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Hot Mom Defends Herself Against Facebook Haters, gives a non-apology

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What's Your Excuse?

Same quote.

Same message.

Different messenger.


First time seeing this. Hope I get some angry FB comments.
You don't understand. The argument has to be that this is yet another case of evil corporations exploiting the helpless poor.
Anyone seeing a broad statistical trend of the entire country slowly getting fatter and attributing it to individual responsibility is being stubborn as fuck. The only way to make that sort of logical leap is to not have put a second of real thought into it. It's being lazy with your brain.


When Matt Scott tells people there are no excuses, 'good for him.' At the time it was hailed as positive and inspiring.

When Maria Kang says "what's your excuse", people project a negativity and condescension that is absent when a man who can't walk gives the same message.

I put forth that people didn't attack him because there was already an element of pity from those who took in his message, so any sense of inferiority they'd get otherwise was blunted. People love to root for an underdog. "Who talks shit about a handicap person?"

Not so when it's an attractive person telling them to get off their ass and into a gym.

The entire argument of "what's your excuse" is insufficient no matter who it comes from. It's accusatory and condescending and doesn't address the many variables that can make a person unhealthy.
Whatever. When I'm 50 I'm going to have abs.

I'm 31, and I think when I hit around 35 I'm going to stop lifting heavy. I'll try and maintain what I have and go for lighter, more controlled form.


Yes, I read the article. And the point is far more nuanced than you made it out to be (shocker!).

Bittman's overarching point is that we have a food culture problem, in which nutritional sustenance, community, and family has ceased to be the main priority, and we now have an extremely dysfunctional relationship with food centered around convenience and sending endorphins to the brain to help get through the long, stressful day.

My original point was about those many, many people in our country for whom keeping a regular work schedule, much less eating schedule, is difficult.

Where did you come up with this?

First of all, you'll have to define "grotesquely fat." Also, I'd like some evidence of your claim.
The logical end of the sentence "What's your excuse?" is "for not being in great shape like me?"

Again, this feeds into the "get off your fat ass" black and white bullshit.

I'm not saying that living healthily is impossible if you're poor and live in the kind of conditions I described--it's just far, far more difficult. We shouldn't be surprised that demographics that experience these obstacles tend to have more health problems as a whole. Posts like the OP and throughout this thread that boil it down to "get off your ass and quit being lazy" are ignorant and unhelpful.

There are complex reasons for the obesity epidemic, and it's not that everyone simply got lazy all of a sudden.
Great post, basically sums up what I was about to post on the subject.


Grotesque is when they waddle. Homo sapiens aren't supposed to waddle. In my experience, people who are forced to work multiple jobs don't waddle. I obviously can't back this up with statistics, but neither can you back up the bullshit that they're the most affected by obesity.
If you yourself admit you "can't back it up," then why even make the argument?

Also, quit misconstruing my argument. I simply said that it's reasonable to suppose that people who work 2-3 jobs with irregular hours, with kids, bills, and tons of other responsibilities who are also overweight might resent the "What's your excuse?" condescension.

Oddly, you responded by pulling the statement that "people who work 2 jobs usually aren't grotesquely fat" out of your ass, which misses the point entirely. I was describing how somebody could legitimately be upset at the sentiment expressed in the Facebook post.
These people didn't exist a few decades ago, maybe 1 case here and there and nobody wanted to be like that guy/girl.
Unlike today, when everyone's just falling all over themselves to look like Chris Christie and Gabourey Sidibe. This is an absurd statement.
That's only the logical ending if you're insecure and a fucking facebook meme picture of an average looking asian mom with a toned body makes you ashamed of yourself.
Who are you addressing here? Me?

For what it's worth, I'm in pretty decent shape and work out regularly.
It may be more difficult, but the problem aren't food deserts. A lot of people don't even know how to prepare basic meals.
Which is also a demographic/societal factor, which is my whole point.

The obesity epidemic is complex. We've gotten away from cooking wholesome meals for ourselves as a society, but as Baraka posted above, there are a myriad of factors that lead to people being overweight and obese.

That was my point, and I wanted to try and balance out the inevitable barrage of "well if you don't want to be fat, then get off your fat lazy ass and chill with the bon bons, lardass!" type of posts.


What a stupid controversy. The mom looks great, her kids are cute. To say shes a "bad mom" over this is insane.


While I give nothing but praise for her dedication, her judgmental caption just gives off a negative vibe. It says 'if I can do it, anyone can', don't act surprised if people don't like being judged.

In the wise words of William Smith:'don't start nothing won't be nothing.'


Conversely, "the argument has to be that this is yet another case where we crassly dismiss any inconvenient socioeconomic factors and hawk bootstraps instead."

My argument in this thread has been more nuanced as I don't feel the urge to make every fucking thing that happens around me consistent with some silly ideology.


My argument in this thread has been more nuanced as I don't feel the urge to make every fucking thing that happens around me consistent with some silly ideology.
Nope, this is more your speed:
muddream said:
Grotesque is when they waddle. Homo sapiens aren't supposed to waddle. These people didn't exist a few decades ago, maybe 1 case here and there and nobody wanted to be like that guy/girl. In my experience, people who are forced to work multiple jobs don't waddle. I obviously can't back this up with statistics, but neither can you back up the bullshit that they're the most affected by obesity.
Such nuance!


If you yourself admit you "can't back it up," then why even make the argument?

Also, quit misconstruing my argument. I simply said that it's reasonable to suppose that people who work 2-3 jobs with irregular hours, with kids, bills, and tons of other responsibilities who are also overweight might resent the "What's your excuse?" condescension.

Oddly, you responded by pulling the statement that "people who work 2 jobs usually aren't grotesquely fat" out of your ass, which misses the point entirely. I was describing how somebody could legitimately be upset at the sentiment expressed in the Facebook post.

Unlike today, when everyone's just falling all over themselves to look like Chris Christie and Gabourey Sidibe. This is an absurd statement.
Who are you addressing here? Me?

For what it's worth, I'm in pretty decent shape and work out regularly.

Which is also a demographic/societal factor, which is my whole point.

The obesity epidemic is complex. We've gotten away from cooking wholesome meals for ourselves as a society, but as Baraka posted above, there are a myriad of factors that lead to people being overweight and obese.

That was my point, and I wanted to try and balance out the inevitable barrage of "well if you don't want to be fat, then get off your fat lazy ass and chill with the bon bons, lardass!" type of posts.

Your 2-3 jobs with kids person is an extreme case and pretty silly to use in an argument. That person has better things to do than write salty facebook comments. My rebuttal was indeed silly.

Are you seriously doubting that being grotesquely fat has become more acceptable in today's society? C'mon son...and I wasn't talking about you, I was talking about the degenerates that write hateful facebook comments in response to that picture.

The obesity epidemic is indeed complex, that's precisely why I resent when it gets turned into another case of "institutional warfare against the urban poors". It's much more than that..


I think comparisons to other personal flaws might elucidate for some people why this particular phrasing might be grating.

1) I grew up without tremendous support but now I have a degree from a top 20 university. What's your excuse for being so badly educated?

2) I grew up poor but now I make 200k a year. What's your excuse?

3) I had significant student loan debt but now I'm debt free. What's your excuse?

4) I have two kids and a working wife but I still manage to do charity work 15 hours a week. What's your excuse?
i don't think the statement was condescending as much as "if i can do it, you can too" in a general setting, not aimed at specific people.

i don't think she had in mind that she was saying it to people with hormone imbalance, physical disabilities, or those on medications.

I did p90x and one of the guys in the video doing the workouts only had 1 leg. Tony Horton pointed him and said "if he can do it, you have no excuse".

I think comparisons to other personal flaws might elucidate for some people why this particular phrasing might be grating.

1) I grew up without tremendous support but now I have a degree from a top 20 university. What's your excuse for being so badly educated?

2) I grew up poor but now I make 200k a year. What's your excuse?

3) I had significant student loan debt but now I'm debt free. What's your excuse?

4) I have two kids and a working wife but I still manage to do charity work 15 hours a week. What's your excuse?

honestly, 1 and 2 can be luck based and not dependent on how hard you work.


Are you seriously doubting that being grotesquely fat has become more acceptable in today's society?

I would agree it has become more common, but that does not mean it has become more acceptable. I think being poor is less acceptable than ever, but that hasn't stopped poverty rates from increasing.


honestly, 1 and 2 can be luck based and not dependent on how hard you work.

Sure, they can be. So can obesity: science is telling us there are significant genetic and epidemiological factors to obesity. We are increasingly finding that unhealthy foods are actively addictive (in fact, there's a thread on the first page of OT right now about oreos being as addictive as many narcotics).

On the other hand, 1 and 2 don't have to be about luck: if you grow up in a bad public school system, go to the library. If you don't get an initial chance to go to college, save up for community college courses, which are quite cheap. Read aggressively. And Study hard: even at in bad public school system, a 4.0 GPA will be noticed.

All of these have random elements to them, as well as elements we consider to be "will power" related.
I see beautiful fit girls being trolled on all day on Instagram. Saying "oh shes anorexic" or "she looks like a man with those muscles" lol just insecure jealous women being insecure jealous women.


Jesus fat people, stop complaining about being fat shamed and do some fucking exercise instead. And I'm saying this as a fat person.


I would agree it has become more common, but that does not mean it has become more acceptable. I think being poor is less acceptable than ever, but that hasn't stopped poverty rates from increasing.

Do I really have to post a top 20 of funny fat person lawsuits? That didn't happen "back then".


I think comparisons to other personal flaws might elucidate for some people why this particular phrasing might be grating.

1) I grew up without tremendous support but now I have a degree from a top 20 university. What's your excuse for being so badly educated?

2) I grew up poor but now I make 200k a year. What's your excuse?

3) I had significant student loan debt but now I'm debt free. What's your excuse?

4) I have two kids and a working wife but I still manage to do charity work 15 hours a week. What's your excuse?

As somebody pointed out earlier, eating healthy and putting in just a bit of exercise takes far less effort than anything you listed.

It is one of those things that seems super daunting to somebody who weighs 300+ pounds, but it just takes time. And by "time", I don't mean insane amounts of specialized effort into losing weight. It's eating like a normal person and exercising once in a while.

Once I tweaked my lifestyle to control my portions and go for a handful of runs a week, the weight started coming off. That shit was waaaay easier than a PhD. Like hot mom is implying, it's all about overcoming excuses, whether it's "I deserve this huge and rich meal" or "It's too cold to go for a walk outside".

I would never judge somebody, as I used to weigh 300+ pounds and I've walked many miles in those well worn shoes, but literally every obese person I know is on that excuse train and CHOOSES not to get off. Being fat is a choice for the vast majority of people. Which is fine by me, but don't get all twisted up when somebody points that out via an ad like this.

We are increasingly finding that unhealthy foods are actively addictive (in fact, there's a thread on the first page of OT right now about oreos being as addictive as many narcotics). .

That's half true, IMO. Sure, sugar is addicting. But so is exercise and healthy food. I honestly feel like a run down, sluggish pile of crap when I go for more than a couple days without a run or trip to the gym.

The key for me was getting addicted to the right things, and not shit like Oreos.


Sure, they can be. So can obesity: science is telling us there are significant genetic and epidemiological factors to obesity. We are increasingly finding that unhealthy foods are actively addictive (in fact, there's a thread on the first page of OT right now about oreos being as addictive as many narcotics).

On the other hand, 1 and 2 don't have to be about luck: if you grow up in a bad public school system, go to the library. If you don't get an initial chance to go to college, save up for community college courses, which are quite cheap. Read aggressively. And Study hard: even at in bad public school system, a 4.0 GPA will be noticed.

All of these have random elements to them, as well as elements we consider to be "will power" related.
I think food addiction is a legit issue strongly related to obesity indeed. Like all addictions, it should be properly treated though, and not defended.


The people that generally say this hateful shit are fat people.

Well my view on this is very coloured by my own experience - my excuse is that I'm lazy and I hate starting to do exercise - I love it when I'm doing it, but absolutely hate starting it. So I am probably projecting my own situation on to other flabby people.


I'm going to try and live my life without making other people feel bad, so I'm not going to go out of my way to be negative.
The pushback against "fatshaming" is something I've only ever seen on the internet and nothing I will have to deal with in reality.
I definitely have opinions on fat people but I know they are mostly bullshit and rooted in my own insecurities and past of eating disorders.
Just be decent. No one wants to be morbidly obese. They're still people.
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