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House of Cards S3 |OT| Available now on Netflix! - *Spoilers for all of S3*

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Episode 1 and I am already raging

Am I supossed to feel sympathetic for the poor poor president making the hard decision of killing off innocent children to bring down a foreign politics adversary?
Fuck off.


I would pay good money for a mirror of this show from Remy and Seth's viewpoints, intersecting back with Frank only when they do in the episodes.


Finished the whole thing yesterday.
On Frank:
I felt like he wasn't as monstrous as he was in the second season, probably because he had all eyes on him as president. He had to do a lot of compromising this season, so he wasn't nearly as smug. I liked it! One thing that bothers me is that they every season they keep skirting around his sexuality. Tom's last words after that intimate moment seemed to say that he's been closeted for his whole 30 year political career and now is the time (or at least something to that effect). Not that it has to be a huge thing for his character next season, but I'd really like to see it come out of the shadows.

On Claire:
Claire grew a heart this season, and now she's had enough of playing second fiddle to Frank. Its hard to feel too bad for her because she is right behind Frank on the fucked-up train, but at least she's trying. I'm not surprised she left him, it seemed like where they were heading all season.

On Doug:
Seriously, fuck Doug. Fuck em fuck em fuck em.


Just finished the season, WAY better than season 2 and as good or possibly better than season 1. A few moments were a bit too on the nose, but overall it was great. Can't wait for the final season.

Petrov stole this season, what an incredible performance.


About to start episode 10 and i agree a show about Petrov would be awesome. Loving all the Russia stuff.

Also I've been liking Claire more and more since the first season, but i think she's my favorite character now.


About to start episode 10 and i agree a show about Petrov would be awesome. Loving all the Russia stuff.

Also I've been liking Claire more and more since the first season, but i think she's my favorite character now.

Claire is a fascinating character, you can feel the struggle within her. Robin Wright gave an awesome, nuanced performance this season.


Alright, I decided I wouldn't come into this thread until I finished this season and I have. Thoughts:

Overall, it was good. I think the past two seasons were better and my concerns coming into this third season seems to have come into fruition. Mainly that HoC isn't about politics, it's not the West Wing, the politics are just a narrative framing to provide background for one man climbing to power through any means necessary. Now, for the past two seasons this worked well because Frank wasn't at the top and thus the plot and struggle was him attempting to rise to the top. However, now he is at the top which means, he is literally the President, which means that the show has to spend at least some time showing Frank governing and less time on his personal drama.

Despite all of this I thought this season did an ample enough job at attempting to balance some politics and governing with the drama. I enjoyed the Russian plot, but I felt the Dunbar plot was just half-empty and lacked a lot of tension and buildup. And, despite the attempts at bringing more politics in the show it actually makes the show less realistic. The things Frank and Congress does just wouldn't fly in real life. I cannot imagine party members trying to tear the nomination away from a sitting President, especially after LBJ. There is just literally no world after such a primary that Frank had that he could win a general election, when you're own party is trying to eat you there is no way you can stand against a united opposition.

But, all that said, my more general problem with this season is that the entire season just felt like buildup and set up for the next season. Nothing this season was truly resolved, the Russian President is built up and dropped, Dunbar is quickly built up and gone, America Works is built up and put on hold, and it's the same with most of the other supporting characters especially Tom Yates.

Final quick thoughts-
-Fuck Corrigan, dude was a stupid selfish idiot.
-Fuck Claire, boy did the writers take the stupid stick to her this season. Like why must she be portrayed as the woman as wildly irrational, emotional, and just plain dumb?
-I like Putin stand in, and then remembered he played Magnesun in Sherlock and liked him even more.
-Fuck you Doug! Don't worry you'll all get what's coming to you very soon.
-I love Frank even more! This is another weird thing I didn't understand about this season, like are we supposed to be disagreeing with Frank? Because I agree with pretty much all of the decisions he had to make. For instance, the whole Corrigan thing seemed like we as the audience are supposed to side with Claire when Frank is clearly in the right. I don't know, maybe I'm reading too much into it.


Just finished...
Eh. I enjoyed it, but it felt fairly uneventful compared to last season. I'm assuming that it's because we got a lot of setup for season 4, and a lot of the payoff will come then too.

I did really love all the stuff with Russia though, and the scene where Frank and Petrov met in the Jordan Valley was probably my favorite of the whole season.
Ep 6:
How can you not hear someone hanging himself right beside you?
She hadn't slept for quite a while, so she was probably deeper asleep than she had planned, since she said she was only going to lie down for a few minutes. People sleep through much louder things when they're that tired.


just beginning to watch ep 1

I hate Doug and his godawful subplot from S2. why isn't he dead


shows not the same anymore. Season 2 should have ended it. The series was about the search for power, this season was about power and elections and marriage

War Peaceman

You're a big guy.
Can't remember the exact episode, but let's say ep 10
Can't believe they sidelined Ayla. Was the actress not available for long? I liked her...


shows not the same anymore. Season 2 should have ended it. The series was about the search for power, this season was about power and elections and marriage
Season 2 raised the stakes so much that it's disappointing to see that not much was achieved in season 3. Hell Season 1's implications were even bigger than anything that happened this time around.
I also don't like how they made Claire the typical irrational and over-emotional female this season. Her freakout in Russia is the highlight of her stupidity -- whether it was the man committing suicide as she slept (with her own scarf) or her petty outburst after Frank and the Russian pres came to an agreement.


Finished the season.

AWFUL ending. Straight up fucking terrible. Frank going from likable anti-hero to a straight up fucking disastrous villain. I know many people will argue that he's always been a villain but I personally loved him and Claire.

I fucking hate everything about this and I have little hope of this turning back in the right direction. I wanted that satisfying ending of Frank and Claire resolving their differences and destroying Dunbar.



Finished the whole thing yesterday.
On Frank:
I felt like he wasn't as monstrous as he was in the second season, probably because he had all eyes on him as president. He had to do a lot of compromising this season, so he wasn't nearly as smug. I liked it! One thing that bothers me is that they every season they keep skirting around his sexuality. Tom's last words after that intimate moment seemed to say that he's been closeted for his whole 30 year political career and now is the time (or at least something to that effect). Not that it has to be a huge thing for his character next season, but I'd really like to see it come out of the shadows.
The speculation that next season
He jumps parties and runs for the GOP (who have had zero focus on primary candidates so far)
definitely seems to explain the narrative focus on both
Frank's hidden bisexuality as well as his administration's reluctance to embrace gay rights despite being a Dem administration in 2014/15.


Finished the season.

AWFUL ending. Straight up fucking terrible. Frank going from likable anti-hero to a straight up fucking disastrous villain. I know many people will argue that he's always been a villain but I personally loved him and Claire.

I fucking hate everything about this and I have little hope of this turning back in the right direction. I wanted that satisfying ending of Frank and Claire resolving their differences and destroying Dunbar.


You understand why this show is called House of Cards right? The ending you want is not what you're going to get. Frank has always been a villain, it's just more noticeable now.


You understand why this show is called House of Cards right? The ending you want is not what you're going to get. Frank has always been a villain, it's just more noticeable now.

The other seasons have had amazingly satisfying endings tho.
Instead of making things exciting, now it just feels like the show's not worth watching anymore

Episode 2: That
sex scene was as awkwardly unsexy as the Hallelujah one in Watchmen, and it takes a LOT for me to say this.

Still highly enjoying the season so far though


This season was a mess and was terrible

This season should have focused on either re-election or his actual presidency. By doing both it was unfocused and all over the place. The 'time' of the show kept jumping around and they barely referenced it.

When they finally get you invested on the election, they end it in the middle, which is the same thing they did with the Russian and Jordan Valley plots. They open up so many plot lines, then drop them at the drop of the hat, for something else.

Remy quits inbetween episodes. They don't even show him doing it, which should be a big deal.

Doug and Rachel's part were so random. They don't mention for so long then throw it back then stop again and then they finally end it. They should of showed him killing her, bc I think him murdering her is going to be a big thing going forward.

I think getting him into the oval office was a mistake last season. They should of dragged it out into this season and then showed him having to deal with the hardships more instead of splitting this season like they did.

In the end I think this is a poor man's West Wing. Season was just an utter mess.


breaking down barriers in gratuitous nudity
Lol everyone on my PS3 friends list is currently watching Netflix. I'm about to start episode 3 right now, I greatly look forward to meeting the Russian president. I'm expecting him to be a total conniving son of a bitch like Frank.
Overall season impressions.

I wish Doug had died. Fucking wasted a quarter of the season's run time on his stupid Oedipal fixation and recovery.


This season was a mess and was terrible

This season should have focused on either re-election or his actual presidency. By doing both it was unfocused and all over the place. The 'time' of the show kept jumping around and they barely referenced it.

When they finally get you invested on the election, they end it in the middle, which is the same thing they did with the Russian and Jordan Valley plots. They open up so many plot lines, then drop them at the drop of the hat, for something else.

Remy quits inbetween episodes. They don't even show him doing it, which should be a big deal.

Doug and Rachel's part were so random. They don't mention for so long then throw it back then stop again and then they finally end it. They should of showed him killing her, bc I think him murdering her is going to be a big thing going forward.

I think getting him into the oval office was a mistake last season. They should of dragged it out into this season and then showed him having to deal with the hardships more instead of splitting this season like they did.

In the end I think this is a poor man's West Wing. Season was just an utter mess.

I agree.
But I think the biggest problem is not that he made the jump to the oval office; it's that he did nothing with it. This series has been built on seeing him succeed in positions and after he made it to the top last season, he regressed. This is out of place for this show and not very fun to watch since he is not really that interesting of a character and there's nothing new to him. Claire is better, but like someone else posted -- they really beat her with the stupid stick.

Not showing Rachel's death on scene took a lot of the emotion out of it. They did such a good job at setting it up in the final episode that it's a shame they ruined it at the very last minute. It was perfectly satisfying that he left her alone. When he changed his mind and came back -- not only was it a cheap trick on the audience to have us reasonably expect one thing; it was also mean spirited and poorly executed. Not showing her death on screen after everything that lead up to it was a huge disappointment especially since we don't know how she or he reacted. We don't even get a good sense of whyh he changed his mind in the first place.

I had a ton of issues with this season.
The direction was also not very good sometimes. Like the whole, pissing on his father's grave "get it guys"; or Claire breaking a few eggs. Where the camera just zooms in on the eggs frying on the pan for what felt like a good 5 -10 seconds. It was way over the top.

The entire season had a problem with setting things up and not showing the payoff or just showing the after effects. Whether it's the elections, the relationship between Frank and the Russian pres, Doug and Rachel, Frank's book writer, etc. I had a feeling like nothing was accomplished.

And also what was the point in showing that Gavin's screen (the guy Doug made a deal with to find Rachel) was being monitored by a coworker in the FBI when it amounted to nothing in repercussions for him?
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