriors you will love this game, and if you disliked dynasty warriors you will dislike this game. case closed ladies, save your money for halo 2


maximum360 said:
I've been playing since monday. I decided to cancel my order at outpost.com and pay the extra ten dollars at EB.

If you had waited one day, it would have shipped from outpost, but I suppose you only saved $10, whereas I saved $25 since I ordered it back during the $26.50+free shipping sale.

So far, I like it a lot. Hopefully they put out a 2v2 patch.
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