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Homeland: Season 3 - |Pledge Allegiance|

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Seriously? Unnecessary.

Oh and 24 sucked although this show requires a similar suspension of disbelief

Satirical hyperbole in line with the tone of "24".

On a more serious note, I really can't see how anyone can say "24" sucked. The show was revolutionary in terms of TV and has had a massive impact on American culture. Now of course impact or originality does not correlate with quality but "24" was nothing short of amazing to me when it was on its game and it always knew what it was, an action show. Whereas Homeland I don't think ever truly understood what it was and is about, I mean right now today I have no idea what the show is about or the message it wants to convey.

Though it's nice to see that the writers of both shows are consistent in terms of their implausible/illogical twist scenarios.

like how America declared war on Russia for giving Edward Snowden asylum.



Hunky Nostradamus
Ah, that makes much more sense. But wait, Farrah's uncle received a phone from a contact, then who was phone?


It's kind of annoying how demonic Arabic sounds when some of the characters speak it.

What do you mean?

C'mon guys. Are we forgetting this is a tv show. That one episode had to be rediculuously expensive to shoot.

Budgetary reasons I'm sure. It can't be cheap to film wherever "Iran" has been filmed in (I assume some place like Morocco?) in comparison to shooting domestically.

Sure. But, like, this is Showtime's signature show now. They could pony up the cash to film on location or even film some of the scenes in California or wherever, making it look Iran; at least for the interior shots and what have you.


24 is just ok, a very overrated show. No coincidence that the bad parts of this show is 24 rearing its ugly head (Dana and the mental home love story, reminiscent of the crappy ass RIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIICK nonsense from 24 but not as bad).


Awesome episode, Season 3 has been pretty damn entertaining except for the pointless Dana stuff in the beginning.

That Mass Effect 3 music was striking for me to hear lol, can't wait for the finale


I get the sense that whatever they do with Brody this Sunday , there will be a major shit-fit either way.

Perhaps they'll kill of both Carrie and Brody and we'll get a fresh start with a new plotline. I'm all for a show that primarily stars Saul and his beard as his wise yet cranky sidekick. They will get involved in various hijinks involving elaborate plots to secretly control the world that almost never going according to plan. Senatar whathisface will show up every now and then as the comic relief who routinely gets angry at the backlash from Saul's various plots. The first new season will deal with Saul eventually going up with his toughest villain yet, a mastermind terrorist leader that has never been seen or heard, indeed he is so elusive that many doubt he exists. By the end of the season Saul will confront the main villain who turns out to be none other than
Chris Brody

Also, Dana will be hit by a bus in the first minute of this new season SPOILER!
the bus was actually driven by Quinn, the silent yet watchful protector of the series
Really enjoyable episode. Felt like they got back to the things that made this series great. Carrie defying orders because of her gut. Brody being unpredictable. Saul riding the fine line between pulling off the greatest trick of all time and watching the whole thing crash around his ears because he trusted a bipolar lovestruck nutjob too much.

Intense episode. I hope the finale can be as awesome.

By the way, at this pace Brody will assassinate one political leader per season.


Sure. But, like, this is Showtime's signature show now. They could pony up the cash to film on location or even film some of the scenes in California or wherever, making it look Iran; at least for the interior shots and what have you.

Joke? You really think they could shoot this in Iran?


Hunky Nostradamus
I'm pretty sure he did not mean "on location" in Iran but some foreign country like Morocco and then for easier scenes, like interiors, just dress up California to look like Iran.

Yeah, I meant that they could pony up the cash to film in Morocco. Poor choice of words on my part.


That "in a very special episode of Homland" promo for the finale all but guarantees that Brody is getting clipped.
I've been taking Homeland for granted. Once the season is done I'll have no cable dramas to watch until TWD and Mad Men.

Really? There's a ton of great stuff premiering in early 2014. Justified, Shameless, True Detective, Black Sails for some trashy Starz fun, and so on.

My DVR will quite busy.


No longer boycotting the Wolfenstein franchise

I don't feel like they got anywhere close to supporting that thesis in the actual text. It more or less devolves into declaring the show ambitious simply by virtue of it not having a clear roadmap after season one. You only get bonus points for fumbling around in the dark if you do it well.

What’s become clearer in the last few months is that the series does have a reason for going on, because though it may have outlived its best self, it hasn’t outlived its moment: At a time when primetime television is choking on gratuitous torture scenes—scenes that speak to how much 9/11 and its aftermath are still shaping the culture—Homeland remains the only show that’s committed to trying to make sense of that day—why and how it happened, and what happened in response.
Nothing in this season of Homeland is even pretending to explore "why and how it happened". Absolutely nothing. This season has been actively disinterested in exploring any form of motivation behind the Langley bombing, and by extension 9/11.

...and what happened in response. The other big criticism that’s been made against the show this season is that its conception of international terrorism and the efforts made to combat it is improbable, illogical, and downright ludicrous. To which one might ask, again: Compared to what?
Compared to reality. If the goal is to comment on our national response to 9/11, the response to the Langley bombing has limited relevance. Homeland has spent the season actively avoiding all big picture commentary on how everyone but a couple characters reacted to it. We don't know DC's response, the nation's response or the world's. There is virtually no world outside of the upper echelons of the CIA here. Saul's response is tactical assassinations, and Carrie's response is to care about the safety of her baby daddy.

With Brody's original conflict, we had a window into exactly the kinds of foreign policy that results on terrorist action. They took that and crafted a microcosm to attempt to discuss what it means to play whack-a-mole in the Middle East with cruise missiles and turn a blind eye to the collateral damage. With the show's current conflict, we have no idea why Iran bankrolled the bombing, what their motivation was at the time or currently is in parading Brody around. They're just bad guys. The writers are trying to retroactively attribute a lot of Nazir's philosophy to Iran, but that rings really hollow in a number of ways.

The show has actually devolved into a rather black-and-white look at terrorism. As an audience we may use it to discuss some larger issues, like how much the US and the CIA are willing to compromise in pursuit of 'justice', but the show provides little of that. At most we get Carrie opposing some of these choices, but not on moral or even tactical grounds, only from a concern about whether those choices do or do not help clear Brody's name. Maybe Senator Lockhart gave some opposition, but the show has also made him clearly a dumb, naive antagonist rather than given some of the views he's espoused any serious consideration.

This is a show that no longer has any awareness of or concern with real world geopolitics in either macro or microcosm. Again, this is a show where Iran is parading around the person the world believes bombed the CIA, and all we hear is that the President is somewhat annoyed while Saul shrugs. Homeland at this point is not reflecting on national or personal responses to terrorist events. This is just Saul and Carrie versus big bad Iran. It's not illuminating.


Just got around to watching this week. Thought it was pretty good other than the tiresome "Carrie goes rogue and almost blows the op" plot. I also found the idea of Carrie going to Iran a ridiculous a premise to begin with. When will they stop pretending the CIA is made up of 5 people?


Mass Effect!!! Love the use of Faunts there haha. That totally got me hyped for the season finale. Can't believe I'm back into this show again after a terrible season 2.


Based on that article posted regarding season 4 casting, I'd like to see
Chris Brody become a surrogate father to his soon-to-be-born half-brother


Hunky Nostradamus
Losing Morena is a bummer, but the writers haven't known what to do with her in some time, and I'd gladly sacrifice her to get rid of Dana.


Hunky Nostradamus
Morena was vastly underutilized this season because she was pregnant, there's not much the writers could have done about that.

They could have done what every other TV shows does when one of their actresses gets pregnant - hide her bump with baggy clothes, large purses, walls, counters, etc. :p
They could have done what every other TV shows does when one of their actresses gets pregnant - hide her bump with baggy clothes, large purses, walls, counters, etc. :p

I'm sure they would have done that if she was a more important character to the show, but I totally understand why they just didn't bother.
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