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House GOP may pass Senate's "skinny repeal" outright. CALL YOUR SENATORS.


The US Senate is about to pass a bill that they don't want to become law that is 18% of the US economy and affects 10s of million of lives.

Fuck everything.

Well, to be fair, the House will probably not rubber stamp it and they may end up sinking it.

But they found a way to make healthcare even shittier. An amazing feat.


The US Senate is about to pass a bill that they don't want to become law that is 18% of the US economy and affects 10s of million of lives.

Fuck everything.

They need to spite Obama. They dont care about anything or anybody else.


Skinny is on paper now? It's whole 8 pages: https://www.budget.senate.gov/imo/media/doc/HealthCareFreedomAct.pdf


Here's your skinny bill


I desperately hope this being public now slows things down in some way.

Our government is willing to kill millions of us just to posture about killing our last president's legacy.
Well, to be fair, the House will probably not rubber stamp it and they may end up sinking it.

But they found a way to make healthcare even shittier. An amazing feat.


they're literally going to rubberstamp it before going on vacation

I desperately hope this being public now slows things down in some way.

there is no public comment period, these people are our representatives and speak for us (lol)


Well, to be fair, the House will probably not rubber stamp it and they may end up sinking it.

But they found a way to make healthcare even shittier. An amazing feat.

Ryan has basically said they will rubber stamp whatever they send in without even a conference.


This seems like the shadiest bill in a long time. Why so secret? Why did no one know what was even in the bill until the last few minutes? Hell do the senators voting Yes even care what is in the bill?

Fuck everyone that votes for this thing.


Text Resist to 504-09

Auto-drafts a Fax with an optional custom message and formal letterhead for your senators and reps. You can fax as many times as you want.

Everyone please do this.
Done. Though it's Rob Portman so unfortunately it won't do much.
Well, to be fair, the House will probably not rubber stamp it and they may end up sinking it.

But they found a way to make healthcare even shittier. An amazing feat.

That is like the opposite of what Politico got where the Reps were basically eagerly waiting to get this bill and send it right to agent Oranges desk.

The Republicans are terrorists.


I wish there was a god, so s/he could have Mitch spontaneously burst into flames from his lying speech right now. Such an unrepentant asshole.

Pre-tax dollars my ass, you can only get an HSA if you're on a crappy high deductable plan or with no insurance at all.


There's going to be another Rose Garden party, isn't there? Can't wait for Trump's new Twitter header.

Seriously, this is giving me anxiety.
How does this bill not raise the debt? HSA increase and the medical tax repeal alone should make this a 60 vote requirement....


Good thing CNN is talking about Scaramucci instead of this fucking bill.

Gotta be risque to get those ratings!

They talked about it some in the primetime shows. There really wasn't anything to talk about until just now, this is the first time we've seen the bill in question.


How does this bill not raise the debt? HSA increase and the medical tax repeal alone should make this a 60 vote requirement....
It also has the Planned Parenthood funding ban which was ruled by the Parliamentarian to be out of bounds.

Er, that's a good point. The bill seems more substantial than I was expecting.

Doesn't matter, they can ignore parliamentarian if they choose.

Seriously? How are so many important checks and balances OPTIONAL?


$50/hour, but no kissing on the lips and colors must be pre-separated
Well, to be fair, the House will probably not rubber stamp it and they may end up sinking it.

But they found a way to make healthcare even shittier. An amazing feat.

Every step of this process has had that "well surely the GOP can't be THAT terrible" pause, followed by them then meeking through their garbage.

McCain's little sunset speech the other day epitomizes these establishment farts so well. A lot of grandiose talk about how we need to do better, come together as a country, bla bla bla, followed by them falling in line and advancing whatever shit is the will of the party.

It's getting hard to stay optimistic when the leading party of our country is willing to scarfice our health as a nation for the fucking sake of a "win".
Lindsey Graham is such a snake.

He's been trashing the Skinny Repeal idea for two straight days and now he's willing to vote Yes after a single phone call from Paul Ryan.


They have been incredibly careful in passing/repealing things up to this point to avoid nuking the filibuster, but this may just be the point where we're at, history might be made now.


Ah yes, HSAs fix everything. Everyone definitely has money to put into those. Now you have an even higher contribution limit to not hit.

(I actually have an HSA plan which works for me cause I'm a single healthy young adult, but it super doesn't for people in other situations.)


They have been incredibly careful in passing/repealing things up to this point to avoid nuking the filibuster, but this may just be the point where we're at, history might be made now.

I don't think even the Republicans would go so far as to do something so shortsighted as nuke the filibuster...but f it, I've been wrong too many times before.


I've called and faxed, but have zero faith in my senators to do the right thing.

And the Trump voters in my life know that they will get zero pity from me when they feel the consequences of this new law being implemented.


I don't think even the Republicans would go so far as to do something so shortsighted as nuke the filibuster...but f it, I've been wrong too many times before.

if the Republicans nuke the filibuster, the Democrats should just pass the entire goddamn shopping list once they eventually get power back. Fuck the bothsiders.
So basically when they pass this because they expect a conference between house/senate, we are all living on the word of Paul Ryan.

We are f'd.


if the Republicans nuke the filibuster, the Democrats should just pass the entire goddamn shopping list once they eventually get power back. Fuck the bothsiders.

Is it possible for them to unnuke it right before they give up power? Like how does this even work?


force push the doodoo rock
So no more mandates, which will drive up insurance costs.

None of the stupid "across states lines!!!" bullshit

and oh yeah fuck yo planned parenthood we out.


if the Republicans nuke the filibuster, the Democrats should just pass the entire goddamn shopping list once they eventually get power back. Fuck the bothsiders.

A long term advantage, but short term the amount of damage that the GOP will do will be catastrophic in nature. They will have free reign to do basically anything and everything they want with tax code, budget, and god knows what kind of crazy voting laws we'll see. By the time the pendulum swings back it'll be so scorched Earth that it'll be far too late to do anything substantial.
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