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Hot Mom Defends Herself Against Facebook Haters, gives a non-apology

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What's Your Excuse?

Same quote.

Same message.

Different messenger.


Good for him. Good for any one who dedicates themselves to body training and mastery.

Still a crap message. There is no excuse necessary for not being in shape. People either want to or they don't. And convincing people to do so does not best come from others looking down their noses.
My doctor told me when I first started trying to work out: it doesn't matter how fast you good or how much you walk/run as long as you start. I think for a lot of unhealthy people the first month of working out is really, really hard. You're tired, your body hurts, you're worried that all the fit people think poorly of you, and all of that. It isn't easy to get started. Someone said above that it's easier to stay fit than get fit and I believe that.

Yeah, this is true.


The stores also push health foods. Pick up the weekly ad and they have EVERYTHING there. That's bullshit that they don't want you to buy the healthy stuff. THey have to move the healthy stuff because it cannot sit on a shelf forever.

Did you read the article? No matter the income the average american watches at least 1.5 hours of TV. That means it doesn't matter if you're poor or rich we watch a lot of TV.
Yes, I read the article. And the point is far more nuanced than you made it out to be (shocker!).

Bittman's overarching point is that we have a food culture problem, in which nutritional sustenance, community, and family has ceased to be the main priority, and we now have an extremely dysfunctional relationship with food centered around convenience and sending endorphins to the brain to help get through the long, stressful day.

My original point was about those many, many people in our country for whom keeping a regular work schedule, much less eating schedule, is difficult.
Strange, those people who work 2 jobs usually aren't grotesquely fat, I wonder why.
Where did you come up with this?

First of all, you'll have to define "grotesquely fat." Also, I'd like some evidence of your claim.
No sensible person looks at that and thinks "Hot Mom says everyone needs to be at least as fit as her or they're pathetic".
The logical end of the sentence "What's your excuse?" is "for not being in great shape like me?"
I already replied to the food desert myth, outside of fringe cases this is perpetuated by people who believe that walking 15 minutes to get food is some kind of insurmountable task. Actual food deserts exist in rural areas..
Again, this feeds into the "get off your fat ass" black and white bullshit.

I'm not saying that living healthily is impossible if you're poor and live in the kind of conditions I described--it's just far, far more difficult. We shouldn't be surprised that demographics that experience these obstacles tend to have more health problems as a whole. Posts like the OP and throughout this thread that boil it down to "get off your ass and quit being lazy" are ignorant and unhelpful.

There are complex reasons for the obesity epidemic, and it's not that everyone simply got lazy all of a sudden.
There are complex reasons for the obesity epidemic, and it's not that everyone simply got lazy all of a sudden.
That's my favorite argument in these threads. People see those gifs of the US getting statistically fatter all the time, and somehow their first thought is "everyone is simultaneously getting lazier" instead of rationally supposing that there's probably something broad going on.


It's irritating how social media has made half the population think they are the center of the universe. I've lost count of how many fucking stupid posters I've seen like that one in the OP. It seems like people are promoting themselves just to promote themselves. I don't understand how people can be so attention starved.


We as a country need to educate ourselves on everything regarding food. Badly. This whole tumblr/fat acceptance movement is fucking bullshit. Tumblr is a cancerous growth in the form of one giant hugbox. There is nothing good about being overweight. There are a lot of idiots in this thread who think there are no externalities to being overweight, and while they are wrong at the end of the day it is you who has to put the effort in.

Losing weight is hard but staying fit for someone who was previously overweight is even harder. It's not easy but the other option is staying overweight, depressed, feeling like an outcast in society and early death.

I was overweight from the time I was 10 until 16, which is when I decided to permenantly change my lifestyle. I lost all the excess weight by the time I was 17 and it changed my life.

The woman in the OP doesn't give a shit about helping anyone. She was simply gloating and promoting herself because she felt like she deserved praise. There is nothing surprising about that. FB is full of attention depraved people. However, that is not an excuse to harass someone or justify your obesity.
There are complex reasons for the obesity epidemic, and it's not that everyone simply got lazy all of a sudden.

Yeah but no one wants to hear about how modern commodity fetishism and alienation play into the shaming and emasculation of preparing your own meals. Even when physical fitness is discussed on a socially wide basis it constantly nods to pre made products like Powerade (Cause it's gots electrolytes), at the best, and Pepsi, at some of the worst.


That's my favorite argument in these threads. People see those gifs of the US getting statistically fatter all the time, and somehow their first thought is "everyone is simultaneously getting lazier" instead of rationally supposing that there's probably something broad going on.
We do know portions have become huge, right?
It's mildly aggressive in tone but not worth apologizing over.

I don't think that she's saying that there is absolutely no valid excuse for not being in shape but there are certainly people who have far fewer excuses for not being in shape than she has. That who I think it's aimed at.

Most people are just projecting though, I think.
The woman in the OP doesn't give a shit about helping anyone. She was simply gloating and promoting herself because she felt like she deserved praise. There is nothing surprising about that. FB is full of attention depraved people. However, that is not an excuse to harass someone or justify your obesity.

Who determines who should be allowed to promote themselves as an inspiration?
I'm with the fat people on this one. Some of these health nuts are just too annoying & obnoxious. Usualy boring as hell too, as they have no interest besides their own bodies.

For instance: those cross-fit nuts who wear Vibram finger shoes and can't stop yapping about the paleo diet. Ugh

Baraka in the White House

2-Terms of Kombat
It's mildly aggressive in tone but not worth apologizing over.

I don't think that she's saying that there is absolutely no valid excuse for not being in shape but there are certainly people who have far fewer excuses for not being in shape than she has. That who I think it's aimed at.

You're probably right but if that is indeed her message then it's much too complex to be conveyed via the equivalent of a zinger.

Like most social issues, a .jpeg on Facebook may not be the most constructive way to promote discussion. It IS a time-tested way of getting hits and inflaming others, however, and I tend to think she's not naive to this fact.


Where did you come up with this?

First of all, you'll have to define "grotesquely fat." Also, I'd like some evidence of your claim.
The logical end of the sentence "What's your excuse?" is "for not being in great shape like me?"

Again, this feeds into the "get off your fat ass" black and white bullshit.

I'm not saying that living healthily is impossible if you're poor and live in the kind of conditions I described--it's just far, far more difficult. We shouldn't be surprised that demographics that experience these obstacles tend to have more health problems as a whole. Posts like the OP and throughout this thread that boil it down to "get off your ass and quit being lazy" are ignorant and unhelpful.

There are complex reasons for the obesity epidemic, and it's not that everyone simply got lazy all of a sudden.

Grotesque is when they waddle. Homo sapiens aren't supposed to waddle. These people didn't exist a few decades ago, maybe 1 case here and there and nobody wanted to be like that guy/girl. In my experience, people who are forced to work multiple jobs don't waddle. I obviously can't back this up with statistics, but neither can you back up the bullshit that they're the most affected by obesity.

That's only the logical ending if you're insecure and a fucking facebook meme picture of an average looking asian mom with a toned body makes you ashamed of yourself.

It may be more difficult, but the problem aren't food deserts. A lot of people don't even know how to prepare basic meals.


I'm with the fat people on this one. Some of these health nuts are just too annoying & obnoxious. Usualy boring as hell too, as they have no interest besides their own bodies.

For instance: those cross-fit nuts who wear Vibram finger shoes and can't stop yapping about the paleo diet. Ugh

My friend's sister is like this. She's also a terrible person.

If you try to make a joke about something being paleo when it's actually not, she'll get offended and point out how it's "not paleo".


The phrase "What's your excuse?" Is the most annoying, ignorant, and dishonest attempt at motivation I can imagine. It's become so grating, and it usually comes from a place that's self-centered and ignorant of other people's situations and lives.

I mean that's good for her, and she looks really great, but not everyone can have that kind of motivation, time, and investment for their own fitness.


Grotesque is when they waddle. Homo sapiens aren't supposed to waddle. These people didn't exist a few decades ago, maybe 1 case here and there and nobody wanted to be like that guy/girl. In my experience, people who are forced to work multiple jobs don't waddle. I obviously can't back this up with statistics, but neither can you back up the bullshit that they're the most affected by obesity.

That's only the logical ending if you're insecure and a fucking facebook meme picture of an average looking asian mom with a toned body makes you ashamed of yourself.

It may be more difficult, but the problem aren't food deserts. A lot of people don't even know how to prepare basic meals.

This is very true. i have a lot of friends who absolutely cannot cook for themselves. it is kind of sad actually.


Good for him. Good for any one who dedicates themselves to body training and mastery.

Still a crap message. There is no excuse necessary for not being in shape. People either want to or they don't. And convincing people to do so does not best come from others looking down their noses.
When Matt Scott tells people there are no excuses, 'good for him.' At the time it was hailed as positive and inspiring.

When Maria Kang says "what's your excuse", people project a negativity and condescension that is absent when a man who can't walk gives the same message.
When Matt Scott tells people there are no excuses, 'good for him.' At the time it was hailed as positive and inspiring.

When Maria Kang says "what's your excuse", people project a negativity and condescension that is absent when a man who can't walk gives the same message.

Could also be a racist component.


When Matt Scott tells people there are no excuses, 'good for him.' At the time it was hailed as positive and inspiring.

When Maria Kang says "what's your excuse", people project a negativity and condescension that is absent when a man who can't walk gives the same message.

Fat-dudes in wheelchairs isn't as big a demographic as mothers. So the fat-dude in wheelchairs forum probably had a hot debate about the message he was sending, but nobody cares because who the fuck goes to the fat-dude in wheelchairs forum.

Baraka in the White House

2-Terms of Kombat
We do know portions have become huge, right?

Portions are bigger, people are working harder and longer for less pay than their parents did, less healthy food is often much more affordable and/or accommodating to these hectic lifestyles and an unhealthy lifestyle is more likely than ever to devolve into a feedback loop of unhealthiness.

The reasons are many, complex and interwoven with one another.


I'm with the fat people on this one. Some of these health nuts are just too annoying & obnoxious. Usualy boring as hell too, as they have no interest besides their own bodies.

For instance: those cross-fit nuts who wear Vibram finger shoes and can't stop yapping about the paleo diet. Ugh

My friend's sister is like this. She's also a terrible person.

If you try to make a joke about something being paleo when it's actually not, she'll get offended and point out how it's "not paleo".

Ruh-oh, PaleoGAF, it's time to make like a banana and split!


Portions are bigger, people are working harder and longer for less pay than their parents did, less healthy food is often much more affordable and/or accommodating to these hectic lifestyles and an unhealthy lifestyle is more likely than ever to devolve into a feedback loop of unhealthiness.

The reasons are many, complex and interwoven with one another.
I really don't buy the affordability argument. Mexico already passed America's obesity rate and healthy food is dirty cheap around here.


Sounds like an excuse to me. Bootstraps buddy. Bootstraps.

Sounds as difficult as qualifying for a beauty pageant.

More excuses.

Lol the where do you draw the line?

Late for work constantly? I'm not using an excuse!

Neglect your kids? I'm not using an excuse!

Don't bathe? Smell like shit? I'm not using an excuse!


I think the "fuck the fat" people are dipshits but her figure and being a mother of three deserves some praise. What is your excuse is not dickish enough to hate her.

There is a certain obnoxious hyper sensitive hateful attitude of some people being too easilly offended and close midned to any sort of opinion that might be slightly rude against their sensibilities that I can't stand. Also not all opinions need to be 100% serious facts that need to be overanalyzed to exhaustion. That is not how we should communicate.


I really don't buy the affordability argument. Mexico already passed America's obesity rate and healthy food is dirty cheap around here.

You don't understand. The argument has to be that this is yet another case of evil corporations exploiting the helpless poor.
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