Overall, it was good. I think the past two seasons were better and my concerns coming into this third season seems to have come into fruition. Mainly that HoC isn't about politics, it's not the West Wing, the politics are just a narrative framing to provide background for one man climbing to power through any means necessary. Now, for the past two seasons this worked well because Frank wasn't at the top and thus the plot and struggle was him attempting to rise to the top. However, now he is at the top which means, he is literally the President, which means that the show has to spend at least some time showing Frank governing and less time on his personal drama.
Despite all of this I thought this season did an ample enough job at attempting to balance some politics and governing with the drama. I enjoyed the Russian plot, but I felt the Dunbar plot was just half-empty and lacked a lot of tension and buildup. And, despite the attempts at bringing more politics in the show it actually makes the show less realistic. The things Frank and Congress does just wouldn't fly in real life. I cannot imagine party members trying to tear the nomination away from a sitting President, especially after LBJ. There is just literally no world after such a primary that Frank had that he could win a general election, when you're own party is trying to eat you there is no way you can stand against a united opposition.
But, all that said, my more general problem with this season is that the entire season just felt like buildup and set up for the next season. Nothing this season was truly resolved, the Russian President is built up and dropped, Dunbar is quickly built up and gone, America Works is built up and put on hold, and it's the same with most of the other supporting characters especially Tom Yates.
Final quick thoughts-
-Fuck Corrigan, dude was a stupid selfish idiot.
-Fuck Claire, boy did the writers take the stupid stick to her this season. Like why must she be portrayed as the woman as wildly irrational, emotional, and just plain dumb?
-I like Putin stand in, and then remembered he played Magnesun in Sherlock and liked him even more.
-Fuck you Doug! Don't worry you'll all get what's coming to you very soon.
-I love Frank even more! This is another weird thing I didn't understand about this season, like are we supposed to be disagreeing with Frank? Because I agree with pretty much all of the decisions he had to make. For instance, the whole Corrigan thing seemed like we as the audience are supposed to side with Claire when Frank is clearly in the right. I don't know, maybe I'm reading too much into it.