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HoNGAF Season 2 IHL lOTl Taking your sodium levels to new heights.


Bull on a Donut
I think we need a regular oh in between IHL games every now and then. 48 hours of trilames, tryharding, constant warding, and salt is a little much. Also, yeah, there need to be more learning tier only with an avg or two games; I notice many don't get picked or opt to sit out.

P.S. Pillow don't feel bad puppet has a new ihateu player of the week. That was a tough game.


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
I am also in favor of at least one or two non-IHL games in between bouts of IHL. Otherwise this will turn into a kind of microcosm of TMM except we'll all be playing together all the time and players might start feeling resentful towards certain other players.
Anbokr said:
I think we need a regular oh in between IHL games every now and then. 48 hours of trilames, tryharding, constant warding, and salt is a little much. Also, yeah, there need to be more learning tier only with an avg or two games; I notice many don't get picked or opt to sit out.

P.S. Pillow don't feel bad puppet has a new ihateu player of the week. That was a tough game.
I was really sad, but after watching the replay I feel much better. GG WP legion.


PillowKnight said:
I was really sad, but after watching the replay I feel much better. GG WP legion.
my myrm had some WODOTA ELECTRIC PLAYS when running from rampage bot, gg.

time: 18:15
match id: 63594309

big plays.
Ultimoo said:
my myrm had some WODOTA ELECTRIC PLAYS when running from rampage bot, gg.
Honestly that was a huge play, it killed my early game momentum. Prob would've been a 15~30 min concede otherwise. It took me about 5 or more minutes to buy boots because of that death.

Also that crazy good ws who stunned me right on the charge cast point, so good. Alas, lesson learned, next time my rampaging will be that much better.


Neo Member
PuppetYuber said:
done with IHL, pillow just wants to throw every game. both in HoN and LoL.

HF. fuck you pillow i hope you uninstall HoN LoL and never install DoTA2

Pillow doesn't throw his games. He does really well. Amazingly well. He rolled my kraken mid. hardcore.. :( Maybe he couldn't follow through mid-late game, but you have to admit. You could have prevented that by at least telling him to "PILLOW F******* STOP YOUR CHARGE AND STAY WITH THE TEAM". Ignorance to your teammate's actions is just as deadly. That is also the reason why there are experienced players in the matches, to give guidance and lead the team to victory.

Kapura said:
Excuse me? Hueg stacked teams? Random draft? nope. That's not a rage quit, that's a sanity quit.

we remade the game after. it wasn't put in the application. lets not let these games get the better of us. we are all trying to have fun in this league. i admit that last game i was kraken, bubbles, and plague.. i manned up only to die and give bloodlust were for the fun of it. i could have just g** farmed and killed at right times but i didn't.

P.S. I really think everyone is exaggerating my skill level. Yes, Loki is at ">9000 :O" tier, but not me. From the previous games.. Swiftlame, Pillowknight, Anbokr, FreakinChair, SwagSurfin, Kagete, etc. have proved themselves. I never really dominated any game. I try my best not to stack and I still try to pick to make teams even and I pick those who haven't had the chance to play yet.. if they are fine playing with me in a team.


I really wanted to play a jungle hero and gank continuously, but then you guys banned ophelia right away and Swiftlame absolutely insisted on going legi, and with a myrm already picked up we couldn't go three solo lanes either. I seriously lacked sleep and the WS pick was kind of not thoroughly thought out I feel, our lanes were somewhat random and the creeps almost never left the enemy tower up top. I also whiffed so many graveyards that game, I just played so terrible earlygame. Felt really really good to eventually pull through, have some decent teamfights and win the game in the end :3

OH, and Pillow was scary as HELL that game, I think you're really exaggerating the throwing level here Puppet. There was perhaps a couple questionable charges in there, but not really in times that made the hugest difference. And it's not like you can expect everyone to keep 100% focus during an hour long game all throughout. We're not in this like it's our job.

Guess you can count me in on this IHL thing then after all, just the times you guys regularly play are like 4-8am for me, and I'm not sure how insomniac I'm gonna be in the future. I've been playing so inconsistent in GAF inhouses (the rare times I've played) I'd kinda want to show my true colors (not playing on Insured level, but perhaps Kaappi or Insulancer level?) sometime and not play shit tired and scared of trying to monger finglish on mumble... But yeah. Definitely been enjoying greatly even just spectating games in the last couple nights, let's keep this thing up and try to avoid excessive saltiness, mmya?


Neo Member
I can always sit out at picks guys. I play to fill things up and get games going. Just give me the word and I'll gladly just spectate. I'll even help out teams that would ask me for advice. Maybe do a one-on-one counseling to learning tiers who are playing a support or carry during the game. There are reasons some people pick a player over another too. Maybe Puppet is more comfortable with Pillowknight's gameplay over Swiftlame's gameplay. (Swiftlame I admit is eccentric with his choice of heroes/gameplay sometimes that it just clashes with other players).

Moving on... Swag..
How do you want it done on your wall post? minimum of 10 pictures on a neat tidy album tagged "SwagSurfin", "NoobSurfin", "(your fb name)" and "SaltSurfin" with highlights of you dying? lol!


Thorinbei said:
Moving on... Swag..
How do you want it done on your wall post? minimum of 10 pictures on a neat tidy album tagged "SwagSurfin", "NoobSurfin", "(your fb name)" and "SaltSurfin" with highlights of you dying? lol!
Firstly need to get Anbokr's Facebook and post "Never play kraken again" as his profile picture


On the bright side that match ID seems to be bugged in the client and isn't being downloaded. GG still at the top

for now


Bottom of the dumpster there bro.


While I don't mind, I don't know why people want to do regular in-houses in between IHLs.

IHLs are in-houses, the only difference being that 1. There will be no trilane and 2. There will be Balphegore and Engineers.

Is it the trilane stuff that is irritating people? I can understand that. Thor started an avalanche :O.


Guesong said:
IHLs are in-houses, the only difference being that 1. There will be no trilane and 2. There will be Balphegore and Engineers.

Is it the trilane stuff that is irritating people? I can understand that. Thor started an avalanche :O.
Normal IH vs IHL doesn't have that much of a difference in regards to salt, Puppetyuber will still get upset at whoever is on his team, and so will anyone else that throws. There will however be wards, team synergy with picks, and it will be somewhat balanced.


Also what is the deal with the whole " Yo, Average and Learning Tier Captain" craze? Wasnt the precise purpose of having the experienced/higher ranked players be captain because they knew the game and heroes more and stuff?

Ill be a captain anytime if you want, Im just trying to follow here lol.

Team Guesong vs Team Neki incoming


Guesong said:
Also what is the deal with the whole " Yo, Average and Learning Tier Captain" craze? Wasnt the precise purpose of having the experienced/higher ranked players be captain because they knew the game and heroes more and stuff?

Ill be a captain anytime if you want, Im just trying to follow here lol.

Team Guesong vs Team Neki incoming

We had an average captain tier game yesterday and it worked out very well. As a newbie, I don't necessarily think the experienced players make the best captain. Many average players seem capable as well. Experienced doesn't really necessarily leadership or picking ability.

The main issue with having only experienced captains is that we usually end up with the same captains all the time, and hence the same picks all the time. Puppet is always with Pillow, for example. Shake up the captains, and you shake up the game a bit. Variety is always nice.


Bull on a Donut
Sebulon3k said:
Firstly need to get Anbokr's Facebook and post "Never play kraken again" as his profile picture


On the bright side that match ID seems to be bugged in the client and isn't being downloaded. GG still at the top

for now


Bottom of the dumpster there bro.

I told u this laptop makes me average tier.


Wanna hear a good joke? Waste your time helping me! LOL!
Guesong said:
Also what is the deal with the whole " Yo, Average and Learning Tier Captain" craze? Wasnt the precise purpose of having the experienced/higher ranked players be captain because they knew the game and heroes more and stuff?

Ill be a captain anytime if you want, Im just trying to follow here lol.

Team Guesong vs Team Neki incoming

I advocated these type of captain games just for the fun of it. It's nice to see a different take on picks from players of different skill levels. The Cajun vs Freakinchair captain game yesterday was pretty surprising.
IHL vs. IH are like night and day. In an IHL you have warding, counter-warding, roaming, feeding the carry, level 1 bloodlust, trilanes, etc. Most are strats you'll rarely see in pub games and solo MM, and for learning players they can be overwhelming.

In an IH learning players go mid, no one buys wards, and carries rice all game. They're for trying out new heroes, randoming 5 melee, and backdooring.

Basically what I'm trying to say is that IHL is srs bsns and IH is when you go tryhard.


Lone_Prodigy said:
IHL vs. IH are like night and day. In an IHL you have warding, counter-warding, roaming, feeding the carry, level 1 bloodlust, trilanes, etc. Most are strats you'll rarely see in pub games and solo MM, and for learning players they can be overwhelming.

In an IH learning players go mid, no one buys wards, and carries rice all game. They're for trying out new heroes, randoming 5 melee, and backdooring.

Basically what I'm trying to say is that IHL is srs bsns and IH is when you go tryhard.

Just you wait, in the epic Guesong vs Neki matchup we're both gonna man up mid while leaving Pillow and Thor in the sidelanes.


Neo Member
Guesong said:
Just you wait, in the epic Guesong vs Neki matchup we're both gonna man up mid while leaving Pillow and Thor in the sidelanes.

Sounds fun! Maybe we could do captains with only ONE experienced player for each team who can ONLY play support. Though it might be better to do that on regular IHs.. :p


Bull on a Donut
Thorinbei said:
Sounds fun! Maybe we could do captains with only ONE experienced player for each team who can ONLY play support. Though it might be better to do that on regular IHs.. :p

Yeah that seems like a normal IH thing that can be worked out before the match. Let's not go overboard with the rules/restrictions to bring down experienced players as much as possible -_-. I think all we need is more average/learning games in general (i.e. more average captains stepping up and drafting people below them while the experienced people watch a game or two). Most of the last two days have been dominated by experienced captains, and that's fine--that's fun; but it gets boring when the same 4 guys are drafting all day every day.
Thorinbei said:
Pillow doesn't throw his games. He does really well. Amazingly well. He rolled my kraken mid. hardcore.. :( Maybe he couldn't follow through mid-late game, but you have to admit. You could have prevented that by at least telling him to "PILLOW F******* STOP YOUR CHARGE AND STAY WITH THE TEAM". Ignorance to your teammate's actions is just as deadly. That is also the reason why there are experienced players in the matches, to give guidance and lead the team to victory.

We did tell Pillow to stop charging without us - over and over :(

I'm totally over it now but we definitely threw that game hard.


I should be online by 10:30-11 PM EST tonight.

Neki better be there.

/throw gauntlet

Yeah that's right, let's create false rivalries like the WWF.


Ultimoo said:
wat, why do you want to play me? play moodyshuffle.

I dunno, people were cheering about a Neki vs Guesong matchup in Mumble.

But fine, I'll make you my wingman.


cause if you take Tremble you'll be throwing the game anyways cya


Bull on a Donut
Guesong said:
What do you think I am, some kind of tactical carry super genius?

Who knows, I might just be!

I've been suspicious for awhile... but now I know. You sir, ARE THORINBEI'S SMURF ACCOUNT TRYING TO SWINDLE IN AVERAGE TIER!!!

why neki so scared?


Anbokr said:
I've been suspicious for awhile... but now I know. You sir, ARE THORINBEI'S SMURF ACCOUNT TRYING TO SWINDLE IN AVERAGE TIER!!!

why neki so scared?

too much pressure. I just like supporting in the background. I'll leave the trash talk and carrying to stackbokr.
I think we should really have some learning friendly games, one every 3 or so matches, just to let the less experienced play, and to boost some confidences. I didn't realize the level of play that we would have once these guys played seriously. I've been getting shit on so hard, I can't image what the learning people are experiencing.


Bull on a Donut
Ultimoo said:
too much pressure. I just like supporting in the background. I'll leave the trash talk and carrying to stackbokr.

so u only play carry/go mid against kapura?


jeremy70583 said:
I think we should really have some learning friendly games, one every 3 or so matches, just to let the less experienced play, and to boost some confidences. I didn't realize the level of play that we would have once these guys played seriously. I've been getting shit on so hard, I can't image what the learning people are experiencing.

As a learning tier fellow, let me tell you this.

I'm doing quite fine! Top of the class and near top of ladder.



yo neki dodged kapura mid a few weeks ago

Sanjay said:
I don't know why don't you ask your self.
daaaamn, sassjay?

Thorinbei said:
P.S. I really think everyone is exaggerating my skill level. Yes, Loki is at ">9000 :O" tier, but not me.


Neo Member
bzm Edit: [IMG said:

Rolled by pillowknight/swag/freakinchair/swiftlame/etc. FACT.
Its a team game. I admit my past teammates have carried me well. (Shoutout to the average/learning tiers on my team with their big plays and saves!)


Neo Member
i propose a reset back to 0 for those with negative (ex.. -30 budarac) scores after every 10/15 days so they would still have a chance to get back up and everyone could keep on playing! negative points look so degrading and disheartening to those in that category. ;)


Thorinbei said:
i propose a reset back to 0 for those with negative (ex.. -30 budarac) scores after every 10/15 days so they would still have a chance to get back up and everyone could keep on playing! negative points look so degrading and disheartening to those in that category. ;)
You still get more coins the more games you play, so regardless of if your sitting at -100 points if you play more games then someone that has +30 points you end up gaining more in the end.

I hope
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