I finished Watch Dogs 2, 100% in about 35 hours and I feel that was the perfect length. Good amount of content without padding
I understand some of you want these 100 hour games but I don't want to spend half a year trying to complete something.
A 30 hour ballpark for this game would be music to my ears
I'm okay with 30 hours too but have no issues with 100+ hour games either. Depends on how linear the game is I guess. I've played No Man's Sky for 130 hours taking weird routes just visiting new planets and solar system, named the creatures, learn the language, craft new gear, tried and upgraded different spaceships etc. Probably played Skyrim for 250 hours in total, minimum, and my latest save is up at 25 hours and I've not done a single main quest and only been at one single town doing town related side quests and built a mansion.
100 hours in Uncharted 4 would make the game go from GOTY to crap.
Open-world games can be long, linear games can't.
The "padding" is what makes or breaks an open-world game for me though. Skyrim is awesome, Witcher 3 is possibly even better, both have a crazy amount of stuff to do, Minecraft is superb, endless posibilities. Shadow of the Colossus though, great game but I hated everything about it except the cool fights, it doesn't matter if the emptiness made sense because of the story, it still felt like I was running around in an unfinished game just trying out the game engine. Not my thing. You have to fill the game world with something to do or collect or craft or build or attack or just very varied stuff to look at - or I'll lose the interest within an hour.
As long as the game world is interesting though and they give me something to do I can almost play forever.