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Homeland - Season 4 - Sundays on Showtime

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I think it's definitely an overreaction. It was a tame finale for sure, but it's far from the worst thing ever.

Someone else gave a more detailed explanation, but Season 1 of Homeland is how you do a "tame" finale. It's just that this finale felt more like people were just walking around doing shit for an hour. That Carrie's mom shit will have no relevance after this episode and didn't matter before this episode.
I don't think it was a bad episode but as a finale it just seemed weird.

Imagine walking dead did a finale like this? People would be walking outside with pitchforks lol.


S1 finale of Homeland wasn't tame at all. I think there's two things that people are reacting to with this finale: the quietness, which I really liked and can work for a finale, and the romance/family focus, which, again can work.... but I don't really think this finale pulled off.


Subete no aware
I think it'd be fine if it served as a finale and Carrie finally just decided to give up on the bullshit of the CIA and just be a mother.

But it basically compromises the show's best character (Saul) and sets up a boring Brody 2.0 storyline.


Quinn and Carrie are almost like a good sibling team tbh.

I think it's definitely an overreaction. It was a tame finale for sure, but it's far from the worst thing ever.

I think playing it super safe is better than rushing a conclusion they likely weren't sure of how to approach.


Hunky Nostradamus
Someone else gave a more detailed explanation, but Season 1 of Homeland is how you do a "tame" finale. It's just that this finale felt more like people were just walking around doing shit for an hour. That Carrie's mom shit will have no relevance after this episode and didn't matter before this episode.

The season 1 finale was fantastic, up until Brody didn't pull the trigger. It was disappointing, but far from tame.

I think there's two things that people are reacting to with this finale: the quietness, which I really liked and can work for a finale, and the romance/family focus, which, again can work.... but I don't really think this finale pulled off.


Nooooo. Lets not begin this.

It has already begun!

I think playing it super safe is better than rushing a conclusion they likely weren't sure of how to approach.

And which do you think this was?
The season 1 finale was fantastic, up until Brody didn't pull the trigger. It was disappointing, but far from tame.


It has already begun!

And which do you think this was?
I thought Brody not pulling the trigger was the episode before the finale? Either way the fact that he didn't blow that bunker to smithereens set this show on a horrible decline. They had everything setup for a shocking TV event and they fucked it up because they liked Brody. That was the fucking point. Get people to like him and then turn him into a bona fide terrorist and obliterate half the damn government.

I really wish they could retcon the show back to that point and make the right decision.
The season 1 finale was not him not pulling the trigger. I guess it might not have been tame, but I was trying to say that the most shocking event of a season doesn't have to be in the finale and it can still be interesting.
I wanted Brody to pull the trigger so bad on the suicide thing but when it didn't happen I wasn't as disappointed as most people. What really disappointed me is the fact that they didn't do anything better with him. If you're going to keep him around you better have a rock solid plan but it's obvious they didn't.


What kinda finale was that?
Felt like I was watching a soap opera..
This was one of the best seasons since the first.. and it felt like nothing was resolved at the end..
They made it seem as if nothing major happened prior to this sorry excuse of a finale
I wanted Brody to pull the trigger so bad on the suicide thing but when it didn't happen I wasn't as disappointed as most people. What really disappointed me is the fact that they didn't do anything better with him. If you're going to keep him around you better have a rock solid plan but it's obvious they didn't.

And it took them 2 whole seasons to finally get to the exact same point where they would have been had he just suicided. (VP dead, CIA Division Head dead, Brody dead, CIA in shambles, etc.)


i'm only on episode 6, but i still don't think i understand why pakistani intelligence are after the kid?! something to do with his uncle...?


I don't know why so many people got so riled up about Carrie having sex with Aayan. He's a 21 year old grown man and she's just barely over 10 years his senior.
You know the issue isn't the age gap. We riled up about it because it was the worst approach possible targeted at a person that was in the worst phase for it to work. But it did. Because Homeland adores throwing accolades over Carrie and painting as the one true savior of all intelligence work.

Getting the info from Aayan was very time-constrained. Sexual seduction ploy is the most complicated and most time consuming approach there is to take for turning over an asset.
Aayan was on the highest alert possible about any person approaching him about the subject of his uncle or anything about the drone strike. He took pains to avoid any journalist. He was threatened to stay clear and shut up. So, a white female american journalist suddenly enters his life and makes a pass on him - how much redder do you need the red flag to be?! He should have known something is fishy and halt it right there. Instead he eats it all up with zero suspicion and because of the 'amazing bonding' he had with Carrie in 2 days, he volunteers the info that Haqanni is still alive.

This is precisely what people mean when they say a show is insulting their intelligence. And this is what Homeland did this season in its several first episodes.

The only reasonable approach to get Aayan talking was get him in the room and go 'Hey, dickface, tells about your uncle and how we can get to him. You better start talking because if you don't we arrange it so that you, your girlfriend and your cousin are expelled from school (or worse)'. Done. He'll be telling all he knows in no time and they could have set up the same meeting they did. Only without Carrie being stupidly out of her mind when he bites the bullet and w\o using that memory as what pushes her to try and take out Haqanni around everybody.


Hunky Nostradamus
You know the issue isn't the age gap.

No, I don't. People bizarrely keep referring to him as a kid or child and if that's not a problem that people have with the storyline, they should be clearer about it.

Aayan was on the highest alert possible about any person approaching him about the subject of his uncle or anything about the drone strike. He took pains to avoid any journalist. He was threatened to stay clear and shut up. So, a white female american journalist suddenly enters his life and makes a pass on him - how much redder do you need the red flag to be?! He should have known something is fishy and halt it right there. Instead he eats it all up with zero suspicion and because of the 'amazing bonding' he had with Carrie in 2 days, he volunteers the info that Haqanni is still alive.

In the real world, people don't always operate using perfect logic and reason. Whether they were successful or not, I think that's what the writers were going for.


Aayan didn't need to be perfectly logic'. He was at the end of the spectrum. He was already on the lookout and shunning anyone that looks at him funny. And then comes Carrie and her plan like an elephant in a china room. Should have been a no-starter.

And how was that plan better than i suggested? On top of what i said, it was also terrible because of Carrie's reaction to his death as if her world came crushing down and she was filling to bomb Saul away together with Haqanni. And then they bring it back at the second to last ep as THE motivation for Carrie to practically commit suicide by going to shoot Haqanni in front of everyone.

Deku Tree

What kinda finale was that?
Felt like I was watching a soap opera..
This was one of the best seasons since the first.. and it felt like nothing was resolved at the end..
They made it seem as if nothing major happened prior to this sorry excuse of a finale

for a great season only to be tainted by that finale.
even the last scene felt like a filler until the credits hit

What a disappointing finale. I half expected Carrie to run off and become a lumberjack.

Oh yeah. That finale was just like... Well it was like a filler episode telling us that all next season is going to be chasing the same terrorist.
Dana and Brody really turned me off. I've seen season one and two. Can I skip season 3 and jump to 4 without much loss. The thought of another Brody and Dana episode....I just couldn't take it.


Man, I really liked this finale. After all the action we've had it's not bad to end the season with a more personal and political episode. Showing that even Saul is not as perfect as Carrie would like him to be. Some good moments about her dad. Loved that jazz outro. I think after being absent in my yearlist since season one this season makes a good chance of making a return happen.

Baron Aloha

A Shining Example
I personally didn't mind the quiet finale especially since it gives the writers more time to develop the story for next season.

For the people wondering what the point of this season was... have you ever considered that it may be Act 1 of a larger arc? We will probably be seeing Haqqani, Tasneem, etc again...maybe even along with that Iraqi guy they blackmailed in season 3.


Dana and Brody really turned me off. I've seen season one and two. Can I skip season 3 and jump to 4 without much loss. The thought of another Brody and Dana episode....I just couldn't take it.

Watch the episode "big man in tehran" at least, not particularly good either imo but something happens that will leave you wondering what? if you skip it straight to s4.


I shot people I like more for less.
Finale was ok. Had some good parts, but the family stuff fell flat for me. Even if I didn't like it that much, it didn't make me hate the season as a whole or anything.


I don't think I've been this bored with an episode of homeland before, or of any series I watch for that matter.
This is true for me too.

I can't think of anything in recent times that has bored me as much.

It's a shame coming from the brilliant finale of last season.

S1 was the best overall season. The second half of last season was probably the best this show ever did. The Brody tension was great. First half of this season was pretty good.
The lasagne thing along with the raid on the embassy were the only two good things this season.

What the fuck happened with this show? I should have stopped watching when last season ended, those last few episodes were fantastic.

If only Carrie would have stopped with the god damn sighing/snorting thing, it's like I'm suddenly watching Twilight or something.....


What a shit ending, "see you in Season 5" I guess...

Good season overall though, but I can no longer defend Carrie's sluttiness, she went from empowered woman who is comfortable with her sexuality, to slut who fucks anything that would stick their penis in her... if it helps the cause.

Also, spoilers: I don't understand the prisoner exchange,
why were the Pakistani's part of it? Why did the Pakistani's not kill the prisoners after the exchange? Why were they helping terrorist in the first place?


at last, for christ's sake
and finished. This is got to be up with 24 as the season that took a while to get things rolling, but when it starts it's a bloody neckbreaking freight train race. Notable points

- Saul is da boss
- Quinn is da motherfucking boss. Seriously, he rose thru the TV badass character ranks like a goddamned bulldozer. Him handling the assholes in the bar was just fantastic. Then there's the embassy shootout, the bomb, the INCREDIBLE face he makes to Dennis when he's in his office trying to sell him some bollocks is priceless

- Carrie is an insufferable smug irritating little child. Godawful human being

- Haqqani has such a face, man. They chose the right actor, these eyes

all in all, really enjoyed it. Like I said, the first four episodes were extra boring, then once the guy is killed it's like they finally remembered to inject some god damn fast paced action into the show, and the remaining of the season is great

one thing I disliked is that the subtlety has been thrown out of the window, now it's more typical jingoistic 'merica good = arabs bad show, but it's still not to the point of being irritating


Hunky Nostradamus
Homeland's Portrayal of Pakistan as 'Grimy Hellhole' Angers Officials

Pakistani officials who binge-watched all 12 episodes of the Showtime hit’s recently concluded run of episodes were outraged by the way their country was portrayed, according to the New York Post.

“Maligning a country that has been a close partner and ally of the US… is a disservice not only to the security interests of the US but also to the people of the US,” Pakistan Embassy spokesman Nadeem Hotiana told the paper.

Another source lamented to the Post that “Islamabad is a quiet, picturesque city with beautiful mountains and lush greenery. In Homeland, it’s portrayed as a grimy hellhole and war zone where shootouts and bombs go off with dead bodies scattered around. Nothing is further from the truth.”

The Post added that government officials took their grievances to Homeland‘s producers, but to no avail.

I can no longer defend Carrie's sluttiness, she went from empowered woman who is comfortable with her sexuality, to slut who fucks anything that would stick their penis in her... if it helps the cause.

Huh? She had sex with Aayan, an asset, to turn him to her side. She was successful. Then she had sex with...?


To be honest, I don't feel like they picture Islamabad as a warzone. Sure, they filmed an attack in the city which they wrote in a fictional storyline. But other than that it looked rather peaceful. Crowded marketplaces, people out on the streets.

And well, I guess it's not fun to see a storyline in which your agency is portrayed badly. Then again, it's fictional. I for one have no clue of what's going on there. And after watching Homeland I don't think every Pakistani official is making deals with terrorists now.
I just marathoned season 4.

What unreal whining and complaining in this thread.

This was a fantastic season, miles ahead of the last two.

Loved the more somber finale. Looking forward to a new season for once.


Maybe he only read the posts after the finale. Those were a bit negative. But as a whole this season was received pretty well I'd say.
No I read it all. Haters seem to drown out the positive people. The complaints were ridiculous.

13hrs in Islamabad was so good. I just rewatched it again. I've never rewatched a single episode of Homeland until now.

More Quinn plz


Hunky Nostradamus
'Homeland' Season 5 to be First American Television Series Shot Entirely in Germany

Beginning production in early June at the famed Studio Babelsberg in Berlin, HOMELAND will become the first American television series to shoot a full season entirely in Germany.

Season five will pick-up
two years after Carrie Mathison’s (Emmy®, SAG and Golden Globe Award® winner Claire Danes) ill-fated tenure as Islamabad station chief. Struggling to reconcile her guilt and disillusionment with years of working on the front lines in the “war on terror,” Carrie finds herself in a self-imposed exile in Berlin, estranged from the CIA and working for a private security firm.

HOMELAND’s 12-episode season will premiere this fall on SHOWTIME.


Did Season 4 turn out to be good?

I watched the first few (really enjoyed them) and then stopped because of real-life complications.
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