So she works out for an hour a day. That sounds reasonable, given she's doing the right exercise. That's probably one of the biggest challenges -- most people can't really figure out a great regiment.
The other unspoken issue, especially with Americans, is probably eating habits. It's at least fairly difficult to resist shitty food and drinks in this country because they're goddamn everywhere. You have to seriously look for anything that isn't either soft drinks or water. Even after I started paying attention to my weight I've only been able to go down to one Pepsi a day. Actual good food is also a bit more expensive. A lot of institutional changes would have to be made before this is easier for a lot of people.
The "Hot Mom" also mentioned the park, but a lot of people, particularly lower-income urban people, don't really have access to parks, or have access to very few outdoor areas big enough to run around in. That's another institutional problem though.
Lastly, judging by this woman's history she seems to have built up a shitload of motivation over the years. Struggling with genetics and bulimia has probably given her more motivation than most people have to get in shape. Most out-of-shape people probably haven't had that moment where they've looked in the mirror after going through some shit that basically forced them to say "Goddamnit I'm gonna change!" Most out-of-shape people probably haven't gone through the same shit she has and gotten that same degree of motivation, and I really do think motivation is a huge factor in exercise. A lot of people just give up through boredom.
Oh, and her husband being in the military probably has something to do with it. Dat PT mentality.
Lastly, and most importantly, the image is probably an attempt by her to give other people a similar motivation by saying, "it's not as hard as you think." That's mainly what got me to start exercising. I realized that it wasn't really that big a deal to set aside 30 minutes a day on an elliptical plus some crunches. I don't know if I look any better than before, but I definitely feel better.